Get count and result from SQL query in Go - sql

I'm running a pretty straightforward query using the database/sql and lib/pq (postgres) packages and I want to toss the results of some of the fields into a slice, but I need to know how big to make the slice.
The only solution I can find is to do another query that is just SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName;.
Is there a way to both get the result of the query AND the count of returned rows in one query?

Conceptually, the problem is that the database cursor may not be enumerated to the end so the database does not really know how many records you will get before you actually read all of them. The only way to count (in general case) is to go through all the records in the resultset.
But practically, you can enforce it to do so by using subqueries like
select *, (select count(*) from table) from table
and just ignore the second column for records other than first. But it is very rude and I do not recommend doing so.

Not sure if this is what you are asking for but you can call the ##Rowcount function to return the count of the previous select statement that has been executed.
SELECT mytable.mycol FROM mytable WHERE = 'bar'
SELECT ##Rowcount
If you want the row count included in your result set you can use the the OVER clause (MSDN)
SELECT mytable.mycol, count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY AS 'Count' FROM mytable WHERE = 'bar'
You could also perhaps just separate two SQL statements with the a ; . This would return a result set of both statements executed.

You would used count(*)
SELECT count(distinct last)
WHERE date(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) >= '2013-10-28' AND
id = 90 ;


SQL Server - Pagination Without Order By Clause

My situation is that a SQL statement which is not predictable, is given to the program and I need to do pagination on top of it. The final SQL statement would be similar to the following one:
SELECT * FROM (*Given SQL Statement*) b
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement* is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause. I am not able to change the query result of this SQL Statement and I need to do pagination on it.
I searched for solution on the Internet, but all of them suggested to use an arbitrary column, like primary key, in order by clause. But it will change the original order.
The short answer is that it can't be done, or at least can't be done properly.
The problem is that SQL Server (or any RDBMS) does not and can not guarantee the order of the records returned from a query without an order by clause.
This means that you can't use paging on such queries.
Further more, if you use an order by clause on a column that appears multiple times in your resultset, the order of the result set is still not guaranteed inside groups of values in said column - quick example:
;WITH cte (a, b)
SELECT 1, 'a'
SELECT 1, 'b'
SELECT 2, 'a'
SELECT 2, 'b'
FROM cte
Both result sets are valid, and you can't know in advance what will you get:
a b
1 b
1 a
2 b
2 a
a b
1 a
1 b
2 a
2 b
(and of course, you might get other sorts)
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement" is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause.
your inner query(unpredictable sql statement) should not contain order by,even if it contains,order is not guaranteed.
To get guaranteed order,you have to order by some column.for the results to be deterministic,the ordered column/columns should be unique
Please note: what I'm about to suggest is probably horribly inefficient and should really only be used to help you go back to the project leader and tell them that pagination of an unordered query should not be done. Having said that...
From your comments you say you are able to change the SQL statement before it is executed.
You could write the results of the original query to a temporary table, adding row count field to be used for subsequent pagination ordering.
Therefore any original ordering is preserved and you can now paginate.
But of course the reason for needing pagination in the first place is to avoid sending large amounts of data to the client application. Although this does prevent that, you will still be copying data to a temp table which, depending on the row size and count, could be very slow.
You also have the problem that the page size is coming from the client as part of the SQL statement. Parsing the statement to pick that out could be tricky.
As other notified using anyway without using a sorted query will not be safe, But as you know about it and search about it, I can suggest using a query like this (But not recommended as a good way)
;with cte as (
select *,
row_number() over (order by (select 0)) rn
from (
-- Your query
) t
select *
from cte
where rn between (#pageNumber-1)*#pageSize+1 and #pageNumber*#pageSize
[SQL Fiddle Demo]
I finally found a simple way to do it without any order by on a specific column:
declare #start AS INTEGER = 1, #count AS INTEGER = 5;
select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS fakeCounter
FROM (select * from mytable) AS t) AS t2 order by fakeCounter OFFSET #start ROWS
where select * from mytable can be any query

