Diagnosing a SQL Server 2012 performance issue - sql

I am noticing high CPU spikes on my SQL Server. I ran this query:
SELECT TOP 10 st.text
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) qp
ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC
and noticed the first row contained this:
#myint1 bigint,
#myint2 bigint
SELECT top 1 city,latitude,longitude,areacode,region
FROM geoipcity
WHERE endipnum_conv >= #myint1
and startipnum_conv <= #myint2
This procedure was created years ago and there are no agent jobs or web site templates that trigger the recreation of this procedure. Why would it be listed here?

sys.dm_exec_query_stats contains statistics about queries which are in the query cache. When a query is removed from the cache it will no longer show up in this virtual table. When items are removed from the cache is complex but when they are added is simple. EVERY QUERY RUN is added to the cache when it is run. If a query is being run it will be in the cache at some point.
You are ordering your results by total worker time thus the one listed on the top is the one that is taking the most time. SPR_GEOIPCITY uses a lot of cpu time.
You could look at the query plan, but I'll save you some time make an index on geoipcity.endipnum_conv and geoipcity.startipnum -- you should see your spikes go away.


Is SELECT TOP always the fastest way to get a preview of a query you want on SQL?

I have the following query that I've ran:
SELECT TOP 100 certs.CertId, COUNT(cluster.BGTJobId) C
FROM [CentralDB_US_33].[dbo].[JobSkillClusterIndex] cluster
INNER JOIN [Eagle].[raw].[certs] certs
ON certs.BGTJobId = cluster.BGTJobId
GROUP BY cluster.skillClusterId, certs.CertId
Ultimately, I want to get the full results and not just the top 100, but for previewing purposes, is this the fastest way to go?
Since you've mentioned this is for preview purposes, so I'm assuming you just want data out of the query and you want it to run FAST regardless of the data it returns, and seeing that you mentioned that the query takes 14 minutes to execute, a quick 'hack-fix' would be to use something like below:
, COUNT(cluster.BGTJobId)
FROM [Eagle].[raw].[certs] certs) certs
INNER JOIN [CentralDB_US_33].[dbo].[JobSkillClusterIndex] cluster
ON certs.BGTJobId = cluster.BGTJobId
GROUP BY cluster.skillClusterId, certs.CertId
Aggregating data (in your case COUNT) is a very expensive operation and should be done only at the last part of the query on as little data as possible. That is why, for "preview" purposes I have selected onyl the first 100 certificates and made the COUNT on that data.
However, because you mentioned that the query takes 14 minutes to run, the problems are elsewhere and usually this is due to design (query design, index design or even table design).
You should ask yourself if you really want to go over all of the data in the tables and get all of the matching rows from both tables, and aren't you possibly missing a WHERE clause?
If you do decide that there is a WHERE clause needed, are there any indexes to help filtering the data based on the conditions of your WHERE clause (and even the join columns - certs.BGTJobId and cluster.BGTJobId?
Yes top select query is fastest for preview purposes that why its also shown in management studio GUI right click. But if you are running custom query just check that where clause / grouping etc are done is part of the clustered index.

Find external process using databse on particular time and day every month

On last Sunday of the last 2 months at 9.47AM we are getting blocking in SQL server. It last 2-3 hours and then disappears on its own. We don't get any blocking at all any other times of the month.
How can I check what is happening at that particular time?
I tried the query below, but it does not show anything being executed that day at that particular time. The last entry is 35 minutes before the problem starts and then the next entry is 30 minutes after the problem started.
SELECT deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time], dest.text AS [Query]
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest
ORDER BY deqs.last_execution_time DESC
I also checked scheduled jobs in SQL Server Agent, but nothing that is not normally running (backups, cdc, index rebuilds etc) is on.
Therefore, my question is: how can I find which external process is using the database at the particular time on the last Sunday of the month? I would be grateful for any tips and suggestions.
sys.dm_exec_query_stats only shows cached execution plans. That's unlikely to help you.
Instead, since it's predictable when this happens, you can use sys.dm_exec_connections to get the active connections (you can then use task manager to the process using the same ports - if it's running on a machine you have access to). To find what kind of query is executing, use sys.dm_exec_requests.
This has to be run while the actual load is happening - so you'll probably want to either do it manually when the problem occurs, or you'll need to schedule its execution and log the results.

SQL Server Timeout based on locking?

