How to pass arguments from grunt to node.js app using grunt-express-server - grunt-express

I met an issue where I need to start my express server with arguments using grunt-express-server. How could I do that?
I tried to use the option "args" but it seems it doesn't work for me. Here are some simple codes for this issue.
In my Gruntfile.js, I just did this:
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('proxy.json'),
express: {
dev: {
options: {
script: 'testServer.js',
background: false,
args: ['test.json'], // I assume it may run "node testServer.js test.json"
And in my testServer.js file, I just want to print out the arguments:
var m = require('./startServer.js');
process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) {
However, everytime when I run "grunt express:dev", the server could be started, however, it always prints out
[ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/grunt', 'express:dev' ]
instead of something like
[ 'node', 'testServer.js', 'test.json' ]
Do you have any idea how I could solve this issue?


How to run Playwright in headless mode?

I created a new Vue app using npm init vue#latest and selected Playwright for e2e tests. I removed firefox and webkit from projects in the playwright.config.ts file, so it will only use chromium.
Running npm run test:e2e works fine, the process exists with a success code.
When forcing the tests to fail by modifying the ./e2e/vue.spec.ts file the output is
but the process does not exit with an error code, it still opened browser windows and so CI environments would freeze.
I searched the docs for a specific flag e.g. "headless" and tried --max-failures -x but that didn't help.
How can I tell Playwright to run in headless mode and exit with an error code when something failed?
Since playwright.config.ts already makes use of process.env.CI I thought about replacing reporter: "html", with reporter: [["html", { open: !process.env.CI ? "on-failure" : "never" }]],
but which arguments should I add to the script "test:e2e:ci": "playwright test", to ensure process.env.CI is set?
I tried to run the script inside my CI environment and it seems to work out of the box ( I don't know how it sets the CI environment flag but the pipeline did not freeze )
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Check if e2e tests are passing
run: npm run test:e2e
If any test fails it exists with an error code
It's serving the html report and asking to press 'Ctr+C' to quite.You can disable it using below configuration.
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
export default config;
Refer - Report Doc
Issue -
To add to the answer above, you can set headless: true in the 'use' block of the config which is above the projects block. Anything set at that level will apply to all projects unless you specifically override the setting inside a project specific area:
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
use: {
headless: true,
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
export default config;

responsive-loader with nuxt.js

I want to integrate responsive-loader into my Nuxt.js project which runs in SPA mode. (Optional I want to add Vuetify Progressive Image support also).
It will be a static hosting with Netlify.
"nuxt": "^2.3.4"
"responsive-loader": "^1.2.0"
"sharp": "^0.21.1"
I found some solutions how to do it ( but this is not working for me.
When I run npm run build
I get an error message: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'exclude' of undefined"
My build section looks the following:
build: {
transpile: [/^vuetify/],
plugins: [
new VuetifyLoaderPlugin()
extractCSS: true,
** Run ESLint on save
extend(config, { isDev, isClient, isServer }) {
// Default block
if (isDev && isClient) {
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
exclude: /(node_modules)/
if (isServer) {
config.externals = [
whitelist: [/^vuetify/]
// Default block end
// here I tell webpack not to include jpgs and pngs
// as base64 as an inline image
rule => rule.loader === "url-loader"
).exclude = /\.(jpe?g|png)$/;
** Configure responsive-loader
test: /\.(jpe?g|png)$/i,
loader: "responsive-loader",
options: {
min: 350,
max: 2800,
steps: 7,
placeholder: false,
quality: 60,
adapter: require("responsive-loader/sharp")
The error is probably found in this section:
rule => rule.loader === "url-loader"
).exclude = /\.(jpe?g|png)$/;
Like said I get this error message: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'exclude' of undefined".
I run this project along with vuetify. I also would like to enable the Progressive image support together with responsive loader. Does anybody know how to setup both rules together?
The easiest way to integrate responsive-loader into a Nuxt.js project is to use this module:
Disclaimer: I created the module
The problem with your config that it relies on rule.loader property but rule can be defined in use or oneOf config sections as well.
Another one problem is that nuxt internal config has several rules with url-loader(for images, videos, fonts ...).
In your case the rule, you tried to find, has use section and url-loader is defined there, that's why your find function found nothing and threw this error:
"test": /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/,
"use": [{
"loader": "url-loader",
"options": {
"limit": 1000,
"name": "img/[hash:7].[ext]"
About responsive-loader, you should remove extensions you want to process with responsive-loader from url-loader rule to avoid unexpected behavior and conflicts, here is extend function working example:
extend(config, ctx) {
let imgTest = '/\\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/';
// find by reg ex string to not rely on rule structure
let urlRule = config.module.rules.find(r => r.test.toString() === imgTest);
// you can use also "oneOf" section and define both loaders there.
// removed images from url-loader test
urlRule.test = /\.(svg|webp)$/;
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$/,
loader: "responsive-loader",
options: {
// place generated images to the same place as url-loader
name: "img/[hash:7]-[width].[ext]",
min: 350,
max: 2800,
steps: 7,
placeholder: false,
quality: 60,
adapter: require("responsive-loader/sharp")
Yes, it looks dirty, but I think it's only way for now to change some loader.
What about vuetify - I think both loaders will conflict with each other and probably the solution is to use single loader that will work with your images.
Hope it helps.
Update for Nuxt >= 2.4.0:
They modified the rules array please update the following line:
let imgTest = '/\\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/i';
Then the code should work normally again.

