Abstraction with repository pattern - sql

I am building an application (a web api to be specific) and I want to implement the repository pattern to abstract the data access layer and prepare it for future changes.
My goal is to make the repositories interfaces abstract enough to be able to implement every technology on top of them, starting from Native SQL Client (running sql command) to orm's like EF or dapper.
I have read some articles about repositories and the interface of my generic repository looks something like that:
interface IRepository<T>
IEnumerable<T> FindAll();
IEnumerable<T> FindBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate);
T FindById(int id);
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
I want the method FindBy to accept a linq expression because the other option is making it accept native sql and that won't work too well with technologies like linq to entity of EF.
The problem is that i also want to be able to implement a native sql repository on top of this interface and in order to implement a native sql repository, i need to run sql command, strings.
In this interface i don't accept any sql command as string, i accept linq expressions, and the native sql client can't handle linq expressions (as far as i know).
So my question is, how can i make this interface be compatible with any technology/orm/library/client/adapter, you get the idea...

Adbstracting repository is a good idea. I'll try to help you.
First of all, your repository must independent of persistance, so you need to remove method FindBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate), rather replace it with some kind of specification pattern:
interface IRepository<T>
IEnumerable<T> FindAll();
IEnumerable<T> FindBy(ISpecification<T> specification);
T FindById(int id);
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
public interface ISpecification<T>
IEnumerable<T> Execute(DbContext context);
So, now we have independent repository. And then you can create implementation of specification and repository for linq-supported persistance, it can looks like this:
public class LinqRepository<T> : IRepository<T>
private readonly DbContext _context;
public LinqRepository(DbContext context)
_context = context;
public IEnumerable<T> FindBy(ISpecification<T> specification)
return specification.Execute(_context);
//and others...
public class LinqSpecification<T> : ISpecification<T>
private readonly Expression<Func<T, bool>> _predicate;
public LinqSpecification(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
this._predicate = predicate;
public IEnumerable<T> Execute(DbContext context)
return context.Set<T>().Where(_predicate).ToList();
And call like this:
IRepository<Person> repository = new LinqRepository<Person>(dbContext);
var adults = repository.FindBy(new LinqSpecification<Person>(p => p.Age > 18));
Another side, when you need to implement non-linq repository, it can look like this:
public class SqlRepository<T> : IRepository<T>
private readonly DbContext _context;
public SqlRepository(DbContext context)
_context = context;
public IEnumerable<T> FindBy(ISpecification<T> specification)
return specification.Execute(_context);
public class SqlSpecification<T> : ISpecification<T>
private readonly string _query;
public SqlSpecification(string query)
_query = query;
public IEnumerable<T> Execute(DbContext context)
return context.ExecuteSql<T>(_query);
And call:
IRepository<Person> repository = new SqlRepository<Person>(dbContext);
var adults = repository.FindBy(new SqlSpecification<Person>("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Age > 18"));
Of couse, it's not ideal variant, but it depends on your system architecture and other components. But it can be used as background.


How can I make an ASP Core Claims Principal available in a non-controller object?

