How to optimize non-negative constraints with gradient descent - optimization

I have an optimization in the following form,
argmin_W f(W)
s.t. W_i > 0, for all i
where W is a vector, and f(W) is a function on W.
I know how to optimize without the non-negative constraints. But I am unsure about how to optimize this with gradient descent.

Optimization on the open set is quite tricky, so let us assume that W_i >= 0, consequently you can use many methods:
optimize f(|W|) on the whole domain
use GD for f(W) but after each iteration project your solution back to the domain, so put W = |W|
use constrained optimization techniques, such as L-BFGS-B

I don't think there is a general and simple way of doing it. You will have to do some sort of search at each point to make sure the constraints are met (techniques like line search, trust regions).
Or perhaps f has some structure you can exploit.


scipy.sparse.linalg: what's the difference between splu and factorized?

What's the difference between using
Both of them return objects with .solve(rhs) method and for both it's said in the documentation that they use LU decomposition. I'd like to know the difference in performance for both of them.
More specificly, I'm writing a python/numpy/scipy app that implements dynamic FEM model. I need to solve an equation Au = f on each timestep. A is sparse and rather large, but doesn't depend on timestep, so I'd like to invest some time beforehand to make iterations faster (there may be thousands of them). I tried using scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(A), but it threw memory exceptions when the size of matrix was large. I used scipy.linalg.spsolve on each step until recently, and now am thinking on using some sort of decomposition for better performance. So if you have other suggestions aside from LU, feel free to propose!
They should both work well for your problem, assuming that A does not change with each time step.
scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(A) will return a dense matrix that is the same size as A, so it's no wonder it's throwing memory exceptions.
scipy.linalg.solve is also a dense linear solver, which isn't what you want.
Assuming A is sparse, to solve Au=f and you only want to solve Au=f once, you could use scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve. For example
u = spsolve(A, f)
If you want to speed things up dramatically for subsequent solves, you would instead use scipy.sparse.linalg.factorized or scipy.sparse.linalg.splu. For example
A_inv = splu(A)
for t in range(iterations):
u_t = A_inv.solve(f_t)
A_solve = factorized(A)
for t in range(iterations):
u_t = A_solve(f_t)
They should both be comparable in speed, and much faster than the previous options.
As #sascha said, you will need to dig into the documentation to see the differences between splu and factorize. But, you can use 'umfpack' instead of the default 'superLU' if you have it installed and set up correctly. I think umfpack will be faster in most cases. Keep in mind that if your matrix A is too large or has too many non-zeros, an LU decomposition / direct solver may take too much memory on your system. In this case, you might be stuck with using an iterative solver such as this. Unfortunately, you wont be able to reuse the solve of A at each time step, but you might be able to find a good preconditioner for A (approximation to inv(A)) to feed the solver to speed it up.

Should I transform constraint optimization to unconstrained optimization?

I have a two part question based on the optimization problem,
max f(x) s.t. a <= x <= b
where f is a nonlinear function and a and b are finite.
(1) I have heard that if possible, one should try transform this constrained optimization problem to an unconstrained one (I am interested in not finding local maximums but this could also be to speed up the optimization). Is this in general true?
For the specific problem at hand, I am using the "optim" function in R with "Nelder-Mead" that uses non-differentiable optimization.
(2) Is there a "best" transformation to use to transform the constrained to unconstrained problem?
I am using a +(b-a)*(sin(x)+1)/2 because it is onto and continuous (and so I am hoping not to find local maximums by searching the entire interval).
See for some transformations. The unconstrained problem is then,
max f(a +(b-a)*(sin(x)+1)/2)
Also in the case of a one-sided constraint a < x, I have seen people use the exponential function a + exp(x). Is this the best thing to do?

Difference of Convex Functions Optimization

I am looking for the method or idea to solve the following optimization problem:
min f(x)
s.t. g(xi, yi) <= f(x), i=1,...,n
where x, y are variables in R^n. f(x) is convex function with respect to x. g(xi, yi) is a bunch of convex functions with respect to (xi, yi).
It is the problem of difference of convex functions (DC) optimization due to the DC structure of the constraints. Since I am fairly new to 'DC programming', I hope to know the global optimality condition of DC programs and the efficient and popular approaches for global optimization.
In my specific problem, it is already verified that the necessary optimality condition is g(xi*, yi*)=f(x*) for i=1,...,n.
Any ideas or solution would be appreciated, thanks.
For global methods, I would suggest looking into Branch and Bound, Branch and Cut, and Cutting Plane methods. These methods may be notoriously slow though depending on the problem size. It's because it is non-convex. It would be difficult to get efficient algorithms for global optimization for this problem.
For local methods, look into the convex-concave procedure. Actually, any heuristic might work.

What is the best way to implement weight constraints in TensorFlow?

