Excel VBA - Dynamic Range obj referencing - vba

Im doing what seems like a simple dynamic range. However, Im getting the following error:
"Error: Set method of range class failed"
VBA doesnt like the dropdownRange obj & throws the above error on the second last line of code below. I am using this range to be used in validation dropdown list further down the list.
Dim mainTab As Object 'Tab 'main'
Dim tranTypeSize As Integer 'Length of entries for transaction type
Dim dropdownRange As Range 'Dynamic range for dropdown
Set mainTab = Sheets("Main")
With Sheets("Misc")
tranTypeSize = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set dropdownRange = .Range("A1:A" & tranTypeSize)
End With

I assume that you mean Select method of range class failed. If so, the problem is that Sheet("Misc") isn't active.
To fix it, put .Select as the first line of the With block.


Set range via Range object -> Range object fails?

Can someone help me debug this piece of code?
Dim searchRng as Range
With Sheets("Database")
Set searchRng = Range("pointer.address:.cells(pointer.End(xlDown).Row,pointer.Column).address")
End with
I keep getting error 1004: Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed
"pointer" is a previously defined range of one cell (B6).
After various debugging attempts, the problem seems to be connected to .address... Thats as far as I've been able to trace it back.
Thanks in advance!
The issue here is that the quotation marks are for when you are passing the name of a range to the .Range() object, but you are wanting to pass it the results of calling the .address method. If you put those method calls in quotation marks VBA wont run them and will instead try to interpret what you have in them as the name of the range you are referring to. You need to construct the range name string using these methods and pass the result to the .Range() object.
There are several ways you could do this. This first one separates out the construction of the range name and assigns that to a variable which can then be passed to .Range().
Sub test()
Dim searchRng As Range
Dim CllNameA As String
Dim CllNameB As String
Dim CllRange As String
With Sheets("Database")
CllNameA = .Range("pointer").Address
CllNameB = .Range("pointer").End(xlDown).Address
CllRange = CllNameA & ":" & CllNameB
Set searchRng = .Range(CllRange)
End With
End Sub
This next subroutine condenses the same methodology into one line. It's still doing the same thing, but as its doing it all at once its slightly more difficult for a human reader to follow.
Sub test2()
Dim searchRng As Range
With Sheets("Database")
Set searchRng = .Range(.Range("pointer").Address & ":" & .Range("pointer").End(xlDown).Address)
End With
End Sub
There are other ways of achieving the same goal, but I hope this at least sets you on the right path.

How to iterate over a range of cells in Excel/VBA?

Dim works As Worksheet
Set works = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim txt As Variant
myrange = works.Range("C1:C9")
For Each txt In myrange
If InStr(1, txt, "£", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Debug.Print txt.Value '<..Object required err
Debug.Print works.Range("C" & txt).Value '<..Object required err
Debug.Print works.Cells(txt, 1).Value '<..Object required err
Debug.Print txt.Offset(0, 1).Value '<..Object required err
End If
Next txt
I'm trying to get the value of the cell that contains the "£" and then delete it . I'm getting `the object defined error in any case. I've tried 3 different options and still getting the error. I'm new to VBA and still learning. How can I fix this, and why am I getting the error?
One problem is the line myrange = works.Range("C1:C9"). It should have Set before it, like:
Set myrange = works.Range("C1:C9")
This way you ensure you are making a reference assignment, instead of a value assignment. Without it, you're telling VBA that you want the value of the cells to go in your variable. With it, you're telling VBA that you want your variable to point to that range.
Since you did not explicitly declare myrange as a Range object, VBA implicitly declared it Variant and treated it as a String. So, in the loop, txt was a String too, not a Range as you expected. Hence your error.
If you had Dim myrange As Range in the beginning, your assignment without Set would have failed and you'd have fixed it immediately.
But there's a simple habit that prevents this kind of error: in the top of your module, insert Option Explicit. This way, you have to explicitly declare ALL your variables, which means VBA won't assume they're Variant.
You can even make that automatic by checking the relevant option in Tools > Options.

