ORACLE SQL Multi Join - sql

I want to join fields from different tables into one doing a query with joins. From now I've only joined two tables but I have difficulties merging others more. Can you help me? These are my tables:
Table Departments
Department_ID Department_Name
1 Sales
2 Marketing
3 Warehouse
Table Roles
Table Departments_Roles
Dep_Role_ID Department_ID Role_ID Role_Name
1 1 1 Admin
2 1 2 Client Attention
3 2 1 Admin
4 3 2 Client Attention
Table Employers
Employer_Id Employer_Name
1 John
2 Jess
3 Tom
4 George
5 David
What I want to see is:
Table Merged
Department_Name Employer_Name Role_Name
xxxxx yyyyy zzzz
This are just some example tables. Dont look for the sense of it.
I've tried using join, but I've never make something so complex.
Can you give me some advice?

Joining multiple tables is the same as joining one table, just repeated.
SELECT D.Department_Name, E.Employer_Name, DR.Role_Name
FROM Employers E --this is your base table
INNER JOIN magicalEmployerToDepartmentRoleLinkTable EDR --this connects our base table to the linking table
ON E.Employer_Id = EDR.Employer_Id
INNER JOIN Department_Roles DR --now we can pull any column in the Department_Roles table that is related back to our base table
ON ED.Department_Id = DR.Department_Id
INNER JOIN Department D --now we can pull any column in the Department table that is related back to the Department_Roles table
ON DR.Department_ID = D.Department_Id


Displaying columns as rows SQL

I have the below tables:
Corporate table:
CorporateId DirectorId ManagerId SalesId
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 3
3 3 4 5
Employee table:
EmployeeId FirstName LastName
1 Tim Sarah
2 Tom Paulsen
3 Tam Margo
4 Eli Lot
5 Ziva Lit
I want to display, for one corporate,the names of the Director, Manager and Sales in rows. Example with corporate 3:
EmployeeId FirstName LastName
3 Tam Margo
4 Eli Lot
5 Ziva Lit
How can I do that? I know how to display rows as columns using pivot, but unsure if pivot can be used here also.
Any help please?
You may join the two tables as the following:
SELECT E.EmployeeId, E.FirstName, E.LastName
FROM Employee E JOIN Corporate C
ON E.EmployeeID IN (C.DirectorId ,C.ManagerId ,C.SalesId)
WHERE C.CorporateId=3
See a demo.
You can first un-pivot your rows into columns by using cross apply, after which you simply join the pivoted rows to your employee table:
select e.*
from corporate c
cross apply (
select EmployeeId from (
values (Directorid), (ManagerId), (SalesId)
join employee e on e.EmployeeId = r.EmployeeId
where c.CorporateId = 3;

SQL Query: Join (or select) 2 columns from 1 table with 1 column from another table for a view without extra join columns

This is my very first Stackoverflow post, so I apologize if I am not formatting my question correctly. I'm pounding my head against the wall with what I'm sure is a simple problem. I have a table with a bunch of event information, about 10 columns as so:
Table: event_info
date location_id lead_user_id colead_user_id attendees start end <and a few more...>
2020-10-10 1 3 1 26 2100 2200 .
2020-10-11 3 2 4 18 0600 0700
2020-10-12 2 5 6 6 0800 0900
And another table with user information:
Table: users
user_id user_name display_name email phone city
1 Joe S goofball ...
2 John T schmoofball ...
3 Jack U aloofball ...
4 Jim V poofball ...
5 Joy W tootball ...
6 George A boring ...
I want to create a view that has only a subset of the information, not full table joins. The event table lead_user_id and colead_user_id columns both refer to the user_id column in the users table.
I want to create a view like this:
date Location Lead Name CoLead Name attendees
2020-10-10 1 Jack U Joe S 26
2020-10-11 3 John T Jim V 18
2020-10-12 2 Joy W George A 6
I have tried the following and several iterations like it to no avail...
SELECT, E.location,
U1.display_name AS Lead Name,
U2.display_name AS CoLead Name.
users U1, event_info E
event_info E ON U1.user_id = E.lead_user_id
users U2 ON U2.user_id = E.colead_user_id
And I get the dreaded
You have an error in your SQL Syntax
message. I'm not surprised, as I've really only ever used joins on single columns or nested select statements... this two columns pointing to one is throwing me for a loop. Help!
correct query for this matter
SELECT, E.location,
U1.display_name AS Lead Name,
(select display_name from users where user_id=E.colead_user_id) AS CoLead Name,
event_info E
users U1 ON U1.user_id = E.lead_user_id

How to inner join same table with different conditions?

