EMV TLV length restriction limitation to overcome - embedded

We have code to interrogate the values from various EMV TLVs.
However, in the case of PED serial number, the spec for tag "9F1E" at
Name Description Source Format Template Tag Length P/C Interface
Device (IFD) Serial Number Unique and permanent serial number assigned
to the IFD by the manufacturer Terminal an 8 9F1E 8 primitive
But the above gives a limit of 8, while we have VeriFone PEDs with 9-long SNs.
So sample code relying on tag "9F1E" cannot retrieve the full length.
int GetPPSerialNumber()
int rc = -1;
rc = GetTLV("9F1E", &resultCharArray);
return rc;
In the above, GetTLV() is written to take a tag arg and populate the value to a char array.
Have any developers found a nice way to retrieve the full 9?

You're correct -- there is a mis-match here. The good thing about TLV is that you don't really need a specification to tell you how long the value is going to be. Your GetTLV() is imposing this restriction itself; the obvious solution is to relax this.
We actually don't even look at the documented lengths on the TLV-parsing level. Each tag is mapped to an associated entity in the BL (sometimes more than one thanks to the schemes going their own routes for contactless), and we get to choose which entities we want to impose a length restriction on there.


Trying to translate Object-C into Applescriptobjc for instagram post finder

So I have this Objective-C code it does something that I had been trying to wrap my head around with plain Applescript, and also tried and failed with some python that I tried (and failed at). I'd post the Applescript I have already tried, but it is essentially worthless. So I am turning to the AppleScript/ASOBJC gurus here to help with a solution. The code is to reverse engineer an instagram media ID to a post ID (so if you have a photo that you know is from IG you can find the post ID for that photo).
-(NSString *) getInstagramPostId:(NSString *)mediaId {
NSString *postId = #"";
#try {
NSArray *myArray = [mediaId componentsSeparatedByString:#"_"];
NSString *longValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",myArray[0]];
long itemId = [longValue longLongValue];
NSString *alphabet = #"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
while (itemId > 0) {
long remainder = (itemId % 64);
itemId = (itemId - remainder) / 64;
unsigned char charToUse = [alphabet characterAtIndex:(int)remainder];
postId = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c%#",charToUse , postId];
} #catch(NSException *exception) {
return postId;}
The code above comes from an answer on another SO question, which can be found here:
I realize it is probably asking a lot but I suck at math so I don't really "get" this code, which is probably why I can't translate it to some form of Applescript myself! Hopefully I will learn something in this process.
Here is an example of the media ID the code is looking for:
And here is the post ID that the code above is supposed to translate into
A lot of the research that went into these "calculators" is from this post from 5 years ago. It looks like the 18 digit to 10 digit ratio that they point out in the post is now an 11 to 19 ratio. I tried to test the code in Xcode but got an build error when I attempted to run it. Given that I am an Xcode n00b that is not surprising.
Thanks for your help with this!
Here's an (almost) "word-for-word" translation of your Objective-C code into ASObjC:
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
on InstagramPostIdFromMediaId:mediaId
local mediaId
set postId to ""
set mediaId to my (NSString's stringWithString:mediaId)
set myArray to mediaId's componentsSeparatedByString:"_"
set longValue to my NSString's stringWithFormat_("%#", myArray's firstObject())
set itemId to longValue's longLongValue()
set alphabet to my (NSString's stringWithString:(("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" & ¬
repeat while (itemId > 0)
set remainder to itemId mod 64
set itemId to itemId div 64
set unichar to (alphabet's characterAtIndex:remainder) as small integer
set postId to character id unichar & postId
end repeat
return postId
end InstagramPostIdFromMediaId:
By "almost", I mean that every Objective-C method utilised in the original script has been utilised by an equivalent call to the same Objective-C method by way of the ASObjC bridge, with two exceptions. I also made a trivial edit of a mathematical nature to one of the lines. Therefore, in total, I made three operational changes, two of these technically being functional changes but which end up to yielding identical results:
to replace (itemId - remainder) / 64 with itemId div 64
The AppleScript div command performs integer division, which is where a number given by regular division is truncated to remove everything after the decimal point. This is mathematically identical to what is being done when the remainder is subtracted from itemId before performing regular dividing.
to avoid the instance where stringWithFormat: is used to translate a unicode character index to a string representation
NSString objects store strings as a series of UTF-16 code points, and characterAtIndex: will retrieve a particular code point from a string, e.g. 0x0041, which refers to the character "A". stringWithFormat: uses the %c format specifier to translate an 8-bit unsigned integer (i.e. those in the range 0x0000 to 0x00FF) into its character value. AppleScript bungles this up, although I'm uncertain how or why this presents a problem. Unwrapping the value returned by charactertAtIndex: yields an opaque raw AppleScript data object that, for example, looks like «data ushr4100». This can happily be coerced into a small integer type, correctly returning the number 65 in denary. Therefore, whatever goes wrong is likely something stringWithFormat: is doing, so I used AppleScript's character id ... function to perform the same operation that stringWithFormat: was intended to do.
myArray[0] was replaced with myArray's firstObject()
Both of these are used in Objective-C to retrieve the first element in an array. myArray[0] is the very familiar C syntax that can happily be used in native Objective-C programming, but is not available to AppleScript. firstObject is an Objective-C method wrapping the underlying function and making it accessible for use in any Objective-C context, but also likely performs some additional checks to make it suitably safe to use without too much thought. As far as we're concerned in the AppleScript context, the result is identical.
With all that being said, supplying a mediaId of "45381714_262040461144618_1442077673155810739_n.jpg" to our new ASObjC handler gives this result:
rather than what you stated as the expected result, namely "BqvS62JHYH3". However, it's easy to see why. Both scripts are splitting the mediaId into components ("text items") at every occurrence of an underscore. Then only the first of these goes on to be used by either script to determine the postId. With the given mediaId above, the first text item is "45381714", which is far too short to be valid for our needs, hence the short length of the erroneous result above. The second text item is only 15 digits (characters) long so, too, is not viable. The third text item is 19 characters long, which is of the correct length.
Therefore, I replaced firstObject() in the script with item 3. As you can guess, instead of retrieving the first item from the array of text items (components) stored in myArray, it retrieves the third, namely "1442077673155810739". This produces the following result:
Similar, but not the identical to what you were expecting.
For now, I'll leave this with you. At this point, I would usually have compared this with your own previous attempts, but you said they were "worthless" so I'm assuming that this at least provides you with a piece of translated code that works in so far as it performs the same operations as its Objective-C counterpart. If you tell us what the nature of the actual hurdles you were facing are, that potentially lets me or someone else help further.
But since I can say with confidence that these two scripts are doing the same thing, then if the original is producing a different output with identical input, then that tells us that the data must be mutating at some point during its processing. Given that we are dealing with a number with an order of magnitude of 10¹⁹, I think it's very likely that the error is a result of floating-point precision. AppleScript stores any integers with absolute value up to and including 536870911 as type class integer, and anything exceeding this as type class real (floating point), so will be subject to floating-point errors.

