How to get hold of AutomatedInstallData within IzPack 5 InstallerListener methods? - izpack

I've tried to find any info on that but failed, maybe someone here can help.
I'm using IzPack 5 since couple of weeks and that's what I started with, so I have no prior IzPack 4 experience.
What I want to do is the following:
Give the user an opportunity to select data directory via
UserInputPanel (works fine)
Validate the entry by checking if the
database already resides there (works fine)
Depending on whether
the DB already exists and if "force" flag specified on the
UserInputPanel create the database after the packs have been
This last step, that's what I can't see how to do.
I hava a java class that implements InstallerListener interface:
public class IzPackInstaller implements,
com.izforge.izpack.api.event.InstallerListener {
It's the same class I use for both data validation / db existance check on step 2 and creation on step 3, just for convinience reasons, but it shouldn't matter
I override
public void afterInstallerInitialization(AutomatedInstallData data)
throws Exception {
System.out.println("Called afterInstallerInitialization");
System.out.println("db.location=" + data.getVariable("db.location"));
System.out.println("db.force.creation=" + data.getVariable("db.force.creation"));
but it seems to be deprecated alltogether and is never called in runtime - checked with System.out's.
The same is valid for:
public void afterPacks(AutomatedInstallData data,
AbstractUIProgressHandler handler) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Never called!");
I also override
public void afterPacks(List<Pack> packs, ProgressListener listener) { }
which is called allright, but how to get hold of AutomatedInstallData within this method? Or how else can I read installer variables at this stage?
I thought of creating a singleton, which I would initialize with the variables during DynamicInstallerRequirementValidator.validateData() call and get the variables at a later point in time, but it's ugly and sounds like a nasty workaround - there should be a way to implement InstallerListener interface and be able to use the variables, shouldn't it?
I'd be really grateful for any hints...

This is not a very clean solution but there is a way to get a hold of AutomatedInstallData really anywhere in running izpack java without actually overriding some method etc. I would just not suggest it in the first place because it is a little tricky :)
public class Test {
InstallerContainer container = new ConsoleInstallerContainer();
AutomatedInstaller automatedInstaller = container.getComponent(AutomatedInstaller.class);
AutomatedInstallData installData;
public Test() throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException {
Field f = AutomatedInstaller.class.getDeclaredField("installData");
installData = (AutomatedInstallData)f.get(automatedInstaller);
Now you will have access to the object AutomatedInstallData and its methods.


How to create a BaseClass that adds logging messages

I am using serenity BDD for my automation testing and Page Object Model for my framework. I have created a BasePage class which will be inherited by all the other Pages. I want to minimize the logging messages from the Pages by adding all the messages to a central Base page. Example, when calling the click() method, I will log before click and after click methods as shown below in the basePage class:
public class BasePage extends PageObject{
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(BasePage.class.getClass());
private final WebElementFacade element;
public static void clickBtn(WebElementFacade btnName) {"About to click " + btnName + " button");;"Successfully clicked on " + btnName + " button.");
Later I figured that instead of individually trying to figure out in advance what actions the user will perform on the webElements, and write new methods for each action (like the one shown above), just implement WebDriverFacade interface, so that I get all the unimplemented method list in BasePage from WebDriverFacade and then write the log messages inside each of them, like so:
public class BasePage extends PageObject implements WebElementFacade{
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(BasePage.class.getClass());
private final WebElementFacade element;
public void submit() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void sendKeys(CharSequence... keysToSend) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public String getTagName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean isSelected() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
This will serve two purposes:
I will not have to create new methods for every action in BasePage class, example the 'clickBtn()' function in the first code
As I mentioned before, I will not have to figure out what method any other person who adds methods to my code might use and having to change the BasePage class to create the new actions. So basically less maintenance in the long run.
The problem I am facing is an error that I receive in the second use case:
The return types are incompatible for the inherited methods WebElementFacade.withTimeoutOf(int, TimeUnit), PageObject.withTimeoutOf(int, TimeUnit)
Now my question is:
How can solve this problem?
Is this the right way to do things or should I be going with the first method and have maintenance overhead.
Just figured that another scenario where this might be useful. To make sure that subclass methods do not use methods from pageObject and are forced to use the methods from BaseClass only. This can be done by wrapping the WebElementFacade and adding the log messages as an added functionality. Any thought on this would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Honestly it is a neat trick and if you get it working you should be proud.
I think I figured something similar out in a dynamic language.
But you are better off just adding the logging entries and learning the following.
How to name functions so you don't feel like they need renaming.
How to log clearly for debugging use.
This is because loggings power is in its flexibility.
When you learn how to dump something complex like a matrix so you can eye it and go uh-oh you are increasing your overall skills.
I apologize for not giving you code but I felt some "chase the other rabbit" advice was better.

