How does VAST v3.0 indicate whether a linear advert is pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll - html5-video

I'm checking VAST v3 specifications and they say:
linear adverts may play before the content video starts (pre-­‐roll), at a break during the content video (mid-­‐ oll), or after the content video (post-­‐roll)
But I can't see the way it is specified in the VAST-formatted XML file.
I've already checked V2 but I can't see it either.
Anyone does know?

VAST specifies how the ad server should respond to an ad request from a video player, and how this video player should interpret this ad response (i.e. XML VAST ad response).
With pre/mid/post rolls, I assume you're referring to a VAST Inline Linear ad. It's up to the publisher to decide when the video player must make a video request to the advertiser ad server (using the ad tag), and when the video player must insert the ad (since the video player could request the ad before, to cache it).
VAST does not specify anything in regards to offsetting a VAST Inline Non-linear ad either (e.g. to have a Non-linear ad appear after 30 seconds into the publisher video).
Some video players and publisher ad servers support VMAP, which is used to define and schedule ad breaks in a video.

It's not described in XML exactly. If your video player supports pre/mid/post rolls then you should give him instructions in code like this (I took the JWPlayer for example):
<script type="text/javascript">
file: '',
primary: 'flash',
advertising: {
client: 'vast',
admessage: 'Ad: your video resumes in XX seconds...',
schedule: {
preroll: {
offset: 'pre',
tag: ''
width: 480,
height: 270

VAST does not concern itself with position of the ad break (pod), that is outside its scope but i think recent specs mention VMAP as means for that.
VMAP is a very short spec that focuses on specifying multiple ad breaks (preroll, midrolls, postroll) and their positions in content - delegating the contents to VAST.


iTune Connect: Export Compliance [duplicate]

I making a new app and want to submit to app store.
But at the time of final submission
there is check for Export Compliance.
What should I Check Yes Or No.
I use https url in my app.
Please Help Me .
Thanks In Advance.
When you know that you ARE export compliant you can put this in your Info.plist:
This will prevent App Store Connect from asking you questions about export compliance.
If you are using https in your application, you will need to answer yes to this question, even if all you are using is built in mechanisms to communicate over https. The good news is that you no longer need to get the Encryption Registration Number (ERN) - the current requirements (as of August 2017) are that you just need to submit the annual self classification report to the BIS(Bureau of Industry and Security). To submit a self classification report, follow the instructions on item 13 in this FAQ: A sample Self Classification report can be found here.
For a great write up that talks about both sides of the story (apps that only use common / freely available encryption, like SSL, as well as apps that have their own, proprietary encryption, see this Medium post.
Please don't listen to other people who state that they just answer no to this question to make things easier when submitting an app.
As of February 2018 this is the process to file an Annual Self Classification Report to BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security):
To get a ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) for a HTTPS mass market iOS app follow, these steps.
Download the quick reference guide to classify your app.
For a basic HTTPS iOS app used to securely access a webpage or transfer a file use
5D992 which is Information Security” “software” not controlled by 5D002.
If your app contains more encryption functionality, then reference the policy guide.
Might not be what you want to hear, but you will need to review the policy and correctly categorize the app and get the correct ECCN.
Now go to the SNAP-R form.
To get to the form from the BIS homepage.
Then select Licensing -> Simplified Network Application Process Redesign (SNAP-R)
Register Online for a SNAP-R account.
The Bureau of Industy and Security will return a CIN application ID quickly via email.
Return to the main SNAP-R page with the CIN issued number and login.
Select "Create Work Item "
The Type will be "Commodity Classification Request"
Reference number is 7 digits. I used my phone number.
Fill in Contact Information.
Leave License Information Blank
Fill in Company Designation any info missing. When you created the CIN this info was requested.
Other Party can be left blank.
Now for each app you want to register, fill in a Export Item and press Add Export Item. Multiple apps can be submitted on the same request.
ECCN will be 5D992
APP can be left blank. It is the Adjusted Peak Performance"("APP") which for a commodity iOS app is not required.
Product/Model is the name of the app in the App Store.
CCATS can be left blank.
Manufacturer is your company name.
Technical Description - briefly describe the apps function and how HTTPS is leverage. Keep it simple. They are interested if the app is a security risk and how encryption is used.
AppName is distributed as an Apple iOS App. It uses HTTPS to download/upload daily updates to and from xxxx. The download is used to generate a table. An In-App .99 cent purchase expands the table results to include xxxx.
Additional information explains in more detail how HTTPS has been implemented.
The HTTPS file transfer is a URLSession data transfer task found in the Apple Foundation library. The iPhone automatically performs the download of the published data in csv file format, using the HTTPS protocol for a secure transfer.
Make sure you saved all your drafts. Check for errors. Then submit.
The turnaround is pretty fast. Mine took around an hour. But I am sure it varies.
The other option is once a year you can submit an Annual Self Classification Report. But if you have a SNAP-R CCATS number you are not required to submit a Annual Self Classification Report.
This is very simple. Download the sample csv file. Delete out the sample data leaving the headings. The heading are required. Fill in the columns. The column Authorization Type is MMKT. Item type Other: HTTPS File Transfer. Save the file and submit.
The BIS SNAP-R hotline [202-482-4811 DC, 949-660-0144 CA] and the Encryption Hotline for the annual submission [202-482-0707] are both very helpful. Last point, the BIS has helpful set of YouTube video.
Hope this helps.
From Complying with Encryption Export Regulations: Declare Your App’s Use of Encryption:
Typically, the use of encryption that’s built into the operating system—for example, when your app makes HTTPS connections using URLSession—is exempt from export documentation upload requirements, whereas the use of proprietary encryption is not. To determine whether your use of encryption is considered exempt, see Determine your export compliance requirements.
So Apple says that for usual HTTPS scenarios, you do not need to upload export documentation for your app.

