I have been creating a single instance application using a Mutex.
In the Sub Main code, the app checks to see if it is the first instance, if so it starts the form (called MainForm). The MainForm creates an asynchronous named pipe server to receive arguments passed from a new instance.
If the app is not the first instance, Sub Main creates a named pipe client, sends the command line arguments through to the first app, and proceeds to exit.
The application is tab-based, and each command line argument is a file path, which is used to create the tab. The argument is received (I can MsgBox() it), but when I try to pass it as an argument to the control I'm creating, nothing happen
Pipe classes:
Namespace Pipes
' Delegate for passing received message back to caller
Public Delegate Sub DelegateMessage(Reply As String)
Public Class PipeServer
Public Event PipeMessage As DelegateMessage
Private _pipeName As String
Public Sub Listen(PipeName As String)
' Set to class level var so we can re-use in the async callback method
_pipeName = PipeName
' Create the new async pipe
Dim pipeServer As New NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, PipeDirection.[In], 1, PipeTransmissionMode.[Byte], PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' Wait for a connection
pipeServer.BeginWaitForConnection(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf WaitForConnectionCallBack), pipeServer)
Catch oEX As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub WaitForConnectionCallBack(iar As IAsyncResult)
' Get the pipe
Dim pipeServer As NamedPipeServerStream = DirectCast(iar.AsyncState, NamedPipeServerStream)
' End waiting for the connection
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(254) {}
' Read the incoming message
pipeServer.Read(buffer, 0, 255)
' Convert byte buffer to string
Dim stringData As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
Debug.WriteLine(stringData + Environment.NewLine)
' Pass message back to calling form
RaiseEvent PipeMessage(stringData)
' Kill original sever and create new wait server
pipeServer = Nothing
pipeServer = New NamedPipeServerStream(_pipeName, PipeDirection.[In], 1, PipeTransmissionMode.[Byte], PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' Recursively wait for the connection again and again....
pipeServer.BeginWaitForConnection(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf WaitForConnectionCallBack), pipeServer)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Class PipeClient
Public Sub Send(SendStr As String, PipeName As String, Optional TimeOut As Integer = 1000)
Dim pipeStream As New NamedPipeClientStream(".", PipeName, PipeDirection.Out, PipeOptions.Asynchronous)
' The connect function will indefinitely wait for the pipe to become available
' If that is not acceptable specify a maximum waiting time (in ms)
Debug.WriteLine("[Client] Pipe connection established")
Dim _buffer As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SendStr)
pipeStream.BeginWrite(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, AddressOf AsyncSend, pipeStream)
Catch oEX As TimeoutException
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub AsyncSend(iar As IAsyncResult)
' Get the pipe
Dim pipeStream As NamedPipeClientStream = DirectCast(iar.AsyncState, NamedPipeClientStream)
' End the write
Catch oEX As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
MainForm logic:
#Region "Pipes"
Public ArgumentPipe As New Pipes.PipeServer
Public Sub RecievedMessage(reply As String)
GetMainformHook.Invoke(MySTDelegate, reply)
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeServer()
AddHandler ArgumentPipe.PipeMessage, AddressOf RecievedMessage
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub RecievedMessageDel(txt As String)
Public MySTDelegate As RecievedMessageDel = AddressOf SetText
Public Sub SetText(txt)
TabStrip1.AddTab(txt.ToString) 'PROBLEM OCCURS HERE
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetMainformHook() As MainForm
Return Application.OpenForms("MainForm")
End Function
Public Shared Function GetTabControl() As TabStrip
Return CType(Application.OpenForms("MainForm"), MainForm).TabStrip1
End Function
Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
#End Region
In Sub Main when sending argument:
Dim _pipeClient = New Pipes.PipeClient()
If cmdArgs.Length > 0 Then
For i = 0 To cmdArgs.Length - 1
_pipeClient.Send(cmdArgs(i), _pipename, 1000)
End If
_pipename is a global string like "myappv6"
Am I missing something?
