fetch all infusionsoft tags via api - api

I am writing an application and in one of my forms, I want to put in a listbox populated with all available tags from my client's InfusionSoft account. I am new to the InfusionSoft API and would greatly appreciate it if someone can point me toward the right direction.

To get a list of all available tags, you'll want to query the ContactGroup table. That will return back a list of all available tags!
For example, if you were using the PHP iSDK, you could get the first 1,000 tags this way:
$app = new iSDK();
// perform authorization tasks
$returnFields = array('Id','GroupDescription', 'GroupName');
$query = array('GroupName' => '%');
$tags = $app->dsQuery("ContactGroup",1000,0,$query,$returnFields);


Microsoft Graph API not returning custom column from list

Working in VB.Net, using the Microsoft.Graph api communicate with sharepoint.
I have a list on a sharepoint site.
Lets say:
List name : ListTestName
Columns: ListColumnTest1, ListColumnTest2, ListColumnTest3
Dim queryFields As List(Of QueryOption) = New List(Of QueryOption) From {New QueryOption("$expand", "fields")}
Dim items As IListItemsCollectionPage = Await GraphClient.Sites(sharepointSessionId).Lists("ListTestName").Items.Request(queryFields).GetAsync()
This is the code I have to grab the list and trying to get all of the fields (columns) but when I look into the Fields in the "Items" variable I do not see any of the fields that I have added to the list. I only see the sharepoint fields such as "title" or "Id"
I really dont understand why this is not working.
Even when I look via the the graph-explorer site (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer) using:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<SiteId's>/lists/ListTestName/items?expand=fields
I do not see my custom columns However if I try and filter directly to one of the columns like this :
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<SiteId's>/lists/ListTestName/items?expand=fields(select=ListColumnTest1)
This does seem to have returned back my custom field.
Thus I tried adding to the query field {New QueryOption("$expand", "fields(select=ListColumnTest1")} this just crashed when I called the request.
Edit: I asked this question slightly wrong and will be posting a second question that is more to what I need. However, below the question is marked correct because their solution is the correct solution for what I asked. :)
Have you try this endpoint?
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}?expand=columns,items(expand=fields)
I could get the custom columns with this endpoint.
IListColumnsCollectionPage columns = graphClient.Sites["b57886ef-vvvv-4d56-ad29-27266638ac3b,b62d1450-vvvv-vvvv-84a3-f6600fd6cc14"].Lists["538191ae-7802-43b5-90ec-c566b4c954b3"].Columns.Request().GetAsync().Result;
I would avoid to create QueryOption. Try to use Expand and Select method.
Example (C#...apologise I'm not familiar with VB but I hope it will easy for you to rewrite it):
await GraphClient.client.Sites[sharepointSessionId].Lists["ListTestName"].Items.Request()
.Expand(x => new
ListColumnTest1 = x.Fields.AdditionalData["ListColumnTest1"],
ListColumnTest2 = x.Fields.AdditionalData["ListColumnTest2"]
.Select(x => new
ListColumnTest1 = x.Fields.AdditionalData["ListColumnTest1"],
ListColumnTest2 = x.Fields.AdditionalData["ListColumnTest2"]

create new user account manually on prestashop

I am developing a module that get user data in a page , I wand to submit this data to prestashop database to create a new user account .
so how can I do this ?
how should I understand what data I should get from user Like email,phone number and etc . (I want to know this Shop get what data from user to sign them up).
thank you
You can use this piece of code to create a Customer.
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->firstname = 'John';
$customer->lastname = 'Doe';
$customer->email = 'johndoe#gmail.com';
$customer->passwd = md5(pSQL(_COOKIE_KEY_.'yoursecretpasswordhere'));
Like Madhi said, you will get all information needed for the Customer in Customer.php
Cheers :)
All the things you need are defined in the "classes/Customer.php" file.
Each PrestShop class has one "public static $definition" and each field of the $definition that has the "'required' => true", is required

MailChimp API Get Subscribers ammount

I have been looking at the mailchimp api, and am wondering how to display the live ammount of subscribers to a list, is this possible? And is it possible to have this counter LIVE? I.e as users join, the number increases in real time?
I have been getting used to the API slightly...
after using Drewm's mailchimp php wrapper its starting to make more sense...
I have so far
// This is to tell WordPress our file requires Drewm/MailChimp.php.
require_once( 'src/Drewm/MailChimp.php' );
// This is for namespacing since Drew used that.
use \Drewm;
// Your Mailchimp API Key
$api = 'APIKEY';
$id = 'LISTID';
// Initializing the $MailChimp object
$MailChimp = new \Drewm\MailChimp($api);
$member_info = $MailChimp->call('lists/members', array(
'apikey' => $api,
'id' => $id // your mailchimp list id here
But not sure how to display these values, it's currently just saying 'array' when I echo $member_info, this maybe completly because of my ignorance in PHP. Any advice to s
I know this may be old, but maybe this will help someone else looking for this. Latest versions of API and PHP Files.
use \DrewM\MailChimp\MailChimp;
$MailChimp = new MailChimp($api_key);
$data = $MailChimp->get('lists');
print_r($data);// view output
$total_members = $data['lists'][0]['stats']['member_count'];
$list_id = $data['lists'][0]['id'];
$data['lists'][0] = First list. If you have more, then it would be like $data['lists'][1] ect...
And to get a list of members from a list:
$data = $MailChimp->get("lists/$list_id/members");
print_r($data['members']);// view output
foreach($data['members'] as $member){
$email = $member['email_address'];
$added = date('Y/m/d',strtotime($member['timestamp_opt']));
// I use reverse dates for sorting in a *datatable* so it properly sorts by date
You can view the print_r output to get what you want to get.

