Remove popups that are caused by custom actions - Wix - wix

Newbie to wix, I am learning it. I had initially set up some custom actions for installing/ uninstalling/ rollback actions. These custom actions cause unintended popups during installation. I am trying to remove the same using SetProperty, DllEntry and BinaryKey. This is my original code:
<CustomAction Id="InstallStorageService"
ExeCommand='[ProductAppDataFolder]bin\install_service.bat "[InstallationFolder]" "[ProductAppDataFolder]" "$(var.StorageServiceName)"'
This is what I have changed it to:
<SetProperty Id="InstallStorageService"
Value="cmd.exe /c [PRODUCTAPPDATAFOLDER]bin\install_service.bat "[InstallationFolder]" "[ProductAppDataFolder]" "$(var.StorageServiceName)""
<CustomAction Id="InstallStorageService"
I have done similarly for removing and for rollback actions. I do not get any errors or issues while I run the .bat file to create the msi file, but once the msi is created, I am having trouble installing it. I can share the log file if required, but there are fatal errors with not much of verbose about it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can use the Quiet Execution Custom Action pattern to invoke out of process exe's and scripts. The pattern will capture stderr and stdout to the Windows Installer log.
However it would be better to not use a .BAT as self registration (in all forms) is not a windows installer best practice. See Zataoca: Custom actions are (generally) an admission of failure.


Wix elevated AND impersonating Custom Action

I have a custom action that needs to modify registry settings:
it is marked as deferred in order to support a rollback
it must be run with elevated priviliges in order to modify the Registry
it must be run within the security context of a particular user (impersonated)
<CustomAction Id="EncryptRegistrySettings"
I have some other ugly options to workaround this problem (Execute="immediate" or impersonate="yes" with elevated subprocess) which I don't want to resort to.
The problem is: with Impersonate="no" subprocess msiexec is run by SYSTEM. With yes it is run by User, but not elevated.
So the question is:
Is it possible to run a Custom Action both as Impersonated AND elevated?
No, they are mutually exclusive capabilities in Windows Installer.

WiX: Custom Actions don't run when using msiexec /i Setup.msi /qn (quiet mode installation without UI)

Our problem is that custom actions don't run when using msiexec /i Setup.msi /qn (quiet mode installation without UI). They only run with normal installation with UI.
In our Product.wxs for example, we have defined the following:
<Binary Id="SetupCustomAction" SourceFile="$(var.SetupCustomActions.TargetDir)$(var.SetupCustomActions.TargetName).CA.dll" />
<CustomAction Id="UPDATE_CONFIG" BinaryKey="SetupCustomAction" DllEntry="UpdateConfiguration" Execute="commit" Return="check" Impersonate="no" />
<Custom Action="UPDATE_CONFIG" After="InstallFiles"><![CDATA[NOT Installed AND USEIMPERSONATE="0"]]></Custom>
Do we have to use "Quiet Execution Custom Action", trying this out didn't help though!
Please help!
The obvious explanation is that USEIMPERSONATE has the value 1 so the custom action will not run, but I assume perhaps you are setting it to 0 on the command line.
Apart from that it would be useful to know if the install actually succeeds, because if it normally requires elevation with a UAC prompt then this UAC dialog will not be shown, so the custom action will not run elevated and it will fail. The install might succeed because Commit custom actions run after the install, so "check" is not relevant because the install cannot roll back. If you configure that CA as an install custom action it might fail and roll back the install. So after InstallFiles is also not relevant because it's a Commit CA.
The log should show something.
Okay, I have found the cause of the error and a fix for it: The ALLUSERS OR PREVIOUSINSTALLSCOPE (read from the registry) Properties must be set to "1". That way, the DISABLE_IMPERSONATE Custom Action gets run and sets the USEIMPERSONATE Property to "0". Then UPDATE_CONFIG and other Custom Actions get run.
To sum up, the solution is:
Change DISABLE_IMPERSONATE Property to this: <Custom Action="DISABLE_IMPERSONATE" After="AppSearch"><![CDATA[ALLUSERS=1 OR PREVIOUSINSTALLSCOPE="1"]]></Custom>
Call msiexec like this: msiexec /i Bechtle.A365.Office.Client.msi /qn ALLUSERS=1
Thanks to #Ritmo2k, #Brian Sutherland and #PhilDW for pointing me to the right direction.

