How to show full screen button in uwp win10 - windows-8

In win8 metro app, a button that can make app full screen in status bar when click it the status bar will hidden, how can show this button in Win10 uwp?

ApplicationView view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView();
bool isInFullScreenMode = view.IsFullScreenMode;


React navigation keyboard hides bottom bar

I am using react-navigation v6. On any screen when the keyboard is opened by text input, the bottom navigation bar hides and I close the keyboard, it remains hidden.
Before Image
When Keyboard opened
When keyboard is closed

Hide Notch grey background when launching splash screen

For react-native app on Android For the devices with Notch -
I am able to use full screen mode on all screens except Splash screen by this code : This code basically uses full screen even behind the notch.
WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();
layoutParams.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES;
I need to use full screen mode on Splash screen as well. It shows grey / default bg color as shown below.

Allow touch area of button in React Native to extend into status bar (ios)

I have a back button (using TouchableOpacity) in the top left of my screen. I want to allow its hit area to extend up into the status bar as that's what other apps seem to do and it's easy to accidentally hit the button a little too high touching the status bar just above instead and making the app feel unresponsive.
I've got it's area to extend up behind the status bar but the status bar still seems to grab touch events. Is there a way of making it not do that (at least on the left hand side, I'd still like the "touch to go to top" stuff to work when you touch it elsewhere)?
The UINavigationBar is a UIWindow (not a UIView), which is above the UIWindow you are acting in. Thus it is not possible to present UIViews from your UIWindow.
What you can do is to add transparent UIBarButtonItem additionally to your button, triggering the same action:
var button = UIBarButtonItem(title: "", style: .Plain, target: action: #selector(yourAction(_:)))
button.tintColor = UIColor.clear
navigationController?.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = button

how to keep scroll on modal popup called from an other modal window

here my problem:
I open a modal popup and I can scroll it properly, then when I open a new model popup from this one if I try to scroll down this popup the scroll is on the main webpage in background. How can I focus the scroll on the active modal popup?
thank you

Appcelerator - barImage hides the title text

When I create a new window in Appcelerator I need to change the background image. This is done by setting “barImage”. The window itself is a child of a navigation group and has its own children. When I use the “barImage” parameter it hides the nav bar title text on the initial load of the window. If I navigate to its child window and then back the title text is displayed in the nav bar.
var sectionWindow = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title:’My Sub Page',
How can I get the title text to consistently display?
I believe there are known issues with the barImage in the 1.7.2 release, please check the 1.8x CI builds where the issue has been addressed