J8583 Api and EMV credentials - iso8583

I've been looking at J8583: http://j8583.sourceforge.net/xmlconf.html.
It's a fantastic Api and well maintained, kudos to the author/dev.
I'm wondering if anyone has successfully used it for EMV transactions and/or whether or not the library can handles this data and/or whether it would be safe to do so.
It looks as though I'd need to use a composite custom field looking at field 55 of the primary bitmap. If the data is present I'd then need to investigate the EMV Tags and parse as required.
My sample ISO messages looks like:
The 6666 prefix is a template I've set up just to test this scenario, it only has field 55 of type LLLVAR
If we are then to look at decoding the EMV data we can use http://www.emvlab.org/tlvutils/ and pasting in:
will yield a table of results that I'm effectively trying to reproduce.
My output is simply:
Message type: 6666
55 LLLVAR [5F2A0201245F34010182021C008407A0000000031010950580000000009A031102249B0268009C01009F02060000000000009F03060000000000009F0607A00000000310109F0802008C9]
as I haven't worked on the custom fields yet as I wanted to ask the SO community their thoughts first.
Thank in advance for any help/suggestions.
also...if someone reading this has 1500 rep, maybe J8583 si deserving it's own tag?

Posting in case anyone else should stumble across this post.
It was determined that the J8583 library would not be suitable for EMV data. It is a great library but not suited for the task of parsing the BER-TLV tags.
Usign a composite field would also be unsuitable as these sub fields are accessed via indexing and it wouldn't be obvious if one were missing or not.
Anyway, the good news - this library is incredible for parsing the Tags : https://github.com/binaryfoo/emv-bertlv
You can wrap it in field 55 of the J8583 lib is you're already using it. 55 is considered the standard, I think.
Have fun! :)


Download OEIS sequences with known algorithm to produce them

I was reading some interesting questions about the topic "Can we make a program that, given a particular sequence, produces the next terms", like this one, and I really like the detailed answer of this one. I understand that the answer is "That's impossible without more restrictions", and that given some restrictions (polynomials, rational function or boolean map) we know some good algorithms, as the second answer I linked explains.
Now, a natural question is how much can we solve, trying our best even if we can't always solve it, to answer the original, general question. What I usually do when facing a hard sequence is trying to see if it's in OEIS, and if it seems to be there, seeing if there is any formula or algorithm to produce it in there. You can download a small version of OEIS with the first terms of each sequence, and you can make queries to find formulas or maple algorithms for a particular sequence. My question is, do you think it's feasible to download a small version of OEIS that includes, with the first terms, a little algorithm to produce it?
The natural problem here is that I haven't seen any link to download the entire database of OEIS with all the details, which maybe deserves its own question. Even if we had this, you need to read the formulas/algorithms (that can be written in different languages, from what I've seen) and interpret them correctly. But I thought maybe someone here knows how to solve this, in any case thanks in advance.
You could, as you note, download the sequences and their A-numbers from the link mentioned here: https://oeis.org/wiki/Welcome#Compressed_Versions
After searching that and finding one sequence (or a small number of sequences) of interest, you could scrape the respective page(s) for formulas. There are specific fields for Maple and Mathematica, which may be helpful, and otherwise, an entry in the PROGRAM field should include identifying information when it is not one of the standard languages with its own field in the database. See: http://oeis.org/wiki/Style_Sheet
Unofficially, but with the interests of the OEIS in mind, I would not recommend trying to download or scrape the OEIS in its entirety. Whether it's one person, or a whole host of people, we would certainly recommend using the compressed version of the database to identify sequences of interest by A-number first, then pulling their entire entry by scraping the site or querying the OEIS using methods that you have already mentioned: Programmatic access to On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
If this sounds laborious, perhaps an alternative is the Wolfram Cloud, which actives this through other means. For example, you can navigate to the cloud (you may have to register just to get access) at: https://www.wolframcloud.com/
Typing in something like FindSequenceFunction[{1, 2, 3, 5, 17, 305, 34865}] will give you a formula, if Wolfram/Mathematica can find one. The documentation for FindSequenceFunction can be found here: https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FindSequenceFunction.html
Wolfram/Mathematica can also invoke the OEIS using packages like the one described here: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/40/is-it-possible-to-invoke-the-oeis-from-mathematica