how common is it to use both a guid and an int as unique identifiers for a table?

I think a Guid is generally the preferred unique table row identifier from a dba perspective. But I'm working on a project where the developers and managers appear to want a way to reference things by an int value. I can understand their perspective b/c they want a simple and easy way to reference different entities.
I was thinking about using a pattern for my tables where each table would have an int Id column representing the PK column but then it would also include a Guid column as a globally unique identifier. How common is it to use this type of pattern?
In the vast majority of cases you'll want to either use an INT or BIGINT for you primekey/foreign key. For the most part you are looking to make sure that table can be joined to and have a way to easily select a single unique row. In theory using GUIDs all over the place gets you there too, if you were a robot and could quickly ask a colleague, "Hey can you check out ROW_ID FD229C39-2074-4B04-8A50-456402705C02" vs "Hey can you check out ROW_ID 523". But we are human. I don't think there is a really good reason to include another column that is simply a GUID in addition to your PK (which should be an INT or BIGINT)
It can also be nice to have your PK in an order, that seems to come in handy. GUIDs won't be in a order. However, a case for using a GUID would be if you have to expose this value to a customer. You may not want them to know they are customer #6. But being customer #B8D44820-DF75-44C9-8527-F6AC7D1D259B isn't too great if they have to call in and identify themselves, but might be fine for writing code against (say a webservice or some kind of API). SQL is a lot of art with the science!
In addition do you really need a global unique id for a row? Probably not. If you are designing a system that could use up more than what INT can handle (say total number of tweets in all time) then use BIGINT. If you can use up all the BIGINTs, wow. I'd be interested in hearing how and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
A question I ask myself when writing stuff, "If I'm wrong how hard will it be to do the other way?". If you really need a GUID later, add it. If you put it in now and just 1 person uses it you can never take it out and it will have to be maintained... job security? nah, don't think that way :) Don't over engineer it.
I would not say GUID is generally preferred from a DBA perspective. It is larger (16 bytes rather than 4 for int or 8 for bigint) and the random variety introduces fragmentation and causes much more IO with large tables due to lower page life expectancy. This is especially a problem with spinning media and limited RAM.
When a GUID is actually needed, some of these issues can be avoided using a sequential version for the GUID value rather than introducing another surrogate key. The value can be assigned in by SQL Server with a NEWSEQUENTIALID() default constraint on a column or generated in application code with the bytes ordered properly for SQL Server. Below is a Windows C# example of the latter technique.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Example
[DllImport("rpcrt4.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int UuidCreateSequential(ref Guid guid);
/// sequential guid for SQL Server
public static Guid NewSequentialGuid()
const int S_OK = 0;
const int RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY = 1824;
Guid oldGuid = Guid.Empty;
int result = UuidCreateSequential(ref oldGuid);
if (result != S_OK && result != RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)
throw new ExternalException("UuidCreateSequential call failed", result);
byte[] oldGuidBytes = oldGuid.ToByteArray();
byte[] newGuidBytes = new byte[16];
oldGuidBytes.CopyTo(newGuidBytes, 0);
// swap low timestamp bytes (0-3)
newGuidBytes[0] = oldGuidBytes[3];
newGuidBytes[1] = oldGuidBytes[2];
newGuidBytes[2] = oldGuidBytes[1];
newGuidBytes[3] = oldGuidBytes[0];
// swap middle timestamp bytes (4-5)
newGuidBytes[4] = oldGuidBytes[5];
newGuidBytes[5] = oldGuidBytes[4];
// swap high timestamp bytes (6-7)
newGuidBytes[6] = oldGuidBytes[7];
newGuidBytes[7] = oldGuidBytes[6];
//remaining 8 bytes are unchanged (8-15)
return new Guid(newGuidBytes);

emv tag 0x9F37 unpredictable numbers length

I have noticed that in some of the cases in emv transactions, the tag 9f37(TAG_UNPREDICTABLE_NUMBER) length is not 4 bytes, It is a read only tag so I cannot set it. Please someone explain me is it must be 4 bytes or it can be of any length upto 4 bytes. And also please guide me how this number is generated and what can cause its length.
As the name denotes it should not be predictable by any means and you can use any random number generation algorithm to create a value whether you developing a card application or terminal app as explained below.
Unpredictable number is used during Offline Enciphered PIN verification to ensure
that PIN block generated is different at all times. This is
generated by the chip and length is 8 bytes(image 1). This unpredictable
number you will not see at host and you will need a tool like FIME
Smartspy or Keolab Nomadlab to get the value.
Another is Unpredictable number generated by Terminal which is used
in cryptogram generation ensuring a different cryptogram is
generated every time even when all other CDOL elements are same. Its
length is 4 bytes(image 2)
image 2

Game Design: Data structures for Stackable Attributes (DFP, HP, MP, etc) in an RPG (VB.Net)

I'm wrangling with issues regarding how character equipment and attributes are stored within my game.
My characters and equippable items have 22 different total attributes (HP, MP, ATP, DFP). A character has their base-statistics and can equip up to four items at one time.
For example:
Final character ATP in this case would be 88.
I'm looking for a way to implement this in my code. Well, I already have this implemented but it isn't elegant. Right now, I have ClassA that stores these attributes in an array. Then, I have ClassB that takes five ClassA and will add up the values and return the final attribute.
However, I need to emphasize that this isn't an elegant solution.
There has to be some better way to access and manipulate these attributes, including data structures that I haven't thought of using. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I should note that there are some restrictions on these attributes that I need to be put in place. E.g., these are the baselines.
For instance, the character's own HP and MP cannot be more than the baseline and cannot be less than 0, whereas the ATP and MST can be. I also currently cannot enforce these constraints without hacking what I currently have :(
Make an enum called CharacterAttributes to hold each of STR, DEX, etc.
Make an Equipment class to represent any equippable item. This class will have a Dictionary which is a list of any stats modified by this equipment. For a sword that gives +10 damage, use Dictionary[CharacterAttributes.Damage] = 10. Magic items might influence more than one stat, so just add as many entries as you like.
The equipment class might also have an enum representing which inventory it slots to (Boots, Weapon, Helm).
Your Character class will have a List to represent current gear. It will also have a dictionary of CharacterAttributes just like the equipment class, which represents the character's base stats.
To calculate final stats, make a method in your Character class something like this:
int GetFinalAttribute(CharacterAttributes attribute)
int x = baseStats[attribute];
foreach (Equipment e in equipment)
if (e.StatModifiers[attribute] != null)
x += e.StatModifiers[attribute];
// do bounds checking here, e.g. ensure non-negative numbers, max and min
return x;
I know this is C# and your post was tagged VB.NET, but it should be easy to understand the method. I haven't tested this code so apologies if there's a syntax error or something.

