How to migrate from Catel project to Orchestra + MahApps? (.NET 4.0) - .net-4.0

I have a Catel project, using various Catel controls and classes, how do I migrate/update it to Orchestra (MahApps)?

There is no real "conversion" required. Orchestra is a library built on top of Catel. It makes it easier for you to create applications using Fluent.Ribbon or MahApps.Metro because it takes care of all the boiler plate code for you.
If you want to "migrate", you need the following steps:
Decide what shell to use (MahApps or Fluent.Ribbon)
Decide what the MainView will be (the real content of the window)
Decide what the ribbon will be (if you are using the Fluent.Ribbon shell)
Use the bootstrapper instead of showing MainWindow as startup uri
A good way to learn how it works is to use the examples that are included in Orchestra. Each shell has their own example app.
Now you are moving to a more professional shell, a few hints:
Start using Command Containers (works anywhere in your app and your users can remap the shortcuts)
Take a look at all the other components in the Orc.* space


How to automatically reload Clojure code?

How to automatically reload Clojure code?
I have watched the presentation. And in there they use some hot swap Clojure technology that reloads code whenever changes are made into source files. I can run the code, but I can not observe the effect of auto reload. How is it possible to reload the code?
the source code.
There are many ways to reload code, depending on the situation:
Emacs/CIDER shortcuts to reload a file. Probably Rich is doing something similar. Also see this: How to reload a clojure file in REPL
watch files and reload the code (figwheel for frontend development does that, test plugins as well as CIDER shortcuts specifically for running tests, boot has a watch task...)
a middleware for the web server you use (ring for example has ring.middleware.reload/wrap-reload for this, pedestal comes with one as well, other webservers like yada play well with component)
a component workflow works also, there is an example of an auto-reloadable system with holy-grail
(I didn't fully re-watch this video, but these notes are from my observations after skipping through the video and making educated guesses)
From what I re-watched of this video it looks like Rich is evaluating the code in a running repl. This allows him to change the code, evaluate it, and see different behavior.
Many editors have support for evaluating code in a buffer in a Clojure repl. Here is some documentation on using CIDER with Emacs to get to interactively play with your code.
Unrelated to the video in question, if you are using ring for web development. You can use the wrap-reload middleware to have your code automatically reloaded when a file has changed and a request hits your web app. This is extremely useful when developing a Clojure web application.
For automatically reloading and running your clojure.tests I recommend lein-test-refresh. It is a Leiningen plug-in that monitors your project for file changes and when something changes it reloads and runs your tests. If you have tests for your project this greatly speeds up development.
Use mount to manage the starting and stopping of your components. For example in a backend web app, you'll want to startup the db before you start the webserver probably.
Then in emacs you can have:
(defun cider-repl-refresh ()
(with-current-buffer (cider-current-repl-buffer)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (concat "(require ' "
If you are not super fond of Emacs (I love Emacs, but hey not everybody does) LightTable is a very nice option for Clojure/ClojureScript interactive programming too.
For developing ClojureScript (Clojure that compiles to Javascript) LightTable and Figwheel are a really nice pair.
In my opinion LightTable has some advantages against Emacs (I never got cider to work perfectly with ClojureScript) for the webdev side, LightTable is basically a specialized version of Chrome, because it is built on top of Electron.
Check this documentation on the Figwheel GitHub page: Running Figwheel with LightTable:
If you are using Cursive IDE in IntelliJ, there is a special REPL tool which you have to setup to get the functionality you are looking for. It has many features vs. "lein repl" in a terminal window.
Full tutorial here:
However, its very easy to setup a default instance:
Right click project.clj/deps.edn -> "Create Repl for...". Default settings are fine. Hit ok/apply.
Right click project.clj/deps.edn -> "Run Repl for..." (a repl window will open)
See Tools->Repl for a list of commands, such as:
switch to repl window: Ctrl+\
reload current file in repl: Alt + Shift + L
send function defn to repl: Alt + Shift + M
... and more
In addition you'll get full code completion, syntax highlighting, etc. when writing in a REPL.