I am working on an ASP Core 2 project using JWT authentication and the Dapper ORM.
Like all ASP projects, I have a lot of controllers, each instantiating its associated data objects. Each data object inherits from an abstract DbObject class that provides database access services. I also have an AuthenticatedUser object that abstracts the JWT to make it's properties easier to use.
What I want is to do is create the AuthenticatedUser object in the constructor of DbObject. Of course, one method is to create it in the controller and pass it to every concrete data object but this is messy as it would have to be passed hundreds of times (and it just feels wrong).
Is there a way to use the ASP Core middleware to get the token after authentication and make it available through dependency injection in the DbObject?
Hopefully, this clarifies my intentions. I would like the controller to create data objects and use their properties and methods without regard to implementation (i.e. DbObject). But queries executed by DbObject will be filtered by information in the token of the logged in user.
public class ManufacturerController : Controller {
public async Task<IActionResult> Get() {
var manufacturers = await new Manufacturer().SelectMany();
return Ok(manufacturers);
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id) {
var manufacturer = await new Manufacturer().SelectOne(id);
return Ok(manufacturer);
public class Manufacturer : DbObject<Manufacturer> {
protected override string QrySelectOne => #"
Select *
From org.fn_Manufacturers ({0})
Where Id = {1}";
protected override string QrySelectMany => #"
Select *
From org.fn_Manufacturers ({0})";
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }...
public abstract class DbObject<T> {
protected readonly AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser;
public DbObject(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor) {
authenticatedUser = new
protected abstract string QrySelectOne { get; }
protected abstract string QrySelectMany { get; }
public async Task<T> SelectOne (int id) {...}
public async Task<T> SelectOne(params object[] ids) {...}
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> SelectMany () {...}
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> SelectMany (params object[] ids) {...}
I suppose one solution may be to create a static data object factory which has the IHttpContextAccessor injected??
ASP.NET Core provides IHttpContextAccessor interface for accessing HttpContext from non-controller objects.
The usage is fair simple. Inject IHttpContextAccessor into DbObject and access HttpContext by calling IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext:
public abstract class DbObject
protected DbObject(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
var context = contextAccessor.HttpContext;
// Create instance of AuthenticatedUser based on context.User or other request data
Your controllers instantiate data objects directly (with new operator), that's why you can't have IHttpContextAccessor injected out of the box. Here are possible solutions. I list them in order of my preference (from best to worst).
If each controller uses only one (or just several) types of data objects, the best options will be to avoid direct instantiation and move toward normal Dependency Injection.
So if ManufacturerController requires only Manufacturer like in your sample then, it's better to inject Manufacturer instance to controller, not to create it inside:
public class Manufacturer1Controller : Controller
private readonly Manufacturer manufacturer;
public Manufacturer1Controller(Manufacturer manufacturer)
this.manufacturer = manufacturer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(manufacturer));
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var manufacturers = await manufacturer.SelectMany();
return Ok(manufacturers);
// ...
IHttpContextAccessor will be injected into Manufacturer and passed to base DbObject:
public class Manufacturer : DbObject<Manufacturer>
public Manufacturer(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor) : base(contextAccessor)
It's the cleanest solution in the list. You use DI in classic way and utilize all benefits DI provides.
If one controller could use dozens of different data objects, you could inject the factory object that creates instances of data objects. It could be simple implementation based on IServiceProvider:
public interface IDbObjectFactory
TDbObject Create<TDbObject>() where TDbObject : DbObject<TDbObject>;
public class DbObjectFactory : IDbObjectFactory
private readonly IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
public DbObjectFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));
public TDbObject Create<TDbObject>() where TDbObject : DbObject<TDbObject>
return serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TDbObject>();
public class Manufacturer2Controller : Controller
private readonly IDbObjectFactory dbObjectFactory;
public Manufacturer2Controller(IDbObjectFactory dbObjectFactory)
this.dbObjectFactory = dbObjectFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbObjectFactory));
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var manufacturer = dbObjectFactory.Create<Manufacturer>();
var manufacturers = await manufacturer.SelectMany();
return Ok(manufacturers);
The code for Manufacturer and DbObject does not change comparing to the first option.
I don't see any reason not to use option #1 or #2. However just to complete the picture, I'll describe another two options.
Inject IHttpContextAccessor into conroller and pass this instance (or IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User) to Data Object constructor invoked with operator new:
public class Manufacturer3Controller : Controller
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor;
public Manufacturer3Controller(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
this.contextAccessor = contextAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contextAccessor));
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var manufacturer = await new Manufacturer(contextAccessor).SelectMany();
// or
// var manufacturer = await new Manufacturer(contextAccessor.HttpContext.User).SelectMany();
return Ok(manufacturer);
It's a bad solution, because you don't use Dependency Injection for Manufacturer here and loose many advantages that DI provides.
And the worst option would be using of static object factory with injected IHttpContextAccessor. With this approach you also loose benefits of DI. In addition you get ugly code somewhere in Startup that initializes static instance of IHttpContextAccessor. When you come to this approach, you'll discover that theere is no quite elegant way to do this.
My advice: use option #1 untill you have good reasons against it. Then use option #2.
Here is Sample Project on GitHub with samples for approaches ##1-3.

How to wrap NHibernate QueryOver API

I wrapped Nhibernate session as the following.
public interface IDalSession : IDisposable
void MarkForRollBack();
void End();
IDalSession Start();
IDalSession StartWithTransaction();
T Save<T>(T entity);
T CreateQuery<T>(string query);
//ISession GetHibernateSession { get; }
I really want to use QueryOver as my main query.
QueryOver API looks impossible to be wrapped because it is huge.
One solution is to use the NHibernate ISession (GetHibernateSession) in all of the places I need to pull data. but it is very ugliy.
What is the workaround here?
How can I wrap QueryOver?
Is this what you mean?
public interface IDalSession : IDisposable
void MarkForRollBack();
void End();
IDalSession Start();
IDalSession StartWithTransaction();
T Save<T>(T entity);
T CreateQuery<T>(string query);
IQueryOver<T,T> NewQueryOver<T>(); // check me out
//ISession GetHibernateSession { get; }
public IQueryOver<T,T> NewQueryOver<T>()
return Session.QueryOver<T>();
You may get some comments about hiding away anything NH from other layers, so for that its fine to be able to pass back a new linq to NH query as its IQueryable:
public virtual IQueryable<T> NewQuery<T>()
return Session.Query<T>();
but I personally prefer QueryOver API so I wrap my data access into concrete repositories. S#arp architecture does it nice:

NHibernate: How to inject dependency on an entity

NHibernate 3.2/Fluent NHibernate 1.3/StructureMap 2.6.3 -
Trying to follow DDD as an architectural strategy, I typically don't have dependencies on domain entities. However, I'm experimenting right now with adding more behavior to my domain entities so that they are not so anemic. Everything was going well until I hooked up NHibernate. I've got two issues:
NH requires a parameterless constructor and I'd rather not have a
ctor that shouldn't be used.
When NH tries to instantiate my entity, it needs to resolve my
dependencies but I haven't given NH anything with which it can do
I've been reading on the web, but most (if not all) of the examples I have found are outdated (or just old). Even though the NH camp probably doesn't approve of what I'm doing, I'm looking for the NH way to do this.
The solution ended up an implementation of NHibernate's IInterceptor. It is actually a very simple implementation when you inherit from EmptyInterceptor and override JUST the Instantiate() and SetSession() methods. Here's my interceptor using StructureMap:
public class DependencyInjectionEntityInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
IContainer _container;
ISession _session;
public DependencyInjectionEntityInterceptor(IContainer container)
_container = container;
public override void SetSession(ISession session)
_session = session;
public override object Instantiate(string clazz, EntityMode entityMode, object id)
if (entityMode == EntityMode.Poco)
var type = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (SomeClass)).GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName == clazz);
var hasParameters = type.GetConstructors().Any(x => x.GetParameters().Any());
if (type != null && hasParameters)
var instance = _container.GetInstance(type);
var md = _session.SessionFactory.GetClassMetadata(clazz);
md.SetIdentifier(instance, id, entityMode);
return instance;
return base.Instantiate(clazz, entityMode, id);
Then, all you have to do is tell NHibernate to use your interceptor:
public FluentConfiguration GetFluentConfiguration(IContainer container)
return Fluently.Configure()
.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("Database"))
.Mappings(m =>
.ExposeConfiguration(x =>
x.SetInterceptor(new DependencyInjectionEntityInterceptor(container)));
When I was researching this, some suggested passing in the SessionFactory into the ctor of the interceptor class. Honestly, from a session management perspective, this approach would be better.
If you need additional dependencies in your entities don't use constructor injection. Instead create an additional parameter in the entity method.
Now you will ask yourself how do you get the dependency. For this you can use CommandHandlers and Commands. The command handler takes the dependency within its constructor and calls the method of the entity. In the UI you create a command message and send it to a command processor which is responsible for calling the correct command handler.
I hope my explanation is comprehensible to you.
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public void SendNotification(string message, INotifier notifier)
notifier.SendMessage(string.Format("Message for customer '{0}' ({1}): {2}", Name, Id, message));
The INotifier infrastructure component is passed through the method and not the constructor!
public interface INotifier
void SendMessage(string message);
class EmailNotifier : INotifier
public void SendMessage(string message)
// SmtpClient...
class SMSNotifier : INotifier
public void SendMessage(string message)
// SMS ...
Command and CommandHandler:
public class NotificationCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<NotificationCommand>
private readonly INotifier _notifier;
public NotificationCommandHandler(INotifier notifier)
_notifier = notifier;
public void Execute(NotificationCommand commandMessage)
commandMessage.Employee.SendNotification(commandMessage.Message, _notifier);
public class NotificationCommand
public string Message { get; set; }
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
The CommandHandler gets the INotifier through constructor injection. So you do not need to use your IoC Container like a ServiceLocator.
Usage i.e. in the UI in a controller:
public class Controller
private readonly IMessageProcessor _messageProcessor;
public Controller(IMessageProcessor messageProcessor)
_messageProcessor = messageProcessor;
public void SendNotification (Employee employee, string message)
var sendMailCommand = new NotificationCommand
Employee = employee,
Message = message
If you have questions about the command processor have a look at the mvccontrib project or ask a separate question.
Sorry my previous answer didn't address the specific question. I did some more research, and it looks like I have much more to learn about when and when not to use an anemic domain model. Regarding your question, I found this article to be very on topic. It is on java, not c#, but the principles are the same. Hope this helps.