grunt-bowercopy produces warning - No files copied

I've set Grunt to compile compass with watch task and now I'd like to copy useful files from bower_components/... - e.g. bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js, because bower produces a lot of unnecessary files, which I want to get rid of, when uploading to server.
CMD produces warning and stops process;
Reading C:\Users\sjiamnocna\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PM_new\node_modules\grunt-bowercopy\package.json...OK
Parsing C:\Users\sjiamnocna\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PM_new\node_modules\grunt-bowercopy\package.json...OK
Reading bower.json...OK
Parsing bower.json...OK
Loading "bowercopy.js" tasks...OK
+ bowercopy
Loading "gruntfile.js" tasks...OK
+ default, dog
No tasks specified, running default tasks.
Running tasks: default
Running "default" task
Running "bowercopy" task
Running "bowercopy:copythat" (bowercopy) task
Verifying property bowercopy.copythat exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: srcPrefix="bower_components", destPrefix="files", ignore=[], report, runBower=false, clean=false, copyOptions={}
Using srcPrefix: bower_components
Using destPrefix: files
Warning: Nothing was copied for the "copythat" target Use --force to continue.
My gruntfile:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
watch: {
scss: {
files: ['files/style/sass/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compass']
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'files/style/sass',
cssDir: 'files/style',
environment: 'development'
bowercopy: {
copythat: {
options: {
runBower: false,
srcPrefix: 'bower_components',
destPrefix: 'files'
script: {
'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js': 'script/lib/jquery.min.js',
'jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js': 'script/lib/jquery-ui.min.js',
'masonry/dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js': 'script/lib/masonry.pkgd.min.js',
'sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js': 'script/lib/sweetalert.min.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['bowercopy']);
grunt.registerTask('dog', ['watch']);
Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Or, is there any other way to do it with grunt (automatically :) )?
Thanks #cartant for comment, it was one of the mistakes I've made - using whatever instead of "files"
I've changed position of resource and target

