Bamboo build Tag not including branch name - bamboo

I am successfully creating a Git tag from bamboo but need to add the branch name to the tag and not just the build number and I cannot get it to work. This is the script that works for just the build number as the tag name:
git tag -f -a ${bamboo.buildNumber} -m "${bamboo.planName} build number ${bamboo.buildNumber} passed automated acceptance testing." ${bamboo.planRepository.revision}
git remote add central ${bamboo.planRepository.repositoryUrl}
git push central ${bamboo.buildNumber}
git ls-remote --exit-code --tags central ${bamboo.buildNumber}
I have tried defining a variable including the bamboo.buildNumber and and that did not work either in the plan variables or in the build and package task script. I also added the variable to the git tag line in the script and that didn't work either.
The problem with the tag just being the build number is it can overlap with other tag names if multiple branches are using the same Bamboo plan. Also a tag should reference the branch it was created from.

If you use newer version of Bamboo, it might has ${} variable deprecated. Try using this one: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName}


Automatizing GitHub workflow that involves 3rd party repo

I have a GitHub repo myRepo that scans the contents of another repo theirRepo and converts them to JSON files. The details aren't really that important, just so much that myRepo uses nodeJS and holds theirRepo as a submodule. Licensewise this is not a problem.
What I'd like to achieve is that, when theirRepo merges into main, myRepo magically updates and builds the new files. I'd like to use existing infrastructures such as GitHub actions, Netlify build processes etc.
How would you approach this?
I don't expect a detailed solution for the magical part, but am rather looking for a few pointers, something that gets me started.
As GitHub Actions (AFAIK) does not currently allow to trigger events based on changes in other repositories (unless you control another repository’s workflows) one might have to hack a little bit.
File change in OtherRepo
I’m not familiar with Node, but, depending on the project culture following files might change during the new release/main branch update:
package-lock.json (for semantic versioning)
This is a rough approximation, you might also want to identify multiple files likely to change with each merged PR.
Cron based jobs
Run your job every N hours/minutes or another time interval to check for changes.
Use caching
Run your action only when files in another repo change, something along these lines:
- run: curl <path to file> -o output1
- run: curl <path to file2> -o output2
- name: Cache
uses: actions/cache#v3
id: cache
key: ${{ hashFiles(”output1”, “output2”) }}
- name: Update repo
if: steps.cache.output.cache-hit != “true”
run: <do your stuff>

Gitlab CI: git diff shows old modifications

I am working on a script launched by gitlab's CI that detects primitive types in code using a git diff.
My script uses the command : git diff origin/master ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}
It's working perfectly on local ie: git diff returns the good changes; linked to my branch.
On the CI git diff is returning a (very) lot of changes that or not linked to my branch.
Do you have any idea about this ?
I fixed this problem using git diff origin/master...origin/${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}

How to list the modified files?

I am using gitlab-ci to run scripts defined in .gitlab-ci.yml whenever a PR is raised.
I want to get the list of modified files since the last commit.
The use case is to run file-specific integration tests in a large codebases.
If you do not need to know the paths, but you simply need to run a specific job only when a specific file is changed, then use only/changes .gitlab-ci.yml configuration, e.g.
docker build:
script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .
- Dockerfile
- docker/scripts/*
Alternatively, if you need to get paths of the modified scripts, you can use gitlab-ci CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA and CI_COMMIT_SHA environment variables, e.g.
> git diff --name-only $CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA $CI_COMMIT_SHA
A common use case that some people will find useful. Run the job when a merge request is raised. Specifically, run lint on all the files that are changed w.r.t. target branch.
As one of the answers suggest, we can get the target branch name through CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME variable (list of predefined variables). We can use git diff --name-only origin/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME to get the list of files that were changed. Then pass them on to the linter via xargs. The example configuration may look like.
- merge_requests
- git diff --name-only origin/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME | xargs <LINT_COMMAND_FOR_FILE>

Intellij delete multiple local branches

Using Intellij IDE (I have version 2017.3.5) is there a way to delete multiple local git branches at once
You can delete multiple branches in IntelliJ IDEA directly.
Go to tab Git / Log. There open the Tree view on the left side. Check this picture:
// Update Feb 2021:
As mojmir.novak pointed out here: you can do this now in IntelliJ. To remove only merged branches, see answer below:
// Older update:
To clean-up (old) feature branches that have been merged to master you can use the terminal to clean it up.
To delete all local branches that are already merged into the currently checked out branch:
git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master|dev)" | xargs git branch -d
See for more details.
Cleaning up using run config"
In order to clean up multiple branches at once, using intelliJ. You need to install the Bash Support plugin and use it to create a run config that executes a script with the above command.
Install BashSupport plugin
Create script with the command. (e.g. ~/scripts/
Create a new Bash run config.
Link to the script created in step #2.
Provide working directory of the repo you want to clean.
Run it to clean the branches.
There is a Plugin available for this:
To use it once it's installed, in the main menu go to:
VCS > Git > Delete Old Branches
Have been through the pain of cleaning up the unused branches, and found this plugin.
But I was not able to see the VCS > Git menu on my Mac - IntelliJ
But was successful in finding a similar option under git > context-menu - Delete old branches...
I am not sure if there is a default option or this is because of the above-mentioned plugin.
Sharing to help others who don't have VCS > Git menu like in my case
It's easy to delete multiple branch on Git Extensions.

Getting current Git commit version from within Rails app?

How can I retrieve the current Git commit version from within a Ruby on Rails app?
Want to display the Git version (or maybe the last 6 letters or so) to serve as an App version.
Like #meagar said, use backticks to execute the shell command from within your app, but you may find these two commands more useful:
Full hash:
git rev-parse HEAD
First 7 characters of hash:
git rev-parse --short HEAD
You can invoke the git command from within your script:
commit = `git show --pretty=%H`
puts commit
Depending on your environment you may want to use the full path to the git binary, and possibly specify the GIT_DIR via an environment variable or --git-dir.
A more robust solution would be git show --pretty=%H -q. The -q flag quiets the output.
In order to remove the newline that is part of the output, you can use chomp. For example: system('git show --pretty=%H -q').chomp
The selected answer has the potential to actually return the diff when the commit is not a merge commit. Verified on git version
I presume that you want to include the app version in your HTML somewhere? The prerequisite is that you are deploying your repo with Capistrano in the default manner (you are uploading the repo, not sending up an archive file).
You can add some code to the Rails initializer as outlined here. That approach will get the SHA1 from the last commit, and make it available as an environment variable.
The other way to do it is have you Capistrano task generate a static file in the public directory with the commit SHA in it. You could include other info in this file that seems useful.