trim the column value string - sql

In SQL Query, I need the values as below using select query of my column.
Result has to be the text after the first space ' ' and before the first '('
Source Column
create Table Test_Table (Column1 Varchar(50))
Insert into Test_Table Values
('0636 KAVITHI (LOC)'),
('0638 SRI KRISHNA (NAT)'),
('0639 SELVAM'),
('0643 GOOD SERVICE (LOC)'),
I need get the string found between first ' ' and the '('
Expected Result

Another approach without using an OUTER APPLY.
THEN SUBSTRING(RIGHT(Column1,LEN(Column1)-CHARINDEX(' ',Column1)),0,
CHARINDEX('(',RIGHT(Column1,LEN(Column1)-CHARINDEX(' ',Column1)),0))
ELSE RIGHT(Column1,LEN(Column1)-CHARINDEX(' ',Column1))
END AS Trimmed
FROM Test_Table
SQL Fiddle:!3/69dd1/20/0

CHARINDEX() can be used to find the position of specific characters.
OUTER APPLY can be used to find the position of the space and brace characters, and store them in a place that you can re-use them.
SUBSTRING() can be used to find the text between the space and the brace.
EDIT: Added CASE to cope with values that contain no (.
test_table.column1, -- the field we're searching
stats.idx_space + 1, -- starting from the character after the first space
WHEN stats.idx_brace > stats.idx_space
THEN stats.idx_brace
ELSE stats.idx_eos
stats.idx_space -- for as many characters as there are between the space and the brace
CHARINDEX(' ', test_table.column1) AS idx_space, -- position of the first space
CHARINDEX('(', test_table.column1) AS idx_brace, -- position of the first brace
LEN(test_table.column1) AS idx_eos -- position of the end-of-string
AS stats
EDIT: A single "line", as requested.
Do note that forcing this as a single line does make this harder to read, maintain and adapt. One of APPLY's strongest use-cases is to maintain DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.
This query repeats several parts several times:
- find the first space repeated 2 times
- find the first brace repeated 3 times
CHARINDEX(' ', test_table.column1) + 1,
WHEN CHARINDEX('(', test_table.column1) > CHARINDEX(' ', test_table.column1)
THEN CHARINDEX('(', test_table.column1)
ELSE LEN(test_table.column1)
CHARINDEX('(', test_table.column1)


In SQL Server, how can I identify "double" strings and correct?

How can I find strings in a column that are doubled-up and correct them? I feel like there is an easy answer to this I just can't think of it.
I want to find instances of a repeating string, example "SolonSolon", and then update the column to "Solon".
They're always the same. No extra characters, but might have a space as part of the repeating value. Other examples would be...
"PlacePlace", "TreeTree", "OrangeOrange", "TravisMemorialHSTravisMemorialHS", "Texas HSTexas HS"
You can check if the string is equal to the first half replicated.
SELECT LEFT(YourCol,LEN(REPLACE(YourCol, ' ', 'x'))/2)
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourCol = REPLICATE(LEFT(YourCol,LEN(REPLACE(YourCol, ' ', 'x'))/2),2)
The reason for the REPLACE of spaces with x before calculating the LEN is because trailing spaces are ignored by this function. You can also use the technique in #lptr's answer for this but an edge case will be if the string was varchar(8000) and already 8000 characters long in which case concatenating an extra character won't do anything (LEN(SPACE(8000) + 'x') is 0).
..replace the first half of the value with an empty string..if there is nothing left..the value consists of two equal parts
select *, substring(c, 1, (len(c+'.')-1)/2)
('solosolo'), ('yoyo'), ('andand'), ('1212'),(' . .'),
('ababc'), ('onetwoone')
) as t(c)
where replace(c, substring(c, 1, (len(c+'.')-1)/2), '') = '';
Another alternative. The query removes inner spaces using REPLACE(str_col, ' ', ''), removes leading/traling spaces using TRIM, and checks to make sure the first half of the string equals the second half.
select left(no_spaces.str_col, v.str_len/2)
from foo f
cross apply (values (replaced trim(f.str_col), ' ', '')) no_spaces(str_col)
cross apply (values (len(no_spaces.str_col))) v(str_len)
where no_spaces.str_col=replicate(left(f.str_col, v.str_len/2), 2);

