Checking for a null (or no result) from dataset - sql

I'm working with the following bit of code in VisualBasic.NET. It's essentially supposed to be pulling a row ID from the table with specific conditions in mind. However, I would like to set up a failsafe of getting around those conditions if need be.
I'm trying to write an If statement to compare the Item(0) against but this bit of code seems to trigger no matter what. How can I compare to see if the Query being written as QuestionConnectionQuery is actually returning rows?
For i As Integer = 1 To intNoOfQuestions
'TODO: If there are no valid questions, pull up any of them that meets the difficulty requirement....
' Go into the Database and retrieve a question that hasn't been selected in the last seven days.
Dim QuestionConnectionQuery As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Questions.QuestionID, Questions.QuestionCategory & ' : ' & Questions.QuestionSubCategory AS Category FROM Questions WHERE (((Questions.QuestionDifficulty)=[?])) OR (((Questions.LastDateRevealed) Is Null)) OR ((Questions.LastDateRevealed)>=DateAdd('d',-7,Now())) ORDER BY Rnd(QuestionID);", QuestionConnection)
QuestionConnectionQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", intQuestionDifficulty(i - 1).ToString)
Dim QuestionDataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(QuestionConnectionQuery)
Dim QuestionDataSet As New DataSet
QuestionDataAdapter.Fill(QuestionDataSet, "Questions")
' If the result is not null... add it to the array.
If IsNothing(QuestionDataSet.Tables("Questions").Rows(0).Item(0)) Then
' Add that to the intQuestArray() array
intQuestArray(i - 1) = QuestionDataSet.Tables("Questions").Rows(0).Item(0)
MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Not enough questions.")
QuestionDataAdapter.Fill(QuestionDataSet, "Questions")
End If
' Update the database by adding today's date to the "LastDateRevealed" column of the table.
Dim QuestionUpdateQuery As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("UPDATE Questions SET LastDateRevealed=NOW() WHERE QuestionID = [?]", QuestionConnection)
QuestionUpdateQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", QuestionDataSet.Tables("Questions").Rows(0).Item(0).ToString)

If IsDBNull(QuestionDataSet.Tables("Questions").Rows(0).Item(0)) Then


Why is the value extracted from database not showing what is intended?

I have the following SQL Statement:
SELECT StockChild.ProductId, Sum(StockChild.Qty) AS SumOfQty,
PRODUCTDETAILS.Title, Sum(SALESORDERchild.Stockout) AS SumOfStockout
ON PRODUCTDETAILS.productID = StockChild.ProductID
WHERE (((StockChild.ProductID)=[Forms]![StockChild]![ProductId])
AND ((SALESORDERchild.ProductID)=[Forms]![StockChild]![ProductId]))
GROUP BY StockChild.ProductId, PRODUCTDETAILS.Title;
I'm trying to get the summation of values from 2 different tables using the above SQL Statement in access:
1) Sum of StockChild quantity based on productID
2) Sum of Salesorderchild Stockout based on productID
If i query it separately, i managed to get the values that i needed but i'm unable to put it into a single form.
but when i query it together as above, the values jump all over the place and i can't seem to understand why.
And if i add another record in the salesorderchild, of the already existing isbn, all the values will jump as well.
is there something that i am doing wrongly? or how should i go about to tackle this matter.
I added some explanations in the image attached.
I was trying another method whereby i just did a normal query for the initial stock to be displayed(which worked fine getting the numbers i need)
and over in the Total stockout i was trying out a
=DSum("[stockout]","[SALESORDERchild]","[ProductId]=" & [Forms]!
but it was returning me a #Name? did i use this correctly?, should i do a vba code instead or is there a way to do it this way?
i tried the following vba code function as an alternative to select out the value but it was telling me the user-defined type not defined. am i missing out something? - (fixed this part by defining the reference of active x data object)
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim intI As Integer
Dim fld As Field
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim pid As String
pid = ProductID.Value
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT Sum(SALESORDERchild.Stockout) AS SumOfStockout FROM
SALESORDERchild WHERE SALESORDERchild.ProductID ='" & pid & "';",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
tb_stockout.Value = rst.Fields("SumOfStockout")
End Sub
Done Thanks everyone :)

Best way to extract rows from DataTable (based on date field) and copy to another DataTable

