Using Staticresouce in Visual State causes Blend Designer to break: "Invalid attribute value Unknow for property Background" - xaml

I'm trying to change the Background of a Grid by using a Visual State and a Staticresouce as the value in the Setter of the Visual State. It works just fine at Runtime but the designer shows the following error (which doesn't help me a lot):
Exception: Der Text zu diesem Fehlercode wurde nicht gefunden. (unknown error)
at Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting.XamlUIPresenter.Render()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.WindowsXamlDesigner.Views.WindowsUIXamlImageHost.RenderWorker()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.WindowsXamlDesigner.Views.WindowsUIXamlImageHost.RenderScheduler.OnRender(Object object)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.WindowsXamlDesigner.Views.WindowsUIXamlImageHost.RenderScheduler.b__26_0(Object o)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
Invalid attribute value Unknown for property Background.
InnerException: None
This is what I tried:
<Grid x:Name="grid">
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="TestGroup">
<VisualState x:Name="TestState">
<Setter Target="grid.(Panel.Background)" Value="{StaticResource BackgroundBrush}" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="BackgroundBrush" Color="Black"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Test.xaml"/>

The current Blend is really buggy so I am not surprised if you see errors like this.
One workaround is, reopen your page that contains this resource in Blend. You should see a dialog popping up (see below image). Then select your Test.xaml file from the Available dictionaries dropdown and hit OK.
By doing so blend will generate a DesignTimeResources.xaml file under your project Properties and it should eliminate the error on the designer.
However, I also noticed that your <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> isn't wrapped within a <ResourceDictionary>. Shouldn't it be something like this instread?
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Test.xaml" />
This is indeed a Blend bug which even happens with built-in resources. To replicate, try building the project and then go to the States tab and select a VisualState, right after you will see the Blend Designer crashed. Note that I have Run project code in XAML Designer (if supported) turned off.
Currently the only way to remove the crash is to reopen the xaml file.


UWP styles and themes in a nuget cannot find resource file

I have a UWP project and a class library for theme dictionary and some control default styles all merged into 1 file called "Themes.xaml" and I reference to that project and simply import it in "app.xaml" like so :
<ResourceDictionary Source="GI.UI/Themes.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/_FontSizes.xaml" />
and it works as expected but when I create a nuget with the same styles project and use that instead, then project throws an exception it is unable to locate Themes.xaml at this path.
Update 1
I also tried adding an empty code behind file with "InitializeComponent()" for the ResourceDictionary "Themes.xaml" and it works perfectly when I import in the way showed below, but again it only works when I reference the project and doesn't work with nuget.
<theme:Themes />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/_FontSizes.xaml" />
(Themes.xaml.cs) Resource Dictionary code behind.
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
namespace GI.UI
public sealed partial class Themes : ResourceDictionary
public Themes() => InitializeComponent();
xmlns:BelowWindows10version1809=", 7)"
xmlns:Windows10version1809=", 7)"
<!-- some styles and themes here -->
Update 2
Noticed this warning of an exception by xaml compiler .
So Now I have the code of that nuget project along with almost empty sample app, feel free to reference from project and then try referencing from nuget package as well.
project url :
nuget package :
I have also given the nusepc file in the project which I used to create the package.
When I create the nuget file I get following warning
I was able to solve the issue by following the folder structure as shown below :
and then editing nuspec file the following way :
You can try using like this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///GI.Standards.Theme/Theme.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/_FontSizes.xaml" />
Using the ms-appx to refer to a file that comes from your app's package.

Xamarin styles doesn't work - xamarin.forms

my Application is always with a white screen if I use style.
When I debugged I found out it doesn't leave the line
that is in the app xaml cs
it builds, but after gets white screen forever.
this is my app xaml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Application xmlns=""
<!-- Application resource dictionary -->
<Color x:key="BackButton">Black</Color>
<Style x:Key="button" TargetType ="but">
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource BackButton}"/>
The exception:
Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.XamlParseException: Position 11:14. Type but not found in xmlns occurred
Help please
There is no such type but...
Replace TargetType ="but" with TargetType="Button", and everything should work fine.
And BTW, looking at your code, it's a good habit to adopt strict naming rules, in this way you don't mix out lower/upper casing or key names. I say this because the key of your color is pascal-case, while the button's is in lower-case.
You should also use more specific keys, not just button, but I believe this was just for the example.

Error finding the resource dictionary [Fluent.Ribbon]

I have added fluent.dll as reference. After that add a folder on my project called "Themes" and pasted the all theme folder on "Themes" directory. On my application.xaml i have added the below code i.e
<Application x:Class="Application"
<!--Attach Default Fluent Control's Theme-->
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Fluent; Component/Themes/Office2013/Generic.xaml" />
But when run it show a error that
an error occurred while finding the resource dictionary
I am using Vs2013 .net ver4.5.
Your spacing is wrong
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Fluent; Component/Themes/Office2013/Generic.xaml" />
should be
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Fluent;Component/Themes/Office2013/Generic.xaml" />

ResourceDictionary in MergedDictionaries Source causing VS 2012 Designer not to load

the line ResourceDictionary Source="..." ist underlined and the VS designer throws an Exception. Everything was working in VS 2008
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MySolution.MyProject;component/Styles/MyStyles.xaml" />
Exception:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: item (Same for the InnerException)
at Microsoft.Expression.Platform.InstanceBuilders.ClrObjectInstanceBuilder.InstantiateChildren(IInstanceBuilderContext context, ViewNode viewNode, DocumentCompositeNode compositeNode, Boolean isNewInstance)
what is the "build Action" set for your MyStyles.xaml?
try setting this to "page" if it is not already set-up like this.
see this other answer for details: (it seems to me that this could be related in a way)
Style TargetType causes XamlParseException when not attached to debugger

Getting AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE while data binding in WP7 User control

I have created a user control in Silverlight which basically animates the size of a rectangle.
<StackPanel x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Gray"><StackPanel.Resources>
<Storyboard x:Name="myStoryboard" Completed="myStoryboard_Completed">
<DoubleAnimation x:Name="ExpandY" From="{Binding Path=From}" To="{Binding Path=To}" Duration="00:00:2"
<BackEase Amplitude="0.0" EasingMode="EaseInOut" />
<Rectangle x:Name="myRectangle" MouseLeftButtonDown="Mouse_Clicked"
Fill="{Binding Path=Barcolor}" Width="35" Height="50" RadiusX="2" RadiusY="2" MouseEnter="myRectangle_MouseEnter" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="0" MouseLeave="myRectangle_MouseLeave">
<ScaleTransform x:Name="myScaleTransform" CenterY="50"/>
I have bound an object which implements INotifyPropertyChanged to this as the data context.
Now, the whole thing works fine when I run it as a silverlight control in an ASP.NET host page. But when I port the same code to create a WP7 user control I get the AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE pointing to the location where From="{Binding Path=From}" is located in the Double animation "ExpandY".
Is there anything different how the data is bound in a silverlight control and a WP7 user control?
The problem here is that DoubleAnimation is not a FrameworkElement and in Silverlight for WP7 you can only set a binding on a FrameworkElement. In order to achieve this effect you'll need to manipulate the animation in code-behind, possibly by wrapping the behavior up into a separate UserControl.
Same as this question: Binding to 'To' In Storyboard
Based on your tags I'm assuming that you're using SL4 on the web version. WP7 is based on Silverlight 3 and doesn't support binding in exactly the same way.
I suspect your problem is due to the same as in Dynamically change gradientstop color