SQL Server Trace For Trigger Error - sql

I am having a trigger issue resulting in the following error being returned to the updating application (Datalinx WHM is Updating a Sage1000 table):
'A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active'
The offending trigger is one of 7 on the table and all currently have SET NOCOUNT ON; set. Disabling and re-enabling the triggers one by one has not turned up anything to conclusively identify which trigger is causing the issue which makes me wonder whether it is the volume of triggers and the time it takes for them to fire causing the problem (I don't know enough to know whether that is feasible?).
Having got nowhere with with the above so far i have turned to SQL trace to try and narrow it down, which leads me to the following question:
I have enabled events for Stored procedures (SP:StmtStarting - SP:StmtCompleted) and errors amongst others (please see below for full list event settings)so i can see the table update and the subsequent error being returned (i Cant attache the trace or an image as a newbie) but it doesn't show the trigger names firing so i know which one is at fault. Are there other events i can select which may help?
Thanks in advance
Trace events selected:
Cursors: CursorClose, CursorExecute, CursorOpen, CursorPrepare
Errors and warnings: Attention, ErrorLog, EventLog, User Error Message
Stored procedures: RPC:Completed, SP:Completed, SP:Starting, SP:StmtCompleted, SP:StmtStarting
TSQL: Exec Prepared SQL, Prepare SQL, SQL:StmtCompleted, SQL:StmtStarting


Any non-SELECT queries don't run in Oracle

So, I can successfully run any SELECT statement, but doing any UPDATE statements just hang until they eventually time out. This occurs with trying to execute any stored procedures as well. Other users that connect to the database can run anything without running into this problem.
Is there a cache per user that I can dump or something along those lines? I usually get sick of waiting and cancel the operation, so I don't know if that has contributed to the problem or not.
Just for reference, it's things as simple as these:
But this works:
SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE; -- various WHERE clauses don't cause any problems.
Probably a little disappointing for anyone who came here looking for an answer to a similar problem, but the issue ended up being twofold: The DBA didn't think it was important to give me many details, but there were limitations on the Oracle server that were intentionally set for procedures in general (temp space issues, and things of that ilk). And second, there was an update to the procedure that I wasn't aware of that'd run a sub-query for every record that's pulled in the query (thousands of records). That was removed and now it's running as expected.
In my experience this happens most often because there is another uncommitted operation on the table. For example: User 1 successfully issues an update but does not commit it or roll it back. User 2 (or even another session of User 1) issues another update which just hangs until the other pending update is committed or rolled back. You say that "other users" don't have the same problem, which makes me wonder if they are committing their changes. And if so, if they are updating the same table or a different one.

Will a stored procedure fail if one of the queries inside it fails?

Let's say I have a stored procedure with a SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statement.
Nothing is inside a transaction block. There are no Try/Catch blocks either.
I also have XACT_ABORT set to OFF.
If the INSERT fails, is there a possibility for the UPDATE to still happen?
The reason the INSERT failed is because I passed in a null value to a column which didn't allow that. I only have access to the exception the program threw which called the stored procedure, and it doesn't have any severity levels in it as far as I can see.
Potentially. It depends on the severity level of the fail.
User code errors are normally 16.
Anything over 20 is an automatic fail.
Duplicate key blocking insert would be 14 i.e. non-fatal.
Inserting a NULL into a column which does not support it - this is counted as a user code error (16) - and consequently will not cause the batch to halt. The UPDATE will go ahead.
The other major factor would be if the batch has a configuration of XACT_ABORT to ON. This will cause any failure to abort the whole batch.
Here's some further reading:
And for the XACT_ABORT
In order to understand the outcome of any of the steps in the stored procedure, someone with appropriate permissions (e.g. an admin) will need to edit the stored proc and capture the error message. This will give feedback as to the progress of the stored proc. An unstructured error (i.e. not in try/catch) code of 0 indicates success, otherwise it will contain the error code (which I think will be 515 for NULL insertion). This is non-ideal as mentioned in the comments, as it still won't cause the batch to halt, but it will warn you that there was an issue.
The most simple example:
DECLARE #errnum AS int;
-- Run the insert code
SET #errnum = ##ERROR;
PRINT 'Error code: ' + CAST(#errornum AS VARCHAR);
Error handling can be a complicated issue; it requires significant understanding of the database structure and expected incoming data.
Options can include using an intermediate step (as mentioned by HLGEM), amending the INSERT to include ISNULL / COALESCE statements to purge nulls, checking the data on the client side to remove troublesome issues etc. If you know the number of rows you are expecting to insert, the stored proc can return SET #Rows=##ROWCOUNT in the same way as SET #errnum = ##ERROR.
If you have no authority over the stored proc and no ability to persuade the admin to amend it ... there's not a great deal you can do.
If you have access to run your own queries directly against the database (instead of only through stored proc or views) then you might be able to infer the outcome by running your own query against the original data, performing the stored proc update, then re-running your query and looking for changes. If you have permission, you could also try querying the transaction log (fn_dblog) or the error log (sp_readerrorlog).