I have a DataTable containing about 30 rows and I need to extract all rows having a date field bigger than a date stored into a variable.
(This code will be executed a lot of times)
I found three ways to do this but I would like to know how to choose because I don't know the differences between various codes.
Here is what I was able to write (and my worries):
1st way (DataTable.Select)
Dim SelectedRows() As DataRow = DT_DBData.Select("In_Date=#" & _
LastDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "#")
Using New_Dt As DataTable = SelectedRows.CopyToDataTable
'Some code
End Using
I'm worried about the string format: I'm afraid that some rows may be not extracted because of a date formatting error.
2nd way (query Linq)
Using New_Dt As DataTable = (From DBData In DT_DBData.AsEnumerable() _
Where DBData.Field(Of Date)("In_Date") >= LastDate).CopyToDataTable
'Some code
End Using
I never used Linq and so I don't know what kind of issues can it give me.
3rd way (For Each Loop + If Then)
Using New_Dt As DataTable = DT_DBData.Clone
For Each dr As DataRow In DT_DBData.Rows
If dr("In_Date") >= LastDate Then
End If
'Some code
End Using
I'm not really worried about this code. I only think that the others could be better or faster (but I can't answer to this)
Faster is kind of irrelevant when dealing with 30 rows.
The first one is kind of wasteful. You start with a DataTable, Select to get a subset, then convert the result into a new DataTable. Time to extract matching Rows: 8 ms.
You can work with the SelectedRows array without putting it into a new DataTable. If it goes back to the DB after "some code", I would not extract it from the DT.
By the way, there is no reason to worry about matching date formats as long as the DB column is a date type (and therefore, the DataTable column will be also). Dates do not have a format; formats are just how computers (and by extension, us) display them to users.
Dim drs = dt.Select(String.Format("StartDate > '{0}'", dtTgt.Date), "")
The date type I pass will compare/filter just fine with the DateTime data for that column. Formats only come into play when you convert them to string, which is mostly only needed for those pesky users.
One option you missed might be especially useful if this will be done over and over: A DataView:
' create dataview
Dim dv As New DataView(dt)
dv.RowFilter = String.Format("StartDate > '{0}'", dtTgt.Date)
dv.Sort = "StartDate asc"
' show/iterate/whatever
dgv.DataSource = dv
If the data goes back to the DB, using this method, the rows will retain all the rowstate values.

Can't generate a StockID above 10

This is the code that tries to grab the largest StockID from the database (Access database) , but my problem is that it generates StockID's up to "S10", after this it simply doesn't increment any further. This is the subroutine that generates the StockID:
Sub generate_Stock_ID()
Dim Stock_start As String = "S"
Dim Stock_Gen As String = "SELECT MAX(StockID) FROM tblStock WHERE StockID LIKE '" & Stock_start & "%%%' "
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(Stock_Gen, conn)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, "StockID")
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("StockID")
Dim count As Integer = ds.Tables("StockID").Rows.Count
If ds.Tables("StockID").rows.count = 0 Then
StockID = "S1"
StockID = ds.Tables("StockID").Rows(0).Item(0)
StockID = StockID.Substring(1, (StockID.Length - 1))
StockID = Stock_start & (StockID + 1)
End If
End Sub
Screenshot of my database
Note* there are multiple ID's for various other subroutines which all share the same incrementation issue, so if i fix this i fix the other ones too. So at the moment i think my problem lies in the syntax of my SQL statement, but im open to suggestions.
Don't treat an Integer as String. Otherwese MAX or ORDER BY will use lexicographical instead of numerical order which means that S11 is "lower" than S2.
So you should make this column an int-column and prepend S only where you display it. Then MAX(StockID) returns an Integer, you just have to cast it and add 1:
Using conn As New OleDbConnection("Connection-String")
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(Stock_Gen, conn)
Dim stockIDObj As Object = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
If stockIDObj IsNot Nothing Then
Dim maxStockId As Int32 = DirectCast(stockIDObj, Int32)
maxStockId += 1
' ...... '
End If
End Using
End Using
You should also change OPTION STRICT to ON. Then this would never compile since the same variable cannot be used for an Object, String and Integer which is very good since it prevents errors.
If you want to keep it as string you have to cast the substring always in the database which is less readable and less efficient. I also don't know how to do it in access.
If you want to change the type of column in an already populated table you should first add a new column with a similar name which is of type int. If all have S at the beginning you could first remove that, then you can update the new column with the casted int value. Finally you can delete the old column and rename the new to the old.
The root of this issue that StockID is a STRING and 'S1'>'S10' so for all StockId > 10 you get max = 'S1'.
As a fast fix try to change MAX(StockID) to:
SELECT 'S'+CAST(MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(StockID,2,100) as int)) as varchar(100))
For ACCESS DB try to use:
SELECT "S" & cstr(MAX(CINT(MID(StockID,2,100))))