SQL I need to extract a stored procedure name from a string

I am a bit new to this site but I have looked an many possible answers to my question but none of them has answered my need. I have a feeling it's a good challenge. Here it goes.
In one of our tables we list what is used to run a report this can mean that we can have a short EXEC [svr1].[dbo].[stored_procedure] or "...From svr1.dbo.stored_procedure...".
My goal is to get the stored procedure name out of this string (column). I have tried to get the string between '[' and ']' but that breaks when there are no brackets. I have been at this for a few days and just can't seem to find a solution.
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for entertaining this question.
Considering the ending character of your sample sentences is space, or your sentences end without trailing ( whether space or any other character other than given samples ), and assuming you have no other dots before samples, the following would be a clean way which uses substring(), len(), charindex() and replace() together :
with t(str) as
select '[svr1].[dbo].[stored_procedure]' union all
select 'before svr1.dbo.stored_procedure someting more' union all
select 'abc before svr1.dbo.stored_procedure'
), t2(str) as
select replace(replace(str,'[',''),']','') from t
), t3(str) as
select substring(str,charindex('.',str)+1,len(str)) from t2
when charindex(' ',str) > 0 then
charindex(' ',str)
end - charindex('.',str)
) as "Result String"
from t3;
Result String
With the variability of inputs you seem to have we will need to plan for a few scenarios. The below code assumes that there will be exactly two '.' characters before the stored_procedure, and that [stored_procedure] will either end the string or be followed by a space if the string continues.
SELECT TRIM('[' FROM TRIM(']' FROM --Trim brackets from final result if they exist
SUBSTR(column || ' ', --substr(string, start_pos, length), Space added in case proc name is end of str
INSTR(column || ' ', '.', 1, 2)+1, --start_pos: find second '.' and start 1 char after
INSTR(column || ' ', ' ', INSTR(column || ' ', '.', 1, 2), 1)-(INSTR(column || ' ', '.', 1, 2)+1))
-- Len: start after 2nd '.' and go until first space (subtract 2nd '.' index to get "Length")
Working from the middle out we'll start with using the SUBSTR function and concatenating a space to the end of the original string. This allows us to use a space to find the end of the stored_procedure even if it is the last piece of the string.
Next to find our starting position, we use INSTR to search for the second instance of the '.' and start 1 position after.
For the length argument, we find the index of the first space after that second '.' and then subtract that '.' index.
From here we have either [stored_procedure] or stored_procedure. Running the TRIM functions for each bracket will remove them if they exist, and if not will just return the name of the procedure.
Sample inputs based on above description:
'EXEC [svr1].[dbo].[stored_procedure]'
'EXEC [svr1].[dbo].[stored_procedure] FROM TEST'
Note: This code is written for Oracle SQL but can be translated to mySQL using similar functions.

Split strings at specified character in SQL

I need to split a string in SQL at a specified character. I need to split TEX_TEXT field at the '(' character. I use it this way, but in the result the '(' is there.
Left(TEX_TEXT, CHARINDEX('(', TEX_TEXT ) ) as GroupName,
I need the result without the '(' charcter, like this: 80, 80 Avant and so on.... Thanks in advance!
try this demo. Using IIF, LEFT and CHARINDEX
declare #mytable table (col1 varchar(20))
insert into #mytable
values ('80 (xxx 123)'),('79'),('100 Avant (d1)')
CHARINDEX('(', col1) -- get location of 'C'
= 0, -- if charindex is 0 then get length of the string
LEN(col1), -- thus this, if you don't check for no '(' then using charindex will return an error
CHARINDEX('(', col1) - 1) -- otherwise get the location of '(' minus 1
FROM #mytable
100 Avant
The easiest thing to do is wrap it in a REPLACE() function. As you are splitting and taking the first part you can be sure there will only ever be one occurrence of the opening parenthesis.
REPLACE(Left(TEX_TEXT, CHARINDEX('(', TEX_TEXT ) ), '(', '') as GroupName
Last thing to do is RTRIM the whole lot to ensure there are no trailing spaces.
The best part to this approach is that you don't need to test the data before applying logic so it should work quicker than using an IIf statement

