How do I use Confluence's servlet-filter module? - servlet-filters

I have recently become aware of Confluence's servlet-filter module. However, after trying to get it to work, I have run into a dead end. I am getting my information here:
Here is what I tried. I annotated my atlassian-plugin.xml file like so:
<servlet-filter name="My Test Filter" key="OURAPP" class="com.test.filters.HelloWorldFilter" location="after-encoding" weight="100">
<description>Forwards you to a test "Hello, world!" page.</description>
Then, I created a standard Java servlet (extends HttpServlet, etc.) at com/test/filters called In the "doGet()" method, I simply have a System.out.println() line that reads "IN THE FILTER". However, when I go to the following URLs, I always get the "Page Not Found" error page:
We have a custom Confluence plugin, lets call it OURAPP, that is serving up data not only through the browser GUI, but also through Confluence's REST capabilities. I am trying to create a filter that manages valid and invalid requests alike. We can access the REST at:
Like I said in the beginning, I have run into a dead end here, and cannot figure out how to get this to work. Can anybody offer up any suggestions or example code of how to get this working?

After a couple of days messing around with this, I FINALLY figured out what was wrong. I was extending javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet instead of implementing javax.servlet.Filter. After I changed to implementing Filter, and implemented all the proper methods, my servlet filter started to work at There are a number of examples out there that use a standard Java Servlet (i.e., extending HttpServlet) but that [apparently] does not work with Confluence. I hope this helps somebody else out there struggling with Confluence's confusion. Thanks to all who took the time to read.

Your dispatcher tag is missing the closing ">":


SoapUI with Groovy Script calling multiple APIs

I am using SoapUI with Groovy script and running into an issue when calling multiple APIs. In the system I am testing one WSDL/API handles the account registration, and returns an authenticator. I then use that returned authenticator to call a different WSDL/API and verify some information. I am able to call each of these WSDLs/APIs separate but when I put them together in a Groovy Script it doesn't work.
testRunner.runTestStepByName("Property Transfer");
if(props.getPropertyValue("userCreated") == "success"){
To explain the first line will run the TestStep "RegisterUser". I then do a "Property Transfer" step which takes a few response values from "RegisterUser" - the first is "Status" to see if it succeeded or failed, second is the "Authenticator". I then do an if statement to check if "RegisterUser" succeeded then attempt to call "AuthenticateStoreUser". At this point everything looks fine. Though when it calls "AuthenticateStoreUser" it shows the thinking bar then fails like a timeout, and if I check the "raw" tab for the request it says
<missing xml data>.
Note, that if I try the "AuthenticateStoreUser" by itself the call works fine. It is only after calling "RegisterUser" in the Groovy Script that it behaves strange. I have tried this with a few different calls and believe it is an issue calling two different APIs.
Has anyone dealt with this scenario, or can provide further direction to what may be happening?
(I would have preferred to simply comment on the question, but I don't have enough rep yet)
Have you checked the Error log tab at the bottom when this occurs? If so, what does it say and is there a stacktrace you could share?

Apache-ODE ProcessManagement

I can access this API/WS through
I would like to get the Process Info of a Process through this service and active it.
The serivce has the matching operations getProcessInfo and activate.
With listAllProcesses I get all Processes of a delpoyed package.
For getProcessInfo/activate I need the Process pid.
I get a <ns:pid>, using this gets me a load of Exceptions.
Using the name of the process and other stuff I receive earlier doesn't work either.
The pid is of type QName, perhaps thats the root of the problem.
However I don't now how to typecast here.
(Tried all with the eclipse Web Services Explorer and soapUI)
question: How does a proper request for both Operations look like?
When I try to consume the webservice with axi2 via eclipse, there is a undeclared variable local in the AnySimpleType class. I'm not keen on using the service this way.
But since I'm already writing a Client for the DeploymentService I thought about this approach.
question: How do I properly access the ProcessManagement?
EDIT: I have a simular problem with the DeploymentService and the undeploy Operation.
EDIT2: I figured the Problem with the DeploymentService undeploy out.
I had to get the Packagename as String. Then a made a javax.xml.namespace.QName out of it. Then I used the setPackageName of said undeploy operation.
Answer to question number 1:
soapUI with listAllProcesses returns
getProcessInfo wants
Now I replaced <pid>?</pid> with
<pid xmlns:odetest="http://ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</pid>
and it worked like a charm.
I remember that there was an issue with parameter ordering when using the Axis2 generated WSDL. Could you try if building a request against the original WSDL located at http://localhost:8080/ode/deployment/services/ProcessManagement works?
EDIT: Now that I got the question correctly, the problem is that ODE expects the QName to be serialized differently, i.e. in the XML way instead of the Java way. Thus, instead of <ns:pid>{ode/bpel/unit-test}HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid> the correct notation is <ns:pid xmlns:odetest="ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid>.