DataTable.Select.Where VB.Net - Delete rows

I'm currently pulling information using a query that I'm not allowed to tamper with:
Dim dt As DataTable = BLL.GetData(variable).Tables(0)
Immediately afterwards, I'm removing any records where a field begins with a specific value:
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
If dr.Item(2).ToString().StartsWith("value") Then
End If
What I'd really like to do is something like:
dt.Select.Where(field1 => field1.StartsWith("value")).Delete()
I know that is not the syntax of it and I'm probably very off from what it would be like. The For Each works fine, I'm just trying to "simplify" it. Any idea? Any and all help is appreciated.
Actually, your initial code is probably the cleanest and most straight forward.
To delete items using LINQ, you first need to read them into a separate collection, then loop through that collection and call Delete on each record. If you'd rather go that route, you could try:
Dim records = dt.Rows.Where(Function(r) r.StartsWith("value")).ToList()
For Each r In records
The answer I think you are looking for is below from Microsoft.
Dim table As DataTable = DataSet1.Tables("Orders")
' Presuming the DataTable has a column named Date.
Dim expression As String
expression = "Date > #1/1/00#"
Dim foundRows() As DataRow
' Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.
foundRows = table.Select(expression)
Dim i As Integer
' Print column 0 of each returned row.
For i = 0 to foundRows.GetUpperBound(0)
Next i

SQLDataAdapter filling datatable with primary key produces error and exits sub

Ok so this is going to take some explaining.
The process I am trying to do is grab data from a table function in SQL and then fill a dataset with the returned values.
I then have to run this query twice more to query an alternative number table. Then add to the same table as the previous queries.
This needs to be as fast as possible, so I am currently using an adapter.fill to populate the datasets and then a dataset.merge to put them all into one table.
The problem is the query can return duplicates which waste time and space, because of this I made column 3(part_ID) the primary key to stop duplicates.
When this is run with the .merge it quits at the first instance of a duplication and doesn't continue with the population.
The code below is what I used to fix this, I was just wondering if there is a better more elegant solution.
com = New SqlCommand(sqlPN, myConnect)
adapter.SelectCommand = com
adapter.Fill(temp, "Table(0)")
Dim data As New DataSet
data = temp
temp.Tables(0).Columns(3).Unique = True
firstSet = temp.Tables(0).Rows.Count
If temp.Tables(0).Rows.Count < maxRecords Then
Dim sqlAlt As String = "select Top " & (maxRecords + 10 - temp.Tables(0).Rows.Count) & " * from getAltEnquiry('" & tbSearchFor.Text & "') ORDER BY spn_partnumber"
adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlAlt
adapter.FillLoadOption = LoadOption.OverwriteChanges
adapter.Fill(temp, "Table(1)")
For i = 0 To temp.Tables(1).Rows.Count - 1
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End If
If temp.Tables(0).Rows.Count < maxRecords Then
Dim sqlSuPN As String = "select Top " & (maxRecords + 5 - temp.Tables(0).Rows.Count) & " * from getSuPNEnquiry('" & tbSearchFor.Text & "') ORDER BY spn_partnumber"
adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlSuPN
adapter.Fill(temp, "Table(2)")
For i = 0 To temp.Tables(2).Rows.Count - 1
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End If</code>
Thanks for any help or advice ^__^
Since you are looping through the records from the additional queries and using the ImportRow, your code will throw an exception if more than one record with the same value in the primary key field is attempted to be inserted. That is the purpose of a primary key when using in this way. If you want to ensure that your table only has unique records, you will need to ensure that the records are distinct before inserting them by checking the new row's part_id value against those already in the table. However, your design isn't necessarily the ideal approach.
Since you mentioned that this needs to be fast, it will probably be best if you could write a stored procedure to return just the rows you need from all tables and do the Fill into the table once.
If that's not possible, you can call adapter.Fill on the same DataTable for each of your data sources. Use the Fill overload that takes just the DataTable to fill and as per the docs, it will merge the data together if more than one record with the same primary key exists. The way you have the Fill method called, it is creating a new DataTable with the name you provide for each time you call Fill. Instead, you want to Fill just one DataTable.
"You can use the Fill method multiple times on the same DataTable. If a primary key exists, incoming rows are merged with matching rows that already exist. If no primary key exists, incoming rows are appended to the DataTable."