r.js minified optimized file not running

BEFORE, I was using r.js to optimize and minify my javascript successfully. I had a main.js file that looked something like this:
baseUrl: "scripts/lib",
paths: {
jquery: "",
underscore: "",
d3: "d3-for-development",
katex: "", // or 0.2.0
mathjax: "",
shim: {
underscore: { exports: "_" },
chosen: { deps: ["jquery"] },
mathjax: {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function (){
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']],
processEscapes: true,
return MathJax;
require( [
], function(
/////////////////////////// INITIALIZATION ///////////////////////////
and I could successfully run node build/r.js -o mainConfigFile=www/scripts/main.js baseUrl=www/scripts/lib name=../main out=www/scripts/main-optimized.min.js generateSourceMap=true preserveLicenseComments=false optimize=uglify2 to minify. Everything worked.
NOW, I have a config.js file that looks like this:
urlArgs: "bust=" + new Date().getTime(),
baseUrl: "scripts/lib",
paths: {
jquery: ["jquery-min", ""],
underscore: ["underscore-min", ""],
d3: "d3-for-development", // if we add patches separately, then we can just use
katex: ["katex-min", ""], // or 0.2.0
mathjax: "",
main: "../main",
shim: {
underscore: { exports: "_" },
chosen: { deps: ["jquery"] },
mathjax: {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function init() {
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
processEscapes: true }
return MathJax;
require(["main"], function (main) {
// pass. by loading main, we run main.js
Instead of passing the minify/optimize arguments straight into the command line, I've created a rbuild.js file for that:
mainConfigFile: "../www/scripts/config.js",
baseUrl: "../www/scripts/lib",
name: "../config",
out: "../www/scripts/config-optimized.min.js",
generateSourceMap: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false, // this is necessary for generateSourceMap to work
optimize: "uglify2",
// removeCombined: true,
// findNestedDependencies: true,
paths: {
jquery: "jquery-min",
underscore: "underscore-min",
d3: "d3-for-development",
katex: "katex-min",
mathjax: "",
marked: "marked",
chosen: "chosen-min",
jsnetworkx: "jsnetworkx-min",
main: "../main",
and I run it with node build/r.js -o build/rbuild.js in the command line. It appears to run successfully and makes the config-optimized.min.js file, as expected. The output is:
Tracing dependencies for: ../config
Cannot optimize network URL, skipping:
Uglify2 file: /Users/Matthew/programming/prove-math/www/scripts/config-optimized.min.js
But when I visit index.html via my server, the page is blank. The JS console gives no errors or log messages, which suggests that no JS is being run. My server gives no errors, which suggests that everything has been sent to the client successfully, and the client JS is not running.
So I'm pretty convinced the JS is there but not running. Is there something wrong with my setup that causes config.js to not run the code? With no error messages, I am having trouble troubleshooting :)
So I commented out
generateSourceMap: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false, // this is necessary for generateSourceMap to work
optimize: "uglify2",
and it worked! THEN, I uncommented that stuff, and it STILL worked!
It seems that as of requireJS 2.2 (I was using RequireJS 2.1.6 BEFORE), you can now use
optimize: "uglify",
or nothing at all, since this is the default setting. As of requireJS 2.2, it DOES use uglify2 in this case. This is the closest thing to an explanation that I can give :/

Karma, Browserify on React is failing on LESS

I'm learning how to use React, and in turn use Karma as the test runner. I'm running Karma with browserify / reactify (mocha+kai). Whenever I run npm test, I get the following error:
ERROR [framework.browserify]: bundle error
ERROR [framework.browserify]:
.d3 {
ParseError: Unexpected token
ERROR [karma]: [TypeError: Not a string or buffer]
This happens on all LESS files in the project. I have tried adding a LESS preprocessor to the karma.conf like so:
preprocessors: {
'src/*.less': ['less'],
'tests/**/*.js': ['browserify']
browserify: {
debug: true,
transform: [ 'reactify' ]
lessPreprocessor: {
options: {
paths: ['src'],
save: true,
rootpath: './'
additionalData: {
modifyVars: {
'bodyColor': 'grey',
'secondBoxColor': 'blue'
globalVars: {
'globalBoxColor': 'red'
transformPath: function(path) {
return path.replace(/\.less$/, '.compiled.css');
Add the preprocessor explicitly to the config: plugins: ['karma-less-preprocessor']
None of the suggested answers helped me, but in case anyone is experiencing this problem, the solution that worked for me is just adding the project-specific less transform to the package.json file. E.g:
"browserify": {
"exclude": "*.spec.js",
"transform": [
Build broke when doing this, since I was using the cmd line transform when building application through NPM. Removed the cmd line transform part since the package.json transform will apply the transform programmatically, and now it works again.