efficiently find subset of records as well as total count

I'm writing a function in ColdFusion that returns the first couple of records that match the user's input, as well as the total count of matching records in the entire database. The function will be used to feed an autocomplete, so speed/efficiency are its top concerns. For example, if the function receives input "bl", it might return {sampleMatches:["blue", "blade", "blunt"], totalMatches:5000}
I attempted to do this in a single query for speed purposes, and ended up with something that looked like this:
select record, count(*) over ()
from table
where criteria like :criteria
and rownum <= :desiredCount
The problem with this solution is that count(*) over () always returns the value of :desiredCount. I saw a similar question to mine here, but my app will not have permissions to create a temp table. So is there a way to solve my problem in one query? Is there a better way to solve it? Thanks!
I'm writing this on top of my head, so you should definitely have to time this, but I believe that using following CTE
only requires you to write the conditions once
only returns the amount of records you specify
has the correct total count added to each record
and is evaluated only once
SQL Statement
SELECT record
FROM table
WHERE criteria like :criteria
SELECT q1.*, q2.*
FROM q q1
) q2
WHERE rownum <= :desiredCount
A nested subquery should return the results you want
select record, cnt
from (select record, count(*) over () cnt
from table
where criteria like :criteria)
where rownum <= :desiredCount
This will, however, force Oracle to completely process the query in order to generate the accurate count. This seems unlikely to be what you want if you're trying to do an autocomplete particularly when Oracle may decide that it would be more efficient to do a table scan on table if :criteria is just b since that predicate isn't selective enough. Are you really sure that you need a completely accurate count of the number of results? Are you sure that your table is small enough/ your system is fast enough/ your predicates are selective enough for that to be a requirement that you could realistically meet? Would it be possible to return a less-expensive (but less-accurate) estimate of the number of rows? Or to limit the count to something smaller (say, 100) and have the UI display something like "and 100+ more results"?

counting rows in select clause with DB2

I would like to query a DB2 table and get all the results of a query in addition to all of the rows returned by the select statement in a separate column.
E.g., if the table contains columns 'id' and 'user_id', assuming 100 rows, the result of the query would appear in this format: (id) | (user_id) | 100.
I do not wish to use a 'group by' clause in the query. (Just in case you are confused about what i am asking) Also, I could not find an example here:
Also, if there is a more efficient way of getting both these results (values + count), I would welcome any ideas. My environment uses zend framework 1.x, which does not have an ODBC adapter for DB2. (See issue
If I understand what you are asking for, then the answer should be
select t.*, g.tally
from mytable t,
(select count(*) as tally
from mytable
) as g;
If this is not what you want, then please give an actual example of desired output, supposing there are 3 to 5 records, so that we can see exactly what you want.
You would use window/analytic functions for this:
select t.*, count(*) over() as NumRows
from table t;
This will work for whatever kind of query you have.

Separate Query for Count

I am trying to get my query to grab multiple rows while returning the maximum count of that query.
My query:
SELECT *, COUNT(*) as Max FROM tableA LIMIT 0 , 30
However, it is only outputting 1 record.
I would like to return multiple record as it was the following query:
SELECT * FROM tableA LIMIT 0 , 30
Do I have to use separate queries?
Use separate queries.
It's two separate pieces of information with different structures. One is a row set, the other is a single value. Trying to return both these pieces of information in one query, while possible, is not a good idea.
Well, you can use a single query with the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function in it, with the use of LIMIT as well. So, while you run the first query through mysql_query(), you can then also run another query as:
mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
which will return you the number of total rows found through that query (no matter you use the LIMIT or not, SELECT FOUND_ROWS() will give you the result count without the LIMIT mentioned in your query).
Following is a sample query:

Need a row count after SELECT statement: what's the optimal SQL approach?