Get index of two consecutive upper case characters

I am trying to separate a city/state/zip field into the city, state, and zip. Normally I would do this with charindex of ',' to get the city and state, and isnumeric and right() for the zip.
This will work fine for the zip, but most of the rows in the data I am working with now have no commas City ST Zip. Is there a way to identify the index of two upper case characters?
If not, does anybody have a better idea than just a case statement checking for each state individually?
EDIT: I found the PATINDEX/COLLATE option to work fairly intermittently. See my answer below.
PATINDEX should work for you:
PATINDEX('% [A-Z][A-Z] %', A COLLATE Latin1_general_cs_as)
So your full extract would be something like:
( SELECT i = PATINDEX('% [A-Z][A-Z] %', A COLLATE Latin1_general_cs_as) + 1,
('City ST Zip'),
('Another City ST Zip'),
('City, with comma ST Zip')
) t (A)
SELECT City = LEFT(A, i - 2),
State = SUBSTRING(A, i, 2),
Zip = SUBSTRING(A, i + 3, LEN(A))
Example on SQL Fiddle
The reason why PATINDEX appears to work intermittently is that you cannot use a character range (i.e. A-Z) to accomplish a case-sensitive search, even if using a case-sensitive collation. The issue is that character ranges work like sorting, and case-sensitive sorting groups the upper-case letters with their lower-case equivalents, just like it would be ordered in a dictionary. Range sorting is really: a,A,b,B,c,C,d,D,etc. Or, depending on the collation, it might be: A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d,etc (there are 31 Collations that sort upper-case first). When doing this in a case-sensitive collation, that merely groups all A entries together, separate from the a entries, whereas in a case-insensitive sort they would be intermixed.
But if you specify each of the letters individually (hence not using a range), then it will work as expected:
[CityStZip] COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS)
The reason that PATINDEX and LIKE (both of which allow for a single character class of [A-Z]) work this way is that the [start-end] syntax is not a Regular Expression. Many people claim that PATINDEX and LIKE support "limited" RegEx due to supporting this syntax, but that is not true. It is merely a very similar (and a confusingly similar) syntax to RegEx where [A-Z] would normally not include any lower-case matches.
Of course, if you are guaranteed to only be searching on the US-English letters of A-Z, then a binary collation (i.e. one ending in _BIN2; don't use ones ending in _BIN as they have been deprecated since SQL Server 2005 was introduced, I believe) should work.
PATINDEX(N'%[A-Z][A-Z]%', [CityStZip] COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2)
For more details about case-sensitive matching, especially in regards to including Unicode / NVARCHAR data, please see my related answer on DBA.StackExchange:
How to find values with multiple consecutive upper case characters
If you have zip code and state at the end of the string, then this might work:
select right(address, 5) as zip,
left(right(address, 8), 2) as state,
left(address, len(address) - 9) as city
You can start by removing the commas and double spaces from the address.
If you have a table of states(which you should) with a column of the abbreviations you can do things like this:
SELECT a.* FROM Addresses a
a.CityStateZip Like '% ' + s.UpperCaseAbbreviation + ' %' --space on either side of abbreviation
You can make it work for both commas and spaces:
SELECT a.* FROM Addresses a
Replace(a.CityStateZip, ',' , ' ') Like '% ' + s.UpperCaseAbbreviation + ' %'
I found the PATINDEX/COLLATE option to work fairly intermittently. Here is what I ended up doing:
--get rid of the sparsely used commas
--get rid of the duplicate spaces
update MyTable set
replace(CityStZip,' ',' '),
' ',' '),
--check if state and zip are there and then grab the city
case when isNumeric(right(CityStZip,1))=1
then left(CityStZip,len(CityStZip)-charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip),
charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip))+1)+1)
--no zip. check for state
when left(right(CityStZip,3),1) = ' '
then left(CityStZip,len(CityStZip)-charIndex(' ',reverse(CityStZip)))
else CityStZip
end as City,
--check if zip is there and then grab the city
case when isNumeric(right(CityStZip,1))=1
then substring(CityStZip,
len(CityStZip)-charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip),
charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip))+1)+2,
--no zip. check if 3rd to last char is a space and grab the last two chars
when left(right(CityStZip,3),1) = ' '
then right(CityStZip,2)
end as [State],
--grab everything after the last space if the last character is numeric
case when isNumeric(right(CityStZip,1))=1
then substring(CityStZip,
len(CityStZip)-charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip))+1,
charindex(' ',reverse(CityStZip)))
end as Zip
from MyTable