How to test flash.message in a Grails webflow?

I'm using webflows in Grails and I'm currently writing tests for it. Now, inside I've got something that throws an error so I set a message to the flash scope before redirecting:
if (some_condition) {
flash.message = "my error message"
return error()
Now, I know that when I'm going to display this in the GSP page, I access the flash message as
<g:if test="${message}">...
instead of the usual
<g:if test="${flash.message}">...
So anyway, I'm writing my test and I'm wondering how to test the content of the message? Usually, in normal actions in the controllers, I follow what's written in here . However, since this is a webflow, I can't seem to find the message even if I check controller.flash.message / controller.params.message / controller.message . I've also tried looking at the flow scope...
Any ideas on how to see the message then? Thanks a bunch!
Based on your example, you can access your flash.message as controller.request.message in your webflow test. I did a lot of googling for this same exact issue and a lot of webflow documentations talk about it merging all scopes into the "view model". But I also read somewhere that it merges the flash scope into the request scope for redirection. That's what prompted me to try looking in the controller.request in my test case.

Proper way to check system requirements for a WordPress plugin

I am curious about the proper way to stop a user from activating my plugin if their system does not meet certain requirements. Doing the checks is easy and I don't need any help with that, I am more curious how to tell WordPress to exit and display an error message.
Currently I have tried both exit($error_message) and die($error_message) in the activation hook method. While my message is displayed and the plugin is not activated, a message saying Fatal Error is also displayed (see image below).
Does anyone know of a better way, that would display my message in a proper error box without displaying Fatal error, it just looks really bad for new users to see that.
Thanks for any help in advance.
This is a little undocumented, as you might have noticed. Instead of die(), do it like this:
$plugin = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php';
wp_die('<p>The <strong>X</strong> plugin requires version WordPress 2.8 or greater.</p>','Plugin Activation Error',array('response'=>200,'back_link'=>TRUE));
The lines above wp_die() are to deactivate this plugin. Note that we use functions.php in this case because that's where I have my Plugin Name meta data comment declaration -- and if you use a different file, then change the code above. Note that the path is very specific for a match. So, if you want to see what your path would normally be, use print_r(get_option('active_plugins'));die(); to dump that out so that you know what path you need. Since I had a plugin_code.php where the rest of my plugin code was, and since it was in the same directory as functions.php, I merely had to do dirname(__FILE__) for the proper path.
Note that the end of the wp_die() statement is important because it provides a backlink and prevents an error 500 (which is the default Apache code for wp_die()).
It is only a idea though. Try checking the wordpress version and compare then use php to through custom exception/error. PHP 5.0 try catch can be a good way to do it. Here is some resources.
You can try the first link. It is pretty basic. Thanks! hope the information will be helpful.

Is there a browser-agnostic way to detect client-side script errors with Watin?

We're using WatiN to test our web portals. During the course of an E2E test, we'll occasionally see client-side script errors on the IE status bar. I'd like to chain a handler onto the script error event and record the error for later analysis and bug filing.
Problem is, I don't know that there's a global script error event or how to chain into it. And if there's not a browser-agnostic way to accomplish this, I can create MyIE and MyFF subclasses but then this becomes two browser-specific questions.
In essence, I'm thinking of something like this entirely made-up call:
... where LogScriptErrors is my code that does the obvious.
Many of our client-side scripting errors don't necessarily prevent the test from continuing (a pretty UI element didn't animate, for example, but the underlying form is still submittable), so I'd like to log the error and forge ahead in most cases.
You probably looking for this:
window.onerror=function(message, url, line){logError();};
You can add this code to your pages to handle errors in logError(). but this may not work in all browser(works in IE), check this for browser compatibility:
Or you may try this commercial product:
You could maybe co-opt the ability to inject eval code (described under "Added Eval functionality") to add a script that caught all errors, not just errors from the eval'ed script. I'm not sure if this would work, but it's an area to explore. Another resource might be this blog post, which discusses how to evaluate Javascript in WatiN.