Google Guice runtime dependency injection

I am looking for a way to dynamically select the correct dependency during runtime using google guice.
My usecase is a kotlin application which can work with either sqlite or h2 databases depending on the configuration file provided.
The file is read when the application is executed and if the database is not found, the correct one is created and migrated into.
My database structure contains the Database (Interface), H2Database: Database, SQLiteDatabase: Database and the module binding class which looks like this:
class DatabaseModule: KotlinModule() {
override fun configure() {
So far, with SQlite alone, I would simply request the dependency using:
private lateinit var database: Database
How would I make this selection during runtime?
Without knowing too much about the specific of your code, I'll offer three general approaches.
(Also, I have never used Kotlin. I hope Java samples are enough for you to figure things out.)
First Approach
It sounds like you need some non-trivial logic to determine which Database implementation is the right one to use. This is a classic case for a ProviderBinding. Instead binding Database to a specific implementation, you bind Database to a class that is responsible providing instances (a Provider). For example, you might have this class:
public class MyDatabaseProvider.class implements Provider<Database> {
public MyDatabaseProvider.class(Provider<SQLiteDatabase> sqliteProvider, Provider<H2Database> h2Provider) {
this.sqliteProvider = sqliteProvider;
this.h2Provider = h2Provider;
public Database get() {
// Logic to determine database type goes here
if (isUsingSqlite) {
return sqliteProvider.get();
} else if (isUsingH2) {
return h2Provider.get();
} else {
throw new ProvisionException("Could not determine correct database implementation.");
(Side note: This sample code gets you a new instance every time. It is fairly straightforward to make this also return a singleton instance.)
Then, to use it, you have two options. In your module, you would bind Database not to a specific implementation, but to your DatabaseProvider. Like this:
protected void configure() {
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to know the correct database implementation until Guice tries to construct an object that requires Database as one of its constructor args.
Second Approach
You could create a DatabaseRoutingProxy class which implements Database and then delegates to the correct database implementation. (I've used this pattern professionally. I don't think there's an "official" name for this design pattern, but you can find a discussion here.) This approach is based on lazy loading with Provider using the Providers that Guice automatically creates(1) for every bound type.
public class DatabaseRoutingProxy implements Database {
private Provider<SqliteDatabse> sqliteDatabaseProvider;
private Provider<H2Database> h2DatabaseProvider;
public DatabaseRoutingProxy(Provider<SqliteDatabse> sqliteDatabaseProvider, Provider<H2Database> h2DatabaseProvider) {
this.sqliteDatabaseProvider = sqliteDatabaseProvider;
this.h2DatabaseProvider = h2DatabaseProvider;
// Not an overriden method
private Database getDatabase() {
boolean isSqlite = // ... decision logic, or maintain a decision state somewhere
// If these providers don't return singletons, then you should probably write some code
// to call the provider once and save the result for future use.
if (isSqlite) {
return sqliteDatabaseProvider.get();
} else {
return h2DatabaseProvider.get();
public QueryResult queryDatabase(QueryInput queryInput) {
return getDatabase().queryDatabase(queryInput);
// Implement rest of methods here, delegating as above
And in your Guice module:
protected void configure() {
// Bind these just so that Guice knows about them. (This might not actually be necessary.)
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to be able to know which database implementation to use until you actually make a database call.
Both of these approaches have been assuming that you cannot instantiate an instance of H2Database or SqliteDatabase unless the backing database file actually exists. If it's possible to instantiate the object without the backing database file, then your code becomes much simpler. (Just have a router/proxy/delegator/whatever that takes the actual Database instances as the constructor args.)
Third Approach
This approach is completely different then the last two. It seems to me like your code is actually dealing with two questions:
Does a database actually exist? (If not, then make one.)
Which database exists? (And get the correct class to interact with it.)
If you can solve question 1 before even creating the guice injector that needs to know the answer to question 2, then you don't need to do anything complicated. You can just have a database module like this:
public class MyDatabaseModule extends AbstractModule {
public enum DatabaseType {
private DatabaseType databaseType;
public MyDatabaseModule(DatabaseType databaseType) {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
protected void configure() {
if (SQLITE.equals(databaseType)) {
} else if (H2.equals(databaseType)) {
Since you've separated out questions 1 & 2, when you create the injector that will use the MyDatabaseModule, you can pass in the appropriate value for the constructor argument.
The Injector documentation states that there will exist a Provider<T> for every binding T. I have successfully created bindings without creating the corresponding provider, therefore Guice must be automatically creating a Provider for configured bindings. (Edit: I found more documentation that states this more clearly.)

