SQL Server LinkedServer Informix - sql

I'm having a hell of a time trying to create a linked server to Informix from SSMS. I can't find anything online that is helping me resolve the problem. I have downloaded the Informix Driver, have successful connectivity with the System DSN, successfully tested pulling data use SquirrelSQL and ConnectTestDemo, but when I go to create the Linked Server from SSMS I receive the following error:
"Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider Ifxoledbc
for linked server 'myServerName'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error 7303)"
In the Provider properties I have checked Allow Inprocess for Ifxoledbc. I have also disabled the Firewall to rule out any port blocking.
I'm banging my head against the keyboard and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Crystal Reports : SQL Server does not exist or access denied

complete Crystal Reports noob here.
I am having trouble runing a Crystal report since I changed database servers. essentially I set up the exact opy of our database including users and passwords with only the IP changing. When I change the IP in the report connection I get the following:
Logon failed. Details: ADO Error Code: 0x Source: Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server Description: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen
(Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. SQL State:
08001 Native Error: Error in File C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\temp_b87d4210-
ce32-4059-8257-c0441088d08a {815D8B1D-1C68-4B65-9CEE-936A1ACFA47B}.rpt:
Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
I have already opened and checked the firewall on the SQL server to make sure it is open and have used a rule we use for other websites to connect. I have also checked the firewall log for any rejections but this is completely empty.
I have checked the SQL server is running for both named pipes and TCP/IP (and default port).
Has anyopne any ideas why this connection is not working?
Thanks for you time. All suggestions greatly appreciated.

Error when creating linked server in SQL Server 2008R2

When I create a linked server in SQL Server, it causes an error
Cannot create a instance of OLEDB provider SQLNCLI10 for linked server 'linked server name '(microsoft sql server error 7302)
How can I rectify this error?
The OLEDB provider may not properly installed. What you chose is the SQL Server native client. Do you have SSMS installed on server? This should come with sql native client OLE DB.
I would like to share an experience when I faced following error
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "xxx.YYYY" for linked server "test". Error 7302.
I observed this message from a failed SQL Server job. On analysis it is found that Allow Inprocess was not enabled for the provider. When this is enabled, everything worked fine for me.
Server Objects --> Linked Servers --> Providers
Also refer following
"Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider" error as Windows Authentication user
Linked Server Properties (Provider Options Page)
Configuring OLE DB Providers for Distributed Queries

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)

I developed a school DBMS using ASP.NET and SQL Server, and I tried to transfer to another system then I installed SQL Server 2014. After going on my through my default page inserting my user and pass all that will display is :
Unable to establish connection to database.
Error information:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Other possible cause of this problem:
The database cannot be opened, most likely due to incorrect connection settings or insufficient security set on your database folder or file.
Can you please let know what would be issue.
Had this before, follow this guide
TLDR: Change the provider to SQLOLEDB.1

Connecting to local server in SQL Server Management Studio

I have tried EVERY suggestion I have found so far in SE and nothing works. Let me explain what is going on.
I am a PHP developer and I am making a transition to ASP. So I am developing a website locally and I need a database going, also locally. But like I said, I can't add the NORTHWND database because I don't have the server up and running. I read through the tutorials and I seen to be missing a piece of every puzzle.
I have SQL Server 2008 running.
These guys Add Database say to attach the database via VS12. I have no such option to "Attach"
These guys here Connect to your server say to connect to the SQL server but I can't connect. When I try, I get an error that says:
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while
establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or
was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that
SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named
Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
(.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
I also noticed there was a localdb with username LOTUSMS. I don't remember ever making a username for anything here. And I can't remove it or make one up. (Windows Authentication)
And then these guys Turn on your Server Service say the Server must be up and running and to log into the SQL server Configuration Manager and ensure the SQL services are running. Well, they are not. It says "the remote procedure call failed" and there is no other options to restart or edit or anything
So as you can see, I know my problems, but I can't find the solution to them. Anyone? I am not sure as to what logs or extra evidence you may need, so before I go adding unnecessary text and pics here, I'll leave it open and produce the evidence as requested.
Thanks in advance

Cannot login to sql server 2008 R2 after rebooting server

I am using Windows-server-2008 with Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
And there are a lot of questions about this, but nothing on the internet solved it.
The problem is that i can't connect to the my SQL Server 2008 R2 after rebooting my server.
I placed some new memory in my server, and after rebooting my client/server application didn't work anymore because it cannot reach the database.
So i tried to get in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), and tried to loggin with Administrator and another user but both do not work.
When i logg in the following message is displayed:
Cannot connect to (local)
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection
to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance
name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)
I Tried a lot of different things like:
Rebooting server
Try to start the server manually from Sql Server Configuration Manager
Named Pipes - Enabled
TCP/IP - Enabled
Tried to create an new system user or database user as described in the following article: Click Here
Can somebody please help me? I am really confused because i need to get this online. Otherwise i have to reinstall the database server but i do not have a back-up. (is there some folder with a back-up of the settings/tables/columns are stored and can be imported from reinstall?
I was having the exact same problem. net start mssqlserver was giving me the blurb about a failed login attempt. The problem was that I had recently changed the password for the administrator account, and the new password didn't get updated in services.
Here's how I fixed it:
First locate SQL Server from the list here:
Right click and select properties, and navigate to the Log On tab:
Then I typed the new password, and like magic I was able to start SQL Server right through the services manager.
I also did this for any other processes which were marked as "stopped" even though Startup Type was marked as "automatic" (namely, SQL Server Agent).
Is it a named instance or default? Also, is this a local instance? (I see the "(local)" but just wanted to make sure.)
Start the sql server services from services.msc and try to connect