I'm thinking this has something to do with cross threading, but can't pinpoint where to fix it.
I have code that sends a ping to a batch of computers, and opens a VNC session to any that respond that they are online.
The pings are sent in a parallel.foreach loop, and an event is raised when a reply is receieved.
Despite putting a synclock block around the AddHost code, it is still being entered by multiple threads simultaneously.
I think it has something to do with the code being called by a raiseevent on another object.
This is the method that is handling the event
Private Sub AddHost(hostname As String)
' panesList is an list(of RemoteDesktop) prepopulated with 36 individual RemoteDesktop objects
Dim vnc As RemoteDesktop = panesList(Position)
vnc.GetPassword = New AuthenticateDelegate(Function() vncPassword)
SyncLock Semaphore
If Position = 36 Then
End If
vnc.Connect(hostname, 0, True, True)
Position += 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub HandleConnect(hostFilter As String)
AddHandler OnlineFinder.LiveComputer, AddressOf AddHost
Dim bg As New Task(Sub() OnlineFinder.CheckFilteredASync(hostFilter))
' AddHandler OnlineFinder.SearchComplete, AddressOf Finished
End Sub
From the object OnlineFinder.vb
Public Sub CheckFilteredASync(filterString As String)
Dim Ctable As DataTable = CTableAdapter.GetDataByPartName($"{filterString}%")
Dim clist As New List(Of String)
For Each drow As DataRow In Ctable.Rows
clist.Add(drow.Field(Of String)("Name"))
Searching = True
Dim parallelLoopResult = Parallel.ForEach(clist, Sub(site) Ping(site))
RaiseEvent SearchComplete()
End Sub
Private Sub Ping(host As String)
If ValidPing(host) Then
RaiseEvent LiveComputer(host)
End If
End Sub
How should I be doing this so only one event is processed at a time (but it doesn't hang the UI)
I have a project in VB.Net that requires a global variable (a list of event log objects) throughout. This seemed simple enough, just define the variable and initialize in the Application's StartUp event, then access it throughout the application. Unfortunately, this only seems to work when there are no child processes (they have no access to the global variable) - so I'm way over my head as how to access the global variable from the child worker processes (if that is even possible).
The program starts several Test worker processes (that check multiple DB connections from different sources, remote web services from several sources, network checks, etc) w/ progress bars for each. If an error occurs during any of these tests, the error needs to be logged.
The problem is that, the program cannot log events to the Windows Event system because it won't be running under an administrator account (so logging there is not possible thanks to MS's decision to prevent logging under normal user accounts w/Vista,7,8,10), the program also can't log to a text file due to it being asynchronous and the file access contention problems (immediately logging an event to a text file won't work), so I wish to log any events/errors in memory (global variable), THEN dump it to a log file AFTER all child processes complete. Make any sense?