Pwa wrong to consider api cache instead of db?

im building a specific book reader like app.
Main page call api/booksList and receive the json array containing each book info like:
[ { id: server_db_id, title: "title test", sum: 10 , date: ... }
ans its cached after the request, so im not saving the book list into indexedDB, localStorage or other storage. If i need one specific book, i just call the api book list again and filter it. Is that bad design? (book will be over 200 items)
Whe user open the book, it call the /api/book/book_id and its cached too, the opened book response is a json list of the lines of the book, eg:
id: ...
content: "This is line...lore ipsum..."
I put the api response inside vue data variable and the component is rendered correclty
Im not using any kind of handler for keeping this offline by my hand. To detect if user already opened this book, i just call the api, check if errors happened or the responde body has content.
Is that a wrong, bad or stupid decision? Will this hit the quota limit api or other kind of limitation? The "gods" of pwa will raise the finger to me and say: WAAAT. (im not using indexedDB at first because it need some models handling and i want to make things easier if possible)
I my self was just researching this and concluded, at the moment I am going to go with this method, where I use cache for assets, js, css, html etc based on their matching routes.
Then when it comes to data e.g. json requests etc. Its best to store them in indexedDB (or an equivalent), which really does not require a model or schema as such.
See Jake Archibald's IndexedDB-Promise library its really simple to get your head round.
Though both Jake and Addy say it's not a defacto rule, so you can decide ultimately what is best for you.
Read this for better clarification
It helped me to make a better decision on how to go about moving forward.
Recommendations Also
Check out PWA Training:
Workbox: (This has sped up my development massively!)
Codelabs: (Search PWA)
The guides on here are really good at taking you through everything you need.
Good Luck with your PWA
Random thought (edit)
One thing that makes me question this though is based on some of the examples and guides I have seen is that, data storage is handled in a more ad-hoc manner. For example, if the PWA calls out an API, there are two methods I have come across where you can either manage cached data in the application or in the service worker, e.g. if your API calls to get JSON fails in the app, it can revert to getting data in the indexedDB which hopefully was pre-cached the first time your app called the API.
Or you can use self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => { ad-hoc stuff here }) this is where you can match either an asset, or data request and hijack the response with either a cache or indexedDB response. Which prevents the need handle offline data in your app.
The first method makes me feel uneasy so i'm gonna go with the addEventListener approach both in the service worker cause thats what it is there for plus my app does not then have to worry about that.

