I'm probably missing something basic here, but I can't for the life of me get this working.
I have a database that is tracking when certain projects are completed, and I want to be able to show in a list the completed projects between a date range.
The date range to check between is set by the user on a form.
I have built a query in Access:
SELECT Logs.Completed
WHERE Logs.Completed BETWEEN Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text53 AND Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text55
ORDER BY Logs.Completed;
I have got the dates formatted in the text box so they are in #MM/DD/YYYY# format (I have manually put these dates direct in the query and this works) but when I run the query I get the following error:
This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.
I have tried modifying the query to take the # out of the text fields in the form, and including ' around the Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text53 but I've still not got any joy from it.
has anyone had this issue before, or can anyone point me in the right direction.
Do you want MS Access query or SQL query?
If you want MS Access query then you can try with following
SELECT Logs.Completed
WHERE Logs.Completed >= Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text53 AND Logs.Completed <= Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text55
ORDER BY Logs.Completed;
between query will take time normally we use >= and <= to check date range
>= Forms!UIBrowseCompleted!Text53 AND Logs.Completed <= Forms!UIBrowseCompleted
Alright so I understand the point of the HAVING clause. I am having an issue and I am wondering if I can solve this the way I want to.
I want to execute one query using ADODB.Recordset and then use the Filter function to sift through the data set.
The problem is the query at the moment which looks like this:
SELECT tblMT.Folder, tblMT.MTDATE, tblMT.Cust, Sum(tblMT.Hours)
GROUP BY tblMT.Folder, tblMT.MTDATE, tblMT.Cust
HAVING tblMT.Cust LIKE "TEST*" AND Min(tblMT.MTDATE)>=Date()-30 AND MAX(tblMT.MTDATE)<=Date()
So the above works as expected.... however I want to be able to use the tblMT.Cust as the filter without having to keep re querying the database. If I remove it I get a:
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
Is what I am trying to do possible? If someone can point me in the right direction here would be great.
Ok... the type mismatch is caused because either tblmt.mtdate isn't a date field or tblmt.hours isn't a number field AND you have data that either isn't a date or isn't a number when the customer isn't like 'TEST*'. Or, for some customers, you have a NULL in mt.date and null can't be compared with >=. you'd still get the error if you said where tblMt.cust not like "TEST*" too.
Problem is likely with the data or your expectation and you need to handle it.
What data types are tblMT.hours and tblMt.MtDate?
I am running queries on an alarm system signal automation platform database in SQL Server 2012 Management Studio, and I am running into some hiccups.
My queries run just fine, but I am unable to refine my results to the level that I would like.
I am selecting some columns that are formatted as DATETIME, and I simply want to take the value in the column and subtract 4 hours from it (i.e., from GMT to EST) and then output that value into the query results.
All of the documentation I can find regarding DATESUB() or similar commands are showing examples with a specific DATETIME in the syntax, and I don't have anything specific, just 138,000 rows with columns I want to adjust time zones for.
Am I missing something big or will I just need to continue to adjust manually after I being manipulating my query result? Also, in case it makes a difference, I have a read-only access level, and am not interested in altering table data in any way.
Well, for starters, you need to know that you aren't restricted to use functions only on static values, you can use them on columns.
It seems that what you want is simply:
SELECT DATEADD(HOUR,-4,YourColumnWithDateTimes)
FROM dbo.YourTable
Maybe it will be helpful
I'm trying to filter out and report records in a database that fall between a specified date range. I'm there are other threads here on how to do something similar, but my dates are stored as date timestamps (which is why I think the issue is arising)
My current query is as follows:
"SELECT * FROM JOURNAL WHERE Date_Time>'10/10/2013 00:00:00'"
(Note that journal is the name of the table I'm pulling the data from and date_time is the field in which the date is stored. I'm aware the query doesn't quite do what I want it to yet, but I was just testing out a simpler case at first.)
When I run this query (as part of an excel macro), excel reports that it can't find any records even though I know their are records past this date. Does anyone know how to do this properly?
Edit: I've got it, it was an issue unrelated to the query (something else in the macro) Thanks so much for the help (changing the date format worked)
have you tried other date format? like this:
"SELECT * FROM JOURNAL WHERE Date_Time>'2013-10-10:00:00:00'"
A simple between statement is what you need:
SELECT * FROM JOURNAL WHERE Date_Time between '10/10/2013 00:00:00' and '[otherdate]'
You need to run this to check for one important thing: If the server is running the BETWEEN as inclusive or not. If it's inclusive, both dates are included. If not, the range will begin either before or after one or both.
I've seen SQL servers that are the same in every respect actually treat this condition differently. So it's a good idea to check that.
I have this. "Detail all films shown by the club between any two given dates, inputted by the user. For example a club member must be able to input a start date and an end date for the parameters for the query"
Now, how would I go about doing the user input? Only way I can think of would to be using php or something with a html form getting the values and then submitting them as variables in the query. However, that's not what is needed. So, how is this done so the query would ask for values? Or can't you?
My query so far looks like so.
SELECT film.title, film.desc, show.sdate, show.fdate
FROM film
ON film.ID=show.filmID
WHERE sdate = '&userstart' AND fdate = '&userend'
How do I go about with the user input? Also, is the query correct? I have no way of testing, I only have a design not an implementation.
Thanks a lot
Edit: Using Windows system, MS SQL Server.
Here's the code for a stored procedure:
SELECT somestuff
FROM sometable
WHERE somedate BETWEEN #UserStart AND #UserEnd
#Kyle93 -
Looking at your WHERE Clause:
WHERE sdate = '&userstart' AND fdate = '&userend'
This will only get you Films that had a sdate(Start Date?) equal to the date value entered.
You might want to use Greater than, Less Than operators....
Such as:
WHERE sdate <= '&userend' AND fdate >= '&userstart'
(Note comparing sdate to UserEnd Date to make sure Film Showing started EARLIER than the UserEnd Date...etc)
This way - when a show starts OR ends within the date range - it will be selected.
Are you familiar at all with LINQ? It's a way to make db calls from c#.
-- I would handle this with HTML as you thought, and use Javascript/Ajax to reference c# code that uses LINQ for db calls. Might be a bit complicated however, if you're not familiar with much of that. I can recommend good tutorials if interested tho.
I have an Access 2007 report that prompts for a range of dates. It is using the SQL Query:
SELECT Calls.CallID, Contacts.County, Calls.ContactID, Calls.Date, Calls.Subject, Calls.Notes, Calls.Time FROM Contacts INNER JOIN Calls ON Contacts.[ContactID] = Calls.[ContactID] WHERE (((Calls.Date) Between [From date: ] And [To date: ]));
This works for most dates but I am getting an error when using the dates 07/01/2009 and 06/14/2010.
This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables. (Error 3071)
I have confirmed that none of the Calls.Date values are null. Is there some better way to prompt the user for the date range?
The best way to get parameters from a user is with a form. You can refer to the form in the query, for example:
Between Forms!frmDates!FromDate And Forms!frmDates!ToDate
It will make life easier for you, because you can evaluate the input before running the query. It will also make life a lot easier for the user, in that you can take advantage of the calendar that attaches to date data types in Access 2007 & 2010.