Hide specific sheets when closing workbook - vba

I'm creating some VBA code which should do the following:
Users press a button a are required to input a code.
When the input the correct code the team relevant code they get access to certain sheets.
The sheets they get access to differs according to the team number and code they enter. So when they enter he password "banana": the sheets "Team_1" & Team_1_sub become visible.
I now created the following code to achieve this:
Sub filter_tabs()
Dim answer As String
answer = InputBox("Please enter your password")
If answer = "Password" Then
MsgBox "Correct, je krijgt nu de goede tabs te zien!"
Worksheets("Team_1").Visible = True
Worksheets("Team_1_sub").Visible = True
MsgBox "Wrong password"
End If
End Sub
Two questions about the code above:
When the users close the document all sheet should "disappear" again. Does anybody know how to do this? So when opening the document sheets "Team_1" and "Team_1_sub" should be be standard
Worksheets("Team_1").Visible = False
Worksheets("Team_1_sub").Visible = False
Could you guys give me some feedback on whether the procedure I follow above (different if statements where users are prompted for a password and then get to see certain tabs) is the most efficient one to reach my goal? End goal is to make sure certain team leader can only see certain sheets.

Here for setting visible false, you can use Workbook_BeforeClose method as follow:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Worksheets("Team_1").Visible = False
Worksheets("Team_1_sub").Visible = False
'must save, if not save, it is not effect.
End Sub
Reference for that method is here.
One thing is that this method must have in the ThisWorkBook module.
For next question, you should say more like, which sheets for which user and password. Because you code is enough for your question. It can use for your requirement.

As you aren't using passwords you should at least make the sheets VeryHidden rather than Hidden - much harder for the average user to unhide.
The Me.Save proposed by the other answer also isn't necessary.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets("Team_1").Visible = VeryHidden
Worksheets("Team_1_sub").Visible = VeryHidden
End Sub

ad 1)
you best use a Workbook_BeforeSave() routine to code the hiding of all sheets ... in the VBAProject view you find this under ThisWorkbook
ad 2)
The code you post looks very nice - my point of concern would be the hard coding of user names vs. sheet names. I would consider putting this in a sheet/table using headers /code/ /sheetname/ ... this way you can adapt your logic at any time without having to modify the code.
With such a table at hand (in an all time hidden sheet if need be) you traverse it (one single piece of code) and - upon code entering - you unhide If CodeInTable = CodeEntered ... in the other case you unconditionally hide that sheet ... because hiding/unhiding differs only by 2 simple conditions.


Pause VBA Word macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off

I have a requirement for VBA script in Microsoft Word to pause so that the user can select text that will be copied to the clipboard so that it can exported to an Excel file. The user will make a number of selections and finally indicate he/she is done when the contents of the clipboard will be copied to a template Excel file.
I have the code working to copy each selection to the clipboard and then all rows to the Excel file. But I need assistence in figuring out how to pause the code to allow the user to make the selection and then restart the code to copy the selection to the clipboard. I am able to get the userform with toggle switch to switch states and labels when pressed. But have not figured out how to pause the VBA code to allow the user to navigate to the next section of the Word document for the next selection.
The Stakeoverflow question/answer below appears to address this requirement but I have not been able to get it to work. It appears that the code is incomplete.
Pause VBA macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off
Can someone provide example VBA code that accomplishes this?
Your assistence is much appreciated as I have been beating my head against the wall and it is starting to hurt!
There's no way in VBA to "pause" a macro. Code must run to completion... Unless there's a command for user input.
Input can be requested via the InputBox and MsgBox methods, but those block access to the document because they're modal. A UserForm, however, can be set to display as non-modal, meaning it stays on top, but doesn't block access to the document or the application features. Since you're already working with a UserForm, this can be implemented relatively easily.
In the small example below, the Continue button runs the code to perform an action on the user selection. When Done is clicked the entire code is exited and the form unloaded.
Code behind the user form
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()
Debug.Print Selection.Range.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Position the form near the top-left of the window
'So that the user can work with the document
Me.Top = Application.ActiveWindow.Top + 50
Me.Left = Application.ActiveWindow.Left + 50
End Sub
Code in a regular module
Option Explicit
Sub DisplayModeless()
Dim frm As frmModelessForInput
Set frm = New frmModelessForInput
frm.Show False 'Display as non-modal
Set frm = Nothing
End Sub