Using Xamarin.Forms.Behaviors in XAML causes TargetInvocationException in iOS but not in Android

I'm doing a Xamarin.Forms app and I need to use Behaviors. I have added the Xamarin.Forms.Behaviors package to the project and added a behavior to the XAML of one page, so a command is executed when the selection of a ListView changes:
<b:EventToCommand Command="{Binding ItemSelectedCommand}" EventName="ItemSelected" />
This works nice on Android but the same project throws a TargetInvocationException when navigating to the same page under iOS. What could be causing this?
The iOS linker of Xamarin is more aggressive when stripping symbols/types that it thinks aren't used or referenced; and Xamarin.Forms XAML is usually the victim of this process.
There are two options to fix this:
- Change the stripping mode of the linker (right click on the Xamarin.iOS project -> Properties -> iOS Build tab -> Set Linker behavior to Link SDK assemblies only or Don't link). This will ensure the minimal amount of symbols (or none at all) are removed when creating the application package, the downside being that the app size will increment dramatically.
- Create a code file that manually references those types (for example creating instances that aren't used) so they aren't automatically stripped. Libraries like MvvmCross use this approach.
The latter method is the recommended although it has a bit more of work to do. The former one should be used when you are using third party libraries with lots of types that are getting stripped and it would take more work to reference all of them.

How to make a custom Class file part of Xcode? (I.E. importable from any new project without having to copy the class)

As the title says, I wanna be able to import a custom class of mine from any new project. So for example, if I have a class called LAView, I wanna be able to type #import "LAView.h" from any new project without actually having to copy LAView.h and LAView.m into the project itself. Is that possible? :)
Create a framework, copy the finished product into /Applications/ and /Library/Frameworks/
This way your framework will be visible and available in any Xcode project and you can access it like any other framework from the Xcode frameworks list.
NOTE: When you edit your framework you will have to copy the new version into both these locations again. You can automate this using BASH scripts run from the Terminal (if you do this be careful!).

How can I setup a project to operate like the 'Window-Based Application' project template from XCode 4.0, in 4.2+?

I'm using XCode 4.2, and I'm struggling with how to create a Single or MultiView application from an Empty Application project.
Previously, XCode had a Window-Based Application template, and it has been removed. After a bit of Googling, I found this highly indexed article that walks through the process of creating an Empty Application project, and manually setting up like the previous Window Based application template.
The problem that I am having is that the books that I own (that aren't to old) reference the Window-Based application, and even after following the instructions on the above linked tutorial, I can't get my projects to work. I'm missing something that bridges the gap between this web tutorial and the projects that are defined in the books.
Could some one either point me to a source or give a decent, high-level walkthrough on how to define a Single-View application, starting from an Empty Application project?
The "Empty project" already creates all window stuff for you. All you need to add is a UIViewController and link it in the app delegate.
To set the UIViewController you should use -[UIWindow setRootViewController:]. The UIViewController is the only part missing from the empty project that needs to be added for the application to work.

Test automation - Win32 app - White/UI automation - problem with recognizing objects

I’m looking for alternative for existing tests written in QTP for my Win32 application written in Borland C++.
My candidate is White which based on UI Automation because it’s native solution,
I can create my tests using .NET/C# and easily integrate it with nUnit and Hudson.
MS UI Automation
UI Verify
I use UI Verify as a spy to identify properties of objects I want to find in my tests.
More or less when I can see something in the spy, I can find it using UI Automation/White.
Generally I don't have much problems with recognizing objects
but when I try to search some content inside the tab contained in Tab Panel
or try to see MenuItems of Menu bar then the problem appears.
UI Automation/UI Verify works wired. When I run UI Verify (1.0 version) I see that objects can be registered properly only then
when I set 'Focus tracking' option and click on target objects or change the keyboard cursor on them. Otherwise it's impossible to find them.
UI Verifier can show me children of my 'tab' panel then. But I can’t find them using UI Automation/White. This is example code:
Tab tab = window.Get();
ITabPage tabPage = tab.SelectedTab;
AutomationElementCollection newCol = tabPage.AutomationElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, Condition.TrueCondition);
the collection is empty even though spy see the children.
Does any of you have some experience with White/UI Automation library that he/she would like to share with me?
I want to implement the tracking feature from the spy to my tests. Can you help me with that? I'm trying to study the code of UIA Verify spy. I think that there are two classes responsible for catching the objects: FocusChangeListener and FocusTracer - this is the code:
1. Windows SDK
2. .NET 3.5
3. White
4. UIA Verify code
Do you have any better alternative for White/UI Automation?
Could you, the R or YoYo, put your form compiled or in source codes (preferable without the internal logic) somewhere on a file share?
I've never seen a control that'd be not caught using UI Automation if UIAVerify sees it. I saw such windows, which could be only caught with the Focus Tracking feature of UIAVerify. This case, such a window is untouchable by UI Automation search.
Regarding a control, are you sure that the controls you struggling with have the Name property? Maybe, this is a value available only by means of ValuePattern, not the Name?