Using target_include_directories with object libraries - cmake

I have a CMake project that builds a static library which depends on another static library. I would like to turn this static library into an object libraries. When I do that I get a compiler error and I imagine that there is something I don't get about object libraries.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. MyLib and MyLib2 are both static libraries and MyLib uses a function defined and declared in MyLib2.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project (MyLib2)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT MyLib2.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project (MyLib)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC MyLib.cpp MyLib.h)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} MyLib2)
MyLib.h includes MyLib2.h to use the function it declares.
#ifndef MyLib
#define MyLib
#include "MyLib2.h"
When MyLib2 is built as a static library I can build the code without any problems (I am using make and clang on Mac). However when I turn MyLib2 into an object library I get a compile error saying that MyLib2.h cannot be found.
MyLib.h:4:10: fatal error: 'MyLib2.h'file not found
Here are the content of the CMake files when MyLib2 is an object library.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project (MyLib2)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT MyLib2.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project (MyLib)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC MyLib.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:MyLib2>)
I do not understand why MyLib can no longer MyLib2.h when MyLib2 is an object library. Maybe there is something wrong with the way is use target_include_directories.

This was answered in the comments:
#Clem: When you link with libary target, you consume its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES property, which contains include directory Mylib2. When you use object library via $, you don't use any target, so don't consume any property. – Tsyvarev


CMake interface dependency

I recently saw the use of PUBLIC / PRIVATE in the CMake dependency. For what I have learned ,if I want to build a shared library which use another library then:
use PUBLIC- for including that library in both my cpp and header files.
use PRIVATE - for including that library only in my cpp files.
use INTERFACE - for including that library only in my header file.
What is the main idea ? How can I improve my CMake file with that feature?
can it be used in both static library and dynamic one?
Here is my CMake file:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Weverything -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -g")
project (internal)
set (internal VERSION 0.2)
file (GLOB internal_src
file (GLOB main_SRC
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC ${internal_src})
target_link_libraries(internal infrastructures pthread jsoncpp ssl crypto)
I am using static library named infrastructures ( a library which my colleague developed)
I read this post CMake target_link_libraries Interface Dependencies

CMake: link order of imported targets incorrect

I have the following scenario:
I import two prebuilt libraries into my project (libA, libB)
libB has a dependency on libA
The executable depends on both libA and libB
However, the relative linking order in my link.txt is incorrect
/usr/bin/c++ CMakeFiles/bin.dir/main.cpp.o -o bin ../libA.a ../libB.a
I would expect libA.a to be listed after libB.a.
The CMakeLists.txt looks something along the following lines
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
add_library(MY::libA IMPORTED INTERFACE)
set_target_properties(MY::libA PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${lib_dir}/libA.a")
add_library(MY::libB IMPORTED INTERFACE)
set_target_properties(MY::libB PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "MY::libA;${lib_dir}/libB.a")
add_executable(bin ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(bin PUBLIC MY::libB MY::libA)
Below a description of my attempts to solve the problem. Some without success and some with sucecss but using modifications that render the code usless for the production environment.
Successful attempts:
Remove the depedency of bin on libA (i.e. replace the last line by target_link_libraries(bin PUBLIC MY::libB). This works but I cannot remove the dependency in real code.
Replace the target type IMPORTED INTERFACE by IMPORTED STATIC. Use IMPORTED_LOCATION instead of INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES and use target_link_libraries to express the dependency of libB on libA. In this case the link.txt yields: [...] -o bin ../libA.a ../libB.a ../libA.a. As soon as I revert the target type for libB the link order breaks down again. In the production environment, however, one of the targets is created by conan as IMPORTED INTERFACE.
Attempts without success (same behaviour as described):
Create a separate IMPORTED target (use IMPORTED_LOCATION) for every lib and group them inside an INTERFACE target
Sprinkle the code with ADD_DEPENDENCIES
Remove libA from the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES in line 9 and use target_link_libraries(MY::libB INTERFACE MY::libA) instead. Same result.
Example code that shows the same failure using INTERFACES as a building block
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
# libA
add_library(MY::libA_file1 IMPORTED STATIC)
set_target_properties(MY::libA_file1 PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${lib_dir}/libA.a")
add_library(libA INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(libA INTERFACE MY::libA_file1)
# libB
add_library(MY::libB_file1 IMPORTED STATIC)
set_target_properties(MY::libB_file1 PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${lib_dir}/libB.a")
add_library(libB INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(libB INTERFACE MY::libB_file1 libA)
add_executable(bin ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(bin PUBLIC libA libB)
You incorrectly think about INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property as a "content" of the library's target, which is ordered by target_link_libraries call.
target_link_libraries(MY::libB INTERFACE MY::libA)
you setup link dependency between library targets MY::libB and MY::libA. That is, "content" of MY::libB target should come before "content" of MY::libA target in the linking command line.
But INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property is NOT a "content" of the library target! It is just an additional link dependency.
As opposite, IMPORTED_LOCATION (for non-INTERFACE IMPORTED target) is a "content" of the library, and target_link_libraries affects on its ordering.
It seems that you cannot add link dependency for a library, using INTERFACE library target. You should use IMPORTED library target for that purpose:
# Collect libraries related to 'libA'
file(GLOB libs_A "${lib_dir}/libA*.a")
# For each library create IMPORTED target with IMPORTED_LOCATION property.
foreach(lib_A ${libs_A})
# Form a unique name for the IMPORTED target: subtarget_A_*
string(REGEX REPLACE "^${lib_dir}/libA([^.]*).a$" "subtarget_A_\\1" lib_A_target ${lib_A})
# Create a target with this name
add_library(${lib_A_target} STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(${lib_A_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${lib_A})
# And add the target into the list
list(APPEND libs_A_targets ${lib_A_target})
# In a similar way collect libraries for libB.
set(lib_B_targets ...)
# Now link each libB* library with each libA*.
foreach(lib_B_target ${libs_B_targets})
target_link_libraries(${lib_B_target} INTERFACE ${libs_A_targets})
# Now interface libraries, which combine libA* and libB*, can be created
add_library(libA INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(libA INTERFACE ${libs_A_targets})
add_library(libB INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(libB INTERFACE ${libs_B_targets})
# Now these INTERFACE libraries can be linked into an executable in any order
add_executable(bin ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(bin PUBLIC libA libB)