Stop Excel from changing active sheet on Sheets.Visible = True command

I have a large workbook with many sheets used for background calculation that I hide when they are not in use. The workbook is locked down (no ribbon, sheet tabs, formula bar, etc) so it cannot be tampered with when it is in use.
In Excel 2010, everything went smoothly and the active sheet was not changed, but now in Excel 2016 the following Sub changes the active sheet to the "CompCalc" sheet which leaves the user with no way to return to the sheet they need to be on to use the workbook.
Sub MakeSheetsVisible(Status As Boolean)
Dim VarSubName As String
VarSubName = "MakeSheetsVisible"
ProtectSheets (False)
Sheets("DATA_INPUT").Visible = Status
Sheets("RAW_DATA").Visible = Status
Sheets("MASTERHISTORY").Visible = Status
Sheets("CompCalc").Visible = Status
'Sheets("Event_Enter").Visible = Status
Sheets("Raw_Chart_Data").Visible = Status
End Sub
This Sub is called at the end of a Sub that is called from another Sub which can be triggered 1 of 2 ways, on a button press or ListView double click. The active sheet is only changed in the above routine when the button is used to call the initial Sub and when the routine is ran continuously (not stepped through with F8).
I can work around this issue by checking the original active sheet at the beginning of the routine and setting it back to the original at the end, but I would like to know why this is happening and if there is a way to stop it without a workaround. Any help is appreciated
It's an annoying bug in Excel 2013/2016 and as far as I know, there is no fix. A workaround I use is:
Set CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet
'Instructions here
I only ever use active sheet if it's needed for something specific. (as per MatthewD)
But surely when you've set all your sheets to visible, you can add another line to make the sheet you want to be active?
Sheets("The one you want").Activate
would do the job? (or maybe .select?)

VB, excel macro pause and resume working if possible

I cannot figure out the best way to do the following problem. Basically my macro (excel, VB) is checking several (100+) worksheets for correct values, if wrong value is found, I want it to stop, give me a warning, then I could have a look into the reason why the value is wrong, correct it manually and then I want to resume the macro, or remember the last value checked so if I return, it remembers where to continue (resume).
My current problem is that it finds the wrong value, then I can either make it stop so I check the problem, or it goes through all the sheets and then I have to remember which sheets had the wrong value.
What I thought of is make a list where the name of sheet is added every time a wrong value is found. The problem is that usually there is more than 1 wrong value in the same sheet if there is a wrong value at all and this added the same sheet name several times to the list. Another problem with that is that I cannot correct the values straight away.
I'm very inexperienced with programming and so would appreciate your idea on how to best approach this problem (I don't want to spend a long time on coding something which wouldn't be efficient for such a "simple" problem).
When the error is found (I'm assuming you've already been able to identify this), you can use the Application.InputBox function to prompt you for a new value.
For example, if rng is a Range variable that represents the cell being checked, and you have some logic to determine where the error happens, then you can just do:
rng.Value = Application.InputBox("Please update the value in " & rng.Address, "Error!", rng.Value)
The inputbox function effectively halts execution of the procedure, while waiting for input from the user.
If InputBox isn't robust enough, then you can create a custom UserForm to do the same sort of thing. But for modifying single range values, one at a time, the InputBox is probably the easiest to implement.
I believe you can handle this task by using one or two static local variables in your macro. A variable declared with "static" rather than "dim" will remember its value from the last time that procedure was run. This can hold where you left off so you can resume from there.
One thing that could be a problem with this solution would be if the macro gets recompiled. That would probably cause VBA to clear the value that the static variable was holding. Just doing a data edit in Excel should not cause a recompile, but you will want to watch for this case, just to make sure it doesn't come up. It almost certainly will if you edit any code between executions.
Create a public variable that stores the cell address of the last checked cell and use a conditional statement to see if it's "mid-macro" for want of a better phrase. here is a very crude example...
Public lastCellChecked As String
Sub Check_Someting()
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
If Not lastCellChecked = vbNullString Then Set cell = Evaluate(lastCellChecked)
'// Rest of code...
'// Some loop here I'm assuming...
lastCellChecked = "'" & WS.Name & "'!" & cell.Address
If cell.Value > 10 Then Exit Sub '// Lets assume this is classed as an error
'// Rest of loop here...
lastCellChecked = vbNullString
End Sub
The best way to do this is to create a userform and as mentioned by prior users create a public variable. When the program finds an error store the cell and initiate the userform. Your code will stop on the userform. When you're done checking the problem have a button on the userform that you can click to continue checking. Your loop can be something like the below.
public y as integer
sub temp1 ()
rw1= range("a500000").end(xlup).row 'any method to create a range will do
if y = null then y=1
for x = y to rw1
'check for the problem your looking for
if errorX=true then
y = activecell.row
exit sub
end if
next x
end sub
What about inserting a button (on the sheet or in a menubar) for stopping?
Insert the code below:
'This at the top of the module
Public mStop As Boolean
'This in the module
Sub MyBreak()
mStop = True
End Sub
'This is your macro
Sub YourMacro()
'This at the top of your code
mStop = False
'Your code
'This code where you want to break
DoEvents '<<<< This makes possible the stop
If mStop Then
mCont = MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo)
If mCont = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
mStop = False
End If
End If
'Your code
End Sub
Now you need to create a button and link it to the macro called "MyBreak".