Objective-C Download a Smooth Streaming Video

I am wondering if there is a way with Objective-C to download a mp4 video that is setup to stream in a Smooth Streaming format. So far I have tried AFNetworking, NSInputStream, and MPMoviePlayerController to try and access the raw video data, but have come up empty in each try.
I would like to then take this video data and save it as a mp4 to disk to be played offline. The URL looks something like this:
I am going to assume that you are asking about an HTTP Live Streaming video, as indicated by your example URL, instead of a Smooth Streaming video. If this is not the case, please leave a comment and I will edit the answer to speak of Smooth Streaming.
Structure of an HTTP Live Streaming video
There are multiple versions of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), the newer of which have added proper support for multilanguage audio and captions, which complicates the scenario significantly. I will assume that you do not have interest in such features and will focus on the simple case.
HLS has a three-layer structure:
At the root, you have the Master Playlist. This is what the web server provides when you request the video root URL. It contains references to one or more Media Playlists.
A Media Playlist represents the entire video for one particular configuration. For example, if the media is encoded using two quality levels (such as 720p and 1080p), there will be two Media Playlists, one for each. A Media Playlist contains a list of references to the media segments that actually contain the media data.
The media segments are MPEG Transport Streams which contain a piece of the data streams, generally around 10 seconds per file.
When multilanguage features are out of the picture, it is valid to think of an HLS video as multiple separate videos separated into 10 second chunks - all videos containing the same content but using a different quality level.
Each of the above entities - Master Playlist, Media Playlist, each media segment - is downloaded separately by a player using standard HTTP file download mechanisms.
Putting the pieces back together
All the information a media player requires is present in the media segments - you can mostly ignore the Master Playlist and Media Playlist as their only purpose is to give you the URLs to the media segments.
Thankfully, the MPEG Transport Stream format is very simple in nature. All you need to do in order to put the media segments back together is to concatenate them together. That's it, really!
I am going to assume that you are not asking about how to perform HTTP requests using Objective-C, as there are many other answers on Stack Overflow on that topic. Instead, I will focus on the algorithm you need to implement.
First, you simply need to download the Master Playlist.
masterPlaylist = download(rootUrl);
The Master Playlist contains both comment lines and data lines. Each data line is a reference to a Media Playlist. Note that the lowest quality level for HLS will generally only have the audio stream. Let's assume here you care about whatever the first quality level in the file is, for simplicity's sake.
masterPlaylistLines = masterPlaylist.split('\n');
masterPlaylistDataLines = filter(masterPlaylistLines, x => !x.startsWith("#"));
firstMasterPlaylistDataLine = masterPlaylistDataLines[0];
This data line will contain the relative URL to the Media Playlist. Let's download it. The URL appending code should be smart and understand how to make relative URLs, not simply a string concatenation.
mediaPlaylist = download(rootUrl + firstMasterPlaylistDataLine);
The Media Playlist, in turn, is formatted the same but contains references to media segments. Let's download them all and append them together.
mediaPlaylistLines = mediaPlaylist.split('\n');
mediaPlaylistDataLines = filter(mediaPlaylistLines, x => !x.startsWith("#"));
foreach (dataLine : mediaPlaylistDataLines)
// URL concatenation code is assumed to be smart, not just string concatenation.
mediaSegment = download(rootUrl + firstMasterPlaylistDataLine + dataLine);
appendToFile("Output.ts", mediaSegment);
The final output will be a single MPEG Transport Stream file, playable on most modern media players. You can use various free tools such as FFmpeg if you wish to convert it to another format.

