How to use Pivot on two columns in sql - sql

I have data like below in my table. Flag is bit and label is varchar.
parentid code label flag
1 abc hello false
1 xyz bye false
1 qrt hi true
I need to fetch the records as
parentid label_abc flag_abc label_xyz flag_xyz label_qrt flag_qrt
I can only fetch only label right now using Pivot, but when i give second aggregate function for flag it gives error (Incorrect syntax near ','.). Is there any way to fetch two columns using Pivot.
I did something like this:
SELECT distinct
, [abc] as label_abc
, [xyz] as label_xyz
, [qrt] as label_qrt
FROM items
) a
Pivot (
Max(label), max (flag)
FOR code in ([abc], [xyz], [qrt]
) as Pvt

I find it a bit tricky to do this using the pivot operator, and a lot easier to use conditional aggregation instead:
max(case when code = 'abc' then label end) as label_abc,
max(case when code = 'abc' then flag end) as flag_abc,
max(case when code = 'xyz' then label end) as label_xyz,
max(case when code = 'xyz' then flag end) as flag_xyz,
max(case when code = 'qrt' then label end) as label_qrt,
max(case when code = 'qrt' then flag end) as flag_qrt
from (
select parentid, code, label, cast(flag as int) flag
from items
) src
group by parentid;
Sample SQL Fiddle

yes, but they need to be pivoted separately. it takes a little bit of fancy footwork, but it should look more like:
select distinct parentid
, [abc1] as label_abc
, [xyz1] as label_xyz
, [qrt1] as label_qrt
, [abc2] as flag_abc
, [xyz2] as flag_xyz
, [qrt2] as flag_qrt
from (
select parentid
, label
, label + '1' as code1
, label + '2' as code2
from items
) as a
pivot (
max(label) for code1 in ([abc1], [xyz1], [qrt1])
) as pvt1
pivot (
max(flag) for code2 in ([abc2], [xyz2], [qrt2])
) as pvt2


How to split values for the same id into columns

How to split values for the same id into columns?
Example Table
I want to achieve this:
I try:
SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 1 THEN Price END) AS Type_1
SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 2 THEN Price END) AS Type_2
SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 3 THEN Price END) AS Type_3
--SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 1 THEN CarsID END) AS CarsID_Type1
--SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 2 THEN CarsID END) AS CarsID_Type2
--SUM (CASE WHEN Type = 3 THEN CarsID END) AS CarsID_Type3
3 additional columns (Type_1, Type_2, Type_3) are correctly created and everything is in one line. Unfortunately, the last commented out part causes an error:
Operand data type uniqueidentifier is invalid for sum operator.
What to replace with SUM to make the query run correctly.
I will be grateful for your help.
This query is more complex then I thought, but it will do what you want for any kind of id. But there is a problem, it was construct to work with the max of 3 different "types". If your column "Type" have more then 3 different values for the same "id" you will need to adapt the code below.
/*Shifting the value to another column*/
with first_lag as (
, type_
, case when count(type_)over(partition by id) > 1 then lag(type_)over(order by type_ desc)
end as lag_type_1
, CarsID
, case when count(CarsID)over(partition by id) > 1 then lag(CarsID)over(order by CarsID desc )
end as lag_cars_1
, price::int
from stack_overflow so
/*Shifting again the value to another column*/
, second_lag as(
, type_
, lag_type_1
, lag(lag_type_1)over(order by lag_type_1 desc) lag_type_2
, CarsID
, lag_cars_1
, lag(lag_cars_1)over(order by lag_cars_1 desc) lag_cars_2
, sum(price) over(partition by id) as price_by_id
from first_lag
/*Counting how many "types" the same id have (preparing to filter)*/
, counting_rows as (
, count(type_)over(partition by type_) +count(lag_type_1) over(partition by type_) +count(lag_type_2) over(partition by type_) as counting
from second_lag
/*Knowing which row have the max number of "types" (preparing to filter)*/
, selecting_max as (
,max(counting)over(partition by id) as max_flag
from counting_rows
/*Selecting the columns and filtering just the row with the max number of "types"*/
select id,type_,lag_type_1,lag_type_2,carsid,lag_cars_1,lag_cars_2,price_by_id
from selecting_max
where counting = max_flag
--group by id
Note it will work for different ids. (But only if it has 3 or less different"types")