I need to get contact information where employee id is null and not null. How do I join the same table with these different conditions. I need the information to populate a report with both employee information and person accompanied them to a event. Here is the query I have so far.
select, (persons.firstname+' '+ persons.lastname) as employee
from events
inner join eventscontacts on = eventcontacts.events_id
inner join contacts on eventcontacts.contact_id =
inner join persons on contacts.person_id =
Eventcontacts table
Id ContactType_id contact_id event_id
1 1 1 300
2 2 3 300
Contact type is 1 for employee and 2 for non emplopyees
contacts table
Id person_id employee_id
1 100 200
2 101 201
3 102 NULL
4 103 202
5 104 203
Person table
Id firstname lastname
100 John Stewart
101 Greg Larry
102 Kim Hans
103 Gloria June
104 Dan Duke
Result table
ID employee accompany
300 John Stewart Kim Hans
right now, I have information of all the employees for the event. I want the people who accompanied these person for the events. Their employee id is null in the contacts table. How do I join the contacts table again here?
An inner join will return only the rows that exist in both tables, where it seems like you want all the rows from the contacts table including the rows that don't match due to them lacking an employee id.
If you use an outer join, it will return rows that exist in contacts AND in events like an inner join but ALSO rows that ONLY exist in events and rows that ONLY exist in contacts.
In the case that I am explaining this poorly, I recommend you read this to help explain:
If you can successfully use an outer join you will get all the visitors in one table regardless of having an id or not.

How to Join three tables with multiple values rows returned on the other two

Say for example.
I have three separate tables:
course Table which has CourseId, StudentIds etc
student which of course contains student data and StudentName
score table
I only want one column from each table and fuse them into one.
CourseId StudentName Scores
---------- ------------- ----------
1 Gashio 10
1 Gashio 20
1 Lee 35
1 Lee 40
1 Edith 5
2 Lana 3
2 Reisha 50
For every Course there's multiple students, and for every Scores there's multiple scores they get from the course for a month.
I wanted something like this as a result:
CourseId StudentName Scores
--------- ------------- -------------
1 Gashio 10|20
1 Lee 35|40
1 Edith 5
2 Lana 3
2 Reisha 50
Since the scores return multiple values, I wanted it to become one column separated by a delimeter.
I'm not sure if this is where I should be using STRING_AGG?
SELECT course.CourseId,
STRING_AGG(Scores, ,'|') AS Scores
student ON student.StudentId = course.StudentId INNER JOIN
score ON score.studentId = student.StudentId
GROUP BY cource.CourseId,
use string_agg() with delimeter
select CourseId,StudentName,string_agg(Scores,'|') as scores
from tablename
group by CourseId,StudentName

Querying 100k records to 5 records

I have a requirement in such a way that it should join two tables with more than 100k records in one table and just 5 records in another table as shown below
Employee Dept Result
id Name deptid deptid Name Name deptid Name
1 Jane 1 1 Science Jane 1 Science
2 Jack 2 2 Maths Dane 1 Science
3 Dane 1 3 Biology Jack 2 Maths
4 Drack 3 4 Social Drack 3 Biology
5 Drim 5 Zoology Kery 4 Social
6 Drum 5 Drum 5 Zoology
7 Krack
8 Kery 4
Which join need to be used to get the query in an better way to perform to get the result as shown.
I just want the query to join with other table from employee table only which has dept which i thought of below query but wanted to know is there any better way to do it.
Select,d.deptid,d.Name from
(Select deptid,Name from Employee where deptid IS NOT NULL) A
and dept d where A.deptid=d.deptid;
Firstly not sure why you are performing your query the way you are. Should be more like
SELECT, D.deptid,D.Name
FROM Employee A
ON A.deptid = D.deptid
No need of the IS NOT NULL statement.
If this is a ONE TIME or OCCASIONAL thing and performance is key (not a permanent query in your DB) you can leave out the join altogether and do it using CASE:
SELECT, A.deptid,
WHEN A.deptid = 1 THEN "Science"
WHEN A.deptid = 2 THEN "Maths"
...[etc for the other 3 departments]...
END as Name
FROM Employee A
If this is to be permanent and performance is key, simply try applying an INDEX on the foreign key deptid in the Employee table and use my first query above.