/var/run/redis/redis.pid exists, process is already running or crashed - redis

Redis went quite on me.
user#mycomputer:~$ redis-cli
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
I try to restart the service by doing this
sudo /etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop
/var/run/redis/redis.pid exists, process is already running or crashed
But no luck. Logs didn't show an error as well.

Got it fixed by backing up the redis.rdp file mine is located at
check your config file "/etc/redis/redis.conf" for the rdp file's location and do this
sudo mv /var/lib/redis/redis.rdp /var/lib/redis/redis_backup.rdp
Then recreate the the redis.rdp file
sudo touch redis.rdp
Run the redis-server with the conf and it should work
sudo redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf

Get it fixed in a tidy way: Recreate the the redis.rdp file as suggested here in one of answer, will purge all the cache recorded so far and redis will start up fresh with no cache data.
This is a warning message to notify system crash / improper shutdown: "/var/run/redis/redis.pid exists, process is already running or crashed"
Just delete /var/run/redis/redis.pid file and restart the server again.
Note: You might have lost latest cache changes due to untidy shutdown, which weren't flushed into the disk. This data loss can be minimized using frequent disk flush configuration in redis conf file(in my case it is #/etc/redis/6379.conf)
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
Or try AOF persistence, more details [here][1]

Depends on how you installed redis, the pid can be found on /var/run/redis_6379.pid.
What happened is that redis crashed, but the pid is still there. So you just have to delete it.
sudo rm -f /var/run/redis_6379.pid
Then start redis again:
sudo /etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
If you can't find it, I suggest installing redis "more properly". Follow redis quickstart guide in the Installing Redis more properly section.
You can find it here:

Run the redis-server with config.
sudo redis-server redis.conf


customizing the redis cache data directory

I have installed the redis in centos stream 8,
my requirement was to change default directory to custom directory default directory is "/var/lib/redis" i have changed it to "/root/data" and changed the directory owner/group to redis and permission to 755
changed the custom data directory path in "/etc/redis.conf" file and restarted the redis service..
it is getting failed and checked in the "/var/log/redis/redis.log" file the error is Can't chdir to '/root/data': Permission denied
Can anyone help me out on this issue.. Thanks in advance..
This permission denied issue has nothing to do with file/dir perms as one should think, but rather with a safety measure that Redis implements at service level.
Steps to change the DB on Ubuntu 22
We will be changing the Db from the standard /var/lib/redis path to new /dirA/dirB path
mkdir -p /dirA/dirB
sudo systemctl stop redis.service
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf and edit the line reading: dir /var/lib/redis to read dir /dirA/dirB. Save file and exit
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/redis.service. Add a new line reading ReadWritePaths=-/dirA/dirB. Save file and exit
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start redis.service
Ready to go with a new DB!
This, on my test machine, caused the stopjobs to stuck so reboots took a lot of time. To solve it you can set TimeoutStopSec to a number different from 0 on /etc/systemd/system/redis.service
5s or 10s are rather used values.

What is the default location for Redis AOF file for Ubuntu?

Yesterday our machine crashed unexpectedly and our AOF file for Redis got corrupted.
Upon trying to start the service with sudo systemctl start redis-server we are greeted with the following logs:
Bad file format reading the append only file: make a backup of your
AOF file, then use ./redis-check-aof --fix
Aparently this looks like a simple error to fix, just execute ./redis-check-aof --fix <filename>.
Except I don't have the smallest idea of where that file is.
I have searched the Github discussions for this issue, but unfortunately none provides me with the location for the file:
The persistence documentation also doesn't make a mention of the location for this file:
These are the specs of the system where I am running Redis:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
Where is located this file?
You have two choices:
Find the configure file for Redis, normally, it's named redis.conf. The dir and appendfilename configuration specify the directory and file name of the AOF file.
Connect to Redis with redis-cli, and use the CONFIG GET command to get the dir configuration, i.e. CONFIG GET dir. The AOF file should located under this directory.
The path is typically /var/lib/redis/appendonly.aof you will need to run sudo redis-check-aof --fix /var/lib/redis/appendonly.aof
in case if you use docker and append volume to /data then the path to appendonly.aof will be: /data/appendonly.aof
In my case, I was using docker. I started the redis server without using --appendonly yes, then it started without any issues. And then ran CONFIG GET dir like #for-stack said and got this output:
1) "dir"
2) "/data"
So I checked under the /data path and found the file appendonly.aof
Then I ran /usr/local/bin/redis-check-aof --fix /data/appendonly.aof to fix the issue.
I ran /path/redis-check-aof --fix /data/appendonly.aof to fix this.
Thanks all.