is this possible to manipulate a description to same meaning but different words with data manipulation

i want to copy a data from a website which sells courses like ITIL, Prince2 and PMP and many other IT sector courses now there are 20,000 different courses's description is there.
However, i want to use selenium to scrape all the data but description is still subject to copyright.
Kindly let me know how i can manipulate all of that description to data to same meaning but different words.
Is there any API which can give me an access to build an code which will be helping these description data by using it's synonymous or which can change it's grammer to completely new sentennces but same meaning.
Kindly let me know where to start this.
The task you are referring to is called paraphrasing.
There is a lot of research on the field. In arXiv you fill find research papers on the topic. However, since you are asking for an API, I am assuming you don't want to implement these models by your self. Luckily, some authors have published their models online on GitHub. (Note: some are a re-implementation by someone else.)
When you use some of these implementations, note that most offer a pre-trained model. Do read which data set was used for training and try to pick the one that is the most similar to the data that you are facing. By doing so, more words in the domain of your descriptions will be available and more synonyms can be used.

Extract labels from serialized array using SQL

I do not have control of how this data is stored (I know as normalized data would be better for sql), because it is saved via the WordPress GravityForms plugin. The plugin uses a serialized array to define the question id (field_id), question label (label). My goal is to extract these three values in the following format:
field_id label
1 1. I know my organization’s mission (what it is trying to accomplish).
2 2. I know my organization’s vision (where it is trying to go in the future).
Here is the serialized array.
Can anyone please provide a specific example as to how to parse these values out with sql?
A specific example, no. This kind of stuff is complex. If your are working with straight json-formatted data, here are several options, none of which are simple.
You can build your own parser. Yuck.
You can upgrade everything you have to just-released SQL 2016, and hope that the built-in json tools do what you need (I've heard iffy things about them, but don't know what their final form is like. Too, updating all your database servers right now, oh sure.)
Phil Factor over on SimpleTalk built a json T-SQL parser (https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/consuming-json-strings-in-sql-server/). It looks horrible and may run poorly, but it would do the needful.
Buried in the comments of that article are links to a CLR tool that John Galt built (at https://github.com/jgcoding/J-SQL). I have used this successfully, though I haven't done anything too complex. (If you're json is relatively simple, this could do the trick.)
There are other json parsers for SQL out there, some free, some for sale. The key thing would be to not try and write your own, but rather find and use someone else's solution that addresses your requirements.

Issues with Dates in Apache OpenNLP

For a recent project to aid me learning NLP I am working on a number of documents, each of which contain a date. What I would like to be able to do is read the unstructured data and identify the date or dates within, converting it into a numeric format and possibly setting it to the documents metadata. (Note: Since the documents being used is all pseudo information, the actual meta data of the files being read in are false).
Recently I have been attempting to use OpenNLP in conjunction with Lucene to do so and it works to a given degree.
However if the date is written as "13 January 1990" or "2010/01/05", OpenNLP only identifies "January 1990" and "2010" respectively, but not the entire date. Other date formats may have issues as well, I have yet to try them all. While I recognise that OpenNLP works upon a statistical basis rather than a format basis, I can't help but get the feeling I'm making an elementary mistake.
Am I making a mistake? If not is there an easy manner in which to rectify this?
I understand that I may be able to construct my own trained model based on a training data set. Is the Apache OpenNLP one freely available, so I may extend it? Are there any others that are freely available?
Is there a better way to do this? I've heard of Apache UIMA, the main reason why I went for OpenNLP is due to its mention in Taming Text by Manning. I should note that the extraction of dates is the first stage of the project and other data will be extracted later as well.
Many thanks for any response.
I am not an expert in OpenNLP but I know that the problem you are trying to solve is called Temporal Expression Extraction (because I do research in this field :P). Nowadays, there are some systems which can greatly help you in extracting and unambiguously representing the temporal meaning of such expressions.
Here are some references:
ManTIME, online demo, software
HeidelTime, online demo, software
SUTime, online demo, software
If you want a broader overview of the field, please have a look at the results of the last temporal information extraction challenge (TempEval-3, Task A).
I hope this helps. :)

Wiki Database, is there one?