Turning off a worksheet change-based event macro in Excel

I've been stuck on this for awhile. I have a macro that runs every time a change is made and creates a data table that updates after each change with information like : Old Value, New Value, Data Changes, etc.
I am trying to kind of pause the worksheet change macro when I don't want it to be run anymore. Ex: If I am plugging in blank information, I don't need to document the fact that it used to be blank, and now it has data, etc.
I made some specifications for if I deleted an entire row as shown here:
If Target.Address = Target.EntireRow.Address Then Exit Sub
but that only dealt with one case. I just now thought of a very simple solution that I will post as the answer, so I hope this will help other people as much as it helped me
It's actually a very simple solution.
To begin pick a cell that has no information in but can be clearly located. For the purpose of this lets say A1.
Now pick key words that you will use to turn the macro on and off. Ex: I just chose True and False (capitals need to be consistent so pick what you want)
At this point, go to the beginning of your worksheet change macro and type in this right after the sub starts:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A1").Value = "False" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Now, before your macro starts, it will always verify that the cell doesn't contain False, so if you want it on, put anything else but False, and if you want it off, keep the cell as False. Hope this helps someone.
You want to disable events while ensuring that you enable them later. To do this, use an error handler to catch all errors and set the state back at the end.
Public Sub example()
On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.EnableEvents = False ' => disable events
'The code ...
Application.EnableEvents = True ' => enable events
End Sub

VBA code to save and update worksheet only works for me?

So I have a worksheet which should be saved and the Excel User's name be updated in cell P1 and the current time stamped in Q1. This should also lock cells for editing with a password when the save button is pressed.
However, it works fine when I update the sheet but not so with other users. They have macros enabled so I know that isn't the cause.
Below is the code that I am using:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Range("P1") = "Last Update: " & Format(Now)
Range("Q1").Value = Application.UserName 'Stamp the current user name
Worksheets("Org Chart").Activate
ActiveSheet.Protect ("Password")
End Sub
Is there something wrong in this code that could be causing this behavior?
Try using:
Range("Q1").Value = Environ("username")
this should gives different value when different user open the workbook. If multiple users using the same workstation to open the workbook, you will need some other technology...
Never mind, this question. I apologize, the user said that they were "sure" they enabled macros but apparently they had not.
However, I do think the alternative to using the environment name as opposed to the program license name is better so I appreciate your assistance.