Using Test Doubles with DbEntityEntry and DbPropertyEntry

I am using the new Test Doubles in EF6 as outlined here from MSDN . VS2013 with Moq & nUnit.
All was good until I had to do something like this:
var myFoo = context.Foos.Find(id);
and then:
myFoo.Name = "Bar";
and then :
context.Entry(myFoo).Property("Name").IsModified = true;
At this point is where I get an error:
Additional information: Member 'IsModified' cannot be called for
property 'Name' because the entity of type
'Foo' does not exist in the context. To add an
entity to the context call the Add or Attach method of
Although, When I examine the 'Foos' in the context with an AddWatch I can see all items I Add'ed before running the test. So they are there.
I have created the FakeDbSet (or TestDbSet) from the article. I am putting each FakeDbSet in the FakeContext at the constructor where each one gets initialized. Like this:
Foos = new FakeDbSet<Foo>();
My question is, is it possible to work with the FakeDbSet and the FakeContext with the test doubles scenario in such a way to have access to DbEntityEntry and DBPropertyEntry from the test double? Thanks!
I can see all items I Add'ed before running the test. So they are there.
Effectively, you've only added items to an ObservableCollection. The context.Entry method reaches much deeper than that. It requires a change tracker to be actively involved in adding, modifying and removing entities. If you want to mock this change tracker, the ObjectStateManager (ignoring the fact that it's not designed to be mocked at all), good luck! It's got over 4000 lines of code.
Frankly, I don't understand all these blogs and articles about mocking EF. Only the numerous differences between LINQ to objects and LINQ to entites should be enough to discourage it. These mock contexts and DbSets build an entirely new universe that's a source of bugs in itself. I've decided to do integrations test only when and wherever EF is involved in my code. A working end-to-end test gives me a solid feeling that things are OK. A unit test (faking EF) doesn't. (Others do, don't get me wrong).
But let's assume you'd still like to venture into mocking DbContext.Entry<T>. Too bad, impossible.
The method is not virtual
It returns a DbEntityEntry<T>, a class with an internal constructor, that is a wrapper around an InternalEntityEntry, which is an internal class. And, by the way, DbEntityEntry doesn't implement an interface.
So, to answer your question
is it possible to (...) have access to DbEntityEntry and DBPropertyEntry from the test double?
No, EF's mocking hooks are only very superficial, you'll never even come close to how EF really works.
Just abstract it. If you are working against an interface, when creating your own doubles, put the modified stuff in a seperate method. My interface and implementation (generated by EF, but I altered the template) look like this:
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated from a template.
// Manual changes to this file may cause unexpected behavior in your application.
// Manual changes to this file will be overwritten if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
namespace Model
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
public interface IOmt
DbSet<DatabaseOmtObjectWhatever> DatabaseOmtObjectWhatever { get; set; }
int SaveChanges();
void SetModified(object entity);
void SetAdded(object entity);
public partial class Omt : DbContext, IOmt
public Omt()
: base("name=Omt")
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();
public virtual DbSet<DatabaseOmtObjectWhatever> DatabaseOmtObjectWhatever { get; set; }
public void SetModified(object entity)
Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
public void SetAdded(object entity)
Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Added;