Invoking Data Protection API from within a CustomAction

I am trying to run some unmanaged code from a C# ca within WIX. I have a wrapper around the CryptProtectData function, this code works fine if run from an admin prompt. I have scheduled the ca as deferred hoping it would run during the elevated session however it fails in this context.
The scheduling is as follows:
<CustomAction Id="SetCustomActionDataValue" Property="EncryptValues" Value="foo=bar;...;" />
<CustomAction Id="EncryptValues" BinaryKey="InstallerCustomAction.CA.dll" DllEntry="EncryptValues" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" HideTarget="no" Return="check" />
<Custom Action="SetCustomActionDataValue" After="InstallFiles" />
<Custom Action="EncryptValues" After="SetCustomActionDataValue" />
What needs to be done to allow something like this to run during the installer, preferably after the files and registry entries are committed to the system?
Do you have any logging in your CA? Can you confirm that your CustomActionData made it over?
One thing you might try is to wire this up as a simple console app and use PSExec to invoke a cmd.exe prompt as SYSTEM.
I've never used this API but the comment "Typically, only a user with the same logon credential as the user who encrypted the data can decrypt the data." makes me think that this might not run well as SYSTEM. This article seems to confirm that.
FWIW, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve but I'd consider moving it from the installer to the application if possible. Installers are generally best kept simple and reliable.

Run ExeCommand in customAction as Administrator mode in Wix Installer

I am new to wix installer. I have developed a set-up using wix installer for my application and I need to execute a Custom Action to run a command in cmd.exe. In XP it works fine. But in Windows 8 & 7 the cmd prompt needs to be run as administrator.
I have googled and found the keywords Elevated Privileges and impersonate might help me.
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" InstallPrivileges="elevated"></Package>
As you can see above, I used the InstallScope attribute set to perMachine, and I have used Impersonate="No" in the CustomAction element:
<CustomAction Id='comReg' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION' Impersonate='no'
ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40CLIENTINSTALLROOTDIR]regasm.exe" "[INSTALLLOCATION]myProduct.dll" /codebase' Return='check' />
But I didn't get any changes while installating. I need the command prompt to open and run the above command in Administrator Mode.
And can anyone please tell me about these keywords "Elevated Privileges & impersonate"
<Custom Action='comReg' After='InstallFinalize'>NOT REMOVE</Custom>
<Custom Action='comUnreg' Before='RemoveFiles'>REMOVE</Custom>
How to do it?
The wix documentation here explains the Impersonate attribute:
This attribute specifies whether the Windows Installer, which executes as LocalSystem, should impersonate the user context of the installing user when executing this custom action. Typically the value should be 'yes', except when the custom action needs elevated privileges to apply changes to the machine.
You also need to understand the difference between deferred and immediate custom actions. See the Execute attribute on the same help page:
This attribute indicates the scheduling of the custom action. This attribute's value must be one of the following:
Indicates that the custom action runs in-script (possibly with elevated privileges).
Indicates that the custom action will run during normal processing time with user privileges. This is the default.
At present your custom action is immediate, which means it is running with user privileges. See this blog post for lots of details, but particularly:
Any immediate custom actions impersonate the invoking user. Before Windows Vista this wasn't a problem since at this point the installing administrative user had a privileged token. With the introduction of UAC in Windows Vista the default administrative token with UAC enabled is a filtered token and does not hold all privileges. Since immediate custom actions are not supposed to modify machine state - only to gather state data and schedule custom actions to run deferred - this still shouldn't be a problem. After all, at this point the generation of the installation and rollback scripts is all that should be going on.
You should never modify machine state with an immediate custom action. Use a deferred one, and keep impersonate to no, and it should work:
<CustomAction Id='comReg' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION' Execute='deferred' Impersonate='no' ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40CLIENTINSTALLROOTDIR]regasm.exe" "[INSTALLLOCATION]EAWordImporter.dll" /codebase' Return='check' />
EDIT: Schedule the custom action using the InstallExecuteSequence element:
<Custom Action='comReg' Before='InstallFinalize'/>

Why doesn't this silent launch work in WIX?

I have the following command running at the end of my package install for an application.
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[INSTALLDIR]RCR.VDS.exe" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication" BinaryKey="WixCA"
DllEntry="WixShellExec" Impersonate="no" />
I can't use [#myApplication] because I run heat on my output folder on my build server so I don't know the auto generated id of my application. Any ideas on how to silently run my application after the install?
The log file shows this for the command line section
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (30:74) [09:47:14:156]: Note: 1: 2203 2: VDSInstall.msi 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (30:74) [09:47:14:156]: MainEngineThread is returning 2
Please see: How To: Run the Installed Application After Setup
If you want the custom action called during a silent install add:
<Custom Action="LaunchApplication" After="InstallFinalize">SOMECONDITION</Custom>
Note SOMECONDITION should be an expression that checks the EXE is installed and the user wants the program to be launched.
The are a copy things you can consider:
The identifier from heat.exe will be stable. So you can use the ugly identifer in your [#UglyFileId1234abcef45612345asdf] custom action.
a. You could also apply a XSLT to transform the heat output for the executable file's Id to something nicer than the ugly identifier. Depends how readable you want the launch custom action to be.
If you want the executable launched silently then you'll probably want the Quite Execution custom action instead of the Shell execute custom action that "LaunchApplication" uses.