Calling a module procedure that has a parameter of a class -

I am Writing a API for FedEx and our Universe database, the FedEx code has been written but i now need to create a string to write back to our Universe database. The question is how would i make this tracking number into a variable so that i can use it in that string. this is the procedure in the module:
Public Sub ShowTrackingDetails(ByRef TrackingIds() As TrackingId)
' Tracking information for each package
Console.WriteLine("Tracking details")
If (TrackingIds IsNot Nothing) Then
For Each trackingId As TrackingId In TrackingIds
Console.WriteLine("Tracking # {0} Form ID {1}", trackingId.TrackingNumber, trackingId.FormId)
End If
End Sub
in the for each method trackingId.TrackingNumber returns what i need.

You can use the ToString method to convert a number to a string
Dim numberAsString As String = trackingId.TrackingNumber.ToString()
However, it is probably better to store numbers in a database as numbers rather than as strings.
If you want the variable to be available outside the ShowTrackingDetails method, you can declare it as Public or Private.
Private numberAsString As String
Public Sub ShowTrackingDetails(ByRef TrackingIds() As TrackingId)
'your code
numberAsString = trackingId.TrackingNumber.ToString()
'your code
End Sub


How To Iterate Over Members of a Structure Array in Using Member Function

I have a enumeration that looks like this:
' define enumeration for keypad states
Enum KeyPadState
KEYPAD_NO ' no keypad
KEYPAD_UC ' upper case keypad
KEYPAD_LC ' lower case keypad
KEYPAD_NU ' numeric keypad
KEYPAD_SY ' symbol keypad
End Enum
I then defined a structure element to be used to translate the members of the above enumeration from enumeration values to string values and back again. The declared structure looks like below. Note the member functions that I have tried to insert. The "New" one is working.
' define keypad type look up structure
Private Structure KeyPadXlat
Dim KeyPadEnum As KeyPadState
Dim KeyPadStr As String
' initializer subroutine
Public Sub New(nKeyPadEnum As KeyPadState, nKeyPadStr As String)
KeyPadEnum = nKeyPadEnum
KeyPadStr = nKeyPadStr
End Sub
' translate string to enum
Public Function ToEnum(xKeyPadStr As String) As KeyPadState
For Each item As KeyPadXlat In ????
End Function
' translate enum to string
Public Function ToStr(xKeyPadEnum As KeyPadState) As String
End Function
End Structure
The actual instance of the structure array is shown below with its initializer code.
Dim KeyPadLookUp() As KeyPadXlat = { _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_NO, "KEYPAD_NO"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_UC, "KEYPAD_UC"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_LC, "KEYPAD_LC"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_NU, "KEYPAD_NU"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_SY, "KEYPAD_SY") _
So my question is with regard to the member functions I am trying to create to translate back and forth between the enumeration value and the string value. I have copied one of them here again for reference:
' translate string to enum
Public Function ToEnum(xKeyPadStr As String) As KeyPadState
For Each item As KeyPadXlat In ????
End Function
What I need help with is how to write the code for the For Each loop so that it iterates across all of the elements of the structure array when being in a member function.
To be honest, you really don't need all that code. This should do it nicely.
Enum KeyPadState
KEYPAD_NO ' no keypad
KEYPAD_UC ' upper case keypad
KEYPAD_LC ' lower case keypad
KEYPAD_NU ' numeric keypad
KEYPAD_SY ' symbol keypad
End Enum
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim state As KeyPadState
state = KeyPadState.KEYPAD_LC
'this line will assign the name of the enum `state` to a string called `tempstring`
'It's hardly worth encapsulating it into a function so I've left it as is
'But if you want to provide consistent code, it would be better to.
Dim tempstring As String
tempstring = [Enum].GetName(GetType(KeyPadState), state)
Dim anyString As String = "KEYPAD_UC"
Dim tempState As KeyPadState
'the following line will try to parse `anyString` to an enum value of the same type as the variable to be assigned.
'In this case `state`
tempState = ParseToKeypadState(anyString)
End Sub
Private Function ParseToKeypadState(tempString As String) As KeyPadState
Dim returnValue As KeyPadState
If Not [Enum].TryParse(tempString, returnValue) Then
'handle parsing error here
End If
Return returnValue
End Function
There's all sorts wrong with your code there.
Firstly, I'd suggest that your naming conventions are poor. If you do as is done throughout the .NET Framework then you enumeration would look like this:
Enum KeyPadState
End Enum
That's clear and self-documenting.
Secondly, it is not recommended to use abbreviations like "Xlat". That's meaningless to anyone without prior knowledge. Is it so onerous to write "Translate" and then let Intellisense find it whenever you need to use it in code?
As for the implementation of your class, why does it need any methods at all? You are passing in the KeyPadState value and the text representation when you create an instance so what is there for those methods to do? Your structure should simply be a constructor and two properties:
Private Structure KeyPadStateTranslation
Public ReadOnly Property Value As KeyPadState
Public ReadOnly Property Text As String
Public Sub New(value As KeyPadState, text As String)
Me.Value = value
Me.Text = text
End Sub
End Structure
The property values are set when the instance is created and they are retrieved via the properties. Everything also has an appropriate name.
That said, you don't even need to provide the text because you can simply call ToString on the value to get it:
Private Structure KeyPadStateTranslation
Public ReadOnly Property Value As KeyPadState
Public ReadOnly Property Text As String
Public Sub New(value As KeyPadState)
Me.Value = value
Me.Text = value.ToString()
End Sub
End Structure
Also, the fact that that structure is declared Private is an issue. That indicates that it is declared inside another type. That's not right. Structures are first-class types, just like classes, so they belong in their own dedicated code file, just like classes.
What's the point of that structure at all though? You'd still have to loop through your array to find an instance that matches either a value or some text so it doesn't really help. A Dictionary might be better but you may as well just call ToString on a value if you need to convert that way and use Enum.Parse or .TryParse when you need to go the other way.

