I need code to change the range based on a cell value:
I can get it to work where the row number is dependent on the cell value as shown below, but I need the column value to be variable:
For Nassets = 1 To ws_data.Range("d2")
ws_data.Range("B" & Nassets).Value = 3
Next Nassets
If "d2" have the value 4, range B1:B4 = 3, however I want range B4:E4 = 3
Thanks in advance!
Based on the comments below, it look like you need to change the code so that the value in D2 represents the column within your loop, not the row - In which case:
For Nassets = 1 To ws_data.Range("d2")
ws_data.Cells(4, Nassets).Value = 3 '// Where 4 is the row number
Next Nassets
This can be re-written to exlude the loop altogether like so:
ws_data.Range(Cells(4, 2), Cells(4, ws_data.Range("D2").Value)).Value = 3
I wanted to find the cell value 2 columns away. For example, i have found the closest number at A20, the next value i wanted to find will be at C20. Since the closest number may not always fall on A20. How do i code to find the cell.Value 2 columns away dynamically?
The code below is for I find my closest number
ClosestTime2.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wsInput4.Value, Range("A5:A805"), 1, False)
I did research about it but i found Range.Offset nut suitable for my case.
Since you know the search range ahead of time, you could use Match instead of VLookup. Match returns the relative position of the matching item in the range. You can calculate the row number by adding the row number of the first row of the search range - 1. In this case, since your search range starts on row 5, you would need to add (5 - 1) = 4 to the offset returned by Match to yield the row number.
Offset = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(wsInput4.Value, Range("A5:A805"), 0)
RowNum = Offset + 4
NextValue = Cells(RowNum, 3).Value
Sub Test()
'Use your sheet code name for below line.
With Sheet3
Dim foundcel As Range
'Use proper data in according to your need.
Dim output As String
'Use below line for your case
'Set foundcel = .Range("A5:A20").Find(what:=wsInput4.Value)
Set foundcel = .Range("A5:A20").Find(what:="Liza")
If Not foundcel Is Nothing Then
output = .Cells(foundcel.Row, foundcel.Column + 2).Value
'In your case use below line
'ClosestTime2.Value=.Cells(foundcel.Row, foundcel.Column + 2).Value
Debug.Print "Data not match"
End If
Debug.Print output
End With
End Sub
Data in sheet
Run output :
The aim is to match two tables accroding to some specific words.
There are two tables each with 3 colums and rows(see pic).
The value A2 (table 1) are being searched range A(table 2 ). That search of this value in table 2 range A shall continue until either the value is found in table 2 range A or the loop stops when a certain Cell (e.g. A30) is reached.For case 1, if the value in table 1 A2 is found in range A in table 2, the second value (e.g.in A3 table 1) shall be taken to search for that value in table 2 range A and so on until a sertain cell is reached again.For case 2, if the value A2 (table1) cannot be found in the given range A (table2), the value in the next colum B2 shall be search for in range B(table 2) until a certain cell is reached. If this isnt successfull as well the next step is to look for the value of C2(table1) in range C(table2).
The issue is to get the do loops in the right positions so as to the search of the values (table 1) in table 2 starts always with the values in Range A (table 1) when that value ( table 1) is found.
Update: Where I am stuck is to get the multiple Do-loops right. I guess I need 3 do-loops and my problem is to get the 3rd. do-loop (the very inner one) which does the checking of the values between the tables to jump to the very first do-loop after the value in question (table1) has been found in table 1. In other word, when the value A1 in table 1 is found the do-loop goes one row further to A2 and starts again. If nothing is found in table 2, pick up the value in B2(table1) and search again but in range "B" table 2.
I have also tried to include the command "loop until" when a certain cell number e.g cells(10,1) is reached. I guess here is also a buck init.
Sub Import_Klicken()
Dim wp As Workbook
Dim ws As Workbook
Dim c As Long, r As Long, rng As Range
Dim w As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Set ws = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Yavuz\Desktop\a.xlsx")
Set wp = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Yavuz\Desktop\t.xlsx")
w = w + 1
i = i + 1
t = 0
t = t + 1
If ws.Sheets("Tabelle1").Cells(i, w).Value = wp.Sheets("Tabelle2").Cells(t, w).Value Then
wp.Sheets("Tabelle2").Cells(t, w).Copy
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until wp.Sheets("Tabelle2").Cells(t, w).Value = treu
i = 0
I want the cell to number itself in an incremental order depending upon the filters. I found the easiest way is to check for the above Row if it is hidden or not then number itself from 1 if hidden and previous cell value+1 if not hidden.