cmake transitive private include directory

Given this cmake sample project:
add_library(lib1 src1.cpp)
target_include_directories(lib1 PUBLIC include)
add_library(lib2 src2.cpp)
target_include_directories(lib2 PUBLIC include)
target_link_libraries(lib2 PRIVATE lib1)
add_library(lib3 src3.cpp)
target_include_directories(lib3 PUBLIC include)
target_link_libraries(lib3 PRIVATE lib2)
All .cpp and .h files are dummy files with no dependency between them.
From what I understood from the documentation, adding a "PRIVATE" target library from lib2 to lib1 means that lib1 include directory should not be added when compiling lib3. However, when launching compiling this using cmake (3.3.2) and "make VERBOSE=1", command line to compile "src3.cpp" contains "-I/.../lib1/include":
c++ -I/.../lib3/include -I/.../lib2/include -I/.../lib1/include -o .../src3.cpp.o -c /.../lib3/src3.cpp
What did I get wrong ?
From what I understood from the documentation, adding a "PRIVATE"
target library from lib2 to lib1 means that lib1 include directory
should not be added when compiling lib3.
Your assumptions are correct.
However, due to legacy reasons in how properties propagate between dependent targets, this correct behavior is deactivated when specifying an old version in cmake_minimum_required.
By changing the version to 3.0 or later, you will get the correct behavior:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
See also this thread on the CMake mailing list.

How do I specify the include directory for an imported shared library using CMake?

I am using cmake version 3.9.1.
I have a third party shared library and header file in my source tree. I am trying to add it as a link target.
All the documentation I can find says that this should work:
#include "ftd2xx.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FT_HANDLE handle;
FT_STATUS status = FT_Open(1, &handle);
return 0;
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
project(test_proj CXX)
add_executable(mytest test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mytest ftd2xx)
add_library(ftd2xx SHARED IMPORTED)
However compiling test.cpp, which includes "ftd2xx.h", complains that it cannot find the header file and the relevant -I<path> entry is missing from the generated makefiles.
If I specify the library as INTERFACE rather than SHARED IMPORTED then the header file is found correctly, but CMake barfs on setting the IMPORTED_LOCATION property.
If I specify the library as INTERFACE rather than SHARED IMPORTED and then use target_link_libraries to point directly to the library file than this works for Windows but not for Linux.
I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer.
The CMake documentation does actually answer this one, but so concisely, and in the middle of a much larger paragraph, that it is easy to miss:
The target name has scope in the directory in which it is created and below, but the GLOBAL option extends visibility.
I am using the target name in a higher level directory, so I need to declare the library as SHARED IMPORTED GLOBAL rather than just SHARED IMPORTED.
Final code is:
add_library(ftd2xx SHARED IMPORTED GLOBAL)
And then for Windows:
set_target_properties(ftd2xx PROPERTIES IMPORTED_IMPLIB ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/win32/ftd2xx.lib)
set_target_properties(ftd2xx PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/win32/ftd2xx.dll)
And for Linux:

Making a static lib target with variable dependencies with CMake

So I have a static library A which can have a bunch of settings turned on, depending on the compiling configuration. I have these settings pushed out to an IMPORT file:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
MESSAGE(STATUS "***Making A With FOO***")
called with
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
if (FOO)
Because the library is static, it appears that I have to populate these settings to any other project in the chain that exports there a way to get the library to do its own linking to other static libraries, or is the only way around this to make the library shared?
Edit: I should add that I'm building this as part of a subdirs project