I'm trying to select a column from a single table (no joins) and I need the count of the number of rows, ideally before I begin retrieving the rows. I have come to two approaches that provide the information I need.
Approach 1:
SELECT COUNT( my_table.my_col ) AS row_count
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
SELECT my_table.my_col
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
Or Approach 2
SELECT my_table.my_col, ( SELECT COUNT ( my_table.my_col )
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar' ) AS row_count
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
I am doing this because my SQL driver (SQL Native Client 9.0) does not allow me to use SQLRowCount on a SELECT statement but I need to know the number of rows in my result in order to allocate an array before assigning information to it. The use of a dynamically allocated container is, unfortunately, not an option in this area of my program.
I am concerned that the following scenario might occur:
SELECT for count occurs
Another instruction occurs, adding or removing a row
SELECT for data occurs and suddenly the array is the wrong size.
-In the worse case, this will attempt to write data beyond the arrays limits and crash my program.
Does Approach 2 prohibit this issue?
Also, Will one of the two approaches be faster? If so, which?
Finally, is there a better approach that I should consider (perhaps a way to instruct the driver to return the number of rows in a SELECT result using SQLRowCount?)
For those that asked, I am using Native C++ with the aforementioned SQL driver (provided by Microsoft.)
If you're using SQL Server, after your query you can select the ##RowCount function (or if your result set might have more than 2 billion rows use the RowCount_Big() function). This will return the number of rows selected by the previous statement or number of rows affected by an insert/update/delete statement.
SELECT my_table.my_col
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
SELECT ##Rowcount
Or if you want to row count included in the result sent similar to Approach #2, you can use the the OVER clause.
SELECT my_table.my_col,
count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY AS 'Count'
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
Using the OVER clause will have much better performance than using a subquery to get the row count. Using the ##RowCount will have the best performance because the there won't be any query cost for the select ##RowCount statement
Update in response to comment: The example I gave would give the # of rows in partition - defined in this case by "PARTITION BY". The value of the column in each row is the # of rows with the same value of Since your example query had the clause "WHERE = 'bar'", all rows in the resultset will have the same value of and therefore the value in the column will be the same for all rows and equal (in this case) this the # of rows in the query.
Here is a better/simpler example of how to include a column in each row that is the total # of rows in the resultset. Simply remove the optional Partition By clause.
SELECT my_table.my_col, count(*) OVER() AS 'Count'
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
There are only two ways to be 100% certain that the COUNT(*) and the actual query will give consistent results:
Combined the COUNT(*) with the query, as in your Approach 2. I recommend the form you show in your example, not the correlated subquery form shown in the comment from kogus.
Use two queries, as in your Approach 1, after starting a transaction in SNAPSHOT or SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
Using one of those isolation levels is important because any other isolation level allows new rows created by other clients to become visible in your current transaction. Read the MSDN documentation on SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION for more details.
Approach 2 will always return a count that matches your result set.
I suggest you link the sub-query to your outer query though, to guarantee that the condition on your count matches the condition on the dataset.
(SELECT COUNT(mt2.my_row) FROM my_table mt2 WHERE = as cnt
FROM my_table mt
WHERE = 'bar';
If you're concerned the number of rows that meet the condition may change in the few milliseconds since execution of the query and retrieval of results, you could/should execute the queries inside a transaction:
SELECT COUNT( my_table.my_col ) AS row_count
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
SELECT my_table.my_col
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
This would return the correct values, always.
Furthermore, if you're using SQL Server, you can use ##ROWCOUNT to get the number of rows affected by last statement, and redirect the output of real query to a temp table or table variable, so you can return everything altogether, and no need of a transaction:
SELECT my_table.my_col
INTO #temp_table
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
SELECT #dummy, * FROM #temp_table
Here are some ideas:
Go with Approach #1 and resize the array to hold additional results or use a type that automatically resizes as neccessary (you don't mention what language you are using so I can't be more specific).
You could execute both statements in Approach #1 within a transaction to guarantee the counts are the same both times if your database supports this.
I'm not sure what you are doing with the data but if it is possible to process the results without storing all of them first this might be the best method.
If you are really concerned that your row count will change between the select count and the select statement, why not select your rows into a temp table first? That way, you know you will be in sync.
Why don't you put your results into a vector? That way you don't have to know the size before hand.
You might want to think about a better pattern for dealing with data of this type.
No self-prespecting SQL driver will tell you how many rows your query will return before returning the rows, because the answer might change (unless you use a Transaction, which creates problems of its own.)
The number of rows won't change - google for ACID and SQL.
SELECT my_table.my_col
FROM my_table
WHERE = 'bar'
Just to add this because this is the top result in google for this question.
In sqlite I used this to get the rowcount.
WITH temptable AS
(SELECT one,two
(SELECT one, two
FROM table3
WHERE dimension=0
FROM table2
WHERE dimension=0
FROM table1
WHERE dimension=0)
FROM temptable
(SELECT count(*)/7 AS cnt,
0 AS bonus
FROM temptable) counter
WHERE 0 = counter.bonus