Access Shape By Name in Header - vba

My first post so sorry for any errors.
I am trying to replace a image in the header of a document. This will be done a few thousand times.
This line of code:
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers.Shapes(strPic)
Compile error: Method or data member not found
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Shapes("strPic")
Run-time error '-2147024809(80070057): The item with the specified name wasn't found.
I have written in multiple ways and cannot get it to assign shp I feel like this is a very simple issue of how I am accessing the header or maybe this whole sub is just wrong. The strPic line before get the name of the shape fine.
Sub imagerepl()
With Selection
' \\ If we selected a InlineShape then convert to Shape
If .Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
End If
End With
strPic = Selection.ShapeRange.Name
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers.Shapes(strPic)
'Capture properties of exisitng picture such as location and size
With shp
t = .Top
l = .Left
h = .Height
w = .Width
End With
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddPicture("C:\Users\tk\Pictures\DFHlogo.png", msoFalse, msoTrue, l, t, w, h)
shp.Name = strPic
shp.ScaleHeight Factor:=1, RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoTrue
shp.ScaleWidth Factor:=1, RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoTrue
End Sub

You can access the header image through the Range.InlineShapes collection. For example, the following routine would delete the first image in the collection and then add new image to the header.
Dim sh As InlineShape
With ThisDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
' Get the first (possibly only, for you) image in the header...
Set sh = .InlineShapes(1)
' Delete it...
' Add a new image to the header...
Set sh = .InlineShapes.AddPicture("c:\path\to\my.jpg")
' Set its properties...
sh.Width = 100
sh.Height = 100
End With


Replace a text box with a placeholder (Title or Body)

I received a PowerPoint file with multiple slides which were supposed to be templates (designs - customlayouts) but instead were regular slides.
Transforming them into SlideMaster and custom layouts and replacing the titles and bodys (textboxes) with actual placeholders by hand was a pain.
So I came with this script to make the process faster.
If anybody has a better approach, it's welcome.
Had to look for a workaround to get the customlayout object.
Several things are missing, for example error handling.
To test it, copy a textbox into a slidemaster layout slide, select it and run the ReplaceWithPHTitle macro
Option Explicit
Public Sub ReplaceWithPHTitle()
ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder ppPlaceholderTitle
End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceWithPHBody()
ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder ppPlaceholderBody
End Sub
Private Sub ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder(ByVal placeholderType As PpPlaceholderType)
Dim targetLayout As CustomLayout
Dim activeShape As Shape
Dim newPlaceHolder As Shape
Set activeShape = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
Set targetLayout = activeShape.Parent
Set newPlaceHolder = targetLayout.Shapes.AddPlaceholder(Type:=placeholderType, Left:=activeShape.Left, Top:=activeShape.Top, Width:=activeShape.Width + 15, Height:=activeShape.Height)
With newPlaceHolder.TextFrame
.TextRange.Font.Name = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name
.TextRange.Characters.Font.Color.RGB = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Font.Color.RGB
.TextRange.Font.Size = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
.TextRange.Font.Bold = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceWithin = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceWithin
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.BaseLineAlignment = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.BaseLineAlignment
.TextRange.Text = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End With
With newPlaceHolder.TextFrame2
.TextRange.Font.Spacing = activeShape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Spacing
End With
newPlaceHolder.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End Sub
Any improvements are welcome too.

