Count The number of Visit in SQL - sql

I need to find out a way to record the number of the visit of a person in my table, so that if it is the first time then I need to have the number in the Visits equal to 1 and in the second time this person come the number in the visit should be 2.
Below is a description to the situation.
300 3001 16/08/2015 Jason 1
300 3002 16/08/2015 Sayde 1
300 3003 20/08/2015 Sayde 2
300 3004 20/08/2015 wetni 1
300 3005 20/08/2015 Jason 2
The column Visit is the thing I want to be able to calculate and show.

The best way is to calculate this on the fly with row_number() function
select CNT, PATID, DATE, PATName,
row_number() over (partition by PATName order by PATID) as VISIT
from table
The above will work in SQL Server and ORACLE. If you use MySQL, you need to use a variable


SQL - Monthly cumulative count of new customer based on a created date field

Thanks in advance.
I have Customer records that look like this:
I have about a thousand of these records (customer number is unique) and the bossman wants to see how the number of customers has grown over time.
The output I need:
The customer count is cumulative and the Monthly Bucket will just feed the graphing package to make a nice bar chart answering the question "how many customers to we have in total in a particular month and how is it growing over time".
Try the following SELECT SQL with a sub-query:
SELECT Customer_Count=
SELECT COUNT(s.[Create_Date])
FROM [Customer_Sales] s
WHERE MONTH(s.[Create_Date]) <= MONTH(t.[Create_Date])
), Monthly_Bucket=MONTH([Create_Date])
FROM Customer_Sales t
WHERE YEAR(t.[Create_Date]) = ????
GROUP BY MONTH(t.[Create_Date])
Where [Customer_Sales] is the sales table and ??? = your year

Retrieve last N records from a table

I have searched but not found an answer for my question.
I have a table orders that consists of
id (primary key autonumber)
client_id : identifies each client (unique)
date: order dates for each client
I want to retrieve the last N order dates for each client in a single view
Of course I could use SELECT TOP N date FROM orders WHERE client = 'xx' ORDER DESC and then use UNION for the different values for client. The problem is that with changes in client base the statement would require revision and that the UNION statement is impractical with a large client base.
As an additional requirement this needs to work in Access SQL.
Step 1: Create a query that yields a rank order by date per client for every row. Since Access SQL does not have ROW_NUMBER() OVER (...) like SQL Server, you can simulate this by using the technique described in the following question:
Access query producing results like ROW_NUMBER() in T-SQL
If you have done step 1 correctly, your result should be as follows:
id client_id date rank
1 2014-12-01 7
1 2014-12-02 6
1 2014-12-05 5
1 2014-12-07 4
1 2014-12-11 3
1 2014-12-14 2
1 2014-12-15 1
2 2014-12-01 2
2 2014-12-02 1
Step 2: Use the result from step 1 as a subquery and filter the result such that only records with rank <= N are returned.
I think the following will work in MS Access:
select t.*
from table as t
where in (select top N
from table as t2
where t2.client_id = t.client_id
order by desc
One problem with MS Access is that top N will retrieve more than N records if there are ties. If you want exactly "N", then you can use order by date, id in the subquery.

