Is CloudFlare's free SSL actually secure? - ssl

I've just set up CloudFlare on my web app. The free version, since my app isn't generating any revenue right now.
Now all my traffic is routing through CloudFlare's servers, correct? And that connection is "secure" because it's under HTTPS -- Chrome even displays the green padlock.
But CloudFlare is still communicating with my server over HTTP (unsecure connection), are they not?
Doesn't that mean all my client's data is sent in the clear between CloudFlare and my server? And that makes it not really secure at all, despite what Chrome thinks?

The "Flexible" option of the "Crypto / SSL (with SPDY)" setting is not secure. If you read the "Help" text it says:
There is an encrypted connection between your website visitors and CloudFlare, but not from CloudFlare to your server.
You must install an SSL certificate on your own server and then select the "Full SSL (strict)" option to be secure.

You can configure the origin for the CDN (i.e. your servers that provide the original version of the content to be distributed across the CDN) to provide data using HTTPS. With the pro version (which you are not currently using) you can also use the SPDY protocol. HTTPS communication between the CDN and your servers protects that part of the communication path.
Additionally, and optionally, you can use Authenticated Origin Pulls (also available in the free version) to ensure that the CDN and origin (you) are both who you claim to be.


Where would be the best place to host my simple Flask API?

I have a Flask API which has no database but just a json file that stores the data. At the moment I have put it on an EC2 and opened a port so someone can put in the IP address and port and have access to the API that way. The problem with this is that I get a mixed content error since the site it uses is HTTPS and the API is HTTP. I want to put the API behind HTTPS on a proper platform but I'm not sure where to start.
Is there a platform that I can host the API python file and the json file behind an HTTPS?
All of them? EC2 allows HTTPS (per #tawfikboujeh's comment). I don't actually know a hosting platform that would allow HTTP but not HTTPS.
There are some options in how you accomplish this:
Use a self-signed certificate. This will give you HTTPS but all the modern browsers will give a nasty warning to all your visitors.
Purchase a signed certification for you IP address from a CA. Just hope you don't have to change your IP address.
Purchase a domain and use Let's Encrypt to generate a signed certificate for you.
Option 3 would be the most robust solution, but it does carry the cost of a domain (maybe $10/year).
Google App Engine is perfect for this. SSL cert is free, and you would be in their free tier.

Ant-Media-Server + SSL without Domain

Ant-Media-Server is running on an IPAdress without any domains. We just set up this server to be used for streaming in order to use it from different domains pointing to different servers.
Since all of our domains use ssl, we face the typical connection problem:
mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.
Ant-Media already offers tutorials on how to install a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate but sadly it is not available for pure IP-Addresses.
Apart from the Ant-Media Service, the server doesn't has any NGINX, NodeJS, Apache or other http Servers installed - the plan was just to use it for streaming by calling the IP-Address.
Do you have any ideas on how to solve that problem?
Unfortunately, this is not possible.
The goal of having a SSL is ensure you are requesting the right domain name besides encrypting the content between your users and your server.
Here are some alternatives:
create an endpoint in your own app that proxies data to your server.
Instead of playing the IP address, you can play:
Note that using a proxy will make all the traffic pass through your web app.
As a reference, if you are using PHP on your website, you can have some ideas from here:
Create a reverse-proxy in front of your web app that redirects the traffic to your IP address.
Both solutions does not change your Ant Media Server, just adds a new resource between your users and your streaming server - adding the SSL on it.

Can https content ever be cached at CDN datacentres?

I know that modern web browsers cache https content by default. But when you use, say, CloudFlare on your https webpage can it ever cache the css/jpg files for the client? I'm expecting the answer is no as its encrypted, but maybe the datacentre is intelligent and can establish its own connection as a client, cache, then serve as a proxy or something using its own certificates. Thanks
Cloudflare is a content delivery network and not a simple load balancer. Because it is expected that they reduce the load on the original server they will cache also https traffic. This means that they will be a man in the middle and provide their own certificate for the site. For more information see their SSL-FAQ.