VBA Word Shape location - top left corner

I have written a small function, based on example provided by producer of Stroke Scribe ActiveX object. This is an plugin which allows us to create in Microsoft Word by VBA Macro an QR Code object.
The problem is with setting up a shape location
shp.Left = 0 + LeftMargin
shp.Top = 0 + TopMargin
I would like to put this shape (QR Code) on specific page on the most left top corner. But sometimes shape jumps to previous page (on bottom) or other location (vertical center).
Can you help me recognize a problem and fix it to locate Shape Object every time top left corner?
Sub QRCodeGenerator(SOP, BookmarkID, Page, TopMargin, LeftMargin)
Dim doc As Document
Set doc = Application.ActiveDocument
For Each sh In doc.Shapes
If sh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
If sh.OLEFormat.ProgID = "STROKESCRIBE.StrokeScribeCtrl.1" Then
End If
End If
With doc.PageSetup
usable_w = .PageWidth
usable_h = .PageHeight
End With
Dim pg As Range
Set pg = doc.GoTo(wdGoToPage, wdGoToRelative, Page)
Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = doc.Shapes.AddOLEControl(ClassType:="STROKESCRIBE.StrokeScribeCtrl.1", Anchor:=pg)
Dim sMyString As String
sMyString = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(BookmarkID).Range.Text
sMyString = Replace(sMyString, "FORMTEXT ", "")
shp.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
shp.Height = InchesToPoints(0.6)
shp.Width = shp.Height
shp.Left = 0 + LeftMargin
shp.Top = 0 + TopMargin ' // usable_h - shp.Height * 3 + TopMargin
Dim ss As StrokeScribe
Set ss = shp.OLEFormat.Object
ss.Alphabet = QRCODE 'StrokeScribe will draw a QR code picture
ss.Text = SOP & ";" & sMyString 'Any text you want to encode in the barcode
ss.QrECL = H 'Changes the default error correction level. This can be omitted
ss.QrMinVersion = 3 'Specifies the minimum barcode size. This can be omitted
ss.FontColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
' ss.UTF8 = True 'Enable this, if you want to encode national characters for smartphones
If ss.Error Then
MsgBox ss.ErrorDescription
End If
End Sub
Word SHAPE objects must be anchored to a Range. The page location of that Range determines on which page the Shape will display. There's nothing you can do to "lock" a Shape to a particular page.
That said, it is possible to dictate that a Shape always appears in the same location on whichever page the anchoring Range lies.
This is always tricky if you add such a Shape before document editing is finished, because editing can move the anchoring paragraph to a different page. It can help to choose a paragraph as the anchor that's unlikely to move, for example perhaps the first paragraph on the page.
Something I did once, long ago, was write a macro that checks the page locations of Shapes before printing or saving. When inserting and positioning the Shape, I give it a Name that includes the page number. Before printing/saving the macro checks the page number in the Shape name with the page on which the Shape is located. If the two don't match, CUT the Shape and PASTE it to a paragraph on the correct page (it remembers its position settings).
The code sample below demonstrates how to name the Shape, lock the anchor to a specific paragraph and position the Shape flush to the top, left corner of the page.
Sub ShapePosTopLeft()
Dim doc As word.Document
Dim shp As word.Shape
Dim rng As word.Range
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set rng = doc.GoTo(wdGoToPage, wdGoToRelative, Page)
Set rng = rng.Paragraphs(1).Range
Set shp = doc.Shapes.AddOLEControl(ClassType:="STROKESCRIBE.StrokeScribeCtrl.1", Anchor:=rng)
With shp
.Name = "Shape_Page" & Page
.LockAnchor = True
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionPage
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
End With
End Sub

Change Media Object (VBA PowerPoint)

I just want to change the music of a Media Object in PowerPoint using Macros. I have a music in a Slide, but I can't figure out how I can change it to different music. Or is it possible to replace it by a new one but with the same properties...?
I tried playing around with following code but I don't know the rest...
Slide3.Shapes("bg_music").MediaFormat. 'code that I don't know to change it's music/media
You're going to need to delete the existing shape and replace it with a new one, copying the properties as needed. This MSDN article enumerates some (all?) of the MediaFormat properties.
Option Explicit
Sub ReplaceMediaFormat()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim newShp As Shape
Dim shp As Shape
Dim mf As MediaFormat
Dim path As String
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) '// Modify as needed
Set shp = sld.Shapes("bg_music")
Set mf = shp.MediaFormat
'// Modify the path for your new media file:
path = "C:\Users\david.zemens\Downloads\2540.mp3"
Set newShp = sld.Shapes.AddMediaObject2(path)
With newShp
.Top = shp.Top
.Left = shp.Left
.Width = shp.Width
.Height = shp.Height
' etc...
End With
' // copy the mediaformat properties as needed
With newShp.MediaFormat
.StartPoint = mf.StartPoint
.EndPoint = mf.EndPoint
.FadeInDuration = mf.FadeInDuration
.FadeOutDuration = mf.FadeOutDuration
.Muted = mf.Muted
.Volume = mf.Volume
' etc...
End With
'// remove the original
Dim eff As Effect
'// Creates an effect in the timeline which triggers this audio to play when the slideshow begins
Set eff = sld.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(newShp, msoAnimEffectMediaPlay, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious)
With newShp.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
.LoopUntilStopped = msoCTrue
.PauseAnimation = msoFalse
.PlayOnEntry = msoCTrue
.RewindMovie = msoCTrue
.StopAfterSlides = 999
.HideWhileNotPlaying = msoTrue
End With
With help from this article, I can get the audio to play automatically by creating an effect (see above Set eff = ...).

How to add picture into Word Header which contains already a table?

