Can not add account for custom Sonos service - sonos

I've created a Sonos music service and added it to my speaker with customsd. Both endpoint urls (regular and secure) are available. The service is successfully added to the speaker.
With SoapUI I can send a https request for GetSessionId and it returns a valid response.
I use sessionId authentication, so when I want to add my account to the service in Sonos, the service asks for a username and a password. After filling in, I get a connection error. Problem with adding account. Connection can not be made.
The problem is, I expect a 'GetSessionId' request entering my music service (So I can debug the request), but it seems nothing comes in.
Can anyone tell me why or what is happening?

Are you setting the authentication type to Session ID when you're adding the service from customsd?
Here is an example of how the function should look like (in PHP):
public function getSessionId($args)
$user = $args->username;
$pass = $args->password;
//Check the user and pass in your service
//if login successful, set $sessionId to the session ID of the user
//else if login unsuccessful, throw new SoapFault('Client.LoginInvalid','Client.LoginInvalid');
return array('getSessionIdResult' => $sessionId);


IdentityServer4 how to deal with returnUrl

Our senior dev left us recently and i'm trying to swim into the ocean that is IdentityServer.
There is a few things I don't understand and can't find informations on it.
Like for example, when you run the client application, it is redirrected to IdentityServer/Account/Login with a parameter called returnUrl.
That returnUrl seems to be used for many things, like retrieving the authorization context with :
await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(returnUrl);
My first question would be :
From where is that returnUrl coming from? how/where is it created?
Second question is :
Is there a way to store it somewhere in the client application after you sign-in?
I mean, there is a point in the client application where we have to send mails to create new accounts.
Those mails redirrect new users in a "register" page in IdentityServer.
What i'd like to do is to have the returnUrl here to redirrect the new user to the correct client application.
Thanks for your time !
here is the return url set in my Client (in IdentityServer) :
RedirectUris = {"http://localhost:44349" + "/signin-oidc"}
and here is the returnUrl recieve by the Login method in IdentityServer when i start the client application
it seems that to retrieve the autorization context using await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(returnUrl); the returnUrl must be the entire url with "/connect/authorize/callback?..."
Unfortunatley Martin's answer is incorrect - returnUrl in this case is the authorize endpoint URL that was originally requested by the client. If the user is not authenticated then that endpoint will redirect to your nominated sign in UI endpoint and include this param. GetAuthorizationContextAsync() simply analyses that URL and if it's matches the signature of an authorize endpoint URL then it will parse, validate and return you an object representing that original request. You can then customise your sign in flow based on that info (e.g. show the name of the client you're signing into or restrict what social sign in methods are available or any number of other things).
You could include this URL in your sign up flow but personally I'd favour a single-use code based email verification flow and that means the user doesn't lose context if for example signing into a native mobile app and also doesn't need an email client on the device they're signing up on - e.g. a phone which doesn't have access to their work email account. Everyone's requirements are different though.
From where is that returnUrl coming from? how/where is it created?
The return URL is specified as redirect_uri by the client who calls Identity Server. It is a callback address.
Clients are configured in Identity Server and for each configured client it is configured a list of allowed redirect URIs to return tokens or authorization codes to with RedirectUris property of the Client class. The configuration is in a class called Config which has method GetClients.
public class Config
public static IEnumerable<Client> GetClients(IdentityServerAppSettings settings)
return new[]
new Client
ClientId = "roivenue-frontend",
RedirectUris = new [] { "https://myappurl/somepage.html" }, // list of allowed URLs
If the address sent by the client as redurect_uri does not match any of the configured addresses, the request validation fails in Identity Server.
Is there a way to store it somewhere in the client application after you sign-in?
The callback address is in the client application you are developing. It can be any address that is known to Identity Server with the configuration above.

How signin-google in core authentication is linked to the google handler?

I went into the source code but I can't see where it's wired to the handler.
In the GoogleExtensions.cs file, I see the
=> builder.AddOAuth<GoogleOptions, GoogleHandler>(authenticationScheme,
displayName, configureOptions);
But I don't understand how the route "/signin-google" calls the handler.
How signin-google in core authentication is linked to the google handler?
The question can be divided into two small questions .
How user is redirected to the url of /signin-google
How GoogleHandler process the request on /signin-google
How user is redirected to signin-google
Initially, when user clicks the Google button to login with Google Authentication, the browser will post a request to the following url:
Your server simply redirects the user to and asks Google to authenticate the current user :
When Google has authenticated the user successfully, it will redirect the user to your website with a parameter of code according to redirect_uri above.
Note the path here equals /signin-google. That's the first key point.
How GoogleHandler process the signin-google
Before we talk about how GoogleHandler goes , we should take a look at how AuthenticationMiddleware and AuthenticationHandler work:
When there's an incoming request, the AuthenticationMiddleware (which is registered by UseAuthentication() in your Configure() method of Startup.cs), will inspect every request and try to authenticate user.
Since you've configured authentication services to use google authentication , the AuthenticationMiddleware will invoke the GoogleHandler.HandleRequestAsync() method
If needed, the GoogleHandler.HandleRequestAsync() then handle remote authentication with OAuth2.0 protocol , and get the user's identity.
Here the GoogleHandler inherits from RemoteAuthenticationHandler<TOptions> , and its HandleRequestAsync() method will be used by AuthenticationMiddleware to determine if need to handle the request. . When it returns true, that means the current request has been already processed by the authentication handler and there's no further process will be executed.
So how does the HandleRequestAsync() determine whether the request should be processed by itself ?
The HandleRequestAsync() method just checks the current path against the Options.CallbackPath . See source code below :
public abstract class RemoteAuthenticationHandler<TOptions> : AuthenticationHandler<TOptions>, IAuthenticationRequestHandler
where TOptions : RemoteAuthenticationOptions, new()
// ...
public virtual Task<bool> ShouldHandleRequestAsync()
=> Task.FromResult(Options.CallbackPath == Request.Path);
public virtual async Task<bool> HandleRequestAsync()
if (!await ShouldHandleRequestAsync())
return false;
// ... handle remote authentication , such as exchange code from google
The whole workflow will be :
The user clicks on button to login with Google
Google authenticates the user and redirects him to /signin-google
Since the path== signin-google, the middleware will use HandleRequestAsync() to proecess current request, and exchange code with google.
... do some other things

