How to add formatted text to a word document in VBA - vba

How can I take just a substring of text (but formatted, so it will keep it bold/italic/in a table) from one Word document and add it to another in VBA?

You might be better off copying the whole think, paste it in the new document and do some string replacements.


Word VBA search for adjacent (non-space) characters with different formatting

I need to be able to find every place in my document (hundreds of pages) where there is a formatting change without a space. For example:
a bold partnext to regular text
Or red text next to black with no space. I want to have my macro find each "word" (in the vba sense) like this, and execute code based on that character location accordingly. (The loop should identify the character position where the format change occurs... although I can do that part with a loop through the characters within the found word).
Is there a simpler way to do this than by looping character by character through the whole document and checking for a difference in formatting, which would be too resource-intensive?
Thanks for your help.

VBA to copy text from excel to on specific location in wordfile

Problem: Pasting copied data from excel to specific location in a word file.
Currently I have code which can paste the value, but it does so to "paragraph1"
How do I specify the exact location (by line) in which to paste the data?
Let me know if more info is required.
Mohd Akhtar
Word gives a number to each character in the document's body, from 1 up. It then defines a range with Range.Start to Range.End So, Paragraphs(1).Range might be equal to Range(Start:=1, End:=120).
The text contained in that range is Range.Text, Read/Write. Therefore, Paragraphs(1).Range.Text = "My new paragraph text" will replace the existing text in the document's first paragraph. ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0).Text specifies the range before the first character in the document.
In order to insert text at a specific location you have to find the location, meaning the Range. As you have seen above, if the range has a length of 0 you can insert before or between existing text, and if it has any length the new text will replace whatever was there before. New and old text need not have the same length.
Counting paragraphs is helpful to find a range. You can also count words or sentences. You can search for a specific word combination. Or you can use a bookmark. In all of these cases you define a range the text of which you can replace outright, or which you can use to find a location relative to it where to insert the text, such as the beginning or end or after the 3rd word or whatever.
You could also use some bookmarks:
You can choose where you put your bookmark and then write on it like this
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("NAME_OF_THE_BOOKMARK").Range.Text = THE_EXCEL_DATA
To place a bookmark you have to click on the selected area and then go on Insert->Bookmarks and then name it.

VBA: Copy whole word document to excel

I´m trying to simply copy whole word document into excel and keep the source formatting (and images).
Assuming both documents are open.
I tried this code:
Sheets("Nabídka").Range("A" & 87) = Documents("K4E pila.docx").Range.Text
but it only copies the text without formatting and images. Is there a similar command which includes the formatting?
Even If I copy/paste from word to excel (ctrl+c) the formatting is ruined --> The image overlaps the text.
This is the first step I need to figure out to proceed in my project. The outcome should be: Copy all word documents into excel if the name of the word document matches some excel cells values.
Thanks in advance for any help!

VBA Macro to extract strings from word doc

i have a word document containing several strings. These strings have the first part always the same, for example ABC_001, ABC_002, ABC_003. I need to search for "ABC_" substring in the doc, extract all the occurences ("ABC_001", "ABC_002", "ABC_003") and copy them in an Excel sheet.
Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance.
You can reference the VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 and regex them.
Have a look at
and some of VBA multiple matches within one string using regular expressions execute method
Actually it is probably easier to go to data and "Get external data" choose de-limiter and import, either manually or record a macro to get a feeling for the vba structure.
This should get you all the entrys in seperate cells, then go over them with a MID to get the part you need

outlook 2007 - is there a way to get the formatted text from an Appointmentitem?

I'm trying to get the formatted text of the appointment item, I've searched everywhere and most places suggest getting the word document of the appointment item :
Word.Document wd = (Word.Document) (item as Outlook.AppointmentItem).GetInspector.WordEditor;
So I do that and I get the word document. But no where does it tell you what to actually do with this word document once you get it. How do I get the formatted text from the word document now?
To anyone else searching for this answer in the future. I figured out how to do this in ol2007
1) First have have to get the word document from the appoint item via the WordEditor variable.
2) Then you have to use the select and copy functions from the word document to copy the RTF text into your clipboard.
3) make a richtextbox and use the richtextboc paste function to paste whats in the clipboard into your richtextbox.
4) now from the richtextbox you can access the .Rtf function which will now give you the RTF of the appointmentItem.
From my searching this method is the easiest way but you have to take over the clipboard which isn't ideal. There is a second way that I read about that is to save the word document in step 1 into an actually RTF file on your computer and then read in that RTF file.
and third way I suppose to do it would be to parse out the word document in step 1 using the Range.FormattedText function.
UPDATE: To anyone else searching for this answer in the future. I figured out how to do this in ol2007
1) First have have to get the word document from the appoint item via the WordEditor variable.
2) Then you have to use the select and copy functions from the word document to copy the RTF text into your clipboard.
3) make a richtextbox and use the richtextboc paste function to paste whats in the clipboard into your richtextbox.
4) now from the richtextbox you can access the .Rtf function which will now give you the RTF of the appointmentItem.
From my searching this method is the easiest way but you have to take over the clipboard which isn't ideal. There is a second way that I read about that is to save the word document in step 1 into an actually RTF file on your computer and then read in that RTF file.
and third way I suppose to do it would be to parse out the word document in step 1 using the Range.FormattedText function.