Can we include () in step definiton of cucumber? - cucumber-jvm

I have a step defined in which is
#And(^I wait for \"(.*?)\" min$)
Can we define it as
#And(^I wait for \"(.*?)\" min(s)$)

As it's described in this post, you need to escape the parenthesis with double backquote \\
So, your step definition should be like this:
#And("^I wait for \"(.*?)\" min\\(s\\)$")
Hope it helps

Just for the case someone is looking for a solution working with data types on newer versions (from cucumber 4.3.0), you only have to escape the opening bracket like this:
#Then("Waehle die Option {string} \\(ersetze {string} mit {string}) in der Mehrfachauswahlliste {string}")


Kotlin escaping forward slashes usign Gson

I've got this string that I want to send to a backend. In this string, there are several forward slashes, that is basically code that is commented out. It could look like:
val string = "// SOME STUFF
// OTHER TEXT ***************************************************
So to escape this entire String, I'm using Gson().toJson(string). This would give a result like
"// SOME STUFF\r\n\r\n// OTHER TEXT ***************************************************\r\n// THIS WOULD CONTINUE FORWARD"
But if I put this into a website that can escape strings for me, I would get
"\/\/ SOME STUFF\r\n\r\n\/\/ OTHER TEXT ***************************************************\r\n\/\/ THIS WOULD CONTINUE FORWARD"
This bottom part, is what the backend would accept, and the top part it rejects. Is there any way I can do this in a different way, to make Gson look like the bottom part? This is sent as JSON btw, so as
I kind of failed, and the Gson library didn't help at all. Ended up using Apache's StringEscapeUtils to fix the issue for me, with the StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson method.

Email validation passes without domain extension

I am using Aurelia-Validation in my project and trying to validate email address. When I add an email example#g, it passes the validation. Shouldn't email validation have .com, .net, etc extension at the end to pass the validation? See the plunker link as an example.
Here is the screenshot to show what I mean:
This is a bit nit-picky, but like emix already pointed out in comments, the validation regex used by aurelia-validation is currently the widely accepted standard as specified by WHATWG. This is the same regex as documented on MDN and
Mozilla seems to follow this specification for validating input type="email" at least. I couldn't find any official sources on chrome or edge though.
The JavaScript version of that regex is:
In simple terms this translates to:
(required) before the # symbol, any number of alphanumeric characters and (certain) symbols
(required) after the # symbol, between 1 and 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens (and cannot start or end with a hyphen)
(optional) same as 2 (but starting with a period), repeated for any number of times
If you want to restrict this validation to emails which are routable in the internet, simply change the asterisk * at the end of the regex to a plus +. That keeps the regex identical except there must now be at least one segment starting with a period.
Made change to my validation rule with below code:
Original code:
Modified code with matches pattern:
See the screenshot:
In the latest versions I think we can use Validators.pattern(REGEX_VALID_EMAIL) instead of in the formControl validator.
and REGEX_VALID_EMAIL can be the following.
const REGEX_VALID_EMAIL = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+$/

verifyText using *text* instead of verifyTextPresent (deprecated)

I'm kind of new to selenium IDE and automated test and I don't know much about programming languages. I have a question concerning verifyText command as verifyTextPresent is deprecated. If I put the target word/text in * * will it work as if I was using verifyTextPresent? Could waitForText work?
I am trying to verify that the search function of a website is working as expected. I search the word "client" and I want to verify that the word is present in the results.
type id=edit-global-search client
clickAndWait id=edit-submit-global-search
verifyText id=content-column *client*
This works, but in the Log I can not understand what it really does. Also if I try the word on its own "client" I get an error which I understand because it compares it to the text of the whole column. I also tried to put an irrelevant word between asterisks such as youwillnotfindthetext (just to make sure that everything between asterisks will pass the test) and there I had an error too.
So it seems to be working somehow but I want to ask some of you expert guys.
If you put a * in starting and ending means it will look for the inner text containing in the specific element. If a text is present as you given in the script it will return a pass. If the text u specified in the script is not present, it will throw an error. That's what happens when you put youwillnotfindthetext in between the *.
Check this link Selenium: test if element contains some text

Modify IntelliJ javadoc template

Is there a way to modify the template IntelliJ uses for a method's Javadoc?
In particular, I want my javadoc comments to look like this:
* Comment here
However, when I reformat the code, the javadoc ends up looking like this:
* ******************
* Comment here
It doesn't seem like you want JavaDoc comments then, as they are defined to look like how IntelliJ is making them.
Format of a Doc Comment
Structure of a JavaDoc comment
You can disable JavaDoc formatting:
Settings > Project Settings > Code Style > JavaDoc
Uncheck Enable JavaDoc formatting
This way, you can have your multi-line comments not get reformatted as JavaDoc comments.
IntelliJ is identifying them (correctly) as JavaDoc comments since they have two asterisks.
You can also change them to regular multi-line comments (not JavaDoc comments) by adding a space before the second asterisk (e.g. /* ****************), which should also have IntelliJ not reformat them.

Every velocity tool escape function working except url()?

I can get $esc.html to work, but not $esc.url, it just comes up literal even though I follow example at:
Interestingly enough, on that page the url() section's head is "$" instead of url().
Any ideas?
Worked for me in Tools 2.0. Maybe you have old version?
$esc.url("bread & butter") = bread+%26+butter