Execute a personal trace32 function when line is reached during test - testing

I'm testing a real-time application on physical hardware via lauterbach-trace32 probe.
Trace32 documentation is too vast and very technical but I'm not able to find how to implement what I need. I would like to know if there is a method to execute a trace32 function every time a specific code line (under test) is reached in program execution.
What I need is something similar to trigger in database scenario, where an automatic event is raised every time a specific condition is satisfied.
Thank you all!

You can always set a breakpoint, which executes a PRACTICE command every time the breakpoints gets hit. E.g.
Break.Set myFunc /CMD "PRINT ""Hello World""" /RESUME
So this will stop your target CPU when functions myFunc() is reached. Then the PRACTICE command PRINT "Hello World" gets executed and finally your target CPU continues execution (thanks to the option /RESUME). (Consider that double quotes escape double quotes in strings)
Instead of a single command you can also execute more commands (by using option /CMD several times) or execute a PRACTICE script.
If you want to trigger debugger actions on a specific code line without stopping the CPU on that code line, you would need a real-time-trace with external trace interface. So e.g. you would need an ARM CPU with Embedded Trace Macro-cell (ETM) or a PowerPC with Nexus interface. Furthermore you would need Lauterbach hardware for trace-recording e.g. a PowerTrace, CombiProbe or uTrace.
If you have a real-time-trace you can set a "trigger-point" on the specific code line and a execute a command when the "trigger-point" triggers. It looks almost the same way than with breakpoints:
Break.Set myFunc /TraceTrigger /CMD "PRINT ""Hello World""" /RESUME
So the only difference is the option "/TraceTrigger". Of course you should ensure that the real-time-trace is actually working with your setup.


How can an uncalled test affect another in Go?

I have a test function TestJobqueue() in https://github.com/VertebrateResequencing/wr/blob/develop/jobqueue/jobqueue_test.go that I can call in isolation: go test -tags netgo ./jobqueue -v -run 'TestJobqueue$'.
I recently started getting test failures related to boltdb (one of my dependencies) bombing out with signal SIGBUS: bus error code panics, or just normally failing tests because the database couldn't be opened. But only when working off an NFS mounted directory. Fair enough, I or boltdb have some kind of NFS-related bug.
But the thing I can't wrap my head around is that I only get these errors when an entirely different test function exists.
As per the comments in TestREST() in https://github.com/VertebrateResequencing/wr/blob/92fb61ccd7819c8f1edfa8cce8468c4250d40ea7/jobqueue/rest_test.go, if I call Serve(serverConfig) (a function in the package being tested, a function call which is made many times in TestJobqueue() and other test functions) in that test function, TestJobqueue() fails. If I don't, it doesn't.
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
How is this possible?
Edit: to address some points brought up by the first answer, TestJobqueue() is being run in isolation. No other test runs before or after it. If the database file already exists, Serve() results in those files being deleted first, then a new one created to run the new set of tests. The odd thing that I'm seeking an answer for is how an unexecuted function can have this side effect. I can demonstrate it is really unexecuted by beginning or ending TestREST() with a panic call: the output of that panic is never seen, but TestJobqueue() failure can still be controlled by the boolean in TestREST() (if the panic comes at the end).
Edit2: this turns out to be caused by an unusual thing I do in TestJobqueue(), which is to call go test on itself. Needless to say, if you do this, strange things can happen...
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
This is not a great summary. Your test starts a server. The other test starts a server, clearly, the problem is there. You appear to have commented out the bit of code that stops the server at the end of the test? You can't run two servers on the same port.
You probably have a port conflict or some network condition that is triggered by running the two servers at once, because they both appear to use a similar (identical?) config loaded like this:
config := internal.ConfigLoad("development", true)
Running with no config uses default values, avoiding the conflict, running with config causes the conflict. So to pin it down, try creating a config with one setting at a time till you find the config setting that causes the problem (most likely Port or WebPort). Alternatively, make sure the tests stop the server at the end.
[EDIT] Looks like you have narrowed it down to DBFile config setting by changing one at a time. This implies the server starts a new db instance - if both try to use the same file for a new db, this would cause contention and the second test to run would fail.
It's not entirely clear from your description above what you're doing or what the problem is, so you could try to improve that to state exactly the sequence of actions and the problem. If for example you have previously run a test which creates a db, it could affect later test runs because of the presence of a db file, so your tests are not completely independent.
[EDIT 2 - after further edits to question]
If commenting out TestREST completely solves your problem (or a panic before it starts), and given changing it breaks the other test, you are executing TestREST somehow.
Looking at your code for jobqueue_test, it appears to invoke go test so you might be running more tests that you assume? Given you don't see the panic output I'd suspect your use of exec.Command in this big test. Try removing bits of the failing test till it works to narrow down exactly which invocation is running the other test. Calling go test within a test is pretty unusual!