Initialize FakeRepository<> instead of Repository<> using StructureMap

I have the following repository interface
public interface IRepository<TEntity> {
TEntity FindById(int id);
TEntity FindById(long id);
I then have the following Repository class that inherits from the interface above
public class Repository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class {
private DB _context;
public Repository() {
_context = new DB();
public Repository(DB context) {
_context = context;
I have created a FakeRepository<> that also inherits from IRepository<>
public class FakeRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class {
private FakeDataContext _context;
public FakeRepository() {
_context = new FakeDataContext();
public FakeRepository(FakeDataContext context) {
_context = context;
The only difference between the Repository and the Fake is that rather than using the LinqToSQL DBContext I have created a fake one for testing purposes.
What I then what to be able to do in my unit tests is:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x => { x.For(typeof(Repository<>)).Use(typeof(FakeRepository<>)); });
So my tests will always be run against the in-memory fakedbcontext.
However I get structuremap error 104 pluggin type error and i'm not sure why?
In your Initialize you should map IRepository against FakeRepository. Not Repository against FakeRepository. Then in your tests when you ask for an instance of IRepository you will get the fake one.
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x => { x.For(typeof(IRepository<>)).Use(typeof(FakeRepository<>)); });
Why you don't use Dev Magic Fake, it has Fake the repository with many features like, save any type retrieve any type with Id, it can save the type permanent through serialization the memory, it also can generate data for your types and many other features for more information you can see the following link:

Implementing a flexible searching infrastructure using nHibernate

My aim is to implement a quite generic search mechanism. Here's the general idea:
you can search based on any property of the entity you're searching for (for example- by Employee's salary, or by Department name etc.).
Each property you can search by is represented by a class, which inherits from EntityProperty:
public abstract class EntityProperty<T>
where T:Entity
public enum Operator
/// <summary>
/// Name of the property
/// </summary>
public abstract string Name { get; }
//Add a search term to the given query, using the given values
public abstract IQueryable<T> AddSearchTerm(IQueryable<T> query, IEnumerable<object> values);
public abstract IQueryable<T> AddSortingTerm(IQueryable<T> query);
protected Operator _operator = Operator.In;
protected bool _sortAscending = false;
public EntityProperty(Operator op)
_operator = op;
//use this c'tor if you're using the property for sorting only
public EntityProperty(bool sortAscending)
_sortAscending = sortAscending;
all of the properties you're searching / sorting by are stored in a simple collection class:
public class SearchParametersCollection<T>
where T: Entity
public IDictionary<EntityProperty<T>,IEnumerable<object>> SearchProperties { get; private set; }
public IList<EntityProperty<T>> SortProperties { get; private set; }
public SearchParametersCollection()
SearchProperties = new Dictionary<EntityProperty<T>, IEnumerable<object>>();
SortProperties = new List<EntityProperty<T>>();
public void AddSearchProperty(EntityProperty<T> property, IEnumerable<object> values)
SearchProperties.Add(property, values);
public void AddSortProperty(EntityProperty<T> property)
if (SortProperties.Contains(property))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("property {0} already exists in sorting order", property.Name));
now, all the repository class has to do is:
protected IEnumerable<T> Search<T>(SearchParametersCollection<T> parameters)
where T : Entity
IQueryable<T> query = this.Session.Linq<T>();
foreach (var searchParam in parameters.SearchProperties)
query = searchParam.Key.AddSearchTerm(query, searchParam.Value);
//add order
foreach (var sortParam in parameters.SortProperties)
query = sortParam.AddSortingTerm(query);
return query.AsEnumerable();
for example, here's a class which implements searching a user by their full name:
public class UserFullName : EntityProperty<User>
public override string Name
get { return "Full Name"; }
public override IQueryable<User> AddSearchTerm(IQueryable<User> query, IEnumerable<object> values)
switch (_operator)
case Operator.In:
//btw- this doesn't work with nHibernate... :(
return query.Where(u => (values.Cast<string>().Count(v => u.FullName.Contains(v)) > 0));
case Operator.NotIn:
return query.Where(u => (values.Cast<string>().Count(v => u.FullName.Contains(v)) == 0));
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized operator " + _operator.ToString());
public override IQueryable<User> AddSortingTerm(IQueryable<User> query)
return (_sortAscending) ? query.OrderBy(u => u.FullName) : query.OrderByDescending(u => u.FullName);
public UserFullName(bool sortAscending)
: base(sortAscending)
public UserFullName(Operator op)
: base(op)
my questions are:
1. firstly- am I even on the right track? I don't know of any well-known method for achieving what I want, but I may be wrong...
2. it seems to me that the Properties classes should be in the domain layer and not in the DAL, since I'd like the controller layers to be able to use them. However, that prevents me from using any nHibernate-specific implementation of the search (i.e any other interface but Linq). Can anybody think of a solution that would enable me to utilize the full power of nH while keeping these classes visible to upper layers? I've thought about moving them to the 'Common' project, but 'Common' has no knowledge of the Model entities, and I'd like to keep it that way.
3. as you can see by my comment for the AddSearchTerm method- I haven't really been able to implement 'in' operator using nH (I'm using nH 2.1.2 with Linq provider). any sugggestions in that respect would be appriciated. (see also my question from yesterday).
If you need good API to query NHIbernate objects then you should use ICriteria (for NH 2.x) or QueryOver (for NH 3.x).
You over complicating DAL with these searches. Ayende has a nice post about why you should not do it
I ended up using query objects, which greatly simplified things.