SQL server generate number from 1 to nth - sql

I have a table like;
**ID** **CASH** **INTERVAL**
1 60 5
2 10 3
3 20 4
I want to add 2 columns deriving from current ones like; Column MULT means I list numbers from 1 to INTERVAL by commas and for VAL value I substract CASH from 100 and divide it by INTERVAL and list those intervals by comma listed values inside column VAL
**ID** **CASH** **INTERVAL** **MULT** **VAL**
1 60 5 1,2,3,4,5 8,8,8,8,8
2 10 3 1,2,3 30,30,30
3 20 4 1,2,3,4 20,20,20,20
I know it looks like not an informative question but at least anyone know about to list them in single column with commas using STUFF or etc?

Given how you phrase the question and the sample data you provide, I would be tempted to use a very bespoke approach for this:
with params as (
select '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9' as numbers,
'x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x' as vals
select l.*,
left(numbers, interval * 2 - 1) as mult,
replace(left(vals, interval * 2 - 1), 'x', (100 - cash) / interval) as val
from params cross join
[like] l;
Of course, you might need to extend the strings in the CTE, if they are not long enough (and this might affect the arithmetic).
The advantage to this approach is speed. It should be pretty fast.
Note: you can also use replicate() rather than the vals.


WHILE Window Operation with Different Starting Point Values From Column - SQL Server [duplicate]

In SQL there are aggregation operators, like AVG, SUM, COUNT. Why doesn't it have an operator for multiplication? "MUL" or something.
I was wondering, does it exist for Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL ? If not is there a workaround that would give this behaviour?
By MUL do you mean progressive multiplication of values?
Even with 100 rows of some small size (say 10s), your MUL(column) is going to overflow any data type! With such a high probability of mis/ab-use, and very limited scope for use, it does not need to be a SQL Standard. As others have shown there are mathematical ways of working it out, just as there are many many ways to do tricky calculations in SQL just using standard (and common-use) methods.
Sample data:
COUNT : 4 items (1 for each non-null)
SUM : 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15
AVG : 3.75 (SUM/COUNT)
MUL : 1 x 2 x 4 x 8 ? ( =64 )
For completeness, the Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL core implementations *
Oracle : EXP(SUM(LN(column))) or POWER(N,SUM(LOG(column, N)))
MSSQL : EXP(SUM(LOG(column))) or POWER(N,SUM(LOG(column)/LOG(N)))
MySQL : EXP(SUM(LOG(column))) or POW(N,SUM(LOG(N,column)))
Care when using EXP/LOG in SQL Server, watch the return type http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187592.aspx
The POWER form allows for larger numbers (using bases larger than Euler's number), and in cases where the result grows too large to turn it back using POWER, you can return just the logarithmic value and calculate the actual number outside of the SQL query
* LOG(0) and LOG(-ve) are undefined. The below shows only how to handle this in SQL Server. Equivalents can be found for the other SQL flavours, using the same concept
create table MUL(data int)
insert MUL select 1 yourColumn union all
select 2 union all
select 4 union all
select 8 union all
select -2 union all
select 0
select CASE WHEN MIN(abs(data)) = 0 then 0 ELSE
EXP(SUM(Log(abs(nullif(data,0))))) -- the base mathematics
* round(0.5-count(nullif(sign(sign(data)+0.5),1))%2,0) -- pairs up negatives
from MUL
taking the abs() of data, if the min is 0, multiplying by whatever else is futile, the result is 0
When data is 0, NULLIF converts it to null. The abs(), log() both return null, causing it to be precluded from sum()
If data is not 0, abs allows us to multiple a negative number using the LOG method - we will keep track of the negativity elsewhere
Working out the final sign
sign(data) returns 1 for >0, 0 for 0 and -1 for <0.
We add another 0.5 and take the sign() again, so we have now classified 0 and 1 both as 1, and only -1 as -1.
again use NULLIF to remove from COUNT() the 1's, since we only need to count up the negatives.
% 2 against the count() of negative numbers returns either
--> 1 if there is an odd number of negative numbers
--> 0 if there is an even number of negative numbers
more mathematical tricks: we take 1 or 0 off 0.5, so that the above becomes
--> (0.5-1=-0.5=>round to -1) if there is an odd number of negative numbers
--> (0.5-0= 0.5=>round to 1) if there is an even number of negative numbers
we multiple this final 1/-1 against the SUM-PRODUCT value for the real result
No, but you can use Mathematics :)
if yourColumn is always bigger than zero:
select EXP(SUM(LOG(yourColumn))) As ColumnProduct from yourTable
I see an Oracle answer is still missing, so here it is:
SQL> with yourTable as
2 ( select 1 yourColumn from dual union all
3 select 2 from dual union all
4 select 4 from dual union all
5 select 8 from dual
6 )
7 select EXP(SUM(LN(yourColumn))) As ColumnProduct from yourTable
8 /
1 row selected.
With PostgreSQL, you can create your own aggregate functions, see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/sql-createaggregate.html
To create an aggregate function on MySQL, you'll need to build an .so (linux) or .dll (windows) file. An example is shown here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/mygroupconcat.aspx
I'm not sure about mssql and oracle, but i bet they have options to create custom aggregates as well.
You'll break any datatype fairly quickly as numbers mount up.
Using LOG/EXP is tricky because of numbers <= 0 that will fail when using LOG. I wrote a solution in this question that deals with this
Using CTE in MS SQL:
CREATE TABLE Foo(Id int, Val int)
INSERT INTO Foo VALUES(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)
;WITH cte AS
SELECT Id, Val AS Multiply, row_number() over (order by Id) as rn
SELECT ff.Id, cte.multiply*ff.Val as multiply, ff.rn FROM
(SELECT f.Id, f.Val, (row_number() over (order by f.Id)) as rn
FROM Foo f) ff
ON ff.rn -1= cte.rn
Not sure about Oracle or sql-server, but in MySQL you can just use * like you normally would.
mysql> select count(id), count(id)*10 from tablename;
| count(id) | count(id)*10 |
| 961 | 9610 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Calculated query with parameters in HANA/CrystalReports