Trie Implementation Question

I'm implementing a trie for predictive text entry in VB.NET - basically autocompletion as far as the use of the trie is concerned. I've made my trie a recursive data structure based on the generic dictionary class.
It's basically:
class WordTree Inherits Dictionary(of Char, WordTree)
Each letter in a word (all upper cased) is used as a key to a new WordTrie. A null character on a leaf indicates the termination of a word. To find a word starting with a prefix I walk the trie as far as my prefix goes then collect all children words.
My question is basically on the implementation of the trie itself. I'm using the dictionary hash function to branch my tree. I could use a list and do a linear search over the list, or do something else. What's the smooth move here? Is this a reasonable way to do my branching?
Just to clarify, I'm basically asking if the dictionary branching approach is obviously inferior to some other alternative. The application in which I'm using this data structure only uses upper case letters, so maybe the array approach is the best. I might use the same data structure for a more complex typeahead situation in the future (more characters). In that case, it sounds like the dictionary is the right approach - up to the point where I need to use something more complex in general.
If it's just the 26 letters, as a 26 entry array. Then lookup is by index. It probably uses less space than the Dictionary if the bucket-list is longer than 26.
If you are worried about space, you can use bitmap compression on the valid byte transitions, assuming the 26char limit.
class State // could be struct or whatever
int valid; // can handle 32 transitions -- each bit set is valid
vector<State> transitions;
State getNextState( int ch )
int index;
int mask = ( 1 << ( toupper( ch ) - 'A' )) -1;
int bitsToCount = valid & mask;
for( index = 0; bitsToCount ; bitsToCount >>= 1)
index += bitsToCount & 1;
transitions.at( index );
There are other ways to do the bit counting Here, the index into the vector is the number of set bits in the valid bitset. the other alternative is the direct indexed array of states;
class State
State transitions[ 26 ]; // use the char as the index.
State getNextState( int ch )
return transitions[ ch ];
A good data structure that's efficient in space and potentially gives sub-linear prefix lookups is the ternary search tree. Peter Kankowski has a fantastic article about it. He uses C, but it's straightforward code once you understand the data structure. As he mentioned, this is the structure ispell uses for spelling correction.
I have done this (a trie implementation) in C with 8 bit chars, and simply used the array version (as alluded to by the "26 chars" answer).
HOWEVER, I am guessing that you want full unicode support (since a .NET char is unicode, among other reasons). Assuming you have to have support for unicode, the hash/map/dictionary lookup is probably your best bet, as a 64K entry array in each node won't really work very well.
About the only hack up I could think of on this is to store entire strings (suffixes or possibly "in-fixes") on branches that do not yet split, depending on how sparse the tree, er, trie, is. That adds a lot of logic to detect the multi-char strings, though, and to split them up when an alternate path is introduced.
What is the read vs update pattern?
---- update jul 2013 ---
If .NET strings have a function like java to get the bytes for a string (as UTF-8), then having an array in each node to represent the current position's byte value is probably a good way to go. You could even make the arrays variable size, with first/last bounds indicators in each node, since MANY nodes will have only lower case ASCII letters anyway, or only upper case letters or the digits 0-9 in some cases.
I've found burst trie's to be very space efficient. I wrote my own burst trie in Scala that also re-uses some ideas that I found in GWT's trie implementation. I used it in Stripe's Capture the Flag contest on a problem that was multi-node with a small amount of RAM.