RavenDB on IIS/Windows 10 - ravendb

I've been trying to RavenDB 3.0 on IIS on Windows 10 using the installer but it declined the installation due to the IIS version. How can I install it manaully

Just download the zip file and manually copy the files to your chosen IIS directory.
The latest version is here:
And you can follow these instructions for step by step installation in IIS:


PackageManagement\Install-Package : No match was found for the specified search criteria and module name SitecoreInstallFramework

I am getting below error while installing sitecore framework, I have register sitecore repository with https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-powershell/api/v2 source location.
I am using powershell 5.1
installing sitecore 9.0
Please check the SitecoreInstallFramework in installed and present at C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. If not install and import it.
You can also install it manually if facing issue installing it through sitecore.myget.
Installing the Framework Manually
As an alternative to using the MyGet feed you can also install it manually. The Sitecore Installation Framework is also provided as a zip download. But if you manually install the Sitecore Installation Framework, you must first download and install the Sitecore Fundamentals package.
You can download the Sitecore Fundamentals and the Sitecore Installation Framework packages from the Sitecore Developer site. Both downloads are available on the page with the latest version of the platform.
To install both modules you will need to extract the packages and copy the files.
Extract the Sitecore Fundamentals.ZIP package to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SitecoreFundamentals
Extract the Sitecore Install Framework.ZIP package to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SitecoreInstallFramework
Please refer:- https://community.sitecore.net/technical_blogs/b/technical-marketing/posts/installing-sitecore-9_3a00_-install-the-sitecore-installation-framework-module

How to Install Tomcat 6.0 without MSI installer

I want to Install Tomcat Apache 6.0 in Windows 7. When I download from the site in the zip format and extracted as folder.
How to install tomcat apache server from this folder, Since it doesn't have MSI installer.
You don't need to install and you can startup Tomcat by bin/startup.bat.

Apache Server Install No .msi installer

I am trying to install apache server from this Link using the NetWare Binary: httpd_2.4.3-netware-bin.zip link to be precise, I was looking at the internet for a good guide Not using the .msi installer becouse there is no .msi installer at the folder i unzip after i downloaded the zip file from the link above, And becouse i want to learn how to install not using the .msi installer at all, So if anyone know a way to install the apache server not using the .msi installer i will be very thankful, Thank you all and have a nice day.
Since you are looking for a msi installer, you probably want the win32 version and not the NetWare one. Pick the appropriate one from here: http://ftp.download-by.net/apache//httpd/binaries/win32/
If you want to install without a msi, you still don't want a NetWare version if you are running Windows.
You can read more about the NetWare operating system here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetWare
More easy install Xammp you have allinone solution for win 32/64 with php version 5.6.3 embed
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Simple and cool isn't it ??

Deploying Winforms Application to Client Machines Application Failing on start

This is Edited from the OP. This is a VB .NET 4.0 WinForms application. There is a mysql datasource involved with this project. The target CPU is set to any. Problem: When running this application on any computer that has VS 2010 installed along with the mysql connector it runs flawlessly. When installing on a virgin system(ie. No developer environment installed) but that machine does have .net framework 4.0 installed and a mysql server without the connector installed the application falls immediately. So to fix the issue I install the mysql connector MSI. This immediately fixes the issue on the client system and it runs. The problems is that as you can see below from my Installer setup that the 2 needed DLL files for MYSQL are actually included in the installation package so should not need to be installed separately. So Why is it that using that installer from the images do I need to install the mysql connector? Any Ideas? Below is a screen shot of the References the program uses and from what I believe I do not need to deploy any of those DLL files with my application other than the 2 MYSQL DLL files. So why is this failing?? Below are images showing the project references as well as the Installer Files that are being installed in the applicaiton folder. As shown in the image the 2 mysql dll files are to be put in the application folder. There is also a screen shot showing each dll's properties for in application folder.
You answered your own question.
but that machine does have .net framework 4.0 installed and a mysql server without the connector installed the application falls immediately.
You don't need to install the connector msi package, but you do need to include the two DLL files in the application's directory. Anytime you have some dependency, you need to deploy it with your application.
Edit solution quoted from my comment:
From your update it sounds like you have a version mismatch on the
assemblies, and the references are set to Specific Version = True.
Check the version number of the assemblies on your developer machine
in the output directory, and check the version you are installing on
the client system. (You can just hover over the DLL to read the
version on the ToolTip). You can try to set Specific Version to false
by right clicking your reference and selecting properties, or simply
ensure you deploy the same version of assemblies. Your program is
looking for the versions its compiled against

.NET 4 SDK Does not install Bootstrapper directory

I have a problem on our Jenkins CI server.
I've install Windows 7 .NET 4 SDK on it but for some reason it did not install the Bootstrapper directory.
In my local machine I have Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\V7.0a\Bootstrapper but on the server machine it have Windows\V7.1 but it does not have the Bootstrapper directory.
Any ideas?
Thank you,
I've finally solve this problem by simply coping the files from my machines to the CI server.
It's not ideal but it works.