Interrupt, stop or timeout LotusScript Agent internally

I would like to timeout a LotusScript agent internally. The Agent Manager has a timeout of 60 min with one task, which is needed for some agents. In my case the agent normally runs 7 - 10 min, but it might hang on opening a mail calendar profile. It just hangs, does nothing but consuming CPU and blocking other agents from running.
Is there any way to stop/interrupt the agent internally, so that I can set a timeout of 30 sec for that operation and if it does not succeed stop the agent?
Problematic Code Snippet:
Set notesDocument = notesDatabase.GetProfileDocument("calendarprofile")
Error on the Mail Server short time after the problem (other server than the agent server)
SchedMgr: Error processing calendar profile document (NoteID: NT00000902) in database XXXX/XXXX.nsf: Document has been deleted
Understanding internally as without external agent, process and so on.
If no operation is blocking, you can instanciate timer, check periodically if your time is comsumed and end graccefullly your code.
If your code is blocked (as in your example) on an operation, there is nothing you can do: no preampt task, no interruption.
I had the same issue when using ole to write in Excel. When a dialogue box were openend in Excel the task (run by http) just stoped forever. The max time execution even don't work.
As per #Emmanuel's answer, I don't believe you can do anything to set a timeout on the operation that is hanging. However, since you know about the problem you might be able to work around it using the NotesNoteCollection class. I.e., something like this:
dim c as NotesNoteCollection
set c = db.CreateNoteCollection(false)
c.selectProfiles = true
Then you loop through the collection using id=c.getFirstNoteId and id=c.getNextNoteId(id) in a pattern similar to what you use to loop through a regular NotesDocumentCollection, retrieving each profile document using doc =db.GetDocumentByID(id) and checking with doc.isValid to make sure it's not a deletion stub (which seems to be the root of your problem), and then checking if it is the calendarprofile by calling doc.getItemValue("$Name") and examining the value in the 0th element of the value array. It's a string containing a prefix "$profile" followed by an underscore, a number (three digits, always?), and then the profile doc name and another underscore. (In some profile docs, $Name would also contain a username, which IIRC occurs after the second underscore, but that's not the case with the calendarprofile doc. Use NotesPeek to examine a mail database to see the format.) Then, once you've verified that the document exists and is not a stub, go ahead and use db.getProfileDocument to assure that you're working on the cached version of the note.
You might also want to investigate why your code is hanging. I've not run into a situation like this before, but I'm wondering if there might be an excessive number of deletion stubs in the database and your code is triggering some sort of cleanup operation on them that is taking a very long time. That's just a guess, but this behavior isn't normal and even though I believe you can work around it, that might not be true. It's just a guess. And building and iterating the NotesNoteCollection might even trigger the same bad behavior for all I know.

How to read keyboard inputs in Octave while running loop?

