Windows 10 IoT File System - raspberry-pi2

I am currently searching for a way to interact with external USB devices, such as hard drives or USB sticks.
I want to interact with the files on these USB devices from my apps.
Since it is .NetCore you can't use System.IO for that.
Any Ideas how to solve this ?

Try using the KnownFolders in UWP API. Here's a sample


What is the exact function of an USB driver?

On reading many websites, I got confused.
Is the USB driver essential for making the device work? Or is it essential for making it communicate with the OS to do functions such as printing and doing other OS stuff?
To explain my question more clearly -
I am working on developing a USB device, that will communicate with the software i will write.
Do I need to develop a driver for such a system?
Do I just need the software program to send the proper messages to the device?
I am assuming your micro controller will be a USB device and your PC will be USB host.
The below diagram is the SW architecture for USB host. Now since your host is a PC, you do not need to worry about any part except the application at the top.
So lets talk about the device. What you need is a device stack which resembles with the host stack below. You can get the device stack easily and port it in your micro controller. But I suppose you need an application in your device too same as the top box of the below diagram which will understand the requests from the host and service the request.
So basically what I am saying that you need two applications and the rest of the components you can get it with some effort.

Get type of device inserted to windows 8 pc via USB port

I've been asked to work on a project for Windows 8 where I have to detect:
Type of device inserted to USB port (mass storage drive or android phone or windows phone etc.)
Port in which device was inserted. (if I have 4 USB ports in PC then identify which port received new device)
Detect when the device was ejected from the PC
Are there some managed C# API's that can be used to query or if there are some callbacks that can be subscribes to.
Any help or direction will be very useful.
You don't specify whether you are writing a desktop app, or a Modern UI app. If it is the latter, I'm afraid you are going to be out of luck as this level of information is simply not passed down to the app's sandbox.
You may have better luck with a desktop app. I don't have any direct experience of doing what you ask for, but I do remember having read that it may be possible through .NET. windows application barcode scanner

I am creating a windows application which scans barcode and identifies the product. For it, I am planning to use a webcam temporarily. I want to know how can I interface my webcam with the application. The webcam is USB one.
The application is similar to the ones available these days on Smartphones.
Please help.
Thank You!
You can use either the WIA approach or the DirectShow, depending on your web cam driver. In both cases, unless you are very familiar with these 2 approaches, you might want to use a third-party library. We are using a third-party multimedia toolkit named leadtools to control our web cameras. You can check this forum post for further information.
Also, this toolkit supports reading barcodes. For more information, refer to this Tutorial
You need to make use of Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Here are several resources which you can use.
How to use a web cam in C# with .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder 4
C# WebCam User Control Source
How do I connect to a USB webcam in .NET?
or DirectShow.Net
Webcam using DirectShow.NET

Develop GPS application

I have a Windows 7 tablet pc with GPS facility. I need to develop a GPS application for my tablet pc. How can I do that? Is there any built in API is available for that?
What kind of API do I have to use?
some1 please help.
Use the framework 4's Location API, check out samples below:

Devices supported by Windows Portable Devices (WPD)

I'd like to use digital cameras in my application (running on Windows, written in C++) and I came across two libraries that did that - WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) and WPD (Windows Portable Devices). WIA supports digital cameras only for versions of Windows up to XP and for Vista and 7 one should use WPD. The problem is that I ran WPD's sample project from Windows SDK which failed to recognize all devices I tried (But WIA did on a Win XP machine) apart from a flash memory and an mp3 player. I don't think the other devices were too old to have a WPD driver, so my question is: What devices does WPD support? Am I mistaken or WPD does not work with a broad range of devices? Or maybe there is another library I could use for taking pictures (maybe a video, but that's not as important)?
I hope someone can clear things up. Thanks in advance!
You will need to use DirectShow to work with your webcams on Vista/Win 7. Logitech and the like don't supply WPD drivers. Perhaps they will for Windows 8.
You can also use the MCI interface if you want to go old school, which nowadays is just a compatibility layer on top of DirectShow. Google for "WM_CAP_START" or "WM_CAP_GRAB_FRAME" for some examples.
Don't have a list for WPD, but here's a:
List of Supported Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Scanners and Cameras