I was searching the net for something like a wiki database, just like wikipedia but instead stores structured content, editable by users. What I was looking for was an online database accessible by everyone where people can design the schema and data with proper versioning of both schema and data. I couldn't find any such site. I am not sure if it is my search skills or if there really is no wiki database as of now. Does anyone out there know anything like this?
I think there is a great potential for something like this. A possible example will be a website with a GUI for querying a MySQL DB where any website visitor can create DB objects and populate data.
UPDATE: I had registered the domain wikidatabase.org to get started on a tool but I didn't find enough time yet. If anyone is interested in spending some time and coding on this, please let me know at wikidatabase.org
It's not quite what you're looking for, but Semantic Mediawiki adds database-like features to MediaWiki:
It's still fundamentally a Wiki, but you can add semantic tags to pages ([[foo::bar]] [[baz::1000]]) and then do database-type queries across them: SELECT baz FROM pages WHERE foo=bar would be {{#ask: [[foo::bar]] | ?baz}}. There is even an embryonic SPARQL implementation for pseudo-SQL queries.
OK this question is old, but Google led me here, so for anyone else out there looking for a wiki for structured data: Take a look at Foswiki.
This might be like what you're looking for: dbpedia.org. They're working on extracting data from Wikipedia, and encoding it in a structured format using RDF, so that it can be queried using SPARQL.
Linkeddata.org has a big list of RDF data sets.
Do you mean something like http://www.freebase.com?
You should check out https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page which is a bit different but still may be of interest.
Something that might come close to your requirements is Google Docs.
What's offered is document editing roughly similar to MS Word, and spreadsheets roughly similar to Excel. I'm thinking of the latter, of course.
In Google Docs, You can create spreadsheets for free; being spreadsheets, they naturally have a row-and-column structure similar to a database, and which you can define flexibly. You can also share these sheets with other people. This seems to be a by-invite-only process rather than open-to-all, but there may be other possibilities I'm not aware of, or that level of sharing might be enough for you in any case.
mindtouch should be able to do it. It's rather easy to get data in / out. (for example: it's trivial to aggregate all the IP's for servers into one table).
I pretty much use it as a DB in the wiki itself (pages have tables, key/value..inheritance, templates, etc...) but you can also interface with the API, write dekiscript, grab the XML...
I like this idea. I have heard of some sites that are trying to pull together large datasets for various things for open consumption, but none that would allow a wiki feel.
You could start with something as simple as an installation of phpMyAdmin with a known password that would allow people to log in, create a database, edit data and query from any other site on the web.
It might suffer from more accuracy problems than wikipedia though.
OpenRecord, development of which seems to have halted in 2008, seems to approach this. It is a structured wiki in which pages are views on the data. Unlike RDBMSes it is loosely typed - the system tries to make a best guess about what data you entered, but defaults to text when it cannot guess. Schemas appear to have been implied.
An example of the typing that is given is that of a date. If you enter '2008' in a record, the system interprets this as a date. If you enter 'unknown' however, the system allows that as well.
Perhaps you might be interested in Couch DB:
Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented
database that can be queried and
indexed in a MapReduce fashion using
JavaScript. CouchDB also offers
incremental replication with
bi-directional conflict detection and
I'm working on an Open Source PHP / Symfony / PostgreSQL app that does this.
It allows multiple projects, each project can have multiple directories, each directory has a defined field structure. Admins set all this up.
Then members of the public can suggest new records, edit or report existing ones. All this is moderated and versioned.
It's early days yet but it basically works and is already in real world use in several projects.
Future plans already in progress include tools to help keep the data up to date, better searching/querying and field types that allow translations of content between languages.
There is more at http://www.directoki.org/
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Wikibase yet, which is the software that powers Wikidata.