Remove leading zeros

Given data in a column which look like this:
00001 00
00026 00
I need to use SQL to remove anything after the space and all leading zeros from the values so that the final output will be:
How can I best do this?
Btw I'm using DB2
This was tested on DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows and z/OS.
You can use the LOCATE() function in DB2 to find the character position of the first space in a string, and then send that to SUBSTR() as the end location (minus one) to get only the first number of the string. Casting to INT will get rid of the leading zeros, but if you need it in string form, you can CAST again to CHAR.
SELECT CAST(SUBSTR(col, 1, LOCATE(' ', col) - 1) AS INT)
FROM tab
In DB2 (Express-C 9.7.5) you can use the SQL standard TRIM() function:
db2 => CREATE TABLE tbl (vc VARCHAR(64))
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => INSERT INTO tbl (vc) VALUES ('00001 00'), ('00026 00')
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => SELECT TRIM(TRIM('0' FROM vc)) AS trimmed FROM tbl
2 record(s) selected.
The inner TRIM() removes leading and trailing zero characters, while the outer trim removes spaces.
This worked for me on the AS400 DB2.
The "L" stands for Leading.
You can also use "T" for Trailing.
I am assuming the field type is currently VARCHAR, do you need to store things other than INTs?
If the field type was INT, they would be removed automatically.
Alternatively, to select the values:
SELECT (CAST(CAST Col1 AS int) AS varchar) AS Col1
I found this thread for some reason and find it odd that no one actually answered the question. It seems that the goal is to return a left adjusted field:
TRIM(L '0' FROM SUBSTR(trim(col) || ' ',1,LOCATE(' ',trim(col) || ' ') - 1))
FROM tab
One option is implicit casting: SELECT SUBSTR(column, 1, 5) + 0 AS column_as_number ...
That assumes that the structure is nnnnn nn, ie exactly 5 characters, a space and two more characters.
Explicit casting, ie SUBSTR(column,1,5)::INT is also a possibility, but exact syntax depends on the RDBMS in question.
Use the following to achieve this when the space location is variable, or even when it's fixed and you want to make a more robust query (in case it moves later):
SELECT CAST(SUBSTR(LTRIM('00123 45'), 1, CASE WHEN LOCATE(' ', LTRIM('00123 45')) <= 1 THEN LEN('00123 45') ELSE LOCATE(' ', LTRIM('00123 45')) - 1 END) AS BIGINT)
If you know the column will always contain a blank space after the start:
SELECT CAST(LOCATE(LTRIM('00123 45'), 1, LOCATE(' ', LTRIM('00123 45')) - 1) AS BIGINT)
both of these result in:
so your query would
FROM myTable1
This removes any content after the first space character (ignoring leading spaces), and then converts the remainder to a 64bit integer which will then remove all leading zeroes.
If you want to keep all the numbers and just remove the leading zeroes and any spaces you can use:
SELECT CAST(REPLACE('00123 45', ' ', '') AS BIGINT)
While my answer might seem quite verbose compared to simply SELECT CAST(SUBSTR(myCol1, 1, 5) AS BIGINT) FROM myTable1 but it allows for the space character to not always be there, situations where the myCol1 value is not of the form nnnnn nn if the string is nn nn then the convert to int will fail.
Remember to be careful if you use the TRIM function to remove the leading zeroes, and actually in all situations you will need to test your code with data like 00120 00 and see if it returns 12 instead of the correct value of 120.