Assigning a combobox a named list in vba

I'm trying to dynamically assign a list to every combo box based on the values of a specific combo box. The idea is that the user picks a category from the specific combobox and all other combo boxes grab the items from that category in the form of a named list.
So the structure is like
Category 1
category 2
Category 1
Item 1
Item 2
And so on. I had this working on a fake set of names, but now that I'm using real named ranges, the code breaks. It is breaking on "For Each rng In ws.Range(str)" and stating that "method 'range' of object '_worksheet' failed.
This code works. Or worked. Then I changed ws to point to a different sheet of named ranges and now nothing works.
The value of CBOCategory is any value from a list of all named ranges, but it seems like Excel isn't seeing any of them! I tried to trigger even a listfill assignment instead of adding each item and got a similar error
Private Sub CBOCategory_Change()
'Populate dependent combo box with appropriate list items
'according to selection in cboCategoryList.
Dim rng As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim str, temp, cbName As String
Dim counter As Integer
Set ws = Worksheets("Item Master")
Dim obj As OLEObject
str = CBOCategory.Value
For Each obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If obj.Name = "CBOCategory" Then
' nothing
temp = obj.Object.Value
obj.Object.Value = ""
For Each rng In ws.Range(str)
obj.Object.AddItem rng.Value
Next rng
obj.Object.Value = temp
End If
'MsgBox ("updated!")
Next obj
End Sub
The code works fine. The root cause of the issue is that the named ranges were being dynamically set by a formula. The formulas were not calculating properly when the code ran, so vba could not use a dynamically set named range to find another, also dynamically set named range.
The solution is to explicitly set the named ranges. Then the code works fine.

Find() results in Object variable or With Block variable not set

Thanks for reading my post. I'm new to Excel VBA and have run into a wall debugging a call to Find(). I've gone through several posts on this site and others but so far each fix I've tried has been unsuccessful.
I am writing code to process elements out of financial reports. Each report contains one or more multi-row & multi-column blocks of cells with details describing a project. The size of each block isn't consistent, but each always begins in the top left with "Client Name". So I want to iterate through these blocks keying off that text, then pulling out needed elements.
There's no while loop here yet, as I'm running into the error just setting up the first condition.
Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
Here's the section of code from within the Sub, with the error coming in the final line assigning cursorProject:
' store the next report to process
Dim nextReport As String
Dim sourceSheetName As String
Dim sheetSource As Worksheet
nextReport = rptMedia
' copy the worksheet into rptBurn and get that worksheet's name
sourceSheetName = GetSheet(nextReport)
Set sheetSource = Workbooks(rptBurn).Worksheets(sourceSheetName)
sheetSource.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
sheetSource.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
' process the sheetSource into sheetCurrent
' set constants
Const constCursorKey As String = "Client Name"
Const constClientColumn As String = "B"
Const constClientNameOffset As Integer = 2
Const constProjectLeft As Integer = 2
Const constProjectRight As Integer = 52
' get range in Client Name column of project entries
Dim cursorStart As Long
Dim cursorEnd As Long
Dim cursorProject As Range
Dim rangeProject As Range
Dim rangeSearch As Range
cursorStart = sheetSource.Columns(2).Find(constCursorKey).Row + constClientNameOffset
' find the last project entry in the sheet
cursorEnd = sheetSource.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rangeSearch = sheetSource.Range(Cells(cursorStart + 1, constProjectLeft), _
Cells(cursorEnd, constProjectLeft))
cursorProject = rangeSearch.Find(What:=constCursorKey, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, _
This is very sloppy currently as parts will be moved out to its own Sub called while iterating over the reports (hence nextReport is hardcoded here to a specific report name). The various constants are fixed parameters of the reports. The unlisted values like "rptBurn" are globals. The GetSheet function works well, but if you want to see it:
Private Function GetSheet(rpt As String) As String
Workbooks.Open rootPath + rpt
ActiveSheet.Copy after:=Workbooks(rptBurn).Sheets(Workbooks(rptBurn).Sheets.Count)
GetSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
End Function
I've tried several variations on this. The Locals all look promising up to the error. I set the Hidden properties to False based on another post. I've tried simplifying the call down to the basics and using With, like this:
Set rangeSearch = Sheets(3).Range("B:B")
With rangeSearch
cursorProject = .Find("Client Name")
End With
But I'm always getting an error on cursorProject. There are definitely many "Client Name" entries in the worksheet I'm testing. I put in the Select to verify I'm grabbing the correct range; oddly I find that "B:AX" get highlighted (AX is the rightmost used column in the report) in the simple version, but the selection I expect in the original. Regardless there are "Client Name" instances in either selection--I can select B4 and see "Client Name".
What am I doing wrong?
Cursorproject is an object variable (range). You can't simply assign a value to an object variable, you have to set it.
dim strSomeTextVarible as string
dim rngSomeCellsObjectVariable as range
strSomeTextVarible = "abc"
set rngSomeCellsObjectVariable = range("a1:c3")