Redirect unauthorized requests to Azure AD for login

I've got a WebAPI instance running in Azure that is secured with Azure AD. A mobile app connects to this API using bearer tokens, works great. When I try calling the API from the browser, though, it returns a 401 because I'm not logged in. That's true because I'm not presented with a login screen.
My API doesn't have any UI so what I'd want it to do is to forward the user to Azure AD login and return to the API endpoint they were calling after authentication.
If I go to the Azure portal, there's a setting that says "Action to take when the request is not authorized". If I set that one to "Log in with Azure Active Directory", it behaves the way I want it to. But... I have some endpoints which need to be accessed anonymously, and this setting catches all requests, not caring about any [AllowAnonymous] attributes.
So any request to an endpoint labeled Authorize that is not authorized yet should be forwarded to Azure AD login, all others should be allowed.
Add a DelegatingHandler to your web api project and register it in WebApiConfig.cs:
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new UnAuthorizedDelegatehandler());
public class UnAuthorizedDelegatehandler: DelegatingHandler
There you can check for 401 status codes and do the redirect to whatever and also apply a redirect url as querystring parameter.
HttpResponseMessage rm = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (rm.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
// configure the redirect here
return rm;

Authenticating Domino REST Service Requests

I have installed "Domino Sample REST Service Feature" from 901v00_11.20141217-1000 version of XPages Extension Library. OpenNtfSample service ( works as it should in general and the only problem with it that it completely ignores authentication settings of the server.
I have tried both Basic and Session Authentication as described in Authenticating Domino REST Service Requests and the result I get is the following - the service returns data always and does not ask for any user name and password.
The server is configured with Session Authentication now and I get password prompt when I try to access
but does not get it when I open
After I had added this Web Site Rule
Description: DAS service
Type of rule: Override Session Authentication
Incoming URL pattern: /api/
the server changed password prompt for
remained open.
Has anybody experienced this kind of error? Can anybody help me password protect this sample service so that I could start developing my own once based this example?
The /api/sample resource is wide open on purpose. That just returns a link to the contacts resource -- /xpagesext.nsf/api/sample/contacts.
If you really want to prevent anonymous access to the /api/sample resource, there are two possible solutions: 1) Disable anonymous access for all HTTP requests, or 2) Make a change to the RootResource class. The first solution is a server config change. I'm sure you can find details about that elsewhere. Since this is StackOverflow, I'll focus on the second solution.
As you have already noticed, we don't allow anonymous access to the /api/data resource. You can mimic that behavior in the /api/sample resource with a simple change to RootResource.getLinks(). Near the top of the method, just add these lines of code:
boolean authenticated = false;
Session session = ContextInfo.getUserSession();
if ( session != null ) {
String userName = session.getEffectiveUserName();
if ( userName != null && !userName.equals("Anonymous")) {
authenticated = true;
if ( !authenticated ) {
throw new NoAccessSignal("Need user context");
By the way, you won't need to make the same change to the contacts resource class ( Because the contacts resource URL includes a database name (xpagesext.nsf), the web server will attempt to open the database before forwarding the request to the REST service. You can prevent anonymous access to the contacts resource by changing the ACL of xpagesext.nsf. Just make sure the default access is "No access".

Call a web-service under current user credentials

I have a custom WCF web-service confugured with windows authentication and a WPF client application that needs to call the former. The service checks the username and pull some specific data from a database. So I have to call the service using credentials of the user running the application.
The problem is my service is hosted under another site with windows authentication and users can authenticate there with another accounts. Windows (or IE?) caches last accout used and then my client app uses it too!
I enter the website under "MYDOMAIN\AdminUser"
I run following code (from the client app, it's not web code)
var client = new TestServiceClient();
var currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); // just informative field nothing more, i don't use it anyhow
// currentUser.Name = "MYDOMAIN\\MyUserName" - it's current value, i'm not trying to set it
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
var data = client.GetTestData();
Service gets called by "MYDOMAIN\AdminUser"..
I know I can create NetworkCredential with name and password but I then will have to store it somewhere, encript it and so on..
To clarify the problem: client process running under one account calls the service under another account by itself, just becouse windows supplies the call with another credentials under the hood.