Unable to get Gamepad events on Chromium Version 44.0.2383.0 - chromium

I'm trying to get my gamepad events in chromium. Everything works perfectly fine on Chrome Version 44.0.2403.130 m with this code :
var gamepadList = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : (navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads : []);
But on the WebVR chromium version made by Brandon Jones, I can't get any feedback, the 'navigator.getGamepads()' function returns only an array of four undefined variables.
Is it not supported yet? Or do I need to do something specific?
Thanks for the help!

Seems to work for me using this test page:
Keep in mind that, due to fingerprinting privacy concerns, you to press a "face" button on the controller before it is visible to the API.


How to make scrollIntoView method work in Laravel dusk

The scrollIntoview dusk method is not working as expected.
Can anyone please point me the right version of laravel/dusk, chrome driver version to be used to make it work again.
Currently I am using theses versions while running the script.
Laravel framework version: 6.2
laravel/dusk: 6.11
Chrome driver: 88.0.4324.96.
Thank you in advance.
There is a wide range of unexpected behaviours in scrollIntoView(), and related reasons...
Among the many: my own experience was about the Bootstrap navbar placed above the scrolled element, resulting in many "Other element would receive the click" errors. I fixed it with my own Browser Macro, scrolling the element at the bottom of the page (instead of top):
\Laravel\Dusk\Browser::macro('scrollView', function ($selector) {
$selector = addslashes($this->resolver->format($selector));
$this->driver->executeScript("document.querySelector(\"$selector\").scrollIntoView({block: 'end'});");
return $this;

ios7 webapp with appcache,when trigger history.back

my app use appcache, when trigger history.back() in safari(Ios7), it dose not work. After remove appcache minifest, it works, I can console in 'statechange'.
This is due to a bug in Safari 7+ when using AppCache. Only known solution at this point is disabling AppCache.
See history.back() doesn't work in Safari on iOS
it is a terrible bug! I use this fix:
if (
(/\bSafari\//gi).test(window.navigator.userAgent) &&
) {
window.console.warn('removing appcache');
I have some reports of back buttons still not working after this fix, but everywhere I tested it does work. I hope this helps!

Javascript split working incorrectly in IE

I have one page checkout. My OPC works fine with other browsers but I get a fatal error with IE. IE's Javascript console says Object doesn't support this property or method.. The method in question is var items = field_name.split(reg) from the file: order-address.tpl.
I have no idea what is causing the problem. Because of this error, I cannot login properly from one page checkout when using IE. It seems that there are a lot of people with the same problem. What's the issue?
This error is present in 1.4.9, 1.4.10, and 1.5.3.
SOLVED. It turns out the issue is not with coding but with settings of IE.
All I had to do was reset IE from Tools => internet options => advanced => reset (including personal settings)
That did it for me. Thank you altafhussain for trying to help me out.

chrome.extension.onMessage is undefined

I have a simple plugin that just does something like this:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, _, sendResponse) {
log("Got message from background page: " + msg);
unfortunately when my panel is loaded the following error is shown:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'addListener' of undefined
and according to my tests chrome.extension.onMessage is undefined
According to this page http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/messaging.html I should be able to access this chrome API from my page so it has to be something small that I am missing here...
Please note methods chrome.extension.onRequest and chrome.extension.sendRequest, as originally suggested in this answer, are deprecated as of Chrome 33.
You should use
instead of
And in background page or any other extension scripts:
instead of
( the documentation is outdated... alert to google team ;) )
Just a side note: the Yandex browser (mostly oriented for Russians) which is also based on Chromium still (as of 11/10/2012, ver. 1.0) has the .*Request methods instead of .*Message. Many thanks to Ciprian Amariei for the tip, it saved me a lot of time!
PS: This should actually be a comment to Ciprian Amariei's answer but unfortunately I can't leave comments yet and I though this information could be very helpful to those who develop extensions for Yandex browser.
Make sure you're using the latest Google Chrome version. Older versions don't have the chrome.extension.onMessage API.

Permission denied error in all.js

I am using all.js for facebook implementation. I used a facebook button on signup page . by logging through facebook i am getting user name and email of facebook user into the fields on sign up page.
It's working fine on Chrome, Safari and Firefox but its giving error on IE8.
the error is in all.js line 22
Please help me if any one knows why this problem is occuring .
Try this out. It worked for me, may help some one.
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode = function (a, b){FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[a.id] = b; }
Ideally attach debugger and see which method breaks up and hack it.
This is a known bug: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=19042
It is set as CLOSED FIXED, but many users are still reporting the error in the comments area.
A hack is suggested on comment #19:
FB.UIServer.setActiveNode = function(a,b){FB.UIServer._active[a.id]=b;} // IE hack to correct FB bug
It worked for some people. I must say it didn't work for me, but I thought it was worth to mention.
I just ran into this (or a similar problem). Mine was in all.js line 22, char 3160, right after document.documentElement.style.display='none'; It was a permission denied error.
In my case, it was because the channelUrl was using a different protocol (https) than my app's iframe was being loaded under (http). I tried //mydomain.com/channel.html, but that gave me a different error. I solved it by dynamically choosing http/https for channelUrl when generating the html.
I found a solution. Already posted an answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/8504794/287604, but for the desperate the quick fix:
appId: 'xxxxx',
appSecret: 'xxxxxxxxx',
status: true
cookie: true
// this code solves the issue
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode = function (a, b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[a.id] = b;
I am still struggling with this but an odd work around I just noticed is if when using fb:login-button when setting the show-faces attribute to "true" it suddenly works fine. I tried 2 side by side fb:login buttons and the button with show faces set to either false or not included would pass back the error every time.