List Box shows dates that aren't in the range

I'm having trouble with my Listbox. When I run the following code for the first time, it always runs showing only 1 date which is 30/12/1899. The range that I've specified only contains 6 dates which are 8/1/2014, 9/1/2014, 14/1/2014, 24/1/2014, 24/1/2014 and 02/02/2014.
Once I stop the form and run it again, all the required dates show up.
I've just started learning VBA on Excel so I'm still struggling to understand the concepts.
Is there something that I'm missing? The reason for no duplicates is that I can't show the 2 dates (24/01/2014).
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range
Dim NoDupes As New Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Swap1, Swap2, Item
Dim wksJobDetail As Worksheet
'The items are in A2:A7
Set AllCells = Range("A2:A7")
'Point the variable to JobSchedule worksheet
Set wksJobDetail = Application.Workbooks("xxxxx.xlsm").Worksheets("JobSchedule")
'Statement ignores any errors regarding duplicates and duplicate dates aren't added
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In AllCells
NoDupes.Add Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy"), _
CStr(Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy"))
Next Cell
'Add non-duplicated items into lstDate
For Each Item In NoDupes
JobDetail.lstDate.AddItem Item
Next Item
End Sub
Set AllCells = Range("A2:A7") will reference the active worksheet which may or may not be wksJobDetail.
The second time you run it wksJobDetail has been activated.
Try putting the Set AllCells = Range("A2:A7") statement after:
Set wksJobDetail = Application.Workbooks("xxxxx.xlsm").Worksheets("JobSchedule")
I think it has something to do with how you format your data in Excel and the proper way of referencing source range.
Try this:
First, check if the dates are correctly entered as dates in Excel like below.
Then make this line explicit:
Set AllCells = Range("A2:A7")
and change to this:
Set AllCells = Sheets("JobSchedule").Range("A2:A7")
Now, run your code which I've rewritten below adding On Error Goto 0.
Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range, Item
Dim NoDupes As New Collection
Set AllCells = Sheets("JobSchedule").Range("A2:A7")
On Error Resume Next '~~> Ignore Error starting here
For Each Cell In AllCells
NoDupes.Add Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy"), _
CStr(Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy"))
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0 '~~> Stops ignoring error
For Each Item In NoDupes
JobDetail.lstDate.AddItem Item
Next Item
And that should give you the result you want. Also, I suggest to use Initialize Event instead of Activate.
Everytime you use OERN, do not forget to use OEG0 to reset the error handling.
Otherwise, you will not be able to trap other errors not related to the adding existing item in Collection.
Another way to do this is to use a Dictionary instead. You need to add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. I rewrote part of your code which will have the same effect. The advantage of a Dictionary is that it offers other helpful properties that you can use.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range
Dim d As Dictionary
Set AllCells = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A7")
Set d = New Dictionary
For Each Cell In AllCells
d.Item(Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy")) = _
CStr(Format(CDate(Cell.Value), "dd/mm/yyyy"))
Next Cell
JobDetail.lstDate.List = d.Keys
End Sub
As you can see, we removed one Loop by using Keys property which is an array of all unique keys. I hope this somehow helps.