Suppose we have weights
x = tf.Variable(np.random.random((5,10)))
cost = ...
And we use the GD optimizer:
upds = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost)
How can we implement for example non-negativity on weights?
I tried clipping them:
upds = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost), tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, np.infty)))
But this slows down my training by a factor of 50.
Does anybody know a good way to implement such constraints on the weights in TensorFlow?
P.S.: in the equivalent Theano algorithm, I had
T.clip(x, 0, np.infty)
and it ran smoothly.
You can take the Lagrangian approach and simply add a penalty for features of the variable you don't want.
e.g. To encourage theta to be non-negative, you could add the following to the optimizer's objective function.
added_loss = -tf.minimum( tf.reduce_min(theta),0)
If any theta are negative, then add2loss will be positive, otherwise zero. Scaling that to a meaningful value is left as an exercise to the reader. Scaling too little will not exert enough pressure. Too much may make things unstable.
As of TensorFlow 1.4, there is a new argument to tf.get_variable that allows to pass a constraint function that is applied after the update of the optimizer. Here is an example that enforces a non-negativity constraint:
with tf.variable_scope("MyScope"):
v1 = tf.get_variable("v1", …, constraint=lambda x: tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, np.infty))
constraint: An optional projection function to be applied to the
after being updated by an Optimizer (e.g. used to implement norm
constraints or value constraints for layer weights). The function must
take as input the unprojected Tensor representing the value of the
variable and return the Tensor for the projected value
(which must have the same shape). Constraints are not safe to
use when doing asynchronous distributed training.
By running, tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, np.infty)))
you are consistently adding nodes to the graph and making it slower and slower.
Actually you may just define a clip_op when building the graph and run it each time after updating the weights:
# build the graph
x = tf.Variable(np.random.random((5,10)))
loss = ...
train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss)
clip_op = tf.assign(x, tf.clip(x, 0, np.infty))
# train
I recently had this problem as well. I discovered that you can import keras which has nice weight constraint functions as use them directly in the kernen constraint in tensorflow. Here is an example of my code. You can do similar things with kernel regularizer
from keras.constraints import non_neg
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(
strides = 2,
There is a practical solution: Your cost function can be written by you, to put high cost onto negative weights. I did this in a matrix factorization model in TensorFlow with python, and it worked well enough. Right? I mean it's obvious. But nobody else mentioned it so here you go. EDIT: I just saw that Mark Borderding also gave another loss and cost-based solution implementation before I did.
And if "the best way" is wanted, as the OP asked, what then? Well "best" might actually be application-specific, in which case you'd need to try a few different ways with your dataset and consider your application requirements.
Here is working code for increasing the cost for unwanted negative solution variables:
cost = tf.reduce_sum(keep_loss) + Lambda * reg # Cost = sum of losses for training set, except missing data.
if prefer_nonneg: # Optionally increase cost for negative values in rhat, if you want that.
negs_indices = tf.where(rhat < tf.constant(0.0))
neg_vals = tf.gather_nd(rhat, negs_indices)
cost += 2. * tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(neg_vals)) # 2 is a magic number (empirical parameter)
You are free to use my code but please give me some credit if you choose to use it. Give a link to this answer on please.
This design would be considered a soft constraint, because you can still get negative weights, if you let it, depending on your cost definition.
It seems that constraint= is also available in TF v1.4+ as a parameter to tf.get_variable(), where you can pass a function like tf.clip_by_value. This seems like another soft constraint, not hard constraint, in my opinion, because it depends on your function to work well or not. It also might be slow, as the other answerer tried the same function and reported it was slow to converge, although they didn't use the constraint= parameter to do this. I don't see any reason why one would be any faster than the other since they both use the same clipping approach. So if you use the constraint= parameter then you should expect slow convergence in the context of the original poster's application.
It would be nicer if also TF provided true hard constraints to the API, and let TF figure out how to both implement that as well as make it efficient on the back end. I mean, I have seen this done in linear programming solvers already for a long time. The application declares a constraint, and the back end makes it happen.

Constrained optimization with hessian in scipy

I want to minimize a function, subject to constraints (the variables are non-negative). I can compute the gradient and Hessian exactly. So I want something like:
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, x0, jac=grad, hess=hess, bounds=bds)
I need to specify a method for the optimization ( Unfortunately I can't seem to find a method that allows for both user-specified bounds and a Hessian!
This is particularly annoying because methods "TNC" and "Newton-CG" seem essentially the same, however TNC estimates Hessian internally (in C code), while Newton-CG doesn't allow for constraints.
So, how can I do a constrained optimization with user-specified Hessian? Seems like there ought to be an easy option for this in scipy -- am I missing something?
I realized a workaround for my problem, which is to transform the constrained optimization into an unconstrained optimization.
In my case, since I have the constraint x > 0, I decided to optimize over log(x) instead of x. This was easy to do for my problem since I am using automatic differentiation.
Still, this seems like a somewhat unsatisfying solution -- I still think scipy should allow some constrained second-order minimization method.
just bumped into exactly this point myself. I think the TNC applies an active set to the line search of the CG, not the direction of the line search. Conversely the Hessian chooses the direction of the line. So, er, could maybe cut the line search out of NCG and drop it into TNC. Problem is when you are at the boundary the Hessian might not take you out of it.
How about using TNC for an extremely sloppy first guess [give it a really large error bound to hit], then use NCG with a small number of iterations, check: if on boundary back to TNC, else continue with NCG. Ugh...
Yes, or use log(x). I'm going to follow your lead.