Update a column based on its current value - sql

Is there any way to change field value based on its current value with one query?
Like I have tbl.team and if it's value = 1, change it to 2. And vice versa, tbl.team = 2 => 1.

You can use a case expression to update the column conditionally:
update the_table
set team = case
when team = 1 then 2
else 1
where team in (1,2);


How to set flag based on values in previous columns in same table ? (Oracle)

I'm creating a new table and carrying over several columns from a previous table. One of the new fields that I need to create is a flag that will have values 0 or 1 and value needs to be determined based on 6 previous fields in the table.
The 6 previous columns have preexisting values of 0 or 1 stored for each one. This new field needs to check whether any of the 6 columns have 1 and if so set the flag to 0. If there is 0 in all 6 fields then set itself to 1.
Hopefully this makes sense. How can I get this done in oracle? I assume a case statement and some sort of forloop?
You can use greatest() function: GREATEST
create table t_new
case when greatest(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6)=1 -- at least one of them contains 1
then 0
else 1
end c_new
from t_old;
Or even shorter:
create table t_new
1-greatest(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6) as c_new
from t_old;
In case of greatest = 1, (1-1)=0, otherwise (1-0)=1
You can use a virtual column with a case expression; something like:
flag number generated always as (
case when val_1 + val_2 + val_3 + val_4 + val_5 + val_6 = 0 then 1 else 0 end
) virtual
or the same thing with greatest() as #Sayan suggested.
Using a virtual column means the flag will be right for newly-inserted rows, and if any of the other values are updated; you won't have to recalculate or update the flag column manually.
I've assumed the other six columns can't be null and are constrained to only be 0 or 1, as the question suggests. If they can be null you can add nvl() or coalesce() to each term in the calculation.

Add string to existing row separated by comma in sql

id value
1 a
2 b
3 c
How do i add second value 'z' to id=1 (separated by comma)?
id value
1 a,z
2 b
3 c
and how to remove the 'z' now if i have that final table?
You can use update:
update t
set value = concat(value, ',z')
where id = 1;
To answer your secondary question, yes.
If you run Select value from table where id = 1 it will return a,z. that means that if you are going to use it again in queries, you will quite possibly need to utilize a Split() type function, dependent on what you're doing with it.
The best and simplest way to do this is the following query according to me :
update table1 set value = concat(value,'z') where id = 1
where : Table1 is the name of your table.

IF and ELSE Statement based on column value

Based on one column within my query results (Value), I am trying to write an if/else statement based on the value held which will display the result the in an additional row.
For example, if I have a record of 2 within the value field, but I want to check whether it is above < 5. If the value is less than 5 I basically want the additional column to display a hardcoded value of 5, else display actual value.
Any help would be appreciated.
Use a case statement
select a.*,
when a.TheField < 5 then 5
else a.TheField
end as NewField
from MyTable a
You can use a case
select value, case when value < 5
then 5
else value
end as calculated_column
from your_table

Completing the where clause in sql server

I have a table kyc3 where there are walletno, status and rank columns present. rank columns are currently filled with 0. While status column has following data: accepted, rejected, registered and scanned. I want to put value for each status in rank column where
accepted = 1, rejected = 2, registered = 3 and scanned = 4
I wrote following query but do not understand how to complete it:
INSERT INTO kyc3([rank]) SELECT status_ FROM kyc3
I understand I need to put a where clause that will indicate my logic for data population. But what should I write?
If the table is populated and you want to change the rank field, you want to use an UPDATE statement, as INSERT is for adding new rows to your table:
SET rank = CASE WHEN status = 'accepted' THEN 1
WHEN status = 'rejected' THEN 2
WHEN status = 'registered' THEN 3
WHEN status = 'scanned' THEN 4
You can use update to fill a cell of an existing row.
update kyc3
set rank = CASE WHEN status = 'accepted' THEN 1
WHEN status = 'rejected' THEN 2
WHEN status = 'registered' THEN 3
WHEN status = 'scanned' THEN 4
Use insert only for creating new rows.

Update Command with Case in SQLite

I want to update table A in such a way that if the attribute of the table column is desired then only it will change otherwise it wont change..
Update table A set B="abcd" ,C= (case when C="abc" then C="abcd" else C end) where column =1;
means C should be only change when in column=1 and C value is abc otherwise C should not be update ..it should be dropped and only B changes. but if the C
value get matched i.e abc give me the output 0 .. not changing to the abcd
Inside the THEN part, C="abcd" compares C with the value, and returns either 1 or 0.
The entire CASE expression should just return a value that then gets written into the C column, so you want just 'abcd' in this place:
SET B = 'abcd',
WHEN C = 'abc' THEN 'abcd'
WHERE column = 1;
If I understand you correctly, you're trying to do two separate things:
UPDATE A set B = 'abcd' WHERE column = 1
UPDATE A set C = 'abcd' WHERE C = 'abc' AND column = 1
Is that right? If so, can you do it as two simple statements instead of one complicated statement?