flatten data in SQL based on fixed set of column

I am stuck with a specific scenario of flattening the data and need help for it. I need the output as flattened data where the column values are not fixed. Due to this I want to restrict the output to fixed set of columns.
Given Table 'test_table'
The scenario is, column Name can have any no. of values corresponding to an ID. I need to flatten the data based in such a way that there is one row per ID field. Since the Name field varies with each ID, I want to flatten it for fix 3 columns like Co1, Co2, Co3. The output should look like
Could not think of a solution using Pivot or aggregation. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use arrays:
select id,
array_agg(name order by name)[safe_ordinal(1)] as name_1,
array_agg(property order by name)[safe_ordinal(1)] as property_1,
array_agg(name order by name)[safe_ordinal(2)] as name_2,
array_agg(property order by name)[safe_ordinal(2)] as property_2,
array_agg(name order by name)[safe_ordinal(3)] as name_3,
array_agg(property order by name)[safe_ordinal(3)] as property_3
from t
group by id;
All current answers are too verbose and involve heavy repetition of same fragments of code again and again and if you need to account more columns you need to copy paste and add more lines which will make it even more verbose!
My preference is to avoid such type of coding and rather use something more generic as in below example
select * from (
select *, row_number() over(partition by id) col
from `project.dataset.table`)
pivot (max(name) as name, max(property) as property for col in (1, 2, 3))
If applied to sample data in your question - output is
If you want to change number of output columns - you just simply modify for col in (1, 2, 3) part of query.
For example if you would wanted to have 5 columns - you would use for col in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - that simple!!!
The standard practice is to use conditional aggregation. That is, to use CASE expressions to pick which row goes to which column, then MAX() to collapse multiple rows into individual rows...
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C1' THEN name END) AS co1,
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C1' THEN property END) AS co1_property,
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C2' THEN name END) AS co2,
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C2' THEN property END) AS co2_property,
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C3' THEN name END) AS co3,
MAX(CASE WHEN name = 'C3' THEN property END) AS co3_property
Background info:
Not having an ELSE in the CASE expression implicitly means ELSE NULL
The intention is therefore for each column to recieve NULL from every input row, except for the row being pivoted into that column
Aggregates, such as MAX() essentially skip NULL values
MAX( {NULL,NULL,'xxx',NULL,NULL} ) therefore equals 'xxx'
A similar approach "bunches" the values to the left (so that NULL values always only appears to the right...)
That approach first uses row_number() to give each row a value corresponding to which column you want to put that row in to..
sorted AS
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 1 THEN name END) AS co1,
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 1 THEN property END) AS co1_property,
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 2 THEN name END) AS co2,
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 2 THEN property END) AS co2_property,
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 3 THEN name END) AS co3,
MAX(CASE WHEN seq_num = 3 THEN property END) AS co3_property

Pivoting rows to columns

Below is my raw data:
raw data
I want the data to be pivoted as below : pivoted data
select cvid, cid,67554,67555,67556,67557
from #temp2 pivot
for qid in ([67554],[67555],[67556],[67557])
)as P
This is the code I tried. Need help!
Here is a possibility, using fairly generic syntax:
select CVID, CID, sum(case when QID = 67554 then LCD else 0 end) as [67554],
sum(case when QID = 67555 then LCD else 0 end) as [67555],
sum(case when QID = 67556 then LCD else 0 end) as [67556],
sum(case when QID = 67557 then LCD else 0 end) as [67557]
from test1
group by CVID, CID;
I tested this in SSMS for SQL Server 2012.
Two things: Make sure you have a source table to pivot. The source table will include the columns you wish to aggregate. In this case, I have given it the alias 'src'. Second, when you are using numbers as column names, make sure to use brackets. Alternatively, begin the column name with a letter. Example, [67554] as Col_67554. I provided that example in the code.
select cvid, cid,[67554] as Col_67554,[67555],[67556],[67557]
(select cvid, cid, lcd, qid from #temp2) as src
max(lcd) for qid in ([67554],[67555],[67556],[67557])
) p
If you are using Oracle SQL, try
select * from (
select cvid, cid, qid, lcd
from #temp2
) a
for qid in (67554,67555,67556,67557)
) b
order by cvid;