RESTful API - How do I return different results for the same resource?

How do I return different results for the same resource?
I have been searching for some time now about the proper way to build a RESTful API. Tons of great information out there. Now I am actually trying to apply this to my website and have run into a few snags. I found a few suggestions that said to base the resources on your database as a starting point, considering your database should be structured decently. Here is my scenario:
My Site:
Here is a little information about my website and the purpose of the API
We are creating a site that allows people to play games. The API is supposed to allow other developers to build their own games and use our backend to collect user information and store it.
Scenario 1:
We have a players database that stores all player data. A developer needs to select this data based on either a user_id (person who owns the player data) or a game_id (the game that collected the data).
If the developer calls my resource using GET they will receive a list of players. Since there are multiple developers using this system they must specify some ID by which to select all the players. This is where I find a problem. I want the developer to be able to specify two kinds of ID's. They can select all players by user_id or by game_id.
How do you handle this?
Do I need two separate resources?
Lets say you have a controller name 'Players', then you'll have 2 methods:
function user_get(){
//get id from request and do something
function game_get(){
//get id from request and do something
now the url will look like: http://site.com/api/players/user/333, http://site.com/api/players/game/333
player is the controller.
user/game are the action
If you use phil sturgeon's framework, you'll do that but the url will look like:
http://site.com/api/players/user/id/333, http://site.com/api/players/game/id/333
and then you get the id using : $this->get('id');
You can limit the results by specifying querystring parameters, i.e:
use phil's REST Server library: https://github.com/philsturgeon/codeigniter-restserver
I use this library in a product environment using oauth, and api key generation. You would create a api controller, and define methods for each of the requests you want. In my case i created an entirely seperate codeigniter instance and just wrote my models as i needed them.
You can also use this REST library to insert data, its all in his documentation..
Here is a video Phil threw together on the basics back in 2011..
It should go noted, that RESTful URLs mean using plural/singular wording e.g; player = singular, players = all or more than one, games|game etc..
this will allow you to do things like this in your controller
//users method_get is the http req type.. you could use post, or put as well.
public function players_get(){
//query db for players, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:
this would return a json object of all the users based on your query in your model.
public function player_get($id = false, $game = false){
//if $game_id isset, search by game_id
//query db for a specific player, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:
public function playerGames_get($id){
//query db for a specific players games based on $userid
Your API Request URL would be something like:

Using Magento API to get Products

I'm using the Magento API to get product data for products from a certain category from another domain. I have made the API call etc... The code I'm currently using to get the product data looks like this:
$productList = $client->call($session, 'catalog_category.assignedProducts', 7);
foreach ($productList as $product){
$theProduct = array();
$theProduct['info'] = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.info', $product['sku']);
$allProducts[] = $theProduct;
The code works fine, but it goes extremely slow. When I add the image call to the loop it takes about 50 seconds for the page to load, and that's for a site with only 5 products. What I want to know is the following:
Is the code above correct and it's just Magento's API script is very slow?
Is the code above not the best way of doing what I need?
Could there be any other factors making this go so slow?
Any help would be much appreciated. At least if I know I'm using the code right I can look at other avenues.
Thanks in advance!
================= EDIT =================
Using multicall suggested by Matthias Zeis, the data arrives much quicker. Here's the code I used:
$apicalls = array();
$i = 0;
$productList = $client->call($session, 'catalog_category.assignedProducts', 7);
foreach ($productList as $product){
$apicalls[$i] = array('catalog_product.info', $product['product_id']);
$list = $client->multiCall($session, $apicalls);
This now works much quicker than before! The next issue I've found is that the catalog_product_attribute_media.list call doesn't seem to work in the same way, even though the products all have images set.
The error I'm getting in the var_dump is:
Requested image not exists in product images' gallery.
Anybody know why this may now be happening? Thanks again in advance.
1. Is the code above correct and it's just Magento's API script is very slow?
Your code is correct, but the script is slow because (a) the SOAP API is not blazingly fast and (b) you are doing seperate calls for every single product.
2. Is the code above not the best way of doing what I need?
If you use the SOAP v1 API or XML-RPC, you can test multiCall. At first, call catalog_category.assignedProducts to fetch the product ids. Collect the product ids and execute a multiCall call. That should cut the waiting time down quite a bit.
Unfortunately, Magento doesn't provide a nice solution out of the box to deliver the data like you need it. I recommend that you implement your own custom API call.
Use a product collection model:
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
This will get you a Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Collection object which can be used to filter, sort, paginate, ... your product list. Iterate over the collection and build an array containing the data you need. You also can generate thumbnails for your products directly while building the data array:
foreach ($products as $product) {
$data[$product->getSku()] = array(
/* the attributes no need ... */
'small_image' => Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($product, 'image')
/* some more attributes ... */
This should give you quite a performance improvement.
But of course this only is the tip of the iceberg. If this solution is not fast enough for you, avoid SOAP and bypass a part of the Magento stack by building your own API. This doesn't have to be a complex solution: it could be a simple PHP script with HTTP Basic Authentication which parses the URL for filter criteria etc., includes app/Mage.php and calls Mage::app() to initialise the Magento framework. The benefit is that you have the comfort of using Magento classes but you don't have to go through the whole routing process.
Not to forget, you may cache the results because I could imagine that you will show the same products to quite a few visitors on the other domain. Even caching for a few minutes may help your server.
3. Could there be any other factors making this go so slow?
There may be some reasons why the calls are that slow on your server - but without knowing the volume of your data, your server hardware and the customisations you have done, even a best guess won't be that good.