Retrieving information from a Class module VB.Net

Currently I'm trying to store a bunch of integers/Strings in a Class inserting the information isn't a problem but for some reason i can't figure out how to retrieve the information
Public Class HardwareCards
Public Property RackAmount() As Integer
End class
Inserting the information
Sub GrabAccessInfo()
Dim Hardware As New HardwareCards
Dim HardwareCollection As New Collection
Hardware.RackAmount = rst("RackAmount").Value
End Sub
Retrieving the information
Sub RackSlotAccess()
Dim type As Type = HardwareCards.GetType()
Dim typename As Integer = type.FullName
If HardwareCards.Hardware.DI32 >= 1 Then 'Inserting 32 bit Digital input card(s)
InsertDigAddresses(HardwareCards.Hardware.DI32, 32, "I", Slot, Rack)
End If
End sub
What do i need to do to get the infomation out of the Class Module?
You're referencing the type when calling HardwareCards, and not an initialized object. Notice how in GrabAccessInfo you declare and initialize an instance of HardwareCards into the variable Hardware. In order to access the information you assigned to the object variable Hardware, you would need to reference it in RackSlotAccess.
Sub RackSlotAccess(hardware As HardwareCards)
'Perform logic, evaluations on hardware. Example:
Dim currentRackAmount = hardware.RackAmount
End Sub