pivot table returns more than 1 row for the same ID

I have a sql code which I am using to do pivot. Code is as follows:
,MAX(pivotColumn2) --originally these were in 2 separate rows)
FROM(SELECT srcID, PersonID, detailCode, detailValue) FROM src) AS SrcTbl
PIVOT(MAX(detailValue) FOR detailCode IN ([pivotColumn1],[pivotColumn2])) pvt
In the source data the ID has 2 separate rows due to having its own ID which separates the values. I have now pivoted it and its still giving me 2 separate rows for the ID even though i grouped it and used aggregation on the pivot columns. Ay idea whats wrong with the code?
So I have all my possible detailCode listed in the IN clause. So I have null returned when the value is none but I want it all summarised in 1 row. See image below.
If those are all the options of detailCode , you can use conditional aggregation with CASE EXPRESSION instead of Pivot:
SELECT t.personID,
MAX(CASE WHEN t.detailCode = 'cas' then t.detailValue END) as cas,
MAX(CASE WHEN t.detailCode = 'buy' then t.detailValue END) as buy,
MAX(CASE WHEN t.detailCode = 'sel' then t.detailValue END) as sel,
MAX(CASE WHEN t.detailCode = 'pla' then t.detailValue END) as pla
FROM YourTable t
GROUP BY t.personID

Looping in select query

I want to do something like this:
select id,
count(*) as total,
FOR temp IN SELECT DISTINCT somerow FROM mytable ORDER BY somerow LOOP
sum(case when somerow = temp then 1 else 0 end) temp,
from mytable
group by id
order by id
I created working select:
select id,
count(*) as total,
sum(case when somerow = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_a,
sum(case when somerow = 'b' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_b,
sum(case when somerow = 'c' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_c,
sum(case when somerow = 'd' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_d,
sum(case when somerow = 'e' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_e,
sum(case when somerow = 'f' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_f,
sum(case when somerow = 'g' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_g,
sum(case when somerow = 'h' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_h,
sum(case when somerow = 'i' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_i,
sum(case when somerow = 'j' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_j,
sum(case when somerow = 'k' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_k
from mytable
group by id
order by id
this works, but it is 'static' - if some new value will be added to 'somerow' I will have to change sql manually to get all the values from somerow column, and that is why I'm wondering if it is possible to do something with for loop.
So what I want to get is this:
id somerow_a somerow_b ....
0 3 2 ....
1 2 10 ....
2 19 3 ....
. ... ...
. ... ...
. ... ...
So what I'd like to do is to count all the rows which has some specific letter in it and group it by id (this id isn't primary key, but it is repeating - for id there are about 80 different values possible).!15/18feb/2
Are arrays good for you? (SQL Fiddle)
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
id | total | somecol | totalcol
1 | 6 | {b,a,c} | {2,1,3}
2 | 5 | {d,f} | {2,3}
In 9.2 it is possible to have a set of JSON objects (Fiddle)
select row_to_json(s)
from (
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
In 9.3, with the addition of lateral, a single object (Fiddle)
select to_json(format('{%s}', (string_agg(j, ','))))
from (
select format('%s:%s', to_json(id), to_json(c)) as j
sum(totalcol) as total_sum,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol_array,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol_array
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
cross join lateral
total_sum as total,
somecol_array as somecol,
totalcol_array as totalcol
) c
) s
In 9.2 it is also possible to have a single object in a more convoluted way using subqueries in instead of lateral
SQL is very rigid about the return type. It demands to know what to return beforehand.
For a completely dynamic number of resulting values, you can only use arrays like #Clodoaldo posted. Effectively a static return type, you do not get individual columns for each value.
If you know the number of columns at call time ("semi-dynamic"), you can create a function taking (and returning) polymorphic parameters. Closely related answer with lots of details:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
(You also find a related answer with arrays from #Clodoaldo there.)
Your remaining option is to use two round-trips to the server. The first to determine the the actual query with the actual return type. The second to execute the query based on the first call.
Else, you have to go with a static query. While doing that, I see two nicer options for what you have right now:
1. Simpler expression
select id
, count(*) AS total
, count(somecol = 'a' OR NULL) AS somerow_a
, count(somecol = 'b' OR NULL) AS somerow_b
, ...
from mytable
group by id
order by id;
How does it work?
Compute percents from SUM() in the same SELECT sql query
SQL Fiddle.
2. crosstab()
crosstab() is more complex at first, but written in C, optimized for the task and shorter for long lists. You need the additional module tablefunc installed. Read the basics here if you are not familiar:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id)::int AS total
, somecol
, count(*)::int AS ct -- casting to int, don't think you need bigint?
FROM mytable
$$SELECT unnest('{a,b,c,d}'::text[])$$
) AS f (id int, total int, a int, b int, c int, d int);