Sencha Touch LOcal Storage on Mobile Apps

I am planning to use Sencha Touch for an application of my company. I read that local storage stores data on client's browser. MY problem is when I build the code to native app using Sencha CMD how does the local storage work? What is the alternative of local storage to keep some data suppose user details (so that user doesn't need to login always).
Advance Thanks
Is a very easy to use interface that works synchronous. It stores strings (you can JSON.stringify other Javascript objects) as key-value pairs and you just set the value with a key in this way:
localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
To read:
var value = localStorage.getItem('key');
which returns value or null if key wasn't found in the storage.
You can use it as an object:
localStorage['key'] = 'value';
var value = localStorage['key'];
however, this is not the recommended approach. In this case undefined will be returned for non-existing items.
More details:
Database that sort of replaces the now deprecated Web SQL. It works asynchronous and is a bit harder to understand as it uses stores, requests and transactions to deal with the data.
You can store any kind of objects in IndexedDB (Javascript objects, Blobs (files)).
You can also request storage space. User will be alerted if you need more than 5 mb (5 mb is not defined, but seem to be the limit most browsers set before asking user for permission).
See here for details on how you can use it:
Although, as mentioned, deprecated it is still supported in browsers such as Safari. Is a database that works with SQL-queries and request, and works asynchronous.
Here are more details:
File API
Currently only supported in Chrome. Is a virtual file-system that works asynchronous as IndexedDB but is intended for large files (video and audio files etc.) but can just as easily be used for storing other data.
You can store any kind of objects in File API as Blobs (files). As it is a virtual file system you can navigate using folders.
You can also request storage space here as well (quota).
For details:
And of course there is cookies and for IE UserData, but these are very limited.
This example demonstrates how to use local storage with Sencha Touch model objects:
If you're wanting to switch & sync data from online to offline you might also be interested in this example:

REST API for driving distance?

Is there a service that will give me the driving distance between two addresses? Apparently Google Maps API requires you to display a map, which I don't want to do (on that particular page), and I'd like to just snag the data and save it to my DB after a user submits a form, rather than waiting for JS to do it's thing.
If it's relevant, this is going into a Django app. I discovered that CloudMade offers a Python API, which is nice, except their latest dev release has a bug in it (can't use the API object), but more importantly, it's support for Canada is awful (couldn't find directions from any major city around here!).
MapQuest's Directions API is HTTP Querystring based (I'm not sure if it's entirely RESTful). Can get XML or JSON response. Just need to send it an HTTP GET Request.
Use the "distance" response parameter.
I don't have a high enough reputation on SO to comment on an answer but I just wanted to be clear that contrary to the voted correct answer, Google Directions API has to adhere to the Google Maps API. If you scroll down the supplied link, you will see:
Note: the Directions API may only be used in conjunction with displaying results on a Google map; using Directions data without displaying a map for which directions data was requested is prohibited. Additionally, calculation of directions generates copyrights and warnings which must be displayed to the user in some fashion. For complete details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License Restrictions.
Would it be possible to use Google Maps GDirections object? This can return the textual directions instead of the map overlay if called with a div object. From there you can use the getDistance (or getDuration) functions. You can always use an invisible div for the returns if you don't want anything to be displayed on the page.
Start here
And use this sample code
var map;
var directionsPanel;
var directions;
function initialize() {
directionsPanel = document.getElementById("route");
directions = new GDirections(null, directionsPanel);
GEvent.addListener(directions , "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
directions.load("from: 500 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA to: 4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA 02215 (Fenway Park)");
function onGDirectionsLoad(){
Here is my solution:
Signup for Mapquest Developer network.
Get AppId
Open your command shell and run the following command(or use fiddler) But running it through curl will give you flexibility to automate your request
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{locations: ["Salt Lake City, UT","Ogden, UT",],options: {allToAll: false}}' >> distance.txt
Save above command with all your destinations into batch or sh file.
Now grep and parse out your distance.txt file for what you need.
There are free services out there, but the quality of the data may be questionable/non-existent in areas. Be aware of licences on the data too, storing in your own DB may be a breach.
Take a look at Navteq. I used their service in developing a driving directions application about 5 years ago, and got good results. Can't speak for them lately though. I believe the best URL is Navteq Routing Service
You can use the new Google Directions API directly, without using any javascript.