First value twice when using unique filtering (VBA) - vba

I have made a very simple Visual Basic script, which uses the advanced filter function in Excel, to copy unique values from a column in one sheet, to a column in a different sheet. It works fine on all values, except the first which appears twice. Can anyone tell me the reason for this glitch? I tried using the filter manually, with the same result.
Sub getUniqueRuns()
Sheets(2).Range("C2:C65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy,
CopyToRange:=Sheets(5).Range("A2"), Unique:=True
End Sub

The AdvancedFilter is using the top row of your range as the title and then providing distict values from the rest of the range. As you have provided row 2 as the first row, it is using this as the header and then rows 3 onwards as the data. As a result you are getting duplicates. I suggest you change your ranges to the below which will then copy the heading across.
Sub getUniqueRuns()
Sheets(2).Range("C1:C65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy,
CopyToRange:=Sheets(5).Range("A1"), Unique:=True
End Sub

I had the same issue with a script of mine, I resolved it with a .offset(1) to offset the extra row in rgData.
Sub modHouse_Popularity()
' modHouse_Popularity Macro
' Select Houses and remove duplicates
'define range
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Popularity").Range("A2:A500")
'retain header
'define data fields, criteria fields and out put fields
Dim rgData As Range, rgCriteria As Range, rgOutput As Range
Set rgData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Facade requests").Range("Table1[House]").Offset(1)
Set rgCriteria = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Popularity").Range("a2")
Set rgOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Popularity").Range("a3:a500")
'place data
rgData.AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, rgCriteria, rgOutput, True


How do i get autofilter field indicator to indicate the correct column?

I have a spreadsheet w/30 or so columns. My goal is to filter the set based on 1 column and my approach was the specify a range being just that column and then filter that range. I do have autofilters on every column and when i specify a field:=1 excel picks the first column...whcih is outside of my range. So it's always trying to filter on column "A"...not column "U" as desired. Am i mis-understanding how to use this field? i though it was an offset w/in a range.
here's a simple example
Dim r As Range
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test")
sheet.Range("u1:u9").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="Will"
as an there a way to get a column number associated with the column letter? for example U --> 21. if so i could select the entire spreadsheet as the range and do an offset of 21
If you are applying filters to one column, you will have to clear the existing filters first.
Your tweaked code would be something like this and it will apply the filter to column U only...
Sub test()
Dim r As Range
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test")
sheet.AutoFilterMode = False
sheet.Range("u1:u9").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="Will"
End Sub
You may also apply the filters to all the columns and specify the field criteria correctly.
Give this a try...
Sub test2()
Dim r As Range
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test")
Set r = sheet.Range("U1")
sheet.AutoFilterMode = False
sheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter field:=r.Column, Criteria1:="Will"
End Sub

Highlight unique values based on another range

Column 1 is in Sheet1 and column 2 is in Sheet2. If the value is not found , then highlight that cell. I am trying to do a vlookup comparing two columns. I think the Syntax is incorrect. Please see my code I was trying below:
Option Explicit
Sub VlookupColoums()
' declarations
Dim lookFor As Range
Dim srchRange As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim vtest As Variant
' start
Set lookFor = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A13").End(xlUp)
Set srchRange = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").End(xlUp)
vtest = Application.VLookup(lookFor.Rows.Count, srchRange.Rows.Count, 2, False)
' process
For I = 1 To lookFor.Rows.Count
If IsError(vtest) Then
srchRange.Interior.Color = 4
Exit Sub
End If
Next I
End Sub
Assuming you have data on Sheet1!A1:A15 and Sheet2!A1:A10.
Also assuming you want to highlight unique cells (ones withouth at least one identical in the other list) on Sheet2.
Basically you want to format all the cells that if counted on the other list comes up with 0. The steps:
Select all the cells to be evaluated on Sheet2
Go to Home/Styles/Conditional Formatting
Select New Rule, then Use a formula to determine...
Enter this formula: =COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5,A1)=0
Click on the Format button, and set up a formatting for the unique cells
Profit. :)