Unity3D embedded Mono with Unity

I've seen plenty of examples of calling static methods in my Unity C# code using C++. I haven't however seen any examples of how to call a single instance's method using C++. i.e rather than
public static void SomeMethod(
I really want to do:
public void SomeMethod()
I've managed to make the static implementation work by following some tutorials from but would love to know if the bottom method is possible. I've tried to add a definition for searching a method in a class.
MonoMethod* mono_method_desc_search_in_class (MonoMethodDesc *desc, MonoClass *klass);
But an implementation can't be found with the mono runtime that I was told to use from here:
Any guidance or knowledge of whether it's possible or how to do it would be appreciated.
One other question. If I search for a gameObject, could I then use that to access the instance?
You don't say what platform you're developing for, but for iOS there's the UnitySendMessage function. I believe there are similar implementations for other platforms.
Calling C# / JavaScript back from native code
Unity iOS supports limited native-to-managed callback functionality via UnitySendMessage:
UnitySendMessage("GameObjectName1", "MethodName1", "Message to send");
The parameter must be a string, so I've used JSON to send more complex data.
Alternatively, everything that inherits from UnityEngine.Object has a GetInstanceID() method, which is guaranteed to be unique. Using this you could have a static method in C# that keeps a dictionary of recipient instances, and native code would always pass an integer ID to refer to the intended recipient.
static Dictionary<int, SomeClass> instanceDict = new Dictionary<...>();
void Awake() {
instanceDict.Add(GetInstanceID(), this);
void OnDestroy() {
public static void SomeMethod(int recipientID, float someValue) {

Do write-only properties have practical applications?