Centralizing outgoing two-way SSL connections

We are currently using Apache to handle incoming SSL requests. These are two-way SSL connections. Apache accepts the https connection and pass the request on as http connection to the application server. This works well for us.
We would like to use the same kind of centralized mechanism for outgoing two-way SSL connections. Is there a way do this with Apache or another product? To complicate things the client certificate needed to identify out client can vary depending on the destination.
In short:
- Internal clients connect through http to Apache or another product.
- Apache or another product knows based on a rule (?) that a two-way ssl connection is required and sets this up with the destination.
- Depending on the destination the correct certificate is sent to identify our client.
What you're talking about is, or course, an HTTP proxy server. In the first scenario you are using it as a transparent proxy to provide SSL support for connections to a set of web pages. In the second scenario you want to use it to provide connections to secure-only pages on behalf of clients speaking HTTP.
You can do this with the Squid proxy, which is free and open-source, provided that your machine sits between the clients and the Internet. Look for "SSLBump". You do need a certificate which the clients would consider valid for all web pages to be accessed (otherwise they will notice what you are doing, which is basically a man-in-the-middle attack).
However, I would strongly recommend against this - if a site requires SSL, it is likely to do so for a reason. It is almost certainly not OK to have internal clients connecting to an online banking site and have you bumping down their encryption so that you can monitor their traffic or whatever...

Difference between https protocol and SSL Certificate

What is difference between https protocol and SSL Certificate that we use in web browser?
Aren't both of these used to encrypt communication between client (browser) and server?
HTTPS is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) plus SSL (Secure Socket Layer). You need a certificate to use any protocol that uses SSL.
SSL allows arbitrary protocols to be communicated securely. It enables clients to (a) verify that they are indeed communicating with the server they expect and not a man-in-the-middle and (b) encrypt the network traffic so that parties other than the client and server cannot see the communication.
An SSL certificate contains a public key and certificate issuer. Not only can clients use the certificate to communicate with a server, clients can verify that the certificate was cryptographically signed by an official Certificate Authority. For example, if your browser trusts the VeriSign Certificate Authority, and VeriSign signs my SSL certificate, your browser will inherently trust my SSL certificate.
There's some good reading here:
Two pieces of one solution.
https is the protocol that defines how the client and server are going to negotiate a secure connection.
The SSL Certificate is the document that they will use to agree upon the servers authenticity.
HTPS is the new HTTPS.
HTTPS is highly vulnerable to SSL Stripping / MITM (man in the middle).
to quote adam langley's (google) blog imperial violet:
"HTTPS tends to cause people to give talks mocking certificate security and the ecosystem around it. "
The problem is that the page isn't served over HTTPS. It should have been, but when a user types a hostname into a browser, the default scheme is HTTP. The server may attempt to redirect users to HTTPS, but that redirect is insecure: a MITM attacker can rewrite it and keep the user on HTTP, spoofing the real site the whole time. The attacker can now intercept all the traffic to this perfectly well configured and secure website.
This is called SSL stripping and it's terribly simple and devastatingly effective. We probably don't see it very often because it's not something that corporate proxies need to do, so it's not in off-the-shelf devices. But that respite is unlikely to last very long and maybe it's already over: how would we even know if it was being used?
In order to stop SSL stripping, we need to make HTTPS the only protocol. We can't do that for the whole Internet, but we can do it site-by-site with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
HSTS tells browsers to always make requests over HTTPS to HSTS sites. Sites become HSTS either by being built into the browser, or by advertising a header:
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=8640000; includeSubDomains
The header is in force for the given number of seconds and may also apply to all subdomains. The header must be received over a clean HTTPS connection.
Once the browser knows that a site is HTTPS only, the user typing is safe: the initial request uses HTTPS and there's no hole for an attacker to exploit.
( and a number of other sites are already built into Chrome as HSTS sites so it's not actually possible to access over HTTP with Chrome - I had to doctor that image! If you want to be included in Chrome's built-in HSTS list, email me.)
HSTS can also protect you, the webmaster, from making silly mistakes. Let's assume that you've told your mother that she should always type https:// before going to her banking site or maybe you setup a bookmark for her. That's honestly more than we can, or should, expect of our users. But let's say that our supererogatory user... ]
because of obstructing/very stupid link-rules for new users on stackoverflow i cannot give you the rest of adam's answer and you'll have to visit adam langley's blog yourself at
"Adam Langley works on both Google's HTTPS serving infrastructure and Google Chrome's network stack."
HTTPS is an application layer protocol. It can provide non-repudiation of individual requests or responses through digital signatures.
SSL is a lower level protocol and does not have this capability. SSL is a transport level encryption.
HTTPS is more flexible than SSL: an application can configure the level of security it needs. SSL has fewer options so it is easier to setup and administer.