I created a class called AppEvent
Public Class AppEvent
Sub New()
EventTime_ = Date.Now
Level_ = EventLevel.Information
Description_ = String.Empty
Source_ = String.Empty
End Sub
Private EventTime_ As Date
Public Property EventTime() As Date
Return EventTime_
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Date)
EventTime_ = value
End Set
End Property
Private Level_ As EventLevel
Public Property Level() As EventLevel
Return Level_
End Get
Set(ByVal value As EventLevel)
Level_ = value
End Set
End Property
Private Description_ As String
Public Property Description() As String
Return Description_
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Description_ = value
End Set
End Property
Private Source_ As String
Public Property Source() As String
Return Source_
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Source_ = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Enum EventLevel
End Enum
And create a public variable just for this (and add an initial event to the AppEvents list)
Namespace My
Partial Friend Class MyApplication
'global variable here (using this for logging asynch call errors, then dumping this into a log file when all asynch calls are complete (due to file contention of log file)
Public AppEvents As New List(Of AppEvent)
Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
'create first event and add it to the global variable declared above
AppEvents.Add(New AppEvent With {.EventTime = Now, .Description = "Program Started", .Level = EventLevel.Information, .Source = "QBI"})
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Next, in my logging class, I have some methods for logging, flushing/writing the event(s)
Public Class AppLogging
Public Shared Sub WriteEventToAppLog(evt As AppEvent)
LogDataToFile(FormatLineItem(evt.EventTime, evt.Level, evt.Description, evt.Source))
End Sub
Public Shared Sub WriteEventsToAppLog(AppEvents As List(Of AppEvent))
Dim sbEvents As New StringBuilder
If AppEvents.Count > 0 Then
For Each evt In AppEvents
sbEvents.AppendLine(FormatLineItem(evt.EventTime, evt.Level, evt.Description, evt.Source))
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function FormatLineItem(eventTime As Date, eventLevel As EventLevel, eventDescr As String, eventSource As String) As String
Return String.Format("Logged On: {0} | Level: {1} | Details: {2} | Source: {3}", eventTime, System.Enum.GetName(GetType(EventLevel), eventLevel).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""), eventDescr, eventSource)
End Function
Private Shared Sub LogDataToFile(eventLogText As String, Optional ByVal LogFileName As String = "Error.log", Optional ByVal HeaderLine As String = "****** Application Log ******")
'log file operations
Dim LogPath As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()
If Not LogPath.EndsWith("\") Then LogPath &= "\"
LogPath &= LogFileName
Dim fm As FileMode
If System.IO.File.Exists(LogPath) Then
fm = FileMode.Append
fm = FileMode.Create
eventLogText = HeaderLine & Environment.NewLine & eventLogText
End If
Using fs As New FileStream(LogPath, fm, FileAccess.Write)
Using sw As New StreamWriter(fs)
End Using
End Using
My.Application.AppEvents.Clear() 'clears the global var
Catch ex As Exception
'handle this
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub WriteEventToMemory(eventLevel As EventLevel, eventDescription As String, Optional eventSource As String = "")
Dim evt As New AppEvent
evt.Description = eventDescription
evt.Level = eventLevel
evt.EventTime = Now
evt.Source = eventSource
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub FlushEventsToLogFile()
End Sub
End Class
There's a few methods in here, but the method called in every exception handler is WriteEventToMemory (it merely adds an AppEvent to the AppEvents list).
An example test routine/worker process (to the local database) looks like:
#Region "local db test"
Private Sub TestLocalDBWorkerProcess_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TestLocalDBWorkerProcess.DoWork
Me.TestLocalDBStatusMessage = TestLocalDB()
End Sub
Private Sub TestLocalDBWorkerProcess_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles TestLocalDBWorkerProcess.RunWorkerCompleted
Me.prgLocalDatabase.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks
Me.prgLocalDatabase.Value = 100
If Me.ForcedCancelTestLocalDB Then
Me.lbStatus.Items.Add("Local DB Test Cancelled.")
If TestLocalDBStatusMessage.Length > 0 Then
Me.lblLocalDatabaseStatus.Text = "Fail"
SendMessage(Me.prgLocalDatabase.Handle, 1040, 2, 0) 'changes color to red
Me.lblLocalDatabaseStatus.Text = "OK"
Me.lbStatus.Items.Add("Connection to local database is good.")