SQL Server: verbose error messages?

Is there some configuration option for MS SQL Server which enables more verbose error messages.
Specific example: I would like to see the actual field values of the inserted record which violates a constraint during an insert, to help track down a bug in stored procedures which I haven't been able to reproduce.
I don't believe there is any such option. There are trace flags that give more information about deadlocks, but I've never heard of one that gives more information on a constraint violation.
If you control the application that is causing the crash then extending it's handling (as Jenn suggested) to include parameter values etc. Once you have the parameter values you can get a copy of live setup on a non-live server and start debugging the issue.
For more options, can any of the users affected reliably reproduce the issue? If they can then you might be able to run a profiler trace to capture the actual statements / parameter values being sent to the database. Of course, if you can figure out the steps to reproduce the issue then you can probably use more traditional debugging methods...
You don't say what the constraint is, I'm assuming it is a fairly complex constraint. If so, could it be broken down into several constraints so you can get more of a hint about the problem with the data?
You could also re-write the constraint as a trigger which could then include more information in the error that it raises. Although this would obviously need testing before being deployed to a production server!
Personally, I would go with changing the error handling of the application. It is probably the less risky change.
PS The application that I helped write, and now spend my time supporting, logs quite a lot of data when an unhandled exception occurs. If it is during a save then our data access layer attaches the complete list of all commands that were being run as part of the save transaction including parameter values. This has proved to be invaluable on many occasions, including some when tracking down constraint violations.
In a stored proc, what I do to get better informatino in a complex SP about the errors is take advantage of the fact that table variables are not affected by a rollback. So I put the information I want to use to troubleshoot into table variables at the time I create it and then if I hit the catch block and rollback, after the rollback I insert the data from the table variable into an exception table along with some meta data like the datetime.
With some thought you can design an exception table that will capture what you need from just about any proc (for instance you could concatenate all the input variables into one field, you could put in the step number that failed (of course then you have to assign stepnumbers to a variable) or you could log every step along the awy and then the last one logged is the one it failed on. Belive me when you are looking at troubleshooting a 100 line SP, this can come in handy. If I have dymanic SQl inteh proc, I can log the SQL variable that contains the dynamic code that was run.
The beauty of this is now you don't have to try to reproduce the error, you know what the input parameters were and any other information you find useful. Yes it can take a bit of time to set up once, but once you do it is relatively easy to get in the habit of putting it into any complex proc that you will want to log errors on.
You might also want to set a an nongeneralized one if you want to return spefic data values of a select used for an insert or the result set of a select that would tell you waht what wopuld have been being updated or deleted. Then you would have that only if the proc failed. This is a little more work than the general exception table but may be needed in some complex cases.

Why does Microsoft SQL Server Implicitly Rollback when a CREATE statement fails?

