I make it textbox and output text.
I move to cursor successfully.
txtEtcInfo.SelectionStart = txtEtcInfo.TextLength
But scroll over text
I can looking cursor
I need scroll down
How to cursor state automatically scroll down??
I am not neitive speaker Understand the wind.
You can call the ScrollToCaret method:
txtEtcInfo.SelectionStart = txtEtcInfo.TextLength
I need to tag the selected text.
text -> <tag>text</tag>
cursor = self.textEdit.textCursor()
If cursor.hasSelection():
len_text = len(cursor.selectedText())
cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Left, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, len_text)
cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, len_text)
Of course this will only work if the cursor is at the end of the selection
How do I move the cursor to the end if it is positioned elsewhere? Let's say the text was selected from right to left or by double clicking
Maybe I didn't choose the right approach to solve the problem?
I have a textbox that I write info to that automatically creates a scroll bar when the screen is filled, and I'd like to scroll to the bottom of it. It seems like what I need to do is set the scrollbar Offset to some vector, but my problem is finding the ScrollViewer.
I can't use FindControl because it's not named anywhere in the xaml, and I can only change a few values using textbox.SetValue
The only way to scroll a TextBox currently is to set the CaretPosition. For example to scroll to the end of the text you could use:
textbox.CaretIndex = int.MaxValue;
For me it works only when I set textbox.CaretIndex to the length of the text. Assuming that property Logs (string type) is binded to textbox I used this
textbox.CaretIndex = Logs.Length
i need to highlight the marker based on the corresponding restaurant selected in the horizontal list and on scroll the marker highlight needs to change
any tips or example code to achieve this would be a great help.
i'm using react-native-maps library
If you map list elements with the markers on creation, you can retrieve which element is displayed like this:
int last = listView1.getLastVisiblePosition();
int first = listView1.getFirstVisiblePosition();
so after scroll, when you notify change to adapter, you can change color of specific marker:
Hope it helps.
Follow these steps to achieve this:
Set resturantId as Tag to each Marker.
Add scroll listener to your ListView and on scroll stop get the position of
of last visible item like this: int last = listView.getLastVisiblePosition();
Get the id of the current focused item and apply a Loop on All markers and if Tag of marker matches with the resturantId then change marker icon accordingly and a different icon for all other markers.
This would help you.
I have a few textboxs and I want to achieve this funcion: when tap into each textbox, that specific textbox will move to the top and when user type in some data it can auto scroll and keep the cursor|caret always on top of the screen. I know that I can useScrollViewer.ChangeView(null,offset,null); to set the view, however, how can I get the cursor's position (y or vertical offset) though. This is WP 8.1 app.
According to the documentation for the WPF TextBox class here, there is a property called CaretIndex which "Gets or sets the insertion position index of the caret."
You might also be able to use the value of the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties to find where the caret is, but if the SelectionLength is larger than zero, that might not work. Try the CaretIndex property.
I did not fully understand your requirement. Currently there is no property/method to get the current caret position in the text. But if you want to move your caret at the start of the textbox than use below code.
txtbox.SelectionStart = 0;
txtbox.SelectionLength = 0;
By using txtbox SelectionStart and textbox selection length you can get caret position.
int caretIndex = txtbox.SelectionStart + txtbox.SelectionLength;
sorry but I can't find the answer.
I want to change the minus magnifying to a normal\default arrow cursor when I'm hovering over the "X" to close the image...this image below doesn't show my cursor but do you know what I'm talking about ? Here is the example ? - codepen.io/dimsemenov/pen/vKrqs