Me.prgLocalDatabase.ForeColor = Color.Green
End If
End If
Me.ForcedCancelTestLocalDB = False
Me.TestLocalDBProcessing = False
End Sub
Private Sub StartTestLocalDB()
Me.prgLocalDatabase.Value = 0
Me.prgLocalDatabase.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Highlight)
Me.prgLocalDatabase.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee
Me.TestLocalDBProcessing = True
Me.TestLocalDBStatusMessage = String.Empty
Me.lblLocalDatabaseStatus.Text = String.Empty
TestLocalDBWorkerProcess = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
With TestLocalDBWorkerProcess
.WorkerReportsProgress = True
.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
End With
End Sub
Private Function TestLocalDB() As String
Dim Statusmessage As String = String.Empty
If Me.TestLocalDBWorkerProcess.CancellationPending Then
Exit Try
End If
If Not QBData.DB.TestConnection(My.Settings.DBConnStr3) Then
Throw New Exception("Unable to connect to local database!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Statusmessage = ex.Message
AppLogging.WriteEventToMemory(EventLevel.Fatal, ex.Message, "TestLocalDB")
End Try
Return Statusmessage
End Function
#End Region
The try-catch block simply catches the exception and writes it to memory (I just wrapped it in the WriteEventToMemory method, but it's just adding it to the AppEvents list: My.Application.AppEvents.Add(evt)
Everything appeared to be working peachy, until I noticed that the count for AppEvents was (1) after the Startup event, then it's count was (0) from any of the child processes, finally, the count was (1) when the list was dumped to the error log file (only the first event added was there). It is clearly acting like there are multiple versions of the AppEvents variable.
****** Application Log ******
Logged On: 10/7/2016 6:01:45 PM | Level: Information | Details: Program Started | Source: QBI
Only the first event shows up, the other events not (they are added, there's no null ref exceptions or any exceptions - like phantoms). Any event added to the global variable on the MAIN thread stays (and gets logged, ultimately). So this is clearly a multithreaded issue (never tried this before in a Windows app).
Any ideas on how to remedy?
As mentioned above, I had to pass the events back to the calling workerprocess, so, in the main form I put in:
Private AppEvent_TestLocalDB As New AppEvent
In the DoWork (for each process), I changed it to:
Private Sub TestLocalDBWorkerProcess_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TestLocalDBWorkerProcess.DoWork
Me.TestLocalDBStatusMessage = TestLocalDB(AppEvent_TestLocalDB)
End Sub
The TestLocalDB sub now looks like:
Private Function TestLocalDB(ByRef aEvent As AppEvent) As String
Dim Statusmessage As String = String.Empty
If Me.TestLocalDBWorkerProcess.CancellationPending Then
Exit Try
End If
If Not QBData.DB.TestConnection(My.Settings.DBConnStr3) Then
Throw New Exception("Unable to connect to local database!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Statusmessage = ex.Message
With aEvent
.Description = ex.Message
.Level = EventLevel.Fatal
.Source = "TestLocalDB"
End With
End Try
Return Statusmessage
End Function
Note there is no error logging, just the event variable (ByRef to pass it back, the equivalent to C# out).
When the worker process completes, I add the following:
With AppEvent_TestLocalDB
AppLogging.WriteEventToMemory(.Level, .Description, .Source)
End With
(the other worker processes work the same way)
When ALL the processes are complete, then I flush it to the log file.
Now the custom event/error log entries look like so (with a freshly made file):
****** Application Log ******
Logged On: 10/7/2016 10:14:36 PM | Level: Information | Details: Program Started | Source: QBI
Logged On: 10/7/2016 10:14:53 PM | Level: Fatal | Details: Unable to connect to local database! | Source: TestLocalDB
That was it - just pass the variable back to the caller
I apologize in advance if my question is too long-winded. I looked at the question “How to update data in GUI with messages that are being received by a thread of another class?” and it is very close to what I am trying to do but the answer was not detailed enough to be helpful.
I have converted a VB6 app to VB.NET (VS2013). The main function of the app is to send queries to a Linux server and display the results on the calling form. Since the WinSock control no longer exists, I’ve created a class to handle the functions associated with the TcpClient class. I can successfully connect to the server and send and receive data.
The problem is that I have multiple forms that use this class to send query messages to the server. The server responds with data to be displayed on the calling form. When I try to update a control on a form, I get the error "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control x accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." I know I’m supposed to use Control.InvokeRequired along with Control.Invoke in order to update controls on the Main/UI thread, but I can’t find a good, complete example in VB. Also, I have over 50 forms with a variety of controls on each form, I really don’t want to write a delegate handler for each control. I should also mention that the concept of threads and delegates is very new to me. I have been reading everything I can find on this subject for the past week or two, but I’m still stuck!