I'm having trouble trying to explain my necessity, so I'll describe the scenario.
Product A has a maximum production of 125KG at a time.
The operator received a production order of 1027,5KG of product A.
The operator have to calculate how many rounds he'll have to
manufacture and adjust the components quantity for each round.
We want to create a report where this calculations are already done and what we believe would be the first step, based on the values of this scenario, is to return something like this:
1 125
2 125
3 125
4 125
5 125
6 125
7 125
8 125
9 27,5
After that, the recalculation of the components could be done with simple operations.
The problem is that we couldn't think of a way to get the desired return and we also couldn't think of a different way of achieving the said report.
All we could do is get the integer part of the division
and the remainder
We are using:
Crystal Reports
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance!
There are several ways to achieve want you described.
One way is to translate the requirement into a function that takes the two input parameter values and returns the table of production rounds.
This can look like this:
create or replace function production_rounds(
IN max_production_volume_per_round decimal (10, 2)
, IN production_order_volume decimal (10, 2)
returns table (
production_round integer
, production_volume decimal (10, 2))
declare rounds_to_produce integer;
declare remainder_production_volume decimal (10, 2);
rounds_to_produce := floor( :production_order_volume / :max_production_volume_per_round);
remainder_production_volume := mod(:production_order_volume, :max_production_volume_per_round);
select /* generate rows for all "max" rounds */
s.element_number as production_round
, :max_production_volume_per_round as production_volume
(1, 1, :rounds_to_produce + 1) s
select /* generate a row for the final row with the remainder */
:rounds_to_produce + 1 as production_round
, :remainder_production_volume as production_volume
:remainder_production_volume > 0.0;
You can use this function just like any table - but with parameters:
select * from production_rounds (125 , 1027.5) ;
1 125
2 125
3 125
4 125
5 125
6 125
7 125
8 125
9 27.5
The bit that probably needs explanation is SERIES_GENERATE_INTEGER. This is a HANA-specific built-in function that returns a number of records from a "series". Series here is a sequence of periods within a min and max limit and with a certain step-size between two adjacend periods.
More on how this works can be found in the HANA reference documentation, but for now just say, this is the fastest way to generate a result set with X rows.
This series-generator is used to create all "full" production rounds.
For the second part of the UNION ALL then creates just a single row by selecting from the built-in table DUMMY (DUAL in Oracle) which is guaranteed to only have a single record.
Finally, this second part needs to be "disabled" if there actually is no remainder, which is done by the WHERE clause.