I am trying to add a picture (company logo) into a header by code.
This worked fine so far until there showed up some documents which contain a table in the header, which I want to keep there too.
Problem is: my code adds the picture into the first table cell. What i want is that the picture is positioned in the top right corner of the page (with some margin to the page) .. but outside the table.
How do I need to modify my code to do that? I guess the problem is the Range I use:
Set oSec = ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
Set oHeader = oSec.Headers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage)
Set Rng = oHeader.Range '<<-- Problem here? What to do if there is a table in the header
Set sh = ActiveDocument.shapes.AddPicture(LogoFile, False, True, 0, 0, , , Rng)
With sh
.Height = LogoDimension
.Width = LogoDimension
.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapTopBottom
.WrapFormat.Side = wdWrapTopBottom
.WrapFormat.DistanceBottom = MillimetersToPoints(10)
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionRightMarginArea
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage
.Left = MillimetersToPoints(0.5) - LogoDimension
.Top = MillimetersToPoints(11.5)
End With
Thanks for any hints!
I was able to test the scenario on my dev machine and could reproduce the problem. Shape management in Word's Headers/Footers is notorious for being "pliable" - this appears to be another one of those things.
What works is to insert the graphic in the paragraph below the table as an InlineShape object, use the ConvertToShape method, then immediately lock the anchor of the Shape so that moving it doesn't shift the anchor position to the nearest paragraph (table cell).
Sub InsertPicInHeaderOutsideTable()
Dim oSec As word.Section
Dim oHeader As word.HeaderFooter
Dim rng As word.Range
Dim sh As word.Shape, ils As word.InlineShape
Set oSec = ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
Set oHeader = oSec.Headers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage)
Set rng = oHeader.Range
'**** Add the followign four lines to code in your question ****
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Set ils = rng.InlineShapes.AddPicture(LogoFile, False, True, rng)
Set sh = ils.ConvertToShape
sh.LockAnchor = True
With sh
'and so on...
after some more playing around with it I found the solution:
.LayoutInCell = False
adding this attribute to the shape will lead to positioning the picture as wanted and not affect the table anymore.
edit: this was not entirely correct it seems. The picture is still added to the table .. just not positioned in the cell anymore. If I delete the table for testing the picture gets deleted automatically with it. So this is not an ideal solution still.
I think still the range used is the problem

Powerpoint VBA Make duplicated shape view active to select for grouping

I have a library of eight images on my PowerPoint slide. Based on a userform input, some of the components get duplicated and renamed by adding a "1" or "2" after the original image's name so that they are differentiable. I then want to group the new images (I am building up an item from the component images). I am able to duplicate the images and line them up correctly, but I am having trouble grouping them. Note that I am not always grouping the same number of items, it is dependent on user inputs.
I receive the error "Shape (unknown member): Invalid request. To select a shape, its view must be active."
I searched and attempted to implement several strategies from the help forums but am coming up empty.
Part of code below because it is very long, but this is where my first problem arises:
Dim Cargo As Shape, Cargo_Dup as Shape, Chemical as Shape, Chemical_Dup as Shape
Set Cargo = ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes("Cargo")
Set Chemical = ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes("Chemical")
Cargo.Name = "Cargo"
Chemical.Name = "Chemical"
With ActivePresentation
Set Cargo_Dup = ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes("Cargo")
With Cargo_Dup.Duplicate
.Name = "Cargo_1st"
.Left = 0
.Top = 540
End With
If Input1 = "Chemical" Then
Set Chemical_Dup = ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes("Chemical")
With Chemical_Dup.Duplicate
.Name = "Chemical" & 1
.Left = 36.74352
.Top = 540 + 0.36
End With
ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes("Chemical1").Select msoFalse
Set Vehicle = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Group
Vehicle.Name = "Vehicle"
'Elseif with a bunch for options where addition grouping occurs
I need some kind of keyboard macro to type this for me:
Never select anything unless you absolutely have to.
You nearly never absolutely have to.
You're asking how to make a view active so that you can select something.
I figure that's the wrong question.
It's more useful to know how to work with shapes WITHOUT having to select them.
Grouping shapes w/o selecting them is a bit tricky, but it can be done.
Here's an example of how you might go about this:
Sub GroupWithoutSelecting()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim aShapes() As String
Set oSl = ActivePresentation.Slides(2) ' or whichever slide you like
ReDim aShapes(1 To 1)
With oSl
For Each oSh In .Shapes
If oSh.Type <> msoPlaceholder Then ' can't group placeholders
' Substitute the real condition you want to use
' for selecting shapes to be grouped here
If oSh.Type = msoAutoShape Then
' add it to the array
aShapes(UBound(aShapes)) = oSh.Name
ReDim Preserve aShapes(1 To UBound(aShapes) + 1)
End If
End If
' eliminate the last (empty) element in the array
ReDim Preserve aShapes(1 To UBound(aShapes) - 1)
' Create a shaperange from the array members and group the shaperange
End With ' oSl
End Sub