MS Access: Rank SUM() Values

I am working on an old web app that is still using MS Access as it's data source and I have ran into issue while trying to rank SUM() values.
Let's say I have 2 different account numbers each of those account numbers has an unknown number of invoices. I need to sum up the total of all the invoices, group it by account number then add a rank (1-2).
Account | Sales | Invoice Number
001 | 400 | 123
002 | 150 | 456
001 | 300 | 789
Account | Sales | Rank
001 | 700 | 1
002 | 150 | 2
I tried...
SELECT Account, SUM(Sales) AS Sales,
FROM Invoices
ORDER BY Account
But that query keeps returning the number of records assigned to that account and not a rank.
This would be easier in a report, with a running count: Report - Running Count within a Group
This is not standard in a query, but you can do something with custom functions (it's elaborate, but possible):
Easiest way is to break it up in to 2 queries, the first one is this and I've saved it as qryInvoices:
SELECT Invoices.Account, Sum(Invoices.Sales) AS Sales
FROM Invoices
GROUP BY Invoices.Account;
And then the second query uses the first as follows:
SELECT qryInvoices.Account, qryInvoices.Sales, (SELECT Count(*) FROM qryInvoices AS I WHERE I.Sales > qryInvoices.Sales)+1 AS Rank
FROM qryInvoices
ORDER BY qryInvoices.Sales DESC;
I've tested this and got the desired results as outlined in the question.
Note: It may be possible to achieve in one query using a Defined table, but in this instance it was looking a little ugly.
If you need the answer in one query, it should be
SELECT inv.*, (
SELECT Account, Sum(Sales) AS Sum_sales FROM Invoices GROUP BY Account
) WHERE Sum_sales > inv.Sum_sales
) AS Rank
SELECT Account, Sum(Sales) AS Sum_sales FROM Invoices GROUP BY Account
) inv
I have tried it on Access and it works. You may also use different names for the two instances of "Sum_sales" above to avoid confusion (in which case you can drop the "inv." prefix).

sql DB calculation moving summary‏‏‏‏‏

I would like to calculate moving summary‏‏‏‏‏:
Total amount:100
first receipt: 20
second receipt: 10
the first row in calculation column is a difference between total amount and the first receipt: 100-20=80
the second row in calculation column is a difference between the first calculated_row and the first receip: 80-10=70
The presentation is supposed to present receipt_amount, balance:
receipt_amount | balance
20 | 80
10 | 70
I'll be glad to use your help
Thanks :-)
You didn't really give us much information about your tables and how they are structured.
I'm assuming that there is an orders table that contains the total_amount and a receipt_table that contains each receipt (as a positive value):
As you also didn't specify your DBMS, this is ANSI SQL:
select sum(amount) over (order by receipt_nr) as running_sum
from (
select total_amount as amount
from orders
where order_no = 1
union all
select -1 * receipt_amount
from the_receipt_table
where order_no =
) t
First of all- thanks for your response.
I work with Cache DB which can be used both SQL and ORACLE syntax.
Basically, the data is locaed in two different tables, but I have them in one join query.
Couple of rows with different receipt amounts and each row (receipt) has the same total amount.
Foe example:
Receipt_no Receipt_amount Total_amount Balance
1 20 100 80
1 10 100 70
1 30 100 40
2 20 50 30
2 10 50 20
So, the calculation is supposed to be in a way that in the first receipt the difference calculation is made from the total_amount and all other receipts (in the same receipt_no) are being reduced from the balance

SQL statement to get the most frequent hours and/or period for a user

I'm new to SQL Datetime.
Considering I have records in MySQL with Datetime data (as seen below),
what is the best way to get the most frequent occurring HOUR or range/period for these records for a particular user (i.e. john)?
ID | Datetime | User | Activity
0 2010-03-29 13:15:56 john visit
1 2010-03-29 13:13:14 ariel visit
2 2010-03-29 13:09:13 john visit
3 2010-03-29 13:07:21 john visit
4 2010-02-23 12:21:03 john visit
5 2010-02-23 12:01:03 john visit
6 2010-02-23 11:01:03 john visit
7 2010-02-23 02:01:03 john visit
With the above data,
the frequent hour for john doing visit would be 13, while period would be perhaps 12-13.
The goal is to find the period/time that the user does a certain activity most.
Thanks in advance for all the help!
It can depend on the database you're using, but in mysql :
SELECT COUNT(id) as count, HOUR(Datetime) as hour FROM table GROUP BY hour ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1
with oracle you can write something like
select TO_CHAR(Datetime, 'HH24'), count(ID) from Table group by TO_CHAR(Datetime, 'HH24')
on other RDBMS use equivalent function to extract hour part from Datetime field.