I succedeed to get my app running on my actual device without developer account!
My problem now is that I want to share NSUserDefaults data from my app to a widget.. And guess what, to let these two communicate I need a dev account... 😔 Is there any way to get this working without dev account? Or is there maybe a public account for people who just want to test their widget?
Thanks in advance!
I think you can't because in widget communicate with app to container target we are using NSUserDefaults and for passing this data we need to create a App Group using valid application provisional profile and code sign.
So if you have not developer account and you are trying to communicate two target without app group you can not pass the data using NSUserDefaults
I'm about to start working on a expense tracker app for mobile and I would like to use React Native with Expo (pretty new to mobile techs). Maybe I will share it with some friends or other people and the question that cames up is where to store their data (in this case is sensitive as they will register their money's movement).
What I mean is, I could use any cloud DB (Mongo, Firestore, etc) but I will have access to everything they register there and I wouldn't like that, just for security and their privacy sake.
So, is there a way to store their data or everything they register locally in their phones? So the app can only access to the data that is stored there and I can't see it. Or any other possibility?
I found the AsyncStorage API but I don't know if this is the correct approach for what I'm looking for. I didn't code anything yet as I don't know which would be the right path.
You can use Secure Store since you're using expo.
expo-secure-store provides a way to encrypt and securely store key–value pairs locally on the device. Each Expo project has a separate storage system and has no access to the storage of other Expo projects.
See https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/securestore/
I had a similar case and i went for realm.js .
Some days before, i saw a blog post about why we need to keep whatsapp open on our smartphone to make it work on our PC.
It said that WhatsApp fetches the data (messages) from our smartphone and shows them on our pc which seems pretty good as it will lower the load on our database.
So now i wanted to know if there is a way to do so in react-native i.e, access the localStorage of one device from another.
Why i want to do that?
I am building an app where in the profile, i also take the profile picture from the user and i don't want to store it on the database but instead store it locally and serve it from there.
The reason for that is that we need buckets to store media files and serve them from there and i wanted to cut that part when deploying my app.
Is there any way to work with data in shared web credentials directly, like with keychain, without showing popups on SecAddSharedWebCredential and SecRequestSharedWebCredential?
Or are there any other methods to work with it?
I want to share some data (string) between apps with different development teams.
I will recommend you to use the KeychainAccess which is a simple swift wrapper. And using Keychain is the best way to store small pieces of data that are critical to your app, like secrets and passwords.
Also the tutorial from raywenderlich would help you use the Keychain Services API.
App groups can be an option for your use case. Read below the apple API documentation and medium post
App Groups
Use a shared app group to share data/files between two/more apps or containing apps. An app group creates a secure container that multiple processes can access. Normally, each process runs in its own sandbox environment, but an app group lets both processes share a common directory.
Apple API docs - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_application-groups
Also here is another stackoverflow post answering similar question - Communicating and persisting data between apps with App Groups
Does anyone know how to access Contacts in Windows 8 Store apps?
I know that because of the sandboxed nature, Windows Store apps cannot access AddressBook from files such as Outlook Express contacts or Outlook, but since there is already an app called People that comes pre-installed, I figure why not let users make use of whatever Contacts the user has already allowed the app to see, rather than creating separate list of Contacts for my app. It seems silly to recreate the wheel by asking the user to re-import all the contacts again.
I have seen Contact Picker example but I still have no clues how to get list of Contacts/People as in that People app.
I have not developed for mobile phone, however if the device is a mobile phone, surely the app is expected to use local contacts rather than keeping separate list of contacts. So I am thinking there's got to be a way to do the same thing on a PC or any device really, rather than each app managing its own contacts. I have not seen any guidance on how to do this. What are your thoughts?
I asked a similar question a few days ago and, after a lot of research, it looks like it's just not possible to get that information from the people app outside of the contract. The reason that it works within calendar/mail/messenger is because they're all technically contained within the same app and are able to use each other's data and violate normal rules.
A lot of people have pointed me to look at the live SDK, but it still seems like it's not at all possible to get people information in your app, since the SDK doesn't support it anymore.
Look at the ContactPicker class :
Another way is to share your resource or whatever you want to send and user will choose an app that will send or on any another way use your shared resource (url, image, whatever)
IMO the latter is preferred way since then user will have a choice of applications that can send mail or post that resource on facebook / twitter.
Check this sample on ContactPicker
I have a request from a client that wants to add adverisments in an iPhone application.
The client should be able to put his own advertisments at his own will: whenever his wants and as many times as his wants, without our help.
Is there any solution and what is it? Preferrably for free.
What dimensions should the banner have?
you can develop an xml based adv system and C# desktop app to desing adv easly. You should define properties, image and text tags, coords and navigation urls. Then an xml parser and you can create adv dynamicly.
Once i developed something like that to develop ITV channels and it reduced development time too much.
Or you can simply use webview
Give AdMob a try and be sure to check out House Ads.
You can use House Ads to upload/create your own banners or text ads and get the statistics and a robust framework for displaying ads in your app with it.
You could use StorageRoom to manage the ads and then use the API to pull them into your app.
Disclaimer: It's my startup.
I've used quite a few ad networks and for what you outline as your requirements I'd go with MobClix. If you want to earn revenue from other peoples ads then iAds and MobFox work best for me.
Adwhirl its quite flexible allowing you/client to set the ad providers, percentage per provider and as well as house ads.
I'd suggest you use a CMS for image upload, create some templates that use banners and create html-links, html-text, html/css/js/whatever-content.
Your app could then call specific URLs and if it gets get a valid response, it could create a UIWebView and add that to the view hierarchy.
If your user clicks the ad, the UIWebView-delegate will be called and you can decide what you want to do (e.g. open safari with the URL defined by the HTML-Link).