I don't know why I started thinking about this, but now I can't seem to stop.
In C# - and probably a lot of other languages, I remember that Delphi used to let you do this too - it's legal to write this syntax:
class WeirdClass
private void Hello(string name)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name);
public string Name
set { Hello(name); }
In other words, the property has a setter but no getter, it's write-only.
I guess I can't think of any reason why this should be illegal, but I've never actually seen it in the wild, and I've seen some pretty brilliant/horrifying code in the wild. It seems like a code smell; it seems like the compiler should be giving me a warning:
CS83417: Property 'Name' appears to be completely useless and stupid. Bad programmer! Consider replacing with a method.
But maybe I just haven't been doing this long enough, or have been working in too narrow a field to see any examples of the effective use of such a construct.
Are there real-life examples of write-only properties that either cannot be replaced by straight method calls or would become less intuitive?
My first reaction to this question was: "What about the java.util.Random#setSeed method?"
I think that write-only properties are useful in several scenarios. For example, when you don't want to expose the internal representation (encapsulation), while allowing to change the state of the object. java.util.Random is a very good example of such design.
Code Analysis (aka FxCop) does give you a diagnostic:
CA1044 : Microsoft.Design : Because
property 'WeirdClass.Name' is write-only,
either add a property getter with an
accessibility that is greater than or
equal to its setter or convert this
property into a method.
Write-only properties are actually quite useful, and I use them frequently. It's all about encapsulation -- restricting access to an object's components. You often need to provide one or more components to a class that it needs to use internally, but there's no reason to make them accessible to other classes. Doing so just makes your class more confusing ("do I use this getter or this method?"), and more likely that your class can be tampered with or have its real purpose bypassed.
See "Why getter and setter methods are evil" for an interesting discussion of this. I'm not quite as hardcore about it as the writer of the article, but I think it's a good thing to think about. I typically do use setters but rarely use getters.
I have code similar to the following in an XNA project. As you can see, Scale is write-only, it is useful and (reasonably) intuitive and a read property (get) would not make sense for it. Sure it could be replaced with a method, but I like the syntax.
public class MyGraphicalObject
public double ScaleX { get; set; }
public double ScaleY { get; set; }
public double ScaleZ { get; set; }
public double Scale { set { ScaleX = ScaleY = ScaleZ = value; } }
// more...
One use for a write-only property is to support setter dependency injection, which is typically used for optional parameters.
Let's say I had a class:
public class WhizbangService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider { set; private get; }
The WhizbangProvider is not intended to be accessed by the outside world. I'd never want to interact with service.Provider, it's too complex. I need a class like WhizbangService to act as a facade. Yet with the setter, I can do something like this:
service.Provider = new FireworksShow();
And the service starts a fireworks display. Or maybe you'd rather see a water and light show:
service.Provider = new FountainDisplay(new StringOfLights(), 20, UnitOfTime.Seconds);
And so on....
This becomes especially useful if the property is defined in a base class. If you chose construction injection for this property, you'd need to write a constructor overload in any derived class.
public abstract class DisplayService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider { set; private get; }
public class WhizbangService : DisplayService { }
Here, the alternative with constructor injection is:
public abstract class DisplayService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider;
protected DisplayService(WhizbangProvider provider) {
Provider = provider ?? new DefaultProvider();
public class WhizbangService : DisplayService {
public WhizbangService(WhizbangProvider provider)
: base(provider)
{ }
This approach is messier in my opinion, because you need to some of the internal workings of the class, specifically, that if you pass null to the constructor, you'll get a reasonable default.
In MVP pattern it is common to write a property with a setter on the view (no need for a getter) - whenever the presenter sets it content the property will use that value to update some UI element.
See here for a small demonstration:
public partial class ShowMeTheTime : Page, ICurrentTimeView
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CurrentTimePresenter presenter = new CurrentTimePresenter(this);
public DateTime CurrentTime
set { lblCurrentTime.Text = value.ToString(); }
The presenter InitView method simply sets the property's value:
public void InitView()
view.CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;
Making something write-only is usefulwhenever you're not supposed to read what you write.
For example, when drawing things onto the screen (this is precisely what the Desktop Window Manager does in Windows):
You can certainly draw to a screen, but you should never need to read back the data (let alone expect to get the same design as before).
Now, whether write-only properties are useful (as opposed to methods), I'm not sure how often they're used. I suppose you could imagine a situation with a "BackgroundColor" property, where writing to it sets the background color of the screen, but reading makes no sense (necessarily).
So I'm not sure about that part, but in general I just wanted to point out that there are use cases for situations in which you only write data, and never read it.
Although the .NET design guidelines recommend using a method ("SetMyWriteOnlyParameter") instead of a write-only property, I find write-only properties useful when creating linked objects from a serialised representation (from a database).
