Pick a random line from a text file and store it in a variable (Python 3) - variables

I am trying to code a program which reads a file, which will contain many words (one word per line), then selects a random line (word) from the file, so I am able to store it in a variable for me to use later on.
I don't really know where to start as I am not very experienced. Any help would be appreciated.

Well first you will need to open the file
file = open('filename.txt', 'w')
Then you need to read the file you can read each line into a list by doing words = file.readlines (this can also be done with a loop or in a number of other ways)
Then you can use the random module to generate a random number and get the word from that index in the words list. Then just store that word to a variable.
There are other ways of doing this but this is one of the easiest.


Read and split line by line in text file

I am trying to read a text file from my applications resources. For each line in this text file I want to split the text before and after the comma.
Each line in txt file looks like this:
My issue is that the function loops and does not end constantly repeating the for each statement
For Each Line As String In My.Resources.CompanyBases
Firstly, don't ever get a resource over and over like that. Those properties are not "live". Every time you get the property, the resource has to be extracted from your assembly. If you need to use the value multiple times, get the property once and assign it to a variable, then use that variable over and over.
Secondly, you're not getting a file. The whole point of resources is that they are not distinct files but rather data compiled into your assembly. It's just a String like any other. How would you usually split a String on line breaks?
Finally, you have a For Each loop with a loop control variable Line, yet you never use that variable inside the loop. It should be Line that you're splitting inside the loop, not the resource property containing all the lines.
For Each line In My.Resources.CompanyBases.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim fields = line.Split(","c)
Note that, if you're using .NET Core, Split will accept a String as well as a String array.

Search for Multiple Strings in PDF and Word, Return Page Number(s) Where Strings Appear - Power Automate

I have a list of strings (e.g. "A3.11.2.3", "A3.2.1" and "A12.1.3(b)") and need to find a streamlined way to extract the page number(s) on which each sting appears from PDF and Word files.
The list of strings is fixed/can be hardcoded though it would be better if they were read from a particular excel file. The Flow I am trying to create is:
When a file is created;
Search file for list of strings and return all page numbers on which
strings appear with each page number separated by a comma;
Populate a Microsft Word template with each string's page numbers
(i.e. a template table will be created with one string on each
row and in the column beside the page numbers will be populated).
Items 1 and 3 are easy, item 2 has been destroying my brain for how to implement.
The files to be searched are most often PDFs (always file created/no need to add OCR) but occasionally include word documents.
All ideas welcome!

document migration name extraction

I have a scenario and would like to see if anyone has any suggestions on how I should tackle it. Basically I have a directory full of files, document names consist of [Code]-[number]-[text]
CODE - A generic 3 letter code.
NUMBER - a number generally 4 - 5 digits in size.
TEXT - original document name (Before it was dumped).
CODE, NUMBER and TEXT are separated by a colon (-). Number always starts at the 5 character.
I would like to somehow scan that directory and extract the number from the filename, I would then like to compare that number to a field in a database (SQL query fairly straight forward, could also extract as raw text) If the number matches the number in the database I would like to separate those files.
If I need to clarify anything please ask. I wasn't sure if this site is appropriate for my query.
Open the root folder, click in the file explorer path (in open space off to the side so the whole path gets highlighted), type cmd and hit enter to open a command prompt from that folder location.
Type: dir /b /s > filelist.txt to get a list of all file names. You can exclude /s if you don't need/want to dig down into subfolders.
I'd paste that into excel, if you have 2013 you can just start typing the part you want to extract, after you type the full first line when you start typing the next line it will recognize the pattern and you can just hit enter to fill down.
Otherwise, use Data > Text to Columns and specify - as a delimiter.
Likewise you could just import the filelist, separate them in SQL using SUBSTRING() or similar. When you have your matching filenames you can just use some concatenation to build a COPY or MOVE .bat file, pretty easy in SQL or Excel.

vb.net writing files of specific size

I am creating an application whereby I need to write files (many, many of them). However, I don't want to write files that are too big because the program that consumes them will crash :)
Essentially, I would like to create files that are no larger than a specific size (possibly 5MB). My data is of CSV format and I will be writing line by line or into some stringbuilder to create the file I need.
Question: Is there a way to write data and create a set of files that are no larger than a set size?
I assume you are creating CSV rows 1 at a time.
If you are using a StreamWriter on the file (hopefully you are, no need to hold it all in memory):
Create the new record (a string of CSV items).
Look at the StreamWriter's BaseStream.Length property (Caveat - You need to use AutoFlush to make that property correct with the data that's been written previously).
Add your stream position, new record's length, and your line separator's length (usually 1 or 2, depending on Cr, Lf, or CrLf), and see if it exceeds your threshold.
If no, write the line feed, the record, and continue. If yes, close your StreamWriter and open a new one for a new file, write the record, and continue.

How to print certain lines of an input text file to another file in VB

I have a large file which i am writing to a smaller file in VB, i just dont know how to select lines from an input file that i opened.
I would like to keep the first 12 lines of the large file and them copy every 3rd line into the new output.
Any help?!
You can do this with a StreamReader - just open one on the file, then you can call ReadLine() on it as many times as you need.
Easiest implementation would probably be a 0-to-11 (or 1-to-12) For loop, then a While where you read 2 and ignore them, then read the 3rd and write it.
Writing the new file can be done with StreamWriter, which just has a WriteLine() method to write the text.
The StreamReader and StreamWriter are generally the easiest ways to read and write text files.