Is there some way to just switch back to the Main Thread? If not, is there a way I can use Control.Invoke just once to cover a multitude of controls?
I tried starting a thread just after connecting before I start sending and receiving data, but netStream.BeginRead starts its own thread once the callback function fires. I also tried using Read instead of BeginRead. It did not work well if there was a large amount of data in the response, BeginRead handled things better. I feel like Dorothy stuck in Oz, I just want to get home to the main thread!
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Friend Class ATISTcpClient
Public Event Receive(ByVal data As String)
Private Shared WithEvents oRlogin As TcpClient
Private netStream As NetworkStream
Private BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 8192
Private DataBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Public Sub Connect()
oRlogin = New Net.Sockets.TcpClient
Dim localIP As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(myIPAddress)
Dim localPrt As Int16 = myLocalPort
Dim ipLocalEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(localIP, localPrt)
oRlogin = New TcpClient(ipLocalEndPoint)
oRlogin.NoDelay = True
oRlogin.Connect(RemoteHost, RemotePort)
Catch e As ArgumentNullException
Debug.Print("ArgumentNullException: {0}", e)
Catch e As Net.Sockets.SocketException
Debug.Print("SocketException: {0}", e)
End Try
If oRlogin.Connected() Then
netStream = oRlogin.GetStream
If netStream.CanRead Then
netStream.BeginRead(DataBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, _
AddressOf DataArrival, DataBuffer)
End If
Send(User & vbNullChar)
Send(User & vbNullChar)
Send(Term & vbNullChar)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Send(newData As String)
On Error GoTo send_err
If netStream.CanWrite Then
Dim sendBytes As [Byte]() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newData)
netStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length)
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print("Error in Send: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Private Sub DataArrival(ByVal dr As IAsyncResult)
'This is where it switches to a WorkerThread. It never switches back!
On Error GoTo dataArrival_err
Dim myReadBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Dim myData As String = ""
Dim numberOfBytesRead As Integer = 0
numberOfBytesRead = netStream.EndRead(dr)
myReadBuffer = DataBuffer
myData = myData & Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myReadBuffer, 0, numberOfBytesRead)
Do While netStream.DataAvailable
numberOfBytesRead = netStream.Read(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length)
myData = myData & Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myReadBuffer, 0, numberOfBytesRead)
'Send data back to calling form
RaiseEvent Receive(myData)
'Start reading again in case we don‘t have the entire response yet
If netStream.CanRead Then
netStream.BeginRead(DataBuffer, 0,BUFFER_SIZE,AddressOf DataArrival,DataBuffer)
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print("Error in DataArrival: " & err.Number & err.Description)
End Sub
Instead of using delegates one could use anonymous methods.
uicontrol.Window.Invoke(Sub() ...)
End Sub
If you don't want to pass an UI control every time you need to invoke, create a custom application startup object.
Friend NotInheritable Class Program
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Window() As Form
Return Program.m_window
End Get
End Property
<STAThread()> _
Friend Shared Sub Main()
Dim window As New Form1()
Program.m_window = window
End Sub
Private Shared m_window As Form
End Class
Now, you'll always have access to the main form of the UI thread.
Friend Class Test
Public Event Message(text As String)
Public Sub Run()
Program.Window.Invoke(Sub() RaiseEvent Message("Hello!"))
End Sub
End Class
In the following sample code, notice that the Asynchronous - Unsafe run will throw a Cross-thread exception.