How to call a function which name is stored in a sql table (

Maybe someone of you can help me with that problem.
I have written a background task which gets several workers out of a database.
In the database I added to each worker the name of the function which should get called.
But I am not sure how to call that function from
It would be awesome if someone of you can give me a hint :)
The namespace System.Reflection has numerous methods that enable this functionality, such as this one:
From MSDN, the example in the link above:
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class MagicClass
Private magicBaseValue As Integer
Public Sub New()
magicBaseValue = 9
End Sub
Public Function ItsMagic(preMagic As Integer) As Integer
Return preMagic * magicBaseValue
End Function
End Class
Public Class TestMethodInfo
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Get the constructor and create an instance of MagicClass
Dim magicType As Type = Type.GetType("MagicClass")
Dim magicConstructor As ConstructorInfo = magicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)
Dim magicClassObject As Object = magicConstructor.Invoke(New Object(){})
' Get the ItsMagic method and invoke with a parameter value of 100
Dim magicMethod As MethodInfo = magicType.GetMethod("ItsMagic")
Dim magicValue As Object = magicMethod.Invoke(magicClassObject, New Object(){100})
Console.WriteLine("MethodInfo.Invoke() Example" + vbNewLine)
Console.WriteLine("MagicClass.ItsMagic() returned: {0}", magicValue)
End Sub
End Class
' The example program gives the following output:
' MethodInfo.Invoke() Example
' MagicClass.ItsMagic() returned: 900
I would suggest having a dictionary of delegates in your application code. Store the keys in the database, rather than the function names. When you retrieve the key from the database, look it up in the dictionary and, if present, execute it. You don't want to allow arbitrary methods to be executed based on names stored in a database.
They keys could be strings or integers. I'd prefer the latter just for space savings and ease of lookup, but strings would be easier for debugging, perhaps. So you'd have a dictionary like this:
Private m_WorkerDelegates As New Dictionary(Of String, Action)()
Somewhere else, you'd fill it up with the available workers:
m_WorkerDelegates.Add("worker1", AddressOf WorkerMethod1)
m_WorkerDelegates.Add("worker2", AddressOf WorkerMethod2)
And then, when retrieving from the database, you'd look up the method in your dictionary:
Public Sub ExecuteWorker(ByVal row As DataRow)
Dim key As String = CStr(row("worker_key"))
If Not m_WorkerDelegates.ContainsKey(key) Then
' either throw exception or report the error in some more effective way '
Throw New Exception("Invalid worker key specified")
End If
' actually call the worker method '
End Sub