I am working on pymssql, a python MSSQL driver. I have encountered an interesting situation that I can't seem to find documentation for. It seems that when a CREATE TABLE statement fails, the transaction it was run in is implicitly rolled back:
-- shows 0
select ##TRANCOUNT
-- will cause an error
INSERT INTO foobar values ('baz')
-- shows 1 as expected
select ##TRANCOUNT
-- will cause an error
CREATE TABLE badschema.t1 (
test1 CHAR(5) NOT NULL
-- shows 0, this is not expected
select ##TRANCOUNT
I would like to understand why this is happening and know if there are docs that describe the situation. I am going to code around this behavior in the driver, but I want to make sure that I do so for any other error types that implicitly rollback a transaction.
I am not concerned here with typical transactional behavior. I specifically want to know why an implicit rollback is given in the case of the failed CREATE statement but not with the INSERT statement.
Here is the definitive guide to error handling in Sql Server:
It's long, but in a good way, and it was written for Sql Server 2000 but most of it is still accurate. The part you're looking for is here:
In your case, the article says that Sql Server is performing a Batch Abortion, and that it will take this measure in the following situations:
Most conversion errors, for instance conversion of non-numeric string to a numeric value.
Superfluous parameter to a parameterless stored procedure.
Exceeding the maximum nesting-level of stored procedures, triggers and functions.
Being selected as a deadlock victim.
Mismatch in number of columns in INSERT-EXEC.
Running out of space for data file or transaction log.
There's a bit more to it than this, so make sure to read the entire section.
It is often, but not always, the point of a transaction to rollback the entire thing if any part of it fails:
One of the most common reasons to use transactions is when you need the action to be atomic:
An atomic operation in computer
science refers to a set of operations
that can be combined so that they
appear to the rest of the system to be
a single operation with only two
possible outcomes: success or failure.
It's probably not documented, because, if I understand your example correctly, it is assumed you intended that functionality by beginning a transaction with BEGIN TRAN
If you run as one batch (which I did first time), the transaction stays open because the INSERT aborts the batch and CREATE TABLE is not run. Only if you run line-by-line does the transaction get rolled back
You can also generate an implicit rollback for the INSERT by setting SET XACT_ABORT ON.
My guess (just had a light bulb moment as I typed the sentence above) is that CREATE TABLE uses SET XACT_ABORT ON internalls = implicit rollback in practice
Some more stuff from me on SO about SET XACT_ABORT (we use it in all our code because it releases locks and rolls back TXNs on client CommandTimeout)

Sybase ASE: "Your server command encountered a deadlock situation"

When running a stored procedure (from a .NET application) that does an INSERT and an UPDATE, I sometimes (but not that often, really) and randomly get this error:
ERROR [40001] [DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Your server command (family id #0, process id #46) encountered a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command.
How can I fix this?
Your best bet for solving you deadlocking issue is to set "print deadlock information" to on using
sp_configure "print deadlock information", 1
Everytime there is a deadlock this will print information about what processes were involved and what sql they were running at the time of the dead lock.
If your tables are using allpages locking. It can reduce deadlocks to switch to datarows or datapages locking. If you do this make sure to gather new stats on the tables and recreate indexes, views, stored procedures and triggers that access the tables that are changed. If you don't you will either get errors or not see the full benefits of the change depending on which ones are not recreated.
I have a set of long term apps which occasionally over lap table access and sybase will throw this error. If you check the sybase server log it will give you the complete info on why it happened. Like: The sql that was involved the two processes trying to get a lock. Usually one trying to read and the other doing something like a delete. In my case the apps are running in separate JVMs, so can't sychronize just have to clean up periodically.
Assuming that your tables are properly indexed (and that you are actually using those indexes - always worth checking via the query plan) you could try breaking the component parts of the SP down and wrapping them in separate transactions so that each unit of work is completed before the next one starts.
begin transaction
update mytable1
set mycolumn = "test"
where ID=1
commit transaction
begin transaction
insert into mytable2 (mycolumn) select mycolumn from mytable1 where ID = 1
commit transaction