I've tried to achieve this using the Formula
Where ADDR is defined as follows:
SUBTOTAL function returns #VALUE as it cannot contain 3-D References.
Tried replacing SUBTOTAL() function with AGGREGATE(), same issue.
Tried to use VALUE() function to convert the ADDR string to value.
I tried to use VBA
Public Function IsHid(i As Integer)
Dim re As Range, x As Integer
Set re = Range("A" & i)
If re.EntireRow.Hidden Then
Set re = Range("A" & i + 1)
re = 1
x = re.Value + 1
Set re = Range("A" & i + 1)
re = x
End If
End Function
The above function returns #VALUE.
The below function also returns #VALUE.
Public Function IsHid(i As Integer)
If Excel.ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Rows(i).Hidden Then
Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = 1
Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value + 1
End If
End Function
Very much appreciated if this functionality can be obtained by means of FORMULAS rather than the VBA
Use Subtotal combined with Count(A):
=SUBTOTAL(3,B$2:B2) and paste down.
This can be in column A and will number only visible rows when you filter on B, C, etc.
You might want to take a look here as well, for additional explanation.
Let's say you have Sheet1 and you fill up Range A:G. In column A you want the numbering described in the question. Then Range A1 will hold a header (e.g. FilteredID) and Range B:G will hold your other values.
In range A2 all the way down, you put the formula =Subtotal(3, B$2:B2), in Range A3 this will be =Subtotal(3, B$2:B3), in A4 =Subtotal(3, B$2:B4), etc.
Now, when you filter on column B, C, D etc. so you'll have invisible rows, the numbering in column A will show the visible Row number.
For example, assuming you want to start numbering in row 2 and in column A and you have Excel 2010 or later:
Just adjust the start cell as required.
I have searched the forums but I am really struggling to get part of my code to work. Basically the idea is to search sheet 1 and copy one or more columns depending on the criteria to a specific worksheet.
i.e. if sheet 1 columns 1 and 3 contain "copy 01" then copy both columns to a sheet 2 and if sheet 1 columns 2 and 4 contain "copy 02" then copy both columns to a sheet 3 etc.
I can count rows fine using the code, but can't count columns. Seems to relate to not fiding the column range but I have no ideas to fix this! Any help would be much appreciated.
Dim NR As Long
Dim d As Variant
d = ws1.Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
For NR = 1 To UBound(d, 1)
Dim NC As Long
Dim e As Variant
e = ws1.Range(Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value
For NC = 1 To UBound(e, 1)
You want this:
e = range("A1:" & split(cells(1,cells(1,columns.Count).end(xlToLeft).column).address(true,false), "$")(0) & "1").Address
The cells(1, columns.count).end(xlToLeft).column) gets the last column number (for example 13 for 'M').
Putting this into cells(1, lastcolNum) gets a cell that represents the cell in the first row of this column (for example Cell M1).
The address(true, false) method gets the cell reference with a dollar sign before the row but not before the column letter (for example "M$1"
The split function returns an array which splits the input string by the "$" character (for example array - ("M","1")
The (0) returns the 0th element in the returned array (for example "M")
Then putting this into the range function returns the range (for example) "A1:M1"
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do with the UBound function here. It would make more sense to make
e = cells(1,columns.count).end(xlToLeft).column
and then loop through
For N = 1 To e
As this will loop through each column.
I want to use an If statement (VBA code) to check the cell range in a column for a given numeric parameter. For the cell that matches the given value, the cells at the right (in the same row) should change the background color.
Pseudocode Example:
If cell in Range(F1:F10) has value=A1 Then
(random matched cell: F7=5,7)
Range (G7:M7) = Background Blue
The part to change the background I know how to do it, but what is the best way to check the given range?
I think you want something like
for i = 1 to 10 'rows in column f to loop through
if cells(i,6) = cells(1,1) then 'column a is 1, column f is 6, etc.
range(cells(i,7), cells(i,13)).interior.colorindex = 'number for that color
end if
next i
I'm guessing you may have multiple rows in F1:F10 that have a match on A1. I would iterate through the cells in the range with:
For each rngCell in Range("F1:F10")
If rngCell.value = Range("A1").value
Range("G" & rngCell.row, "M" & rngCell.row).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
End If