Define String ENUM in VB.Net

I am using Window Application for my project. There is situation where i need to define string enum and using it in my project.
Dim PersonalInfo As String = "Personal Info"
Dim Contanct As String = "Personal Contanct"
Public Enum Test
End Enum
Now i want value of that variable PersonalInfo and Contract as "Personal Info" and "Personal Contanct".
How can i get this value using ENUM? or anyother way to do it.
Thanks in advance...
For non-integer values, Const in a Structure (or Class) can be used instead:
Structure Test
Const PersonalInfo = "Personal Info"
Const Contanct = "Personal Contanct"
End Structure
or in a Module for direct access without the Test. part:
Module Test
Public Const PersonalInfo = "Personal Info"
Public Const Contanct = "Personal Contanct"
End Module
In some cases, the variable name can be used as a value:
Enum Test
End Enum
Dim PersonalInfo As String = Test.Personal_Info.ToString.Replace("_"c, " "c)
' or in Visual Studio 2015 and newer:
Dim Contanct As String = NameOf(Test.Personal_Contanct).Replace("_"c, " "c)
You could just create a new type
''' <completionlist cref="Test"/>
Class Test
Private Key As String
Public Shared ReadOnly Contact As Test = New Test("Personal Contanct")
Public Shared ReadOnly PersonalInfo As Test = New Test("Personal Info")
Private Sub New(key as String)
Me.Key = key
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Me.Key
End Function
End Class
and when you use it, it kinda looks like an enum:
Sub Main
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(test As Test)
End Sub
Personal Contanct
Personal Info
How about using Tagging. Something like:
Public Enum MyEnum
<StringValue("Personal Contact")>Contact
<StringValue("My PersonalInfo")>PersonalInfo
End Enum
You would have to write the StringValue attribute as:
Public Class StringValueAttribute
Inherits Attribute
Public Property Value As String
Public Sub New(ByVal val As String)
Value = val
End Sub
End Class
To get it out:
Public Function GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(value As String, enumType As Type) As Object
For Each val As [Enum] In [Enum].GetValues(enumType)
Dim fi As FieldInfo = enumType.GetField(val.ToString())
Dim attributes As StringValueAttribute() = DirectCast(fi.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(StringValueAttribute), False), StringValueAttribute())
Dim attr As StringValueAttribute = attributes(0)
If attr.Value = value Then
Return val
End If
Throw New ArgumentException("The value '" & value & "' is not supported.")
End Function
Public Function GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(Of YourEnumType)(value As String) As YourEnumType
Return CType(GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(value, GetType(YourEnumType)), YourEnumType)
End Function
And then a call to get the Enum (using string attribute):
Dim mEnum as MyEnum = GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(Of MyEnum)("Personal Contact")
To get the "Attribute" value out (removed handling 'Nothing' for clarity):
Public Function GetEnumValue(Of YourEnumType)(p As YourEnumType) As String
Return DirectCast(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(ForValue(p), GetType(StringValueAttribute)), StringValueAttribute).Value
End Function
Private Function ForValue(Of YourEnumType)(p As YourEnumType) As MemberInfo
Return GetType(YourEnumType).GetField([Enum].GetName(GetType(YourEnumType), p))
End Function
And the call to get the string attribute (using Enum):
Dim strValue as String = GetEnumValue(Of MyEnum)(MyEnum.Contact)
How can i get this value using ENUM? or anyother way to do it.
There are three common ways of mapping enum values to strings:
Use a Dictionary(Of YourEnumType, String)
Decorate the enum values with attributes (e.g. DescriptionAttribute) and fetch them with reflection
Use a Switch statement
The first of these options is probably the simplest, in my view.
I know this is an old post put I found a nice solution that worth sharing:
''' <summary>
''' Gives acces to strings paths that are used often in the application
''' </summary>
Public NotInheritable Class Link
Public Const lrAutoSpeed As String = "scVirtualMaster<.lrAutoSpeed>"
Public Const eSimpleStatus As String = "scMachineControl<.eSimpleStatus>"
Public Const xLivebitHMI As String = "scMachineControl<.xLivebitHMI>"
Public Const xChangeCycleActive As String = "scMachineControl<.xChangeCycleActive>"
End Class
'Can be anywhere in you applicaiton:
This prevents unwanted extra coding, it's easy to maintain and I think this minimizes extra processor overhead.
Also visual studio shows the string attributes right after you type "Link"
just like if it is a regular Enum
If all you want to do is display the enums in a list or combo, you can use tagging such as
Private Enum MyEnum
End Enum
Then pull the MyEnum into a string and use Replace (or Regex) to replace the tags: "___" with "...", "__" with "**", "_" with " ", and remove trailing numbers. Then repack it up into an array and dump it into a combobox which will look like:
Select an option...
Review Invoice
Scheduled Meetings
Open Meeting
Cancelled Meetings
Current Meetings
(You can use the numbers to, say, disable a text field for inputting an invoice number or meeting room. In the example, Review Invoice and Open Meeting might be expecting additional input so a text box might be enabled for those selections.)
When you parse the selected combo item, the enumeration will work as expected but you only really need to add a single line of code - the text replacement - to get the combo to look as you wish.
(The explanation is about 10 times as involved as the actual solution!)
This technique from Microsoft - "How to: Determine the String Associated with an Enumeration Value (Visual Basic)" - will be useful in some situations (it didn't help with mine unfortunately though :( ). Microsoft's example:
Public Enum flavorEnum
End Enum
Private Sub TestMethod()
MsgBox("The strings in the flavorEnum are:")
Dim i As String
For Each i In [Enum].GetNames(GetType(flavorEnum))
End Sub

Can't use Type in VB

Is there anything wrong with the following code ? It failed on Form_Load() line , and complains about it.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Type Human
Name As String
End Type
Dim stu As Student
With Human:
.Name = "Someone"
End With
Debug.Print ("Name: " & stu.Name)
End Sub
You have two options:
Create a new class
Private Class Human
Public Name As String
End Class
(Obviously it would be better to wrap the Name in a public property, but for simplicity, exposing it as a public variable is easier.)
Create a new struct:
Structure Human
Dim Name As String
End Structure
It should be noted that both of these options must be done outside of the function, not within Form_Load function
The keyword is no longer Type; it is Structure now. Type was used in VB6 and earlier, but not in .NET.