I've got a SQL query that normally runs for about .5 seconds and now, as our server gets slightly more busy, it is timing out. It involves a join on a table that is getting updated every couple seconds as a matter of course.
That is, the EmailDetails table gets updated from a mail service to notify me of reads,clicks, etc and that table gets updated every couple seconds as those notifications come through. I'm wondering if the join below is timing out because those updates are locking the table and blocking my SQL join.
If so, any suggestions how to avoid my timeout would be appreciated.
dbo.Attendees ON (dbo.EmailDetails.AttendeesId = dbo.Attendees.Id)
(dbo.EmailDetails.EmailSendStatus = 'NEEDTOSEND' OR
dbo.EmailDetails.EmailSendStatus = 'NEEDTOTEXT')
dbo.EmailDetails.EmailDetailsTopicId IS NOT NULL
dbo.EmailDetails.Id DESC
Adding Execution Plan:
It takes .5 seconds on my fast macbook but on my real server with magnetic media it takes 8 seconds.

Understanding the Sql Server execution time

I'm using an SQL Server 2012 and SET STATISTICS TIME ON to measure the CPU-time for my sql statements. I use this because i only want to get the time the database needs to execute the statement.
When returning large data from a select, i noticed the CPU-time going up pretty high, like using TOP 2000 will need about 400ms, but without it will need about 10000ms CPU-time.
What i'm not sure about is:
Is it possible that the CPU-time i get returned includes something like the time it needs to display the millions of rows returned in my Sql Server Management Studio? That would be pretty much of a bad situation.
The time i want to recieve is the execution time of the sql server without the time needed for the ssms to display the rows. There are several time statistics display in the Client statistics , but after searching for a long time it's really hard to find good references explaining what they are. Any suggestions?
Idea: elapsed time(sql server execution time) - client processing time (Client statistics)
Maybe this is an option?
In a multi-threaded world, CPU time is increasingly less helpful for simple tuning. Execution time is worth looking at.
To see if execution time (elapsed time) spent on displaying results is included you could SELECT TOP 2000 * INTO #temp to compare execution times.
My quick tests suggest the overhead of creating/inserting into a #temp table outweighs that of displaying results (at 5000). When I go to 50,000 results the SELECT INTO runs more quickly. The counts at which the two become equivalent depends on how many and what type of fields are returned. I tested with:
FROM master..spt_values v1, master..spt_values v2
WHERE v1.number > 100
-- CPU time = 32 ms, elapsed time = 121 ms.
SELECT TOP 50000 NEWID() col1
INTO #test
FROM master..spt_values v1, master..spt_values v2
WHERE v1.number > 100
-- CPU time = 15 ms, elapsed time = 87 ms.
CPU time in SET STATISTICS TIME ON only counts the time that SQL Server needs to execute the query. It doesn't include any time the client takes to render the results. It also excludes any time SQL Server spends waiting for buffers to clear. In short, it really is pretty independent of the client.

SQL_ID, CBO, Optimizer_Mode and Plan Change History

This is a 4 part question
What is the logic behind SQL_ID. . . Does the value change for the same SQL over time? Does it persists between DB Restarts? Or every plan change gives a new SQL_ID?
How can i check the plan change history for a particular query? Given the SQL_ID i tried querying dba_hist_sqlstat table but it does not give the time of plan change and other details so as to be able to match with the v$sql_plan table.
I have the parameter optimizer_mode set to FIRST_ROWS. Even then when is see the table dba_hist_sqlstat, it indicate ALL_ROWS for some SQL_IDs . . . Can oracle disregard the instance level parameter to use what it deems most suitable?
Between 8PM and 2 PM a query was performing badly. Taking 6 seconds for its execution. After 3 PM the query started responding in < 1 Second. I have the AWR report for the periods that shows this detail. There was no difference in load on the DB in these 2 periods. How could i arrive at the root of this? I am trying to find the History of the plan change but appreciate more feedback to best analyze such issues.
The DB Version is Oracle running on AIX 5.3 64b
1.- SQLID is calculated with a hash function based on the actual SQL text, it shouldnt change with restart or between databases at least the same versions, different oracle versions could have different hashing functions right?, so as long as you do not change the sql text (this includes blanks commas and everything) SQLID will remain the same.
2.- Use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR to display all plans for a SQL_ID: select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_awr(sql_id => '[your SQL_ID]'));
3.- Oracle will only do this if a query has an OPTIMIZER GOAL hint in it.
4.- There are many things in play for this one. I would start by looking at top 5 timed events in AWR for both periods of time. If they are alike, I would then go investigate the PLAN history for the statement, see if it changed during periods and how data behaved during the periods as well. One of these three should give you the answer.