Access SQL query select with a specific pattern

I want to select each 5 rows to be unique and the select pattern applies for the rest of the result (i.e if the result contains 10 records I am expecting to have 2 set of 5 unique rows)
What I have:
Result I want to achieve:
I have tried and searched a lot but couldn't find anything close to what I want to achieve.
Assuming that you can somehow order the rows within the sets of 5:
SELECT t.Row % 5, t.Row FROM #T t
ORDER BY t.Row , t.Row % 5
We could probably get closer to the truth with more details about what your data looks like and what it is you're trying to actually do.
This will work with the sample of data you provided
SELECT DISTINCT(thevalue) FROM theresults
SELECT DISTINCT(thevalue) FROM theresults
But it's unclear to me if it's really what you need.
For instance :
if your table/results returns 12 rows, do you still want 2x5 rows or do you want 2x6 rows ?
do you have always in your table/results the same rows in double ?
There's a lot more questions to rise and no hint about them in what you asked.

Print limited number of elements in collect_set array using printf function

I want to printf() just the first 3 patients in collect_set() of patient numbers.
A. I have created "patient_list" using collect_set
collect_set(distinct patient_seq) AS patient_list
which yields arrays of patients numbers of varying length (4, 5 or 6 digits)
B. I then stripped out the commas and quotes and separated by '*' (in order to grab just the first 3 patients, in the next step):
concat_ws('*', patient_list) AS pat_list
This produces:
C. I tried to use SUBSTRING_INDEX() to create a new variable (pat_list_short) containing just the first 3 patients, but this function is not supported in hive 1.1.0 (not supported until 1.3.0).
substring_index(pat_list, '*', 3) AS pat_list_short
What other option do I have?
I want to feed the pat_list_short into the PRINTF using %s in order to print out just the first three patient numbers for review team. Since the patient num varies in length I can't just limit the print to a certain length
Using the data you provided
key | pat_id
1 16189
1 26599
1 406622
1 419117
1 5551
2 223587
2 224663
2 232072
2 326504
2 433430
2 436673
2 54540
2 58188
2 74118
you can use this UDF here to truncate an array to a desired length. There are instructions on the main page how to build and use the jar.
add jar /path/to/jar/brickhouse-0.7.1.jar;
create temporary function trunc_array as 'brickhouse.udf.collect.TruncateArrayUDF';
select key
, concat(' ', trunc_array(collect_set( pat_id ), 3)) pat_list_short
from db.tbl
group by key
key | pat_list_short
1 5551 26599 16189
2 232072 58188 223587
I must admit I'm a bit unclear has to how printf() plays a part in this problem as the query returns a result and prints it. It is also with noting that in your query in A, the distinct in collect_set(distinct) is redundant, as collect_set's purpose is to collect distinct elements.

Display more than one row with the same result from a field

I need to show more than one result from each field in a table. I need to do this with only one SQL sentence, I donĀ“t want to use a Cursor.
This seems silly, but the number of rows may vary for each item. I need this to print afterwards this information as a Crystal Report detail.
Suppose I have this table:
idItem Cantidad <more fields>
-------- -----------
1000 3
2000 2
3000 5
4000 1
I need this result, using one only SQL Sentence:
where each idItem has Cantidad rows.
Any ideas?
It seems like something that should be handled in the UI (or the report). I don't know Crystal Reports well enough to make a suggestion there. If you really, truly need to do it in SQL, then you can use a Numbers table (or something similar):
Some_Table ST
N.number > 0 AND
N.number <= ST.cantidad
You can replace the Numbers table with a subquery or function or whatever other method you want to generate a result set of numbers that is at least large enough to cover your largest cantidad.
Check out UNPIVOT (MSDN)
Another example
If you use a "numbers" table that is useful for this and many similar purposes, you can use the following SQL:
select t.idItem
from myTable t
join numbers n on n.num between 1 and t.Cantidad
order by t.idTtem
The numbers table should just contain all integer numbers from 0 or 1 up to a number big enough so that Cantidad never exceeds it.
As others have said, you need a Numbers or Tally table which is just a sequential list of integers. However, if you knew that Cantidad was never going to be larger than five for example, you can do something like:
Select idItem
From Table
Join (
Select 1 As Value
Union All Select 2
Union All Select 3
Union All Select 4
Union All Select 5
) As Numbers
On Numbers.Value <= Table.Cantidad
If you are using SQL Server 2005, you can use a CTE to do:
With Numbers As
Select 1 As Value
Union All
Select N.Value + 1
From Numbers As N
Select idItem
From Table
Join Numbers As N
On N.Value <= Table.Cantidad
Option (MaxRecursion 0);