Select multiple rows in excel based on last row

I have a piece of code which selects the entire row from my table based on the last data in column K. E.g. if I have rows 5 to 10 populated, it will select row 10.
How do I get the code to select multiple rows from row 5 all the way to the last row as defined below?
Sub selectlastrow()
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim report As Worksheet
Set report = Excel.ActiveSheet
lastrow = Range("K5:K48").End(xlDown).Row
report.Cells(lastrow, 2).EntireRow.Select
End Sub
To follow up:
I'm stuck on how to structure a piece of code that:
Loops through all worksheets that begin with the number 673: (e.g. 673:green, 673:blue)
Selects the data in these worksheets from row 5 up until the last row with data - code that works for this is
With report
.Range(.Cells(5, "K"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp)).EntireRow.Select
End With
Select the "Colours" worksheet
Paste the rows at the next available blank row. There could be up to 40/50 worksheets which will have data pasted into the "Colours" worksheet so I need the data added to the next available line.
Thank you in advance.
Use a cell reference that combines both the Range object and Range.Cells property.
with report
.Range(.Cells(5, "K"), .Cells(.rows.count, "K").End(xlUp)).EntireRow.Select
end with
You have multiple ways to select a range of rows. Easiest based on available data you have:
report.Range("K5").resize(lastrow - 4).EntireRow.Select
Report.Range("B5:B" & lastrow).EntireRow.Select
Depending on what you're actually doing with your code, just replace the expression inside of rowRange.
Dim rowRange As Range
Set rowRange = Range("a1:A8").Rows.EntireRow

Faster Workflow

I have a table (Table 1) with a whole bunch of well data (versions, MD, HD, etc.) and I want to create another table (Table 2) that will only show the data for the well I am interested in.
I have it set up where you select the well using a drop down list. Then I want Table 2 to be populated with four values for each of the iterations that show up in Table 1....
I tried using vlookup but was having issues when a well had multiple versions. And I also tried using an advanced filter.
Screenshot of the spreadsheet
Let's solve this using a helper column. First, assume column A will be used to the left of your table, to show the row number which each one of these is found in.
A5 would have the following formula:
This shows us the row number that Well1 is first matched at. Then A6 and copied down would have the formula:
This uses OFFSET to create a new range, starting at the cell immediately below the previous match for Well1, and then uses MATCH to find what row that occurs.
So now, column A will always show the row number to pull data from. The rest is simply using the INDEX function to pull from your desired columns. For example, the data in column C pulls the iteration from column L, and can be pulled through formula like so, in cell C5 and copied to the right / down:
If your data is appropriately normalized, you might be better off with a Pivot Table. This would give you the option of filtering by Well ID.
To use a Advanced filter you will need to create a worksheet event. Place this in the code for the sheet on which you want the data.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2")) Is Nothing Then
Dim dataRng As Range
Dim critRng As Range
Dim CpyToRng As Range
Dim cpytoarr() As Variant
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set dataRng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
End With
With Me
.Range("CC1") = .Cells(1, 1).Value
.Range("CC2") = "'=" & .Cells(2, 1).Value
Set critRng = .Range("CC1:CC2")
Set CpyToRng = .Range(.Cells(6, 1), .Cells(6, 1).End(xlToRight))
End With
Debug.Print dataRng.Address
Debug.Print critRng.Address
Debug.Print CpyToRng.Address
dataRng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=critRng, CopyToRange:=CpyToRng, _
End If
End Sub
How this works. This assumes the data is on Sheet1 and starts in "A1" with no blanks in column A or the last row:
On Sheet2 set it up like this:
It is important that the header rows on sheet2 are name identical to the headers on sheet1.
Now every time that the value changes in A2 on sheet 2, your drop down, the requisite data will appear below row 6.

Copy/Paste cells next to cells that have certain string

I am trying to look up cells in a certain column that have a string (e.g. Names), copy the corresponding cells in the column to its right (i.e. offset(0,1) ), then paste it to a column in a different sheet. I have the following code to find the range variable that I want. However, I can't select it from a different sheet!
When I use Sheets(1).MyRange.Copy, it doesn't accept it. Am I referring to the range in a wrong way? What am I doing wrong?
Here's code that I use to get MyRange:
Option Explicit
Sub SelectByValue(Rng1 As Range, Value As Double)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim Cell As Object
'Check every cell in the range for matching criteria.
For Each Cell In Rng1
If Cell.Value = Value Then
If MyRange Is Nothing Then
Set MyRange = Range(Cell.Address)
Set MyRange = Union(MyRange, Range(Cell.Address))
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub CallSelectByValue()
'Call the macro and pass all the required variables to it.
'In the line below, change the Range, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value as needed
Call SelectByValue(Sheets(1).Range("A1:A20"), "Tom")
End Sub
One More Question: Rather than specifying the exact range to look at (e.g. "A1:A20"), I would LOVE to look at all of column A. But I don't want to use ("A:A") so it wouldn't look at all rows of A. Isn't there a method to look only in cells that have entries in column A?
Thank you VERY much.
You only need MyRange.Copy.
To restrict only to cells in column A which might have values, you could use
With Sheet1
Set rngToSearch = Application.Intersect(.Columns(1), .UsedRange)
End With
...or maybe look at .SpecialsCells()