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New()
Me.cbOptions = New ComboBox() With {.TabIndex = 0, .Dock = DockStyle.Top, .DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList} : Me.cbOptions.Items.AddRange({"Asynchronous", "Synchronous"}) : Me.cbOptions.SelectedItem = "Asynchronous"
Me.btnRunSafe = New Button() With {.TabIndex = 1, .Dock = DockStyle.Top, .Text = "Run safe!", .Height = 30}
Me.btnRunUnsafe = New Button() With {.TabIndex = 2, .Dock = DockStyle.Top, .Text = "Run unsafe!", .Height = 30}
Me.tbOutput = New RichTextBox() With {.TabIndex = 3, .Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
Me.Controls.AddRange({Me.tbOutput, Me.btnRunUnsafe, Me.btnRunSafe, Me.cbOptions})
Me.testInstance = New Test()
End Sub
Private Sub _ButtonRunSafeClicked(s As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRunSafe.Click
Dim mode As String = CStr(Me.cbOptions.SelectedItem)
If (mode = "Synchronous") Then
Else 'If (mode = "Asynchronous") Then
Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() Me.testInstance.RunSafe(mode))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub _ButtonRunUnsafeClicked(s As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRunUnsafe.Click
Dim mode As String = CStr(Me.cbOptions.SelectedItem)
If (mode = "Synchronous") Then
Else 'If (mode = "Asynchronous") Then
Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() Me.testInstance.RunUnsafe(mode))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TestMessageReceived(text As String) Handles testInstance.Message
Me.tbOutput.Text = (text & Environment.NewLine & Me.tbOutput.Text)
End Sub
Private WithEvents btnRunSafe As Button
Private WithEvents btnRunUnsafe As Button
Private WithEvents tbOutput As RichTextBox
Private WithEvents cbOptions As ComboBox
Private WithEvents testInstance As Test
Friend Class Test
Public Event Message(text As String)
Public Sub RunSafe(mode As String)
'Do some work:
'Notify any listeners:
Program.Window.Invoke(Sub() RaiseEvent Message(String.Format("Safe ({0}) # {1}", mode, Date.Now)))
End Sub
Public Sub RunUnsafe(mode As String)
'Do some work:
'Notify any listeners:
RaiseEvent Message(String.Format("Unsafe ({0}) # {1}", mode, Date.Now))
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Thank you to those who took the time to make suggestions. I found a solution. Though it may not be the preferred solution, it works beautifully. I simply added MSWINSCK.OCX to my toolbar, and use it as a COM/ActiveX component. The AxMSWinsockLib.AxWinsock control includes a DataArrival event, and it stays in the Main thread when the data arrives.
The most interesting thing is, if you right click on AxMSWinsockLib.DMSWinsockControlEvents_DataArrivalEvent and choose Go To Definition, the object browser shows the functions and delegate subs to handle the asynchronous read and the necessary delegates to handle BeginInvoke, EndInvoke, etc. It appears MicroSoft has already done the hard stuff that I did not have the time or experience to figure out on my own!
I'm attempting to make a multi-threaded download manager that has a limit of 4 concurrent downloads. In my research, I came across the following: C# Downloader: should I use Threads, BackgroundWorker or ThreadPool?
