ssh-copy-id installed through Homebrew errors when trying to copy an SSH key - ssh

I installed ssh-copy-id through Homebrew.
When I type ssh-copy-id -i [path to remote] I get the following error:
/usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: failed to open ID file './mykey': No such file or directory
It appears that it's not finding the key because the regex is cutting off the .pub. What am I doing wrong?

It turns out that ssh-copy-id checks whether there is a valid private key in the same directory as the public key it's uploading.
I was uploading someone else's SSH key so they could access a server. I don't have their private key on my machine, which is why the error occurred.
One option is to just manually remove that check from the script, but it's hacking the Homebrew code.
My solution was to run touch mykey to create a blank file using the filename syntax of the corresponding private key to the public key I was uploading (

Thanks for your explanation. I have resolved the issue by following these simple steps
[ceph#monitor ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
[ceph#monitor ~]$ ssh-copy-id ceph#osd-0


Cannot copy ssh key after generation

So I created a ssh key and can find the folder but on trying to copy,it won't work.Keeps telling me the system cannot find the path specified
My command prompt is on Windows,
Clip <clip ~/.ssh/

Git saves SSH in local project repository not in C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa

I added a ssh key.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "my email"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa):testkey
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in testkey.
Your public key has been saved in
I tried commands like ls -al ~/.ssh and cat ~/.ssh/ to find it. Didn't help.
Than i created a .ssh folder in my user directory using mkdir ${HOME}/.ssh and tied to create another SSH key. I did it in VS Code so it told me
testkey already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)?
Then i decided to cat and it returned me a key. Than i checked my local repo and found 2 files testkey and
So why it can't save in C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa ?
I obviously don't want to store it my local project repo
I am still learning. Was watching Course about Git but got stuck on 22:00 with this problem
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa):testkey
You entered filename without full path so ssh-keygen saves the keypair in the current directory. The answer should be
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa):C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/testkey
cd \Users\user-name\.ssh
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\user-name/.ssh/id_rsa):testkey

Why does importing the GPG key for the mono repo fail?

When following the steps to setup mono on the following site it is failing to import the GPG key for the repo.
This is happening on CentOS machines running both 6.x and 7.x.
rpm --import ""
error: key 1 not an armored public key.
This appears to be due to a missing newline at the end of the key file. If you open the key with vi and save it, without making any changes (this is one way to ensure there is a newline at the end of the file), the import works.
curl -v "" -okey
vi key
# don't modify, just save it with ":wq"
rpm --import key
Another way to add the newline to the end of the file:
sed -i -e '$a\' key
I used this workaround to then download. See
rpm --import
su -c 'curl | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mono-centos7-stable.repo’

Duplicity is arguing BackendException: ssh connection to my server:22 failed: not a valid OPENSSH private key file

Thanks to maybeg, I've managed to backup my data from home to an external server. (An amazon one)
As i don't want to backup company datas to Amazon, i tried with an internal backup server.
I then used this command. (I have my own key)
docker run -d --name volumerize
-v /MyFolder/Keys/:/MyFolder/Keys/
-v jenkins_volume:/source:ro
-v backup_volume:/backup
-e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET=scp://myuser#mybackupserver/home/myuser/"
-e 'VOLUMERIZE_DUPLICITY_OPTIONS=--ssh-options "-i /MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey"'
-e 'PASSPHRASE="mypassphrase"' blacklabelops/volumerize
When using duplicity backup command, inside or outside the container, i have the following error
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paramiko/ DeprecationWarning: signer and verifier have been deprecated. Please use sign and verify instead.
signature, ec.ECDSA(self.ecdsa_curve.hash_object())
BackendException: ssh connection to myuser#mybackupserver:22 failed: not a valid OPENSSH private key file
Strangely, inside or outside the volumerize container, the following is running properly.
ssh -i /MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey myuser#mybackupserver
key_load_public: invalid format
Enter passphrase for key '/MyFolder/Keys/myuser':
[myuser#mybackupserver ~]$
Editing backup file for example is giving me the following :
set -o errexit
source /etc/volumerize/stopContainers
duplicity $# --allow-source-mismatch --archive-dir=/volumerize-cache --ssh-options "-i /MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey" /source scp://myuser#mybackupserver/home/myuser/
source /etc/volumerize/startContainers
I've tried to check env variables inside the container, please find below what i have : (Note that passphrase has been added as env variable as found here)
VOLUMERIZE_DUPLICITY_OPTIONS=--ssh-options "-i /MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey"
no_proxy=*.local, 169.254/16
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Edit1 :
I tried to compare both private key file (Amazon and Company) using
openssl rsa -in yourkey.pem -check and both says
RSA key ok
writing RSA key
Edit2 :
1 . Had a look without any success at duplicity-backendexception
For information, Paramiko version is 2.2.1
Connection is successful using the following python script.
import paramiko
import StringIO
f = open('/MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey','r')
s =
keyfile = StringIO.StringIO(s)
mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(keyfile,password='mypassphrase')
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('uptime')
[u' 12:35:27 up 3 days, 1:42, 0 users, load average: 1.59, 3.10, 3.00\n']
try the pexpect+scp:// backend (more on available ssh backends can be found in the duplicity manpage ).
it uses the command line ssh binaries. maybe the error is different or more detailed there?
the error on
ssh -i /MyFolder/Keys/myuserkey myuser#mybackupserver
key_load_public: invalid format
does not seem normal. try to provide the public key in the proper format or not at all.

Properly set SSH home in GitPortable

I would very much like to take my Git install with me wherever I go, so I have installed GitPortable via PortableApps.
Unfortunately, the OpenSSH utilities available in git-bash insists on placing/searching for the .ssh folder in a nonsensical place (C/.ssh).
Now, I have seen others with the same problem, but the solution generally was to set HOME as a Windows environment variable. But this is not working for me.
From the usual Windows command prompt:
C:\Users\snb>echo %HOME%
Showing that the environment variable is apparently set correctly.
From git-bash:
snb#SNB-WORKSTATION /c/Users/snb
$ echo $HOME
Showing that git-bash agrees. However if I test out an SSH command, OpenSSH has the completely wrong idea of where to locate the .ssh folder:
snb#SNB-WORKSTATION /c/Users/snb
$ ssh -T
Could not create directory 'C/.ssh'.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 97:8c:1b:f2:6f:14:6b:5c:3b:ec:aa:46:46:74:7c:40.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
I'm at a loss at what to do to make OpenSSH in the GitPortable installation understand where my home directory is. Do you have any ideas other than giving in and just installing Git for Windows?
The OpenSSH version is:
$ ssh -V
OpenSSH_6.6.1p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014
The command uses the correct .ssh folder location in a Windows command prompt when using git-cmd.bat:
C:\Users\snb>ssh -T
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 97:8c:1b:f2:6f:14:6b:5c:3b:ec:aa:46:46:74:7c:40.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/snb/.ssh/id_rsa':
But I truly hate cmd.exe, I need this to work for git-bash! :)
The SSH command git-bash uses is:
$ which ssh
The /bin folder is located inside the GitPortable installation, so this would be the OpenSSH version distributed with GitPortable.
This GitPortable is based on msysgit PortableGit-1.9.5-preview20141217 github commit
The proper path for HOME in a bash session should be set with:
export HOME=/c/Users/snb
That would make it compatible with ssh in a unix shell.
Using posix path seems safer considering Git is running on top of a posix run-time environment.