Our application represents oil-field production systems. We have the system as a whole (the "Model" object) and various Reservoir, Well, Node, Group etc objects.
The Model is created and read from database first - the other objects need to know which Model they belong to. However, the Model needs to know which lower object represents the Sales total. It makes sense for this information to be stored a Model property. If we do not want to have to do two reads of Model information, we need to be able to read the name of Sales object before its creation. Then, subsequently, we set the "SalesObject" variable to point to the actual object (so that, e.g., any change by the user of the name of this object does not cause problems)
We prefer to use a write-only property - 'SalesObjectName = "TopNode"' - rather than a method - 'SetSalesObjectName("TopNode") - because it seems to us that the latter suggests that the SalesObject exists.
This is a minor point, but enough to make us want to use a Write-Only property.
As far as I'm concerned, they don't. Every time I've used a write-only property as a quick hack I have later come to regret it. Usually I end up with a constructor or a full property.
Of course I'm trying to prove a negative, so maybe there is something I'm missing.
I can't stop thinking about this, either. I have a use case for a "write-only" property. I can't see good way out of it.
I want to construct a C# attribute that derives from AuthorizeAttribute for an ASP.NET MVC app. I have a service (say, IStore) that returns information that helps decide if the current user should be authorized. Constructor Injection won't work, becuase
public AllowedAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
public AllowedAttribute(IStore store) {...}
private IStore Store { get; set; }
makes store a positional attribute parameter, but IStore is not a valid attribute parameter type, and the compiler won't build code that is annotated with it. I am forced to fall back on Property Setter Injection.
public AllowedAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
[Inject] public IStore Store { private get; set; }
Along with all the other bad things about Property Setter instead of Constructor Injection, the service is a write-only property. Bad enough that I have to expose the setter to clients that shouldn't need to know about the implementation detail. It wouldn't do anybody any favors to let clients see the getter, too.
I think that the benefit of Dependency Injection trumps the guidelines against write-only properties for this scenario, unless I am missing something.
I just came across that situation when writing a program that reads data from a JSON database (Firebase). It uses Newtonsoft's Json.NET to populate the objects. The data are read-only, i.e., once loaded they won't change. Also, the objects are only deserialized and won't be serialized again. There may be better ways, but this solution just looks reasonable for me.
using Newtonsoft.Json;
// ...
public class SomeDatabaseClass
// JSON object contains a date-time field as string
public string ExpirationString
// Needs a custom parser to handle special date-time formats
Expiration = Resources.CustomParseDateTime(value);
// But this is what the program will effectively use.
// DateTime.MaxValue is just a default value
public DateTime Expiration { get; private set; } = DateTime.MaxValue;
// ...
No, I can' imagine any case where they can't be replaced, though there might people who consider them to be more readable.
Hypothetical case:
CommunicationDevice.Response = "Hello, World"
instead of
CommunicationDevice.SendResponse("Hello, World")
The major job would be to perform IO side-effects or validation.
Interestingly, VB .NET even got it's own keyword for this weird kind of property ;)
Public WriteOnly Property Foo() As Integer
Set(value As Integer)
' ... '
End Set
End Property
even though many "write-only" properties from outside actually have a private getter.
I recently worked on an application that handled passwords. (Note that I'm not claiming that the following is a good idea; I'm just describing what I did.)
I had a class, HashingPassword, which contained a password. The constructor took a password as an argument and stored it in a private attribute. Given one of these objects, you could either acquire a salted hash for the password, or check the password against a given salted hash. There was, of course, no way to retrieve the password from a HashingPassword object.
So then I had some other object, I don't remember what it was; let's pretend it was a password-protected banana. The Banana class had a set-only property called Password, which created a HashingPassword from the given value and stored it in a private attribute of Banana. Since the password attribute of HashingPassword was private, there was no way to write a getter for this property.
So why did I have a set-only property called Password instead of a method called SetPassword? Because it made sense. The effect was, in fact, to set the password of the Banana, and if I wanted to set the password of a Banana object, I would expect to do that by setting a property, not by calling a method.
Using a method called SetPassword wouldn't have had any major disadvantages. But I don't see any significant advantages, either.
I know this has been here for a long time, but I came across it and have a valid (imho) use-case:
When you post parameters to a webapi call from ajax, you can simply try to fill out the parameters class' properties and include validation or whatsoever.
public int MyFancyWepapiMethod([FromBody]CallParams p) {
return p.MyIntPropertyForAjax.HasValue ? p.MyIntPropertyForAjax.Value : 42;
public class CallParams
public int? MyIntPropertyForAjax;
public object TryMyIntPropertyForAjax
try { MyIntPropertyForAjax = Convert.ToInt32(value); }
catch { MyIntPropertyForAjax = null; }
On JavaScript side you can simply fill out the parameters including validation:
var callparameter = {
TryMyIntPropertyForAjax = 23
which is safe in this example, but if you handle userinput it might be not sure that you have a valid intvalue or something similar.