I'm running a script that includes an infinite loop and I would like to exit from this loop with user input. I don't want to use the standard "input" function because that pauses the execution of the loop while it waits for the user inputs. I want that the program keeps looping all the time (until some certain keyboard input is given). I don't want to exit from the loop with ctrl+c either because then the program shut down procedures that are located after the loop, are not executed.
In octave, when something is typed to the command window during execution of a script nothing is shown in the command window until the script has ended. From this it is clear that keyboard inputs that are given during the execution of a script are stored somewhere (is this right?). And now the big guestion is where? And how can I access this data?
I'm running Octave 4.0.0 in Win7
p.s. also other suggestions for stopping the loop are welcome
Use kbhit:
while (1)
if (kbhit (1) == 'x')
sleep (0.2)
printf ("Loop is running...\n");
fflush (stdout);
Or if you want to exit with ctrl-c and finalize your script use a unwind_protect, unwind_ptrotect_cleanup block
while (1)
sleep (0.2)
printf ("Loop is running...\n");
fflush (stdout);
disp ("doing my cleanup");
In octave, when something is typed to the command window during execution of a script nothing is shown in the command window until the script has ended. From this it is clear that keyboard inputs that are given during the execution of a script are stored somewhere (is this right?). And now the big guestion is where? And how can I access this data?
This is called buffering and is a very common behaviour. The principle is simple. Instead of writing everything as it's ready, your system will keep it on a buffer and only write it when told to do so, or when the buffer is full. Many disks operations work like this, for example, when you copy a few small files into a USB stick (dependent on the mount options). Once the buffer is full, or when you click to eject the USB, stick, the system will then actually perform the write.
If you read the section Paging Screen Output of the Octave manual you will see:
Normally, no output is displayed by the pager until just before Octave is ready to print the top level prompt, or read from the standard input (for example, by using the fscanf or scanf functions). This means that there may be some delay before any output appears on your screen if you have asked Octave to perform a significant amount of work with a single command statement. The function fflush may be used to force output to be sent to the pager (or any other stream) immediately.
Alternatively, you can turn off this buffering with page_output_immediately():
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave sends output to the pager as soon as it is available.
Otherwise, Octave buffers its output and waits until just before the prompt is printed to flush it to the pager.

Start a Spring-Shell based application not interactive

Is it possible to start a specific command of a Spring-Shell app and then return/exit the shell after the command is finished? Further is it possible to expose the exit code (System.exit) of the app to the operating system shell?
For my purpose i will take advantage of the plugin mechanism and the CLI-Annotations of Spring-Shell. But in general there is no human interaction with the app, instead a job scheduler (UC4) will start the app and check the exit code to generate an email in case of an exit code not equal to 0. On the other hand for manual tests by our customer, there is also the need of tab completion, usage help etc.
This behavior is already built-in (although we considered removing it, or at least make it optional). I see now that it is useful :)
Simply invoke the shell with your (sole) command and the shell will spin up, execute the command, and quit. Also, the return code of the shell already indicates whether there was an error or not (tried with an inexistant command for example). Of course, if your custom commands do not properly indicate an error (i.e. print an error message but perform a normal return) this will not work. You should throw an exception instead.
The behavior is back.
Run spring-shell with #my-script, like so:
java -jar my-app.jar #my-script
Where my-script is a file with your commands:
my-command1 arg1 arg2
my-command2 arg1 arg2

How to prioritize a particular process on start up?

In Linux, I want a process to be assigned with higher priority than usual. I.e. when a process starts I want it's priority to be set to higher value. I want this to be done implicitly, i.e when the process starts (eg.:on a double click).
For this will I have to change the kernel code (sched.c)?
And are there any tools or packages using which I can see how exactly a process starts and how the priorities are assigned?
Would ptrace ( http://linux.die.net/man/2/ptrace) and strace ( http://linux.die.net/man/1/strace) help me with this?
Assuming you don't want to hack the actual application itself you can always create a custom desktop file which wraps the command with "nice" which will modify the niceness (priority) of the command you'll run.
For example, create a ~/.local/share/applications/myfastapp.desktop which looks like:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=nice -n -20 /usr/bin/myapp
Name=My App (niced)
Comment=Custom definition for myapp
Have the process call the set_priority() system call in main() to lower it's nice level and raise it's priority. See the man page for details: http://linux.die.net/man/2/setpriority
You can also mark the process as a real time process using sched_setscheduler() but that is a little bit more involved and probably an overkill for what you seek.
You 100% don't need to change the kernel for this :-)