[edit] updated code:
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Const MaxClients As Integer = 4
' create a queue that allows the max items
Dim ClientQueue As New BlockingCollection(Of WebClient)(MaxClients)
' queue of urls to be downloaded (unbounded)
Dim UrlQueue As New Queue(Of String)()
Dim downloadThread As Thread
'Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' create four WebClient instances and put them into the queue
For i As Integer = 0 To MaxClients - 1
Dim cli = New WebClient()
AddHandler cli.DownloadFileCompleted, AddressOf DownloadFileCompleted
AddHandler cli.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf DownloadProgressChanged
' Fill the UrlQueue here
downloadThread = New Thread(AddressOf downloadQueue)
downloadThread.IsBackground = True
End Sub
Private Sub downloadQueue()
' Now go until the UrlQueue is empty
While UrlQueue.Count > 0
Dim cli As WebClient = ClientQueue.Take() ' blocks if there is no client available
Dim url As String = UrlQueue.Dequeue()
Dim fname As String = CreateOutputFilename(url)
cli.DownloadFileAsync(New Uri(url), fname, New DownloadArgs(url, fname, cli))
AppendText(url & " started" & vbCrLf)
End While
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs)
Dim args As DownloadArgs = DirectCast(e.UserState, DownloadArgs)
' Do status updates for this download
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadFileCompleted(sender As Object, e As AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
Dim args As DownloadArgs = DirectCast(e.UserState, DownloadArgs)
' do whatever UI updates
Dim url As String = "Filename" '<============I'd like to be able to pass the filename or URL but can't figure this out
AppendText(url & " completed" & vbCrLf)
' now put this client back into the queue
End Sub
Public Function CreateOutputFilename(ByVal url As String) As String
Return url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
Catch ex As Exception
Return url
End Try
End Function
Private Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(text As String)
Private Sub AppendText(text As String)
If Me.TextBox1.InvokeRequired Then
TextBox1.Invoke(New Action(Of String)(AddressOf AppendText), text)
End If
Me.TextBox1.SelectionStart = TextBox1.TextLength
End Sub
End Class
Class DownloadArgs
Public ReadOnly Url As String
Public ReadOnly Filename As String
Public ReadOnly Client As WebClient
Public Sub New(u As String, f As String, c As WebClient)
Url = u
Filename = f
Client = c
End Sub
End Class
This will successfully download the first 4 files in the UrlQueue, but it then seems to freeze and no further files download. I'd imagine the problem lies in something minor I missed in the process of converting from C# to vb.net, but I can't seem to figure this out.
ClientQueue.Take() blocks the UI thread. Also, WebClient will want to raise the DownloadFileCompleted event on the UI thread - but it is already blocked by ClientQueue.Take(). You have a deadlock.
To resolve this, you got to move your blocking loop to another background thread.
You are blocking the ability for your async queue to process. Not sure this is the "Correct" way to do this but the changes here make it work:
While UrlQueue.Count > 0
Do While ClientQueue.Count = 0
Dim cli As WebClient = ClientQueue.Take() ' blocks if there is no client available
Dim url As String = UrlQueue.Dequeue()
Dim fname As String = CreateOutputFilename(url) ' or however you get the output file name
cli.DownloadFileAsync(New Uri(url), fname, New DownloadArgs(url, fname, cli))
End While
My application is receiving commands via TCP, if I attempt to compare the command the comparison always fails.
The message is converted to a byte() and back but should compare ok in the below example? Or am I missing something?
Imports MyApp.Client
Public Class Form1
Public Delegate Sub MessageReceivedHandler(ByVal message As String)
Private Sub Message_Received(ByVal message As String)
'update the display using invoke
Invoke(New MessageReceivedHandler(AddressOf PrintToScreen), New Object() {message})
End Sub
Private Sub PrintToScreen(ByVal msg As String)
Select Case msg
Case "#all"
'Do Something
Case Else
'Do Something Else
End Select
End Sub
End Class
'Client class
Public Class Client
Private _tcpClient As TcpClient
Public Event MessageReceived As MessageReceivedHandler
Public Sub Connect(ByVal address As IPAddress, ByVal port As Integer)
_tcpClient = New TcpClient()
Dim serverEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(address, port)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf Read))
End Sub
Public Sub Send(ByVal buffer As Byte())
_tcpClient.GetStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
End Sub
Private Sub Read()
Dim encoder As New ASCIIEncoding()
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(4095) {}
Dim bytesRead As Integer
While True
bytesRead = _tcpClient.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, 4096)
RaiseEvent MessageReceived(encoder.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead).ToString)
Catch ex As IO.IOException
End Try
End While
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
The variable is a string containing the same text as the case, yet it fails the comparison:
Found the problem, the sending application was adding a vbNullChar to the end of the string before converting to a byte() and sending over. (Could not see a method to remove it from the string converted on the receiving end)