IntelliJ disable Jalopy for a specific project - intellij-14

How can I disable Jalopy for a specific project in IntelliJ Idea 14 or 15?
It seems that he is not so friend with Java8, but all other projects are in Java7. So, I need to selectively disable Jalopy. Or maybe It would be nice to enable it only for specific projects.
Can someone provide a kind of tutorial. An answer suggested to use aliases, but I would like to see how.

You can add a exclusion as below. use a unique folder name as below
or add it in to the jalopy.xml

You can configure jalopy by alias, simply do not include your project in the alias if you don't want to run the Jalopy configuration for that project/module.


Exclude files from search in VSCode's extension

My VSCode extension creates a database of symbols and stores it along the project. I'd like to automatically exclude this file from search results (it would be even better to exclude it from file explorer).
Is there a way how can I modify "search.exclude" from my extension or can I set such a setting in my extension's package.json?
There is no API for you to contribute to search.exclude and/or files.exclude settings, so you are out of luck on this.
On the other hand, you can make your extension to update the User Settings using workspace.getConfiguration("section").update("section") API. With that, search.exclude and/or files.exclude settings could de updated to respect the symbols you want to be ignored.
But, I would suggest you to warn the users about this process, asking for their approval, before effectively updating the setting. Personally, I don't do this, and prefer that extensions that don't do this as well, but I understand sometimes this is necessary/inevitable.
Hope this helps

Adding a module in sugarCRM 6.5 C.E. doesn't create a corresponding folder in custom/modules

I need to add a logic hook to a module built in Module Builder in SugarCRM 6.5( Community Edition ).
This logic hook should take all the fields that I have just saved after completing a form in a module and create a new record in a different module with these fields( in order to simulate a workflow ).
All the tutorials on the internet( on logic hooks ) talk about modifying stuff in "./custom/Extension/modules//..." but, after creating and deploying a module in sugarCRM, I do NOT have my module present in either "./custom/Extension/modules/" or "./custom/modules" .
Thank you for your time,
Those directories are for customizations and extensions like studio changes and custom code like hooks.
That those directories are not present only means that there are no customizations yet, so feel free to create those folders and add your hook inside.
Make sure that you create the directories with the correct names (as stated in the tutorials), including the correct case for all letters.
Also don't forget to give the web-process ownership/write-permissions to the all folders you create in custom, otherwise Sugar might fail to save studio changes and aggregation files at some point in the future.

EXRM - Can I set vm.args values from the config.exs file?

Somewhat related to this question - Parametrizing node name in Elixir Exrm - is there a way to dynamically set the content of the rel/vm.args file?
In the title, I suggest the use of config.exs, but I'm interested in any scheme that will allow me to add, remove and edit vm arguments at build time.
A bash script might be an idea, but a solution that would also work on Windows, and is preferably based on Elixir code would be the idea.
You can commit to your project repo a rel/vm.args file that you would like to be used instead of the Exrm generated one. Exrm will automatically use this file instead.

Sonar: is it possible to give new projects permissions automated?

we are starting to use Sonar. We want to use it for many different projects. Is there a way to give a project automated defined project permissions (for example with a name pattern). We found only the way to create a default template for new projects, but with this template every project would have the same permissions and we would like to give them permissions based on name patterns...
Do you know if there is a way to do this?
Thanks and regards
This is not possible yet - as of SonarQube 4.0, but will be soon: feel free to watch and vote for SONAR-4535.

Property replacement in IntelliJ IML file

I recently migrated to IntelliJ 10. My .IML file has several properties such as $MODULE_DIR$ which set up the build environment. These are designed to be checked in so each user can configure his/her own local settings.
But everytime I checkin, IDEA replaces these some of these properties with the actual environment value, for example replacing every occurrence $MODULE_DIR$ in the iml file with my configured value "C:/Modules". This does not seem to happen for other properties, nor for other developers on the team using the same project. Am I missing some setting??
You should probably read about Path Variables in the Idea help.
I know that $MODULE_DIR$, $PROJECT_DIR$, ard $APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$ are used by Idea to determine where to find Module/Project/Idea stuff (jars etc). So I would guess not using these exact variable names will solve your problem.