want to run redis-server in background nonstop

I have downloaded redis-2.6.16.tar.gz file and i installed sucessfully. After installed i run src/redis-server it worked fine.
But i don't want manually run src/redis-server everytime, rather i want redis-server running as background process continuously.
So far after installed i did following tasks:
1. vim redis.conf and i changed to
# By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
daemonize yes
But same result i found. What mistake i did?
After redis run in background. I will run juggernaut also as background process with following command.
nohup node server.js
But i am not able to make redis run in background. Please provide some solution.
Since Redis 2.6 it is possible to pass Redis configuration parameters using the command line directly. This is very useful for testing purposes.
redis-server --daemonize yes
Check if the process started or not:
ps aux | grep redis-server
I think the best way is to use Redis' config file:
# By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
daemonize yes
Set daemonize to yes in the config file. Say the file is ~/.redis/redis.conf, then just run
$ redis-server ~/.redis/redis.conf
And it just works.
Or you can simply run it as src/redis-server redis.conf&
For windows:
Step 1: Install redis as a service
redis-server --server-install
Step 2: Run background
redis-server --server-start
To run redis server in background and ignore output .
nohup redis-server &
To check the server
ps aux | grep redis-server
To Kill server
sudo service redis-server stop

Dotcloud: how to load a redis backup file on startup

I can't find a way to have redis load my own dump.rdb backup file on startup, on dotcloud. I can see in the server logs that redis is loading a file, but I don't know where it is (and I can't find it)
[144] 03 Jul 21:01:18 * DB loaded from disk: 0 seconds
I've tried to put the dump.rdb file in /var/lib/redis directory but it doesn't help
Thanks for any help
I've found what I made wrong: upon restart, redis makes a dump, and was overwriting my dump file with an empty dump and reloading the empty dump on startup. Correct process is:
~$ dotcloud ssh [your service]
~$ sudo /etc/init.d/redis stop
~$ cp [your dump] /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
~$ sudo /etc/init.d/redis start

rabbitmq refusing to start

I have installed rabbitmq on ubuntu and trying to start it using rabbitmq-server start, however, I'm getting this error:
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
0 plugins activated:
node with name "rabbit" already running on "mybox"
- nodes and their ports on mybox: [{rabbit,38618},
- current node: rabbitmqprelaunch13346#mybox
- current node home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- current node cookie hash: 8QRKGluOJOcZ4AAkEdFwQg==
so I try to stop it or restart it using service rabbitmq-server restart but I get the following error: Restarting rabbitmq-server: RabbitMQ is not running
The server's host name hostname -s is mybox.
How do I stop the currently running instance, or at least, how do I manage it? I have no access to it and yet I'm not able to run rabbitmq properly.
Thank you.
Rabbitmq is set to start automatically after it's installed.
I don't think it is configured run with the service command.
To see the status of rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl status
To stop the rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl stop
(Try the status command again to see that it's stopped).
To start it again, the recommended method is
sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start
These all work with the vanilla ubuntu install using apt-get
Still not working?
If you've tried unsuccessfully to start or restart rabbitmq, check to see how many processes are running.
ps -ef | grep rabbit
There should be 5 processes running as the user rabbitmq.
If you have more, particularly if they're running as other users (such as root, or your own user) you should stop these processes.
The cleanest way is probably to reboot your machine.
rabbitmq-server refuses to start if the hostname -s value has changed.
The solution suggested here is only for test/development environments.
I had to delete the database to fix it locally.
i.e empty folder /var/lib/rabbitmq (ubuntu) or /usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/(mac)
I had similar problem but these suggestions didn't work for me(restart too). When I run rabbitmq-server command, I get a response like that:
$/ rabbitmq-server
Error description:
When I checked permissions of /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit#haber01.log file, I saw that group has not write permisson for that file. So I gave permission to group with that command:
/var/log/rabbigmq/$ chmod g+w *
then problem has gone!
Maybe this answer help someone.
Seems like the Mnesia database was corrupted. Had to delete it to get sudo service rabbitmq-server start going again !
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/
Also make sure that any stray rabbit processes are killed before clearing out
$ ps auxww | grep rabbit | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs kill -9
And then
$ sudo service rabbitmq-server start
If you use celery, your queues could reach max size and rabbit won't start because of that. Maybe you wouldn't even able to use rabbitmqctl, so if you can afford to clean the queues, just remove
on unix (look for mnesia DB path on your system).
Be careful: this will remove everything you have in rabbit, so this is a last solution ever.
Have a look what is in the log of the node that you are trying to start. It will be in /var/log/rabbitmq/
It was selinux in my case, rabbit could not bind to its ports.
My brew version of rabbitmq refused to start (after working fine for years without modification by me) too.
$ cat /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
I edited out rabbit# on NODENAME and brew services restart rabbitmq started working again.
If the standard stop and start are not working, list the rabbitmq processes that are running using
ps aux | grep rabbitmq
Kill the beam.smp process using
kill -9 {process id}
and start the rabbitmq-server again.