Do you plan to release a new version of this module? I am trying to use, but there is something wrong. Maybe am I missing something?
My VirtoCommerce Core version is 2.4 and the module have Core 2.3 version dependency. After a sucessfull installation, the admin does not load properly.
If I remove the module from Platform/Modules folder, the admin load correctly again.
Thank you, in advance.
Yes, the module is now updated but haven't made it to the app store yet. Here is the link to the new version: Direct link to 2.4 version
I create a brand new ASP.NET Core MVC project using VS 2022 and .NET Core 6.
VS will generate the base template and when I run it without touching any code, everything is fine.
So far so good.
Now I add the NuGet dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation version 6.0.0.
In Program.cs file, I add a line
// Add services to the container.
builder.Services.AddRazorPages().AddRazorRuntimeCompilation(); //Add this line of code
var app = builder.Build();
Rebuild the program and run it. Now I see the footer is not at the bottom of the page anymore.
Is it a bug or did I do something wrong here? Thanks.
I was struggling the same problem as well,
while trying the versions of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation nuget package and found the solution with 5.0.13 version.
If you downgrade the package from 6.0.1 to 5.0.13, the problem goes away and footer will be on bottom again.
In Visual Studio 2022, there's an option for hot reload on file save. this fixed my issue without having the need to install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation
What is happening is that when you enable runtime editing, the .NET Core built in bundle and minification is removed. If you look at shared/_layout.cshtml, there is a _layout.cshtml.css file. This is the runtime bundle/include you are missing. Since this is your core layout, move the contents from this file to your wwwroot/css/site.css file and the footer and other elements will render as before.
Is it your intention to actually use RazorPages? It looks like you just want to add runtime compilation to the standard MVC views.
If you intend to use controllers and views, just add:
But, I tried your code as well and in my environment, the footer is present in both cases, even if I downgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation from version 6.0.1 to 6.0.0.
I think there's no need to add the runtime compilation since in the newest update/version hot-reload has been officially released.
PS. I am currently following an tutorial and I encountered this problem. Here's the link:
I'm watching same video series as you do and i had the same error. I upgraded Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation to v6.0.11 and I don't get any error anymore I
Installing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation version 5.0.17 Nugget Package cleared the error for me.
You may try to install any version from 5.0.0 - 5.0.17
Can Someone tell me the proper process to upgrade Prestashop to the new version? I have to upgrade my Prestashop version because the PHP version I was using was outdated, so I have upgraded my PHP version. After I upgraded my PHP version, my Prestashop backend didn't open. Because this version of PrestaShop won't support the latest PHP version. I don't want to use outdated PHP version also because my hosting provider charges me a lot.
It would be great, I can upgrade my PrestaShop. So, I need a proper step by step process to upgrade Prestashop.
Also, how do I change my shop into maintenance mode by changing the code? Keep in mind, my backend won't open. I have to change it programmatically.
I already have done a lot of google searches and won't get the proper procedures.
To disable your shop from the database, go to the configuration table and
search where name = PS_SHOP_ENABLE, set this to NULL.
I previously have this FAQ module installed on an old system running on DNN 7 and I tried using the same module on a site running on DNN 9.4.1 and I get the following errors:
I obtained the resourse file of this module from the package creator on the old system (DNN7) and installed it onto the new system (DNN9).
Does this happen because of the way i got the resource package or does it have to do with compatibility issues like this module is not supported by later versions of DNN?
Thank you.
In DNN 9.2 & later the Telerik Grid Components were moved to a Deprecated assembly from the standard DotnetNuke.WebControls so all references to these wrappers, such as dnngrid will need to be updated.
B2B Custumer module give migration error after install and restart module.
My Virtocommerce platform version is 2.13.35 community.
I hope some can help you to solve this error.
Thanks In Advance...
As you said, this module is obsolete and is no longer supported.
All the necessary b2b functionality is built into other modules in the new version platform.
While changing the dojo version from 1.3 to 1.7.3, I simply replaced all my dojo 1.3 folder files with dojo 1.7.3. After rebuilding my web application, I am getting error hxrFailed at dojo.js, line no 15.
What is the wrong that I am facing here? Do I need to change any existing code. Is there any document to refer for all the required changes.
Please help me to get out from this issue.
Lots changed and there are some lengthy tutorials to help you migrate. Check out the documentation tab on Dojo's website:
1.x to 2.0 migration guide:
Updated buildsystem tutorial:
In theory the current (1.8) build system is backward compatible until 2.0, but in practice I'm not sure it is 100% backward compatible because my 1.6 build profile didn't work with 1.7.x and up. I didn't try that hard to get it to work though.
I have gone through the same. the xhrFailed error occurred for me for multiple reasons. One of the reason was a missing a file in the define as below:
Another cause for the same error occurred was when a folder in a path of a dependency was renamed but not updated in the application build profile. (This case only if your are doing custom builds).
See if that is the case!