Trying to create a new column, get #1064 error - sql

I've been using phpMyAdmin to manage my db without any problem, but today I ran into this error if I try to add any column by using the interface to any table of any database:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
But if I add the column via SQL command in phpMyAdmin, this time by removing AFTER, the column is added without any problem.
I'm still inexperience with phpMyAdmin, so I guess I must have missed a mandatory field to fill when creating a new column in the interface. Can anyone shed a light on this for me?

AFTER column_name is used to designate which column in the table you want to insert the new column after. You're providing the AFTER without telling it which column you want the new column to be inserted behind. If you don't care about the order of the columns in your table, omit the AFTER, and the new column will be inserted at the end of the column list.

You have no column name after the AFTER statement, so the phpMyAdmin doesn't know where it should be put. Whether it's you forgetting to select the column or a phpMyAdmin bug, I have no idea because for adding a new column, the only required fields are the name and type, which you have.


How to fix this error: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail' and etc

My application runs off my database that I created. I added migration, update-database and all that jazz so that it works perfectly fine.
Now that I have to convert my project to use the LIVE database, I'm getting this error message:
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail'.
Invalid column name 'ConcurrencyStamp'.
Invalid column name 'LockoutEnd'.
Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail'.
Invalid column name 'NormalizedUserName'.
Invalid column name 'UserType'.
I'm not sure how to go about fixing this but when I use my old database it works, with this new one it just keeps giving me this error when I try to log in a user or anything to do with my database.
Help please!
Remove this columns from code
I think it's mismatch with database
look at this
The problem is very simple to state and very difficult to solve. But there IS a solution.
Manual solution
If all automatic approaches fail and you do not have any extra information, then you can at least ensure that your schema is technically compatible with the application's expectations.
Depending on the RDBMS that you use and which was not specified in the question, you can get all the table names and column names. In MySQL and PostgreSQL you could query information_schema.columns, in SQL Server you can join sys.tables and sys.columns for that purpose. Make sure that you order the results by tablename, columnname and export it. Do it both for your old db and prod db. Find out what the differences are and implement alter statements to add the missing columns.
Automatic solution
If you have some scripts versioned somewhere that were doing the alters and possibly filling the new columns with data, then run those either by hand or a migration tool. Make sure that if such files exist, then you find them.
You can also remove the column references from code, as Cemil suggested in his/her answer, but you should avoid doing this, unless you are absolutely sure that it is feasible for your situation. The basic assumption is that the code references these for a reason and you are missing the columns from the database where they need to be created. Do not remove the column references from code until this basic assumption is proven wrong.

SQL server query to add column with default value

I'm trying to change my SQL server database by adding another column to a table with 0 as a default value.
I thought this script worked in the past (for another table), but now I have an error when I try to execute the script
The script
ADD WhateverColumn tinyint NOT NULL
The errors
On hovering mouse over "NOT": Incorrect syntax near 'NOT'. Expecting 'TO'
On hovering mouse over "0": Incorrect syntax near 0. Expecting '(', or SELECT
Anyone knows what's wrong with this?
Try this:
ADD WhateverColumn tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
Maybe the "Whatever" you are using as the table name has unclosed quotation marks, or even the "WhateverColumn" (both that you place here as a token, i get it) my have this problem, or even the "WhateverColumn" actual name is a reserved word?
#SammuelMiranda has just asked the same just now. It matters if you are using reserved keyword as table or column name also.
you can check this link
Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server
As I expected, updating my SQL Server Management Studio to version 17.8.1 solved my issue.
After updating, I was able to run this command without any problem.

Google BigQuery: Error: Invalid schema update. Field has changed mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE

I'm trying to append the results of a query to another table.
It doesn't work and sends out the following error:
Error: Invalid schema update. Field X has changed mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE.
The field X is indeed REQUIRED, but I don't try to insert any NULL-values into that specific column (the whole table doesn't have a single NULL value).
This looks like a bug to me. Anyone knows a way to work around this issue?
The issue is fixed after switching from Legacy SQL to Standard SQL.

postgres database column name not recognized

I'm using postgresql database, in a table, I have a column named date.
The problem occurs when I try making some operations with this column (date).
For example:
create index tg_index ON table_replay using btree(date);
here is my error:
ERROR: column "date" does not exist
****** Error ******
ERROR: column "date" does not exist SQL state: 42703
PS: I cannot change this column name because this is a big database so i need many years to perform any change. Thanks for understanding.
Change your column name from date to another such as date because date is a reserved word. You can easily achieve this by using alter commmand. Using alter command dosen't take too much time because alter command only affects the table structure reather than the data of the table. alter command have no concern with the data of the table. says date is a reserved keyword. You can try quoting it. That may not work.
I agree witht he above comment - use of plain keywords that have a generic sense is generally a bad practice - column names should help to describe the purpose of the column.

VS 2005 SSIS Error value origin

I have an ssis package created in vs 2005 that has started to give me the following error:
[Lawson Staging Table [4046]] Error: There was an error with input column "JOB_CODE" (4200) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (4059). The column status returned was: "The value violated
the integrity constraints for the column.".
My first question is: what are the 4046, 4200 & 4059 values following my table, column and destination?
My second question is about the integrity constraint message. The destination table is a heap (no keys or indexes) with no constraints. The destination column is defined as a varchar(10). The input column is from oracle, is defined as char(9) and is called job_code. So - where is there an integrity constraint defined?
The final question is about the select statement; looks like the following:
Select ...
,lpad(trim(e.job_code),10,'0') as job_code ...
If I take the lpad and trim functions out, it works but I need these functions in place because my spec calls for a fixed length column padded with leading zeros. This column returns data as expected in TOAD but fails in the ssis package. Does anyone see an issue with how the functions are being used?
Since this package worked in the past but suddenly started to throw this error, I'm assuming that new invalid data has come into play. however, recently added rows don't seem to be any different then historical records.
Those numbers are more likely to be the ids assigned to the each task/table/column etc.
You could probably go to the advanced editor of the data flow task and look at the input and output properties. You can see that for each input or for each column there is an ID assigned.
Next: The error that you are getting occurs usually when "Allow Nulls" option is unchecked.
Try this:
Look at the name of the column for this error/warning.
Go to SSMS and